Killer Sale at Head Office in January


CBD Head Office is having a killer sale in January 2017 to ease everyone into the New Year.  All selected books will be selling at our normal CBD price less 50%.  With literally hundreds of books on offer, we can’t show them all, but here is a taste of some of the good deals at unmissable prices!!
 QuickVerse Standard Edition (CD-Rom) New Dictionary of Theology  Icecutter's Daughter (Land of Shining Water)  2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles (Wiersbe Bible S
 Jesus_the_life-changer_2009  Bible Answer Book, The  walking-with-god  Acts (Crossway Bible Guide)
 Message Concordance, The Bible Puzzles (3 Book Set)  holiness-without-the-halo  power-of-a-praying-teen-the
Postcard from Palestine Chasm, The Fifteen Minutes Hurtling Toward Oblivion

Find these and hundreds more titles at fantastically reduced prices
available at our Head Office store.
Prices valid until end January 2017 or whilst stocks last.

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