No wonder they call him Saviour

Easter 2

Six-Hours-One-Friday Jesus-the-Son-of-God-Carson
There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrows of life.  And it can be discovered in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are forgiven by a Saviour who died for you, and an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word. This book delves into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross.  Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. Carson broadly surveys Jesus’s biblical name as “the Son of God,” and then by focusing on two key texts that speak of Christ’s sonship. The book concludes with the implications of Jesus’s divine sonship for how modern Christians think and speak about Christ, especially in relation to Bible translation and missionary engagement with Muslims across the globe.
CBD PRICE: R175.00 Retail Price: R235.71  
PROMO PRICE: R100.00  (58% Discount)
Capturing God website slider
Imagine being offered one photograph that captured the essence of God an image that revealed everything you need to know about everything that matters.  And imagine if this picture of God would shock you… shake you… and change you forever.  Would you look at it?  This booklet takes readers to the cross in all its shock, inviting them to see God as they have never seen him before.
CBD PRICE: R 40.00  (booklet)
 Way-of-Jesus-Saltshaker-Resources  No-Wonder-They-Call-Him-the-Savior
This booklet opens up a frank conversation about the difficulties people have with the hypocrisy they see in some Christians. The author talks about what Jesus means to those who follow him and the difference that has made in her life and in the lives of others. The Way of Jesus is designed especially for you to give away to your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. The Cross – It rests on the timeline of history like a compelling diamond… its tragedy summons all sufferers… its absurdity attracts all cynics… its hope lures all searchers.  Jesus’ darkest hours.  Mankind’s highest hope.  They hang together on the cross for all eternity, leaving no doubt why they call Him Saviour.
 Retail Price: R60.00  
PROMO PRICE: R30.00   The Way of Jesus (Saltshaker Resources)(50% off retail)
 CBD PRICE: R195.00
(Limited Stock available)

Prices valid until end April 2017 or while stocks last.

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