Keeping the spirit of reading alive in our kids

I guess if you are reading this post it is because you are an avid reader and have a passion for Christian books.  If you are like me, you grew up in an era where the onset of television came only later in your life (ie you were not born to the strains of  Barney & the Tellytubbies).  One of my highlights was a regular trip to the local library, where I could sit reading for hours without the distraction and tug of modern gadgets such as cell phones, play stations and the like.  So how can we instil a love for reading in our children these days in a fun and non threatening way?  Click here to read 7 practical steps on how to encourage your children to read more:- 

Here are some great reads we can recommend to encourage your family and children.

The Gospel Story BibleThe Gospel Story Bible

Long Story Short

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