New Year’s Resolutions …….

De-Cluttering your Spiritual Life

Happy New Year everyone …. we at CBD trust that 2014 will be a blessed and fulfilled one for you.  Have you made lots of New Year’s True SpiritualityResolutions that you probably won’t keep much after the end of the month?  Here is one resolution I challenge you to try and keep – we are always being bombarded with articles and talks on how to simplify our lives, de-clutter our homes or take an inventory of our stress levels.  What about our Spiritual Lives?  Are they healthy?  Do we need to assess them going into a new year.

Hear is a great article by our friend Jenny who encourages us to de-clutter our Spiritual lives and gives practical tips on how to do this.  She also reminds us that whilst it is good to de-clutter our physical homes and look after our bodies, we need to remember that this life is fleeting.  Therefore we need to take care of our eternal home as much if not more.:-

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