Nine Day Queen of England – Lady Jane Grey
Written by Faith Cook
“Lady Jane called out in a clear voice. “Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Then with a stroke, swift, sharp and terrible, Jane’s short life was ended. Like the Apostle Paul she had fought a good fight, finished the course and kept the faith. Henceforth there was laid up for her a crown of righteousness – a crown that none could take from her.”
Lady Jane Grey has often been called the ‘Tudor Pawn’ but to see her as one whose life was simply moved around by others is totally inadequate. This is no simplistic life and death of a sixteen-year-old girl. In order to understand the full tragedy and triumph of her life it is vital to grasp the far-reaching political and religious changes that were shaking England at that time. The Reformation touched the whole population; from palace to university; from emerging town to peasant cottage.
Like the pieces of a jigsaw, the pieces come together to give a picture of a girl with outstanding natural abilities, whose strength of character and remarkable faith shine out despite the darkness that often surrounded her. Executed at age 16, Jane paid an awful price for a throne she did not seek.
‘Faith Cook writes in a very readable manner. Here is a sympathetic but realistic treatment of Lady Jane, coupled with a helpful study of this vital period of history.’ – Mignon Goswell, Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne
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