Category Archives: Blog



By Trevor Bradley                                  Picture provided courtesy of

However tall the mountain looms.  As the song says “through it all, He is Lord… Lord of all”.  Why then, I ask myself, is my heart so prone to doubt?  Why do I allow him, the deceiver/liar, such a foothold?  Why do I land up in the space of fear, which is drivenundaunted-dvd by doubt, only to have Him come yet again, and again, and yet again, to speak and bring peace, to my troubled, unbelieving heart?  Why do i forget His blessings and interventions, His amazing miracles on my behalf so easily?  

Read Mark 6 vs 32-52.  Firstly 5000 people are fed out of a basket containing but 5 loaves and 2 fish.  Then right after that, a storm that threatens to take the lives of the disciples, were it not for the intervention of the Lord.  Yet as we further proceed through the Gospels, we see not too far down the road, when a bunch of soldiers arrest Jesus, those very witnesses run.

I don’t want to dwell on lack of faith here.  Rather what I want to say is this: No matter if it is Faith Amid the Ruins (Habbakkuk)a storm or if it be a situation of “supply”, He will come through for you, to settle or provide.  He will be there, even if your heart is in the place where at first you cry ” is that you LORD?” I read in 2 Timothy 2 vs 13 where He says this (paraphrased for effect)

If we have little or no faith, yet He will remain faithful – for He cannot deny who He is and what He has promised”.

So today, WHATEVER the mountain that stands before you, know this, as that song goes: ” Saviour, He can move the mountains, My God is Mighty to save… He is mighty to save”.

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Book Review: Married for God

Married for God by Christopher Ash

Reviewed by Author & Blogger Tim Challies

It’s not like we’re hurting for books on marriage. In fact, there may be more Christian books on marriage than on any topic besides prayer. This means that any new book has to be awfully good to stand out from an already-crowded field. It was pure joy, then, to read Christopher Ash’s Married for God, and see it do exactly that. It is one of the very best books on marriage I have ever read—and I’ve read a lot of them.

married for godWe ought to want what God wants in marriage. Or, to put it another way, God’s why matters more than my why.

Many marriage books focus on the how questions. How can we have better communication?  How can we grow in our ability to resolve conflict?  How can we have better sex? Others focus on the what questions. What is marriage?  What are its boundaries?  What kind of people may participate in it?  Ash, though, chooses to focus first and primarily on the why questions, for “If we get our aims clear, then we shall see why marriage has to be what it is, and we will be well placed to see how to build a strong marriage.” He grounds his book on this foundational statement: We ought to want what God wants in marriage. Or, to put it another way, God’s why matters more than my why. If this is the case, “You and I need to ask God what he wants and then line up our goals behind his, rather than expecting him to line up his goals behind ours.”

Marriage at its best is marriage that is aligned with God’s purposes.  Read More.

Don’t miss Christopher Ash’s visit to South African from 17th September to 2nd October. Find more details of his visit here.

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Local is Lekker

 Check out these brand-new titles from some of our own home-grown authors.
By: Wayne Barkhuizen
Although the book of Esther contains no direct references to God, his fingerprints can be found all over it. In God Behind the Scenes, Wayne Barkhuizen helps us trace the unseen hand of God throughout the Esther narrative, while pointing out how the book is still relevant today. As we walk through the book, we’ll see how God was indeed active in preserving the people through whom the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would one day come.
CBD PRICE: R165.00            SPECIAL PROMOTION: R140.00


 God Behind the Scenes (Esther)
By: Mervyn Eloff
The books in this series are purposefully practical, working systematically through suggested preaching or Bible study series. Preaching outlines and Bible study questions are included for each passage. This book is aimed at equipping preachers, small group study leaders, student workers, youth workers and other Bible teachers.
CBD PRICE: R140.00           SPECIAL PROMOTION: R100.00


 Teaching 1,2,3 John
By Benjamin Dean and Adriaan Neele (editors)
The essays contained in this volume originated as lectures delivered in August 2014 during ‘The Whitefield Symposium’ held at George Whitefield College, Cape Town, in partnership with Jonathan Edwards Centre Africa, to commemorate the 300th Anniversary of Whitefield’s birth.
CBD PRICE: R190.00

 Genius of George Whitefield, The
By: Jordan Pickering
Baptism is an issue that has long divided the Christian church, and in spite of 400 years of discussion, it is an argument that has not made much progress. Using biblical evidence that is not usually associated with baptism, this book examines those foundations, showing how correcting our foundations and challenging our assumptions can suggest a fresh solution to the problem of baptism. It may even provide a way forward to settle the baptism debate once and for all.
CBD PRICE: R155.00

 Troubled Waters

Special Prices valid while stocks last until 30th September 2016

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Parenting in the age of binge-watching



Written by Josh Squires from

“Put the screens away!”

If you were a fly on the wall in my family, you would hear that sentence, again and again. And it only gets worse in the summer. Because of the lack of a school routine, boredom turns to binge-watching.

Purposeful ParentingI feel like a class-A hypocrite writing an article on this topic, but we’re not the only ones struggling to get a handle on it, either. Over and over it comes up in counseling sessions, phone calls, messages, and discrete conversations in the halls of the church. What does it mean to rightly parent a child of the “on-demand” generation?

Do we have to choose between the luddite lifestyle of banning technology altogether, or is there a way to make “screen use” a shepherding opportunity?

The New Neighborhood

Everyone remembers the constant cries of “I’m bored!” It’s as much a part of summer as lemonade, barbeques, and beach trips. In times past, however, there were social systems that worked to help alleviate boredom. They were called your neighbors.

Shepherding a Child's HeartNeighborhoods were alive with children playing pick-up basketball, or riding their bikes, or doing anything they could to fight the specter of boredom together. It wasn’t a perfect system by any means, but it brought kids of various ages and abilities together to battle a common enemy.

These days, it seems impromptu play in neighborhoods has all but disappeared. The result is that a child’s entertainment and play needs — and yes these are needs for a child — fall to the parent rather than being distributed across a neighborhood of resources.

Eventually, parents get burnt out or their paychecks run out, so part of the easy solution is to park the child in front of a screen. Instantly, children are both contained and entertained. It’s almost too easy. And our hearts loves easy.

Our Appetite for Easy Pleasure

Whatever the sociological causes for increased media time, there’s always a heart issue at play. Between chapters 6–26, Proverbs addresses the “sluggard” fourteen times. In fact, laziness is one of the primary foils in the wisdom literature.

Dr. Dobson's Handbook of Family AdviceThe human heart wants as much pleasure as it can get for the least amount of work it has to put into it. It’s called the “pleasure principle.” When our children pick up a screen, the pleasure principle starts paying in spades.

It pays off for them because they do not have to do the hard work of socializing with others, or learning to share, compromise, and play by the rules. Their world is their own, and it goes wherever Netflix, Amazon, or YouTube will take them. And it pays off for us too. We do not have to worry about the constant nag for entertainment, the coordination of schedules and events, or the disorder of a well played-in room.

Constantly, our sin sick world invites us to indulge our sin sick heart. But the good news is that the power of the ministry of the word enables us to reign in our appetites for ease (Hebrews 12:1).
Read More…

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Equip Book of the month: September

Right Side Up.  Author: Paul Grimmond

Review by Caitlin Hurley from Equip Book Club

Right Side UpAt my church we are in the habit of regularly running Christianity Explored.  At the end of the course some people have become believers, while others are still thinking and working through what it means to follow this man Jesus.  At the end of each course we like to give the participants a book about Christianity that will help them to continue to think through who Jesus is and what it means to follow him.  We have discovered that Right Side Up by Paul Grimmond is the most helpful book to give.

There are so many things to love about this book.  Here are my top five reasons that I think this book is the perfect book to give new believers or people who are genuinely wresting with the gospel.

Clearly presents the gospel
The whole premise of this book is that without the gospel we are all living life the wrong way up.  To steal an illustration from the book, without the gospel it is like we are all walking around on our hands when we really should be walking on our feet.  Grimmond clearly argues that it is Jesus who turns us rights side up and allows us to live the way that we were created to live.  Paul starts by introducing the reader to the man Jesus and then shows how the Bible, from creation to Revelation, is one cohesive story about Jesus. Using simple language and rhetorical questions, Paul unpacks that sin is the reason our lives are upside down and that Jesus is the solution this problem.

Clearly unpacks Christian concepts and jargon
As Christians we have language that is unique to our tribe.  We say words or phrases like ‘the Holy Spirit’ or ‘trust in Jesus’ and know amongst ourselves what they mean.  For a new believer or seeker these words and concepts can be quite foreign and there may be embarrassment in asking what they mean.  Grimmond helpfully unpacks these concepts and many more throughout the book.  As someone who has been a Christian for a while this book has given me some really helpful language that I can use in my own personal evangelism to explain complex but life changing things.

Explains theology but also the practicalities of the Christian life
 Right side up not only clearly presents the gospel but it also provides wisdom on the day to day aspects of the Christian life. This wisdom ranges from God’s design for money, sex and relationships (chapter 6) to helping new believers tell their friends and family about why they are now living differently (chapter 9.) Other practicalities include how to read the Bible (chapter 7 and the appendices) and explanations of what church is and how to find a good one and how to pray (chapter 8).  Paul helpfully explains all the things that we as mature Christians have either taken for granted or presumed knowledge.

Easy to read
Grimmond has a winsome and endearing way of writing.  At some stages you almost feel like he is in the room and you are having a conversation with him.  Through the use of easy language, rhetorical questions, powerful illustrations and personal anecdotes this book could be a rather fast read. On the other hand the content is so rich and thought provoking that a slower read would be immensely rewarding.

Personal testimonies
Tying this book together is a series of personal testimonies from different people from all backgrounds and life stages.  Through these testimonies we learn what it means to live right side up. We hear of the challenges that this new life brings in a world wrong side up and also the joys of living right side up.  These testimonies bring a multitude of other voices to the book and provide extra wisdom that is deeply personable, true and easy to relate to.

When I finished this book I was reminded of the richness of God’s grace and the joys of living right side up. I also found myself genuinely encouraged to the share this joy with others.   Reading Right side up has spurred me on to share with people that we are living in an upside world and that the only way to get right side up is Jesus.

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Book Review: William Grimshaw of Hawarth

Author: Faith Cook

William Grimshaw of Haworth (PB)Faith Cook has drawn on unpublished and little-known sources to produce this comprehensive new biography of the man of whom John Wesley said, ‘A few such as him would make a nation tremble. He carries fire wherever he goes’.

For 20 years in the mid-eighteenth century, a scarcely-know village on the Yorkshire Moors became one of the strongest centres of Christian influence in England.  George Whitefield and John Wesley were often drawn there, along with many others.  The Explanation lay in the life and ministry of William Grimshaw, curate of Haworth from 1742 until his death in 1763.

Under Grimshaw’s ministry the church’s empty pews filled and non-attenders were startled to hear “If you will not come to church, you shall hear me at home”.  Revival followed, and persecution too.  Triumphant love was Grimshaw’s supreme motivation in everything he said and did, across borders and denominations.  He declared “I love Christians, true Christians of all parties.  I do love them, I will love them, and none shall make me do otherwise”.

John MacArthur, of Grace to You ministries, writes: ‘Grimshaw’s unflagging energy and vigorous defence of the faith was matched by a charitable spirit that was a model of true Christlikeness . . . a surprising measure of what he said and wrote is germane to the times in which we live. This is a welcome addition to the rich treasure trove already available from the Banner of Truth. It is also a classic example of what a good biography ought to be.’

PAPERBACK: R100.00                     HARDCOVER: R180.00

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Spring is here (so they say)


Prayer: Timothy Keller

This book offers biblical guidance on how to make prayer genuinely meaningful.  Keller discusses ways to make prayers more personal and powerful and how to establish a practice of prayer that works for you.

CBD PRICE: R305.00

 Prayer (Keller) (PB)
The Story (Teen Edition)

God has gone to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people.  That is what The Story is all about – the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity.  The Bible text reads like a novel, sweeping you into the lives of characters and filled with intrigue, drama, conflict & redemption.


 Story, The (Teen Edition) (PB)
Words of Life

Timothy Ward

The bible is the living and active work of God, and in this book the author defends this statement and explains when we need to base our lives of the words contained in it.
CBD PRICE: R140.00

 Words of Life
Things God wants us to know

Roger Carswell
This book is for those who are seeking, who have a deep seated awareness of other and a desire to find out the purpose of life.  This book shares the Christian view and helps investigate some thoughts as you contemplate your place in life.

 Things God Wants Us To Know
The New Millennium


 New Millenium, The - Christians & Hope

Prices valid until 30th September or while stocks last.

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Wait for PayDay

Author & Blogger Tim Challies explains to us what it means to work with a good will.

Paul began by saying in Ephesians that Christians are to work and followed that by saying Christians are to ensure that they always complete their work with a view to pleasing God.

Mastering MondayBut even that isn’t enough. Paul says that you are to complete your work (“render your service”) with a good will. That is quite the command because it indicates that not only does God expect you to do good work, but he expects you to have to have a good attitude while you do it. And remember that in this letter he is not writing to executives in corner offices but slaves who draw no salary and receive no benefits!

What does it mean to work with a good will? It means that if you are working for a business, you should want that business to succeed and do everything you can to make that happen. You should even want your manager or your boss to succeed and do your utmost to help them forward. Wanting the company to succeed means Thank God It's Mondayyou want the people around you to succeed, even if they achieve greater levels of success than you do. This may be the most unusual and godly character trait in the work-a-day world—a person who genuinely wants his peers to succeed. But what a mark of a person who has been transformed by the gospel! This is dying to self, this is working as unto the Lord instead of working unto men. Can you rejoice with those who rejoice, even if the person rejoicing is the one who got the promotion you wanted and maybe the promotion you deserved?

No matter who you are or what you do, you’ve got something to learn Working it Outhere. Your work, every bit of it, is to be done as unto the Lord. You don’t work ultimately to please men but to please God. God is your ultimate boss and he wants your work to be a reflection of your relationship with him. How will you work for him? Will you do shoddy work? Will you do just enough? Will you cut corners and see how much you can get away with? Or will your gratitude for all he has done compel you to joyfully give your best work every day?

At this point Paul has told you to do your work and to do your work in such a way that you please God. He has one thing left to say: Wait for payday.  Read More…


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Book Review: God in the Dark

Author: Os Guinness

God in the DarkDo you have significant doubts about God? Are you afraid to doubt, much less admit to anyone that you aren’t fully convinced of God’s faithfulness? Are you so torn by your questions that life is losing its meaning?

This forthright but compassionate book works to tear away the layers of misunderstanding about doubt to reveal not only its dangers but its great value. As author Os Guinness explains: “If ours is an examined faith, we should be unafraid to doubt… There is no believing without some doubting, and believing is all the stronger for understanding and resolving doubt.”

For those who are unsure of God’s trustworthiness—and for those who are in a dark place, wanting to know “Why?” or “How long, O Lord?”—God in the Dark is a must. It puts a human face on the problem of doubt and examines it thoroughly. In a way that will respond to your questions, settle your fears, and strengthen your faith.

CBD PRICE: R200.00

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Goodbye Joel & Mary Beeke

website slider for Joel Beeke advert
Joel & Mary have concluded their trip to South Africa, and what a privilege is has been to hear them speak in Johannesburg & Cape Town.  We have almost sold out of all Joel’s books,  but there are still a few titles available.
 Contagious Christian Living
Contagious Christian LivingNORMAL CBD PRICE: R110.00
 Fighting Satan
Fighting SatanNORMAL CBD PRICE: R145.00
 Parenting by God’s Promises
Parenting by God's PromisesNORMAL CBD PRICE: R230.00
 Overcoming the World
Overcoming the World
 Living in a Godly Marriage
Living in a Godly MarriageNORMAL CBD PRICE: R185.00
 Tough Questions about the Bible
Tough Questions about the BibleNORMAL CBD PRICE: R100.00

These titles are available in limited quantities only:-

 Walking as He walked Developing a healthy spiritual growth
 Milk & Honey Piety
 The Epistles of John  What is Evangelicalism?
 365 Days with John Calvin Forerunner of the Great Awakening
The Beauty & Glory of the Father Jehovah Shepherding his Sheep
Heirs with Christ The Beauty & Glory of Christ’s Bride
 The Beauty & Glory of Christ What is resurrection?
 How should men lead their families How can I cultivate private prayer?
 How should Teens read the bible The quest for full Assurance
 Puritan reformed spirituality Friends & Lovers
The Lord Shepherding His Sheep Getting back into the race
God’s Alphabet for Life Reformation Heroes
The faithful Church member The Beauty & Glory of Christian Living

These prices are valid while stocks last until the end of August 2016, & are available on-line or through our Rosebank & Head Office Stores.

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You cannot out-dream God’s plans for you


Written by Marshall Segal with Desiring God

We tend to think our dreams were too big when we were young, say when we were six, and too small as we get older. But maybe our dreams never reach high enough.

Proverbs Driven Life, AWhat is God’s dream for our lives? What are the highest peaks he’s put out in front of each of us? “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). In absolutely everything we do — even down to how we drink that Gatorade after we work out or sip our favorite Starbucks — we do it for the glory of God. In front of the mountain of purpose and happiness hidden for us in his glory, every other dream and ambition begins to look pale and stale.

What does it mean to live for glory like that? Paul goes on to say that he seeks “to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved” (1 Corinthians 10:33). We drink and eat, work and play, love and serve in ways that strive to win the world for Jesus. Whatever we do, we do it to say something about what God has done for us and about how much he and his love mean to us. We do it for his glory, and not our own.  Read more here.

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