Category Archives: Blog

Book Review: Missional Motherhood

Missional MOtherhoodBy Gloria Furman

There’s no such thing as “just” a mom…

Despite the routine tasks and mundane to-do lists, motherhood is anything but insignificant. God has designed motherhood as part of his greater plan to draw people to himself – instilling all women, whether called to traditional mothering or not, with an eternal purpose in nurturing others.

In this book, Gloria Furman searches the Scriptures for the mission of God in motherhood. She opens our eyes to God’s life-giving promises?promises intended to empower each and every woman as she makes disciples in her home, in her neighborhood, and around the world.

Gloria is a wife, mother of four, cross-cultural worker and writer.  In 2008 her family moved to the Middle East to plant Redeemer Church of Dubai where her husband, Dave, serves as the pastor.  Gloria has also written “Glimpses of Grace”, “The Pastors Wife” and “Treasuring Christ when your hands are full”.

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What is on your reading list?


Here are some of our favourite staff picks to consider…
One Life: What’s it all about?
By Rico Tice & Barry Cooper
We all get one life to live, and most of us are asking the same question – what’s it all about? It’s a huge question and yet it would be so easy to miss the answer…  This jargon-free, straight talking book explores life’s big questions and the life of the person at the heart of the Christian Faith – Jesus Christ.
CBD PRICE: R85.00 
 One Life- What's It All About
What the bible teaches about Guidance
By: Peter Bloomfield
How can I know God’s will for me?  What does God want me to do?  How can I know that I am doing the right thing?  The question of divine guidance is one that has always caused confusion among Christians.  The author dispels the notion that there is just one perfect plan for our lives, and urges us to follow the Scriptures which provide all we need to live lives that are pleasing to our heavenly Father.
CBD PRICE: 70.00
What the Bible Teaches about Guidance
Getting to the heart of things: Reflections on Christian Basics
By Michael Cassidy
In our tumultuous age of moral confusion, conflicting religious claims and convulsive world events, Cassidy penetrates to the heart of the Christian message, enabling thinking believers to hold fast to the faith.  He strongly affirms the uniqueness of Jesus, authority of Scripture and the importance of biblical morality amidst the challenges of our age.
 Getting to the Heart of Things
Coming home to God
By O. Palmer Robertson
However much people set themselves against God, however much they think of themselves as self determining, the plan of God will never be thwarted.  However hollow and worthless lives may seem and far away the sense of truly belonging to God may appear, there is a way back.  Using the story of the prodigal son, the author describes the way people come home to God, and we discover that this return wasn’t our plan, it was God’s.
CBD PRICE: 55.00
 Coming Home to God
 Prices valid while stocks last.

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Someone is praying for you

Devotion by Trevor Bradley

The Prayer of Our LordThe greatest love we can show anybody is to honestly pray for that person, to bring that person to the throne of grace and there lay hold of our Father for them.

Paul writing to the church at Colossae starts out in the 1st chapter and says of them:

“You are faithful exercise and live by faith in Christ..I hear of your love for the saints/fellow believers…and the hope place in God’s word/the truth.. how you have born fruit and how the Lord has multiplied your harvest of souls…this driven by your understanding that you are objects of HIS amazing grace”( Colossians 1 vs 1-6)..

How I wish that could be said of me..

Prayer (Keller) (PB)Paul goes on to say “For this reason” and here comes the prayer that I have asked the Holy Spirit, along with me, to pray over and for you today:

Colossians 1 vs 9-14

” I have prayed that you will be filled with the knowledge of His will.  That you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in all you do.  That you might bear fruit and increase in the knowledge of God, strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, that through this you will remain steadfast, patient and full of joy – giving thanks to the Father.  For He has delivered you from the domain of darkness and transferred you into the Kingdom of His Son, in whom there is redemption and the forgiveness of sin”. (paraphrased for effect)

Wow!! what a prayer…FOR YOU.  That I believe is praying according to His will and the prayer that the Father will answer.

So be it for you, so be it for us..

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Equip Book of the Month: July

Pure JoyPure Joy By Christopher Ash

Conscience is the Cinderella of the contemporary world. We hardly speak or think about our conscience. She is left behind while we get on with the party of life, untroubled by any serious self-examination. And yet conscience is a God-given part of being human, with tremendous potential for good – if it is cleansed and kept clean – or for harm – if it becomes hardened or calloused.

‘This book is about the joy of a clear conscience in every day of living and in the day of death,” enthuses Christopher Ash.

‘With a clear conscience, we can enjoy not just the stuff we think of as “spiritual”, but all sorts of things like sleep, sport, friendship and holidays. With a good conscience none of these things ever leaves a sour taste in our mouths.’

Christopher is eager to get all of us thinking about conscience again: ‘I want you to take your conscience out of the cupboard, dust it down, bring it back into daily life and discover its power to do you good.’

BREAKING NEWS: Don’t miss Christopher Ash’s visit to Cape Town and Johannesburg from 15th September – 3rd October 2016.  More details to follow.

CBD PRICE:   R155.00
(price valid until end July 2016 while stocks last)

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School Holiday Reads


Things God wants us to know: Find a purpose in your life
By Roger Carswell
Everyone has an opinion about God. Our deep-seated awareness of something other makes our hearts restless and reinforces the instinct that we know life has a purpose.   We don’t believe that, by chance, something impersonal developed the things that make us personal – love, significance, hope, purpose, reasoning, beauty and a sense of right or wrong. To rob humanity of its awareness of being made in the image of God is an even greater identity fraud than having your credit card cloned.  This book is to help you to put some clarity to those common thoughts and feelings you have as you contemplate your place in life.
CBD PRICE: R63.85 
(hard cover)
 Things God Wants Us To Know
Wrestling with God: Loving the God we don’t understand
James Emery White
We give ourselves to God and then wrestle profoundly with the relationship.  But instead of embracing our doubts and confusion, we often deny them to ourselves and others.  We make things worse by either feeling guilty about our struggles or by dismissing them as insignificant.  This book explores the difficulties all Christians face, and grapples honestly with our tough questions and dissapointments.
CBD PRICE: 125.00
 Wrestling with God 1
True Friendship
By Vaughan Roberts
In a culture where online communications and communities can be set up in seconds, it is striking that loneliness is still rampant. Even in the church, a place where we might hope for an oasis of love and acceptance, we can find interactions awkward and superficial. It s for this reason that Vaughan Roberts takes us back to the Bible, and challenges us to consider our need for true friendship.
CBD PRICE: R95.00 (booklet)
 True Friendship
Unashamed to bear His name
R.T. Kendall
In our increasingly secular society, being a Christian carries a cost. Whether through public criticism or the quiet loss of respect,  it is hard and becoming harder to be known as a Christian. Even as believers try to follow the will of God, they are often misunderstood and left to deal with the awkward, sometimes painful results of feeling disconnected from their fellow man.
CBD PRICE: 135.00 (limited stock)
 Unashamed to Bear His Name
 Prices valid while stocks last.

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Six ways God’s at work in you – At Work

By Keith Welton from Desiring God

Mastering MondayYou showed up to work today, but it feels like God didn’t. He feels remote and absent from what you do all day long. There are temptations all around, opportunities for cutting corners. No one else cares one wit about serving God. Conversations are all banal. And yet you believe God is sovereign over all things, and that means sovereign over putting you in this job in the first place.

You grow doubtful about yourself and wonder what it must be like for businessmen who are giants in the faith, and who sail through meetings and private work carried along by the joy of serving God. And here you stand in a job where God feels so far away.

Gospel Centred WorkIn reality, the workforce is not only how God works through you; it is a place where God works inside of you, conforming you to the image of Christ. He may feel distant, but he’s not. He is using the difficulties and pressures in your job right now to focus you in at least six areas.

God is at work in you as much on Monday morning as he is at work in you on Sunday morning, you just need to see it. Most of us do work behind the scenes that very few people understand or appreciate. No one realizes how much goes into making the pizza, writing the program, or shipping the product. In a similar way, God is at work in our lives in all we do, and sometimes we don’t see it until we really press in and think about it. When we do, we see that God is working behind the scenes in what we do, why we do it, how we do it, and where we do it. Realizing this truth might transform your workplace experience.

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Help for the Selfish and Sick

Two of our favourite authors share their thoughts.
The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness
By Timothy Keller
What are the marks of a supernaturally changed heart?  This is one of the questions the Apostle Paul addresses as he writes to the church in Corinth. He s not after some superficial outward tinkering, but instead a deep rooted, life altering change that takes place on the inside. In an age where pleasing people, puffing up your ego and building your résumé are seen as the methods to make it , the Apostle Paul calls us to find true rest in blessed self forgetfulness. In this short and punchy book, best selling author Timothy Keller, shows that gospel humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from self condemnation. A truly gospel humble person is not a self hating person or a self loving person, but a self forgetful person. This freedom can be yours…
 Freedom of self-forgetfulness
Lessons from a hospital bed
By John Piper
Physical sickness affects more than just our bodies;  The combination of physical discomfort, emotional stress, anxious thoughts, and long stretches of boredom can make it difficult to remember, much less rely on and rejoice in, our good and sovereign God.In this honest book, John Piper shares ten lessons he learned while in the hospital. Written to help those in the hospital focus their attention on God, his grace, & his plan – when such focus can be especially hard – this volume blends together personal narrative with biblical reflections to help readers rely on the God who stands ready to comfort and support his people.CBD PRICE: R110.00               SPECIAL PRICE: R100.00
 Lessons from a Hospital Bed
 Prices valid until end July 2016 of while stocks last.

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Let’s be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.


Mark 5:15 “When they came to Jesus they saw the man who had been possessed by demons sitting there, dressed and in his right mind, and they were afraid.”

Our generation of people is used to seeing pictures of the weird and the wonderful. Movies and special effects have left us largely expecting the spectacular and also sadly we have been so spoiled that at another level, it is hard to impress us any more.  But this story in Mark 5:1-20 takes some beating. It is a bizarre story to say the least and we need to know what it is we should watch out for and what we need to learn.

First, it is helpful to remember that the area Jesus visited described in v1 was a Gentile area, not a Jewish area. The presence of pigs and the unearthly cries of a man possessed by evil spirits and living amongst the tombs would have been experiences common to the darkness and superstitions of many Gentile communities.

Then notice how the evil spirits in the man respond to Jesus. They bow before him and express fear of him (vs 6,9). This is because the world of darkness knew that with the arrival of Jesus the game was up. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and although not destroyed yet, Satan is in principle overthrown and faces a frightening judgement from God.

Next comes the request to enter the pigs and the permission given by Jesus. The pigs all perish in the lake and the people of the area are dumbfounded.  Why did this story play out like this? It is all so strange.  Why did Jesus go there?  How do the evil spirits recognise him? Why does he silence them?  Why give them permission to enter the pigs? These and many other questions arise from this passage. But these questions are not Mark’s aim here. What he wants us to see is how people responded to Jesus.

You would think that poor frightened people who had lived with a madman terrorising them for years would be grateful for what Jesus did. Perhaps they would invite Him into this village and plead with Him to bring His power and His light and deliver others? Nothing of the kind! They asked him to go! Read v 17. Isn’t this a strange response? A Saviour appears but He is turned away! But this is in principle no different to many people today who see the wonderful difference Jesus makes in the lives of others, yet find within themselves a strange fear of him and therefore turn their backs on him.

Do you know people like that?  Pray for them that God will open the blind eyes and soften the hard hearts.

At least one person welcomed Jesus and would have stayed with him – the man who was delivered. But Jesus gave him the same command He gives you and me once we have experienced His power “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.”

Prayer:  “O God, how hard our hearts can be. Nevertheless have mercy O Lord and save those near and dear to me, who even now are lost and in darkness. Do it for Jesus’ sake and may He receive all the Glory.  Amen”

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Book Review: Street God

Street God (Dimas Salaberrios)Author: Dimas Salaberrios

His street name was Daylight. But he was a nightmare.  On the streets of New York, darkness and violence reigned. Dimas “Daylight” Salaberrios popped his first pill when he was eleven years old, and just days later, he was selling drugs to his schoolmates. By fifteen, he was facing time at the notorious Rikers Island Prison. It was never safe to turn your back, and Dimas saw only one chance to survive: to become a street god. He would be the richest, most powerful ruler in the hood . . . or die trying.

But in one terrifying moment, with a gun pointed at his head, Dimas had to decide: How far would he go?  Was he finished taking reckless chances to rule as a god of the streets? Would he dare to entrust his life to the real God – an even riskier path – Because that God would send Dimas back down the darkest streets he’d ever known on a rescue mission after those still in danger.

Street God is the true story of one man’s against-all-odds journey from the streets to the altar and back again. A modern-day The Cross and the Switchblade for a new generation, it reveals that we’re never too far gone for God to change us, and shows how a single spark can illuminate even the darkest existence.

CBD PRICE: R280.00

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The meaning of Manhood

meaning of manhood








Article by Philip Holmes from Desiring God

Manhood Restored (PB)One of my favorite things to do while cleaning the kitchen or doing other chores around the house is to call my mom. It’s become a pattern, so much so that when I call, she’ll jokingly say, “You must be cleaning the kitchen.”

In a recent conversation, I confessed how I’ve struggled as a husband. I explained how I’d failed to fully grasp what true manhood looked liked. For most of my life, I’d assumed that if I was taking care of myself — working, paying my bills, buying my food, and finding adequate shelter — I was fulfilling God’s calling in manhood.

As I grew in my understanding of biblical manhood, I discovered that true manhood demanded more of me. As a single man, I had failed to put into practice what I knew marriage would require. I secretly thought that marriage would miraculously change me and make me a better man. I didn’t drink from the fountain of true manhood as a single guy, so I’m now drinking from a fire hose as a new husband. Now I’m learning the hard way about the high and hard calling of manhood.

Read more…

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