Category Archives: Blog

Book Review: Craftsmen

Craftsmen: Christ-Centered Proverbs for Men
By John Crotts

Craftsmen Christ-Centered Proverbs for MenThe craftsman can take a stack of wood and produce a beautiful piece of furniture. He not only possesses intellectual abilities to follow a blueprint or step-by-step instructions, but he is also an artist. His hands manipulate the wood into beautiful shapes. His eyes anticipate the right cuts and movements. His workmanship causes others to wonder at his skill.

Such craftsmanship has an application for all men. While not every men may be able to create the products of a master cabinet maker, each man is responsible to create his life with equal skill. Every area of a Christian man’s life must be molded by the wisdom of God. His words, his work, his relationships, and even the way he uses his resources must flow from a heart gripped by the character of God. Such a heartbeat for God’s glory will practically result in a life skillfully lived.

Craftsmen is designed to help men understand wisdom, to see Jesus Christ as the embodiment and source of wisdom, and to apply that wisdom to the god-given roles of husband and father.

CBD PRICE: R135.00

John Crotts has been the pastor and teacher of Faith Bible Church in Sharpsburg, Georgia since 1995. He graduated from Liberty University and received his M. Div. from The Master’s Seminary. He serves as a board member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals. He co-authored the book Tying the Knot Tighter: Because Marriage Lasts a Lifetime with Martha Peace, and is the author of Mighty Men: The Starter’s Guide to Leading Your Family and Loving the Church: God’s People Flourishing in God’s Family.

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Give Dad a gift with an eternal impact

Are you wondering what to give your dad for Father’s Day? Encourage him with a DVD message from Angus Buchan. At the bargain price of R70.00 each, why not buy him two?
Rushing Mighty Wind, A (DVD)

A Rushing Mighty Wind

Watch God confirm His word with signs and wonders at the opening of Feast of Tabernacles in the Ein Gedi Desert in Israel, and see God’s people extend their hearts in faith.



Angus Buchan on the Bible (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On the Bible

The bible is our compass.  We need to get back to the Word of God – when we do that we will see the power of God manifest in our lives.



Angus Buchan on Being Still (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On Being Still

In this crazy mixed up world, if we don’t find the peace of God that passes all understanding, we are not going to make it.  We need to learn how to hear from God.  And when we spend time in His presence, we start to hear correctly.



Angus Buchan on Freedom (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On Freedom

These messages will help you to be liberated from the shackles that are holding you back by the Holy Spirit, to live the life the God mean for you to live.



Helper on Marriage, The (DVD)

Angus Buchan: The Helper on Marriage

When a marriage suffers, it works its way through the whole family. A Godly marriage takes perseverance from both a husband & wife.



Angus Buchan on Family (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On Family

The Christian family has always been the strength of a nation. Yet the family unit is disintegrating before our very eyes.



Valid whilst stocks last until end June 2016

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The most used but least understood phrase in the church

praying hands








Written by Author & Blogger David Murray

Jesus said, “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14).

Prayer (Keller) (PB)That cannot mean that if we attach “in Jesus name” to any prayer request we are guaranteed to get it — it’s not a magic spell.

Neither can it mean that if we neglect to say “in Jesus name” our prayers will not be answered — no prayer in the Bible contains these specific words.

So what does it mean? We use it often enough at the close of most of our prayers, and yet do we know what we’re saying?

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Book Review: Answering Jihad

By Nabeel Qureshi

Answering JihadFrom New York Times bestselling author and former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi comes this personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism.

San Bernardino was the most lethal terror attack on American soil since 9/11, and it came on the heels of a coordinated assault on Paris. There is no question that innocents were slaughtered in the name of Allah and in the way of jihad, but do the terrorists’ actions actually reflect the religion of Islam? The answer to this question is more pressing than ever, as waves of Muslim refugees arrive in the West seeking shelter from the violent ideology of ISIS.  Setting aside speculations and competing voices, what really is jihad? How are we to understand jihad in relation to our Muslim neighbours and friends? Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today, and how are we to respond?

In Answering Jihad, bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi (Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus) answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland.

Tim Challies writes about meeting Nabeel and asking him some questions about his book.  Read more here.

CBD PRICE: R260.00

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Father’s Day Specials

Here are some great ideas if you are looking for a gift for your dad.
James Montgomery – A Man for All People


Courageous Living: Michael Catt

CBD PRICE: R108.00

God’s Outlaw: Brian Edwards



John Stott- A Comprehensive Biography: Timothy Dudley-Smith



John Stott - A Comprehensive Bibliography
Man of Faith (George W Bush) : David Aikman

CBD PRICE: R130.00
SPECIAL: R100.00


Knowing God the Father through the Old Testament
Christopher H. Wright

CBD PRICE: R105.00


John Knox : Steven Lawson

CBD PRICE: R115.00



These prices are valid while stocks last until end June 2016

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Pride doesn’t always parade




Article by Marshall Segal from

He forfeited his life for gathering a few sticks…

Numbers (EP Study Commentary)It’s a stumbling block buried in the book of Numbers. God has saved his people from slavery, and walked them into the wilderness for what will prove to be a forty-year journey to their promised land. And “while the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day” (Numbers 15:32). Doesn’t sound like a big deal, right? Enough of us have picked up sticks after a big storm, probably during the weekend (maybe even on a Sunday). So what happens next?

And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the LORD commanded Moses. (Numbers 15:33–36)

They put him to death over some yardwork?

Be Counted (Numbers)Why? Because Moses said, “These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do. Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death. You shall kindle no fire in all your dwelling places on the Sabbath day.” (Exodus 35:1–3, see also Exodus 20:8–9)

If Moses ended at verse two, it might have been unclear whether picking up sticks fell under “work,” but Moses didn’t stop there. It’s almost as if God had this nameless man in mind when he told them about the Sabbath. Yes, that means even gathering some wood to make a fire. And he was also crystal clear about the appropriate punishment: death.

Sticks and Stones

Someone might say this particular man wasn’t listening well or just didn’t understand exactly what Moses meant by “work.” It seems like a tragedy that he had to die over building a fire. But the previous ten verses bring this fatal incident into high definition for us.  Read more…

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Equip Book of the Month: June

True By Sarah Bradley.  Reviewed by Di Warren

TrueCall me superficial, but I first picked up True because I liked the cover. Through I noticed recently that the Good Book Company has republished it with a slightly different cover!

It’s a great little book. Especially written for girls 10-14, it aims to help teenage girls be excited about living for Jesus in every relationship in their lives. I don’t think there’s anything like it on the market.  It’s a lovely mix of the Bible and earthy illustrations. Each chapter explores one Bible passage, and then finishes with seven practical ideas, a real-life testimony and a Bible study. 

True is a super easy read, but it deals with deep issues. You can tell that Sarah Bradley is very experienced in youth ministry as she politely gets right inside a teenage girl’s head. The material on body image, which it opens with, is insightful and grounded. I loved reading it with my daughter, as it was very easy to chat through.


True is perfect for Mums and daughters to read together, but it’s also a great gift for a niece or a friend’s daughter. It can be used in a girls’ bible study group or even youth group.   Written primarily for Christians, it’s also very accessible for interested unbelievers.

CBD PRICE: R105.00      EQUIP PRICE: R75.00

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Great Fireside reads for you

Winter warmers

Winter is coming, and there is nothing nicer than sitting and reading in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate in your hand.
Lifted By Sam Allberry

For many people, the resurrection is a nice thing to believe in. Usually, we treat it as an event that happened long ago and far away–a “happy ending” to the gospel, after the darkness of the cross. But Sam Allberry shows us that the resurrection is far more than a mere event. It gives us real assurance of forgiveness and salvation, power to live new and transformed lives, and hope for life after death.
CBD PRICE: 95.00
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A Proverbs Driven Life By Anthony Selvaggio

This is a book about the wisdom that God has given us in the book of Proverbs. By this wisdom, we can learn how to live in light of what is really true about ourselves and one another. Proverbs does offer an infallible guarantee that a Proverbs-driven life will result in spiritual and practical blessings. But it is vitally important to remember that the goal of Proverbs is not finding earthly prosperity or even wisdom itself. The goal of Proverbs is to grow ever closer to the God who is Wisdom.
CBD PRICE: R145.00
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 Proverbs Driven Life, A
Unpacking Forgiveness By Chris Brauns

Only God’s Word can unpack forgiveness. The wounds are too deep for us to find healing on our own, and the questions are too complex to be unravelled by anything but the wisdom of God. Unpacking Forgiveness combines sound theological thinking and honesty about the complicated questions many face to provide readers with a solid understanding of biblical forgiveness.
CBD PRICE: 205.00
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 Unpacking Forgiveness
Fool’s Gold By John MacArthur

In an age of open-mindedness, many believers accept too much with too little discernment, resulting in great confusion and compromise. But God’s Word makes it clear that not everything that glitters is gold. False teaching is at every turn, and the temptation to embrace it is great. As God’s people we are called to sift through the overwhelming number of traditions and trends and use the truth of Scripture to determine which are the true treasures, and which are “fool’s gold”.
CBD PRICE: R205.00
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 Fool's Gold?
Who are you to judge? By Dave Swavely

The sin of judging and the error of legalism cause many of the interpersonal conflicts we experience.  They plague our Christian institutions, sapping our spiritual strength and hindering our service.  This helpful book defines judging and legalism in a biblical manner, and discusses two often -overlooked biblical commands: Do not pass judgment before time, and do not go beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:5-6).
CBD PRICE: R185.00
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 Who Are You to Judge?

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Let’s be Frank: Thought for the day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

The most precious thing:

Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.”

In Mark’s Gospel we are introduced to the on-going conflict between Jesus and the devil. Jesus is always victorious over Satan because He has all authority in Heaven and Earth. We must remember that on the Cross the devil was defeated decisively and forever.

However, my concern today is to remind us that the devil is not our only enemy. Our own hearts can be our enemy as well. What do we mean by our “hearts”? It usually refers to that inner part of us where we think, feel, make decisions and live our life. The inmost part of us.

Now it is this part of us that was impacted by sin. There the old nature lurks and sometimes arises to lead us into sin. So we have to set a guard against ourselves. This is a way of saying that we must be alert and exercise self-control.

The heart is our citadel and must be safeguarded against all costs. Therefore we are told to “guard the heart above all things”. We sometimes take more trouble to guard our houses and our material possessions than we do the heart. How do we guard our hearts? Well all we need to do is use common sense. Do not deliberately expose it to things that pollute in the first place. Rather we should instead expose it to all those things that enable it and help it to grow in godliness.

Notice that our verse says “above all things”. This means that our inner spiritual life should always be our top priority. There are many things that distract us and many duties that call us, but we should pray for Grace to always keep our hearts before the Lord and His Word so that we may receive light and help at all times.

What does “the wellspring of life” mean? This is a reference to the truth that whatever possesses our hearts, whatever its chief love may be, will spill over into the rest of life. Like a spring of water underground rising to the top, so whatever is in our hearts will rise to the top and touch all of life. So let’s make sure that from our innermost being there springs only that which will glorify Christ, ennoble our lives, be a help to others and contribute positively to our community. And of course we should remember that of all things that stem from our hearts, at the centre is always the story of a crucified and risen Saviour.

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I know my heart is deceitful above all things. Therefore I commend it to you again today to pray that you will possess it and fill it with your Grace and compassion. May I show these qualities to others in all my contacts with people and friends.  Amen”

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Book Review: Living in the light – Money, Sex & Power

Book reviewed by Author & Blogger Tim Challies

Money, sex, and power: three great gifts of God that can be used to such noble ends or abused to such ignoble ends. They can be harnessed to the greatest of good purposes or exploited to the most terrible of harmful purposes. All three are considered ghastly to some while they are worshiped as gods by others. This holy/unholy trio is the subject of John Piper’s latest book Living in the Light. While the book began as a series of conference messages, this is no lazy port from one format to another, but a careful, skillful rewrite and expansion.

Living in the Light Money, Sex & PowerPiper opens the book exactly as we might expect him to:

God did not conceive and create money, sex, and power simply to be a temptation. He had good purposes in mind. Money, sex, and power exist for the great aims of God in human history. They are not detours on the path to God-exalting joy. Along with all the rest of God’s good world, they are the path. With them, we can show the supreme worth of God. To show how that happens is one of the aims of this book. Therefore, the approach I take is to pursue the potentials of money, sex, and power as well as the pitfalls.

As he does so he demonstrates that “Money, sex, and power exist ultimately to show that God is more to be desired than money, sex, and power. That is, paradoxically, how they become most satisfying in themselves.” It is only when God is our greatest treasure and our purest pleasure that these three can take their rightful place.

First, the matter of definitions, for we cannot assume that we mean the same things even by such common terms. Money is a form of currency, of course, and a means of assigning value to objects or services, but it goes far deeper than that. “Money is one cultural symbol that we use to show what we value. It is a means by which we show where our treasure is; who our treasure is. The use of money is an act of worship—either of Christ, or of something else.”

Likewise, sex is far more than erotic stimulation or the desire for erotic stimulation. It “may be a good use of God’s good gift, or a merely selfish exploitation. What makes sex virtuous or a vice is not the pleasure, or the pursuit (to give it or get it), but something deeper. There are foundational issues of submission to the word of God and the condition of the heart.”

Power is the capacity to get what you want and “can be used to do evil or to do good. How you use your power shows where your heart is, what you love, what you treasure most—what you worship.”

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New from John Piper

Living in the Light: Money Sex & Power

Money sex and powerWhether we’re rich or poor, married or single, in a position of great influence or not – all of us face temptation in the areas of money, sex and power. They are the dangerous opportunities of our time – opportunities to destroy our own souls, or to experience the true joy of using them for God’s glory.

John Piper shows us that when we have the blazing glory of Christ at the centre of our spiritual solar system, the planets of money, sex and power find their true and beautiful orbits.  This book is for every Christian and will help you to wake up to the all-satisfying glory of God, and discover what you were made for.



Available from Head Office & On-line Shopping Cart.  Valid until June while stock lasts.

 John Piper 1About the Author:
John Piper is the founder and teacher of and Chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary.  He is the author of more than 50 books.


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Why are Christians hated so much?

 By author, speaker, blogger David Murray

Proverbs Driven Life, AAs we experience an unprecedented level of hatred and hostility towards Christians today, we find ourselves asking continually, “Why do you hate us so much?”

Politicians, judges, journalists, producers, educators, and many others are sympathetic to, and tolerant of, every kind of false religion and every kind of perversity, except when it comes to Christian teaching and values. Then the sharpest knives are out.

And we ask again, “Why do you hate us so much?”

We pay our taxes, we pray for our leaders, we give generously to charities, we volunteer in local schools and community projects, we love and educate our children, we feed the homeless, we send millions of dollars and thousands of people abroad to help needy nations, and make many other positive contributions to society and the world.

LiftedWhat have you done?
So why do you keep lining up against us and lining up with those who do little or nothing for society or the needy? You love the new atheists, the philosophers, authors, and comedians who launch vile diatribes against Christians and their God. Why doesn’t someone somewhere ask these elite men and women, who have devoted their lives to destroying Christianity.   “What have you ever done for the poor? How much money and time do you devote to your neighbours, your community, the poor at home and abroad?”

And yet, it’s us you hate?  Why?

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