Category Archives: Blog

Lean in on Sunday Mornings







Sourced from the Desiring God Blog site.  Written by David Mathis

Do you lean in on Sunday mornings? Or does a critical spirit or unchecked cynicism have you leaning out, ready to size up and dress down the slips and inadequacies of the leaders up front?

Does a spirit of apathy and laziness have you leaning back, just going through the motions, anticipating little more than the benediction and your afternoon nap to follow?

God Works in Miscues

Leaning in on Sunday morning has less to do with the posture of your body, and more to do with the stance of your soul — whether your heart is constricted and closed in corporate worship, or swelling in hope and expanding with expectation. Whether you have an attitude of anticipation, or whether society’s increasing cynicism about everything under the sun has come home to roost in your own chest. Whether you’re ready to give the benefit of the doubt to miscues up front and distractions around you in the pews, or are waiting for another excuse to disengage.

As you sit judging, negligent to the conflagration of grace at work around you, have you considered the time and energy that have been invested to prepare for this gathering? Do you receive it as a gift of love, or with a sense of entitlement? And have you considered how God loves to work in and through his people in corporate worship, not just despite, but often because of, our blunders and imperfections?

Pastors, Not Performers

It may help to know that very few pastors feel adequate in all the facets of our up front leadership in corporate worship. In fact, many feel adequate in none of the facets.

The rehearsals of live theater, and the retakes and extensive edits of movies and television, may have conditioned our society to expect flawlessness on stage, but this is not the calling of corporate worship. Your pastors are not professional actors, and your leaders in music and song are not rock stars.

Our pastors have been entrusted not with producing a good show or memorable concert, but the care of our souls — which is not “professional” work to begin with. They may appear up front for an hour each week, but the other 167 hours they are not on stage. They are not performers. They are very easy to critique. You deserve no badge of honor for being sharp enough to spot problems and identify places for improvement. It is very naïve to expect eloquence up front from your pastors.

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Book Review: The Case for Christ

Author: Lee Strobel

Case for Christ, The (PB)A Seasoned journalist chases down the biggest story in History… What will your verdict be in The Case for Christ?

Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the son of God?  Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields. Strobel challenges them with questions like: How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?

Strobel’s tough, point-blank questions make this Gold Medallion-winning book read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it’s not fiction. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.

CBD PRICE: R190.00  (valid while stocks last).

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Turning our thoughts to Easter

Who Is This Man? (PB)Who is this Man?  by John Ortberg

On the day after Jesus’ death, it looked like whatever mark he had left on the world would rapidly disappear.  Instead, his impact on human history had just begun.  This book illustrates that nothing in the world’s existence has ever been the same since that fateful day so long ago.  To follow Jesus is not a pathway to an easy life, but a call to do hard things if we are to live in the image of our Lord.

CBD PRICE: R180.00

Shaped by the CrossShaped by the cross by Ken Gire

What must it have been like to draw near to Christ as he drew near to the cross?  Ken Gire offers 7 meditations on the sufferings of Jesus and on a costly discipleship that invites us to take up our cross and follow our savior – through death to everlasting life.

CBD PRICE:  R150.00  


Meekness + majesty Meekness and Majesty by RT Kendall

Jesus laid aside his majesty and “emptied himself” and took the form of a servant. Focusing on this theme, R T challenges us to live in true humility – “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” He looks at the mystery of Christ being fully God and fully man and Christ’s vindication and exaltation and what that means for us.

CBD PRICE: R95.00  

Explicit Gospel, The (PB)The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler

Even if you go to church, it doesn’t mean that you are being exposed to the gospel explicitly. Sure, most people talk about Jesus, and about being good and avoiding bad, but the gospel message simply isn’t there? – at least not in its specificity and its fullness.  pastor Matt Chandler writes to remind us what is of first and utmost importance – the gospel.

CBD PRICE: R215.00


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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Unexpected Consequences

Mark 4:30,31,33: Again He said: “What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed which is the smallest plant in the ground. Yet when it is planted it becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches, that the birds of the air can perch in its shade”.

My Utmost for His Highest 1Sometimes small words and actions can have very large consequences. We are all familiar with this rule of life. And it is exactly this principle of unexpected consequences that Jesus uses in this parable.  The parable Jesus told would probably have sounded ridiculous to the ears of his listeners. In fact I suspect we often miss the shocking impact of the things Jesus said because we are unfamiliar with the background and customs of His day.

Everybody knew that a mustard seed grew only to a medium sized garden shrub and the idea of the birds of the air perching in its shade would have been laughable. But then Jesus deliberately intended to exaggerate the power of the shrub to make an important point. God can take the tiniest beginning and no matter how unsuited it may be God can use everything and everyone to do more work for His Kingdom that its size warrants.

That’s the way it is with the Kingdom of God. A little seed dropped here or there and the next thing you know there is a Sunday School where there was none before; or somebody is helped who had no hope, or some lost soul finds the Saviour and a life is changed.

God is EnoughThe idea of the birds of the air all crowding to sit on the shrub’s branches may have occasioned laughter by those who heard Jesus because it seemed so unlikely. But think of how many people you know who have been helped by someone you least expected. Possibly even in your own life, what you thought was your very weak faith in Jesus and great ignorance of the bible was nevertheless overruled so that many people have been helped and encouraged by you.

We should never despise the day of small things. Always be ready to speak a word for the Lord or to do somebody a kindness. You never know what kind of consequence that may lead to, or what blessings may flow into someone else’s life.

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank you for your great grace that overrules all our sins and mistakes. Take me today, even though I am just a “mustard seed” and use me for your glory in the lives of others. Amen”

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Book Review: Messy Grace

Author: Caleb Kaltenbach  Reviewed by Tim Challies

How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction

Messy GraceWhen he was a teenager, Caleb Kaltenbach came out to his parents. With fear and trembling, he told first his father and then his mother about a growing realization within, about his acceptance of a whole new identity. His parents responded coldly, they responded with disappointment, they responded with anger, they responded by telling Caleb that he had betrayed them and all they stood for. His is like many other coming out stories you have heard except for this: Caleb was coming out as a Christian to his gay parents.

Caleb Kaltenbach’s parents, both accomplished academics, divorced when he was just 3. Shortly thereafter his mother fell in love with a woman and settled into life with her. His father began to live as a gay man, though it would take some time before Caleb understood that. His childhood, then, was split between his father’s home, where he experienced a watered-down, liberal version of the Christian faith, and his mother’s home where he heard only that the Bible was homophobic and irrelevant, that Jesus was for the weak and pathetic, and that Christians were hateful. His mother was active in the gay rights movement, serving on GLAAD’s board, marching in parades, and fighting hard for the rights of gay people to be fully accepted and fully integrated into every part of society.

While Caleb grew up in this environment he had friends who were Christians and eventually those Christians began to share the gospel with him. He began to investigate the claims of the Bible and began to investigate the man who said he was the world’s only Savior. Over time he became persuaded that it was all true and put his faith in Jesus Christ. But then he had to tell his parents. He had to convince his parents that he still loved them, that he still wanted to be their son, that he still wanted them to be part of his life, that his new religious convictions did nothing to change his love and respect for them. They would always be his parents and he would always love them.  Read More…

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Easter with Max Lucado

Praise the Lord 3
Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller’s gift — a pastor’s heart and a poet’s pen.  Max’s message is simple: God loves you; let him. Max serves the people of Oak Hills Church in Texas, where he has been on staff since 1988. Max has a heart for the hurting, the guilty, the lonely and the discouraged, & he has written over 30 books covering these and other subjects.
He Chose the Nails (PB)He Chose the Nails

Linger at the hill of Calvary.  Feel the rough timber of the cross and press the nail into your hand. Touch the dirt, moist with the blood of Jesus, and listen as they tell you what God did to win your heart.

CBD PRICE: R243.60 (limited stock)

 Six Hours One FridaySix Hours one Friday

There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrows of life.  And it can be discovered in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are forgiven by a Saviour who died for you, and an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word.


CBD PRICE: R175.00 (limited stock)

 On Calvary's HillOn Calvary’s Hill

Early in the final week of Christ, the props and players from Friday’s drama are in position.  Only this is no play, it is a divine plan. Explore the final days in Christ’s life.  Draw near to the Saviour and prepare to celebrate the greatest miracle every conceived.

CBD PRICE: R115.30 (limited stock)


 No Wonder They Call Him the SaviorNo Wonder they call Him Saviour

The Cross – It rests on the timeline of history like a compelling diamond… its tragedy summons all sufferers… its absurdity attracts all cynics… its hope lures all searchers.  Jesus’ darkest hours.  Mankind’s highest hope.  They hang together on the cross for all eternity, leaving no doubt why they call Him Saviour.

CBD PRICE: R195.00 (limited stock)

Next Door Savior Next Door Saviour

One thing is certain, we can’t ignore Him.  If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.  Dismiss him?  We cant.  Resist him?  Why would we want to? Near enough to touch and strong enough to trust, we need this next door Saviour.

CBD PRICE: R195.00   (limited stock)

 Grace - More than We Deserve (PB)Grace

We talk as though we understand the term.  We talk as though we know what grace means.  But have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace, Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace?  Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.  Let’s make certain grace gets you.

CBD PRICE: R170.00   (limited stock)

These books are available through our on-line shopping cart or Head Office store while stock lasts.

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10 Questions to diagnose your Smartphone Usage

And Article from the Desiring God Blogsite & Written by Alistair Roberts

Are your smartphone habits healthy?

#StrugglesIf we are to assess whether our smartphone habits are healthy or not — and this is hardly a question that should be exclusive to young Christian adults! — perhaps a helpful place to start is by challenging the underlying cultural script that typically drives our adoption of new technologies. This script is one that rests heavily on choice and potential as such and the notion of freedom from (upon the removal of constraints, limitations, and restrictions) and is much less attentive to the reality of freedom for — to our being liberated to become more fully and faithfully human in communion with God and each other.

The familiar cultural script is that more is typically better — more interactive, faster, more efficient, more connected, more fluid, more integrated, more social, more intimate, more inclusive, more “user-friendly” — and that the further our limitations are rolled back, the freer we become. Yet many of us are rediscovering the truth of Edmund Burke’s dictum that many of the restraints upon us, and not merely our liberties, should be reckoned among our rights and the grounds of our freedom. Pursuing unguarded liberty with things puts us in very real danger of having those things “take liberties” with us (1 Corinthians 6:12). The loss of natural limitations often doesn’t leave us better off, and many struggle to re-establish these broken barriers in the far less certain form of sanity-restoring disciplines.

The Next StoryThe diagnostic tests that we should run — and should continually be running — ought to be informed by a clearer concept of what our freedom is for and the sorts of shapes that it takes. The bigger questions that we need to address are as follows:

  • Do our particular uses of our smartphones, and our use of a smartphone more generally, have the actual effect — not just hold the theoretical possibility — of making us better servants of God and of our neighbors?
  • Are our smartphones tools that facilitate our commitment to the central purposes and values of our lives, or are they — and our habitual modes of using them — constantly distracting, diverting, or obstructing us from them?

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Book Review: Wisdom in Leadership

Author: Craig Hamilton

Wisdom in Leadership

The How and Why of Leading the people you serve.

In Wisdom in Leadership Craig Hamilton shares what he has learned through many years of being a student of the Bible and theology; a discerning reader of books on leadership; a keen observer of life and the way things work; and a loving leader of the people God has placed around him.

This book is a goldmine of helpful insights for pastors and anyone else with leadership responsibilities in their church. With 78 chapters covering an extensive range of topics, this may well be the only book on church leadership you’ll ever need to read. (Click here to see the full Table of Contents.)

“Reading this book won’t make Christian leadership easy. But it will make it easier. The strategies and principles here won’t remove all frustration from Christian leadership. But they will make it less frustrating. This book won’t solve every problem. But it will help you solve a whole bunch of unnecessary problems that you really don’t need to face.”
– Craig Hamilton, Author

CBD PRICE: R365.00

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Stock Just Arrived

Grill a christianGrill a Christian: Roger Carswell

Wouldn’t you just love to grab a Christian, sit them down in the hot seat and grill them mercilessly on the tough questions about God, the Bible and the world? There are the tricky questions that everyone asks, like “Why does God allow suffering?” and “How can a God of love send people to Hell?” and “Does God care about my carbon footprint?” In this book international speaker and author Roger Carswell gives straightforward, no nonsense answers from the Bible to these burning questions and many more. If you have ever wished you could have your question about God answered, or perhaps people ask you and you’re not sure what to say, then this book is for you – it probably has the answer!

CBD PRICE: R95.00              BUY NOW

Paul - A Pastor's HeartPaul – A Pastor’s Heart: Paul Barnett

The Apostle Paul is one of the most fascinating and pivotal characters in Bible history, and his writings form a crucial part of the New Testament.  His 2nd letter to the Corinthians demonstrates that there is a deeply human aspect to Paul’s writings as he grappled with enormous challenges and difficulties.  This books insightful consideration of Paul’s situation and character sheds precious light on this pastor as he sought to care for this “difficult” church in its early and turbulent years.

CBD PRICE: R150.00          BUY NOW

NIV Clear Print Bible (HC)NIV Clear Print Bible : Hodder & Stoughton

The NIV Clear Print Bible rotates the classic Bible page by 90 degrees, retaining the same page number as normal bibles but with 50% bigger text.  Clear readable 14 point size layout with a single page to view rather than the four column spread in a traditional NIV bible, it is easier to read and annotate.

CBD PRICE: R310.00                  BUY NOW

These prices are valid on-line & from our head office store while stocks last.

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The spiritual disease ravaging our world

Written by Author & Blogger Tim Challies

“Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these,” Jesus said as He recalled the beauty of a common lily (Luke 12:27). And I suspect that even Solomon in all his splendor could not have imagined the sheer affluence that you and I enjoy today. The lily is here today and gone tomorrow, so fleeting and commonplace that we overlook its intricate beauty and fail to acknowledge the glory of the God who made and sustains it. Is it possible that we have grown so accustomed to our affluence that we have lost the wonder of it, too? Is it possible that our affluence harms us even as it blesses us?

Those of us who live in the developed world today enjoy a measure of wealth that is almost beyond understanding. This is the kind of wealth that billions of the world’s population can only dream of. This is wealth that previous generations could not have imagined. And it is not merely money that we enjoy in such abundance, but also comfort, influence, and so much else. We are incredibly, unbelievably, divinely blessed. And yet, many of us can identify that this wealth brings with it a kind of illness, a spiritual malaise that some have labeled “affluenza.” Are we sick with affluenza? And if so, is there a way that we can use and enjoy our affluence without succumbing to this ugly disease?

The Symptoms of Affluenza

In the waning days of the First World War, the war to end all wars, an unexpected illness began to break out in small pockets around the world. What at first showed only the symptoms of a cold soon progressed into a particularly virulent form of the influenza virus. Incredibly contagious and dangerous, this virus quickly overwhelmed a sick patient’s immune system. Often, within hours of exposure to the disease, a patient would show the first symptoms, and within a day would be desperately ill, unable to breathe, drowning in ravaged lungs. Passed from soldier to soldier as they were jammed together in the front-line trenches and transported by marching armies, the Spanish flu spread to almost every nation in the world and claimed the lives of somewhere between twenty million and forty million people. It is known today as the deadliest epidemic in human history, and in its time it ravaged the world.

Affluenza is a spiritual disease that is ravaging the modern world. It is similar to every other disease in that we can accurately diagnose it by its telltale symptoms.

Ironically, the most common symptom of affluenza is discontentment. Many of us have discovered that as our wealth and our possessions multiply, so too does our discontentment. There is an inverse relationship between how much we have and how much we are convinced we need to be content. Just think about Adam and Eve. They had the whole world before them. The whole world, that is, but for one little tree that God had decreed would be off limits. And somehow they determined that they could not possibly be content unless they had the fruit from that tree. And like Adam and Eve, we can have great abundance and still feel empty. We can have great abundance while still feeling the gnawing discontent that we do not have more. Just one more dollar, just one more gadget, just one more vacation, just one more upgrade—joy is always that close, but that far away. If you suffer from affluenza, you will know it when you look at all you have and still believe that just a little bit more will really bring the joy you crave.

Another common symptom of affluenza is self-dependence. Our abilities multiply alongside our wealth, and when we are most able, we tend to be least dependent. Why would I pray to God for my daily bread when I have millions in my savings account? Why would I pray for God to give me wisdom when I can already see the fruit of my hard work and good decisions? The man with little prays much; the man with much prays little. If you spot self-dependence in your life—self-dependence manifested especially in prayerlessness—you may well be suffering from affuenza.

Allow me to point you to one more symptom of affluenza: ingratitude. The Bible makes it clear that all the good we enjoy is a gift from God (James 1:17). The Bible makes it equally clear that we are to return thanks to God, gratefully and specifically, for each one of those good gifts. But ingratitude is a grave challenge to the person suffering from affluenza. Why should I give thanks to God when I am the one who has worked so hard for what I have? Why should I give thanks to God if what I have is only the smallest portion of what I actually want or deserve? Your lack of gratitude may prove that you have a bad case of affluenza.  Read more…

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Equip Book of the Month: March

Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss

Stepping Heavenward (Purple Bnd Lthr)“How dreadfully old I am getting! Sixteen!”.  So begins ‘Stepping Heavenward’ by Elizabeth Prentiss, the journal-like account of a nineteenth century girl who learns, on the path to womanhood, that true happiness can be found in giving oneself for others.

This book was first published in 1869, and tells the story of Kate and her quest to live a better life. By watching her godly mother (with whom she becomes easily irritated at times), Kate learns about striving for excellence.  The author writes with a no-nonsense approach to Christian living and employs good humor, all the while leading the reader to ponder deeper, eternal matters. The diary of Kate reveals innocence coupled with an acute awareness of her naturally human tendencies to selfishness.  Readers will learn that small things really do matter, as Kate matures into a young woman with true depth of character. There is humor, seriousness, and some sadness as Kate progresses through the stages of life. But through it all, author Elizabeth Prentiss displays an astounding ability to put the struggles faced by all men and women who desire to live for Christ yet are confronted by their flawed humanity, into words.  Both Mothers and daughters will enjoy this book.

“This book is a treasure of both Godly and womanly wisdom told with disarming candour and humility, yet revealing a deep heart’s desire to know God,” says noted Christian speaker Elisabeth Elliot. “I do not hesitate to recommend it to men, who need to understand the wives they live with, and to any woman who wants to walk with God.”

CBD PRICE:  R195.00                     EQUIP PRICE: R150.00  (leather bound journal)

Price valid until the end of March or while stocks last.

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Make the Gospel Story come alive for kids

Gospel Story, The (Big Picture InteractiConnecting Christ throughout God’s Story

Give little people the big picture of God’s story with this innovative, interactive booklet that is perfect for outreach.  More that 30 carefully chosen stories from The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook have been combined to tell the gospel story simply and clearly.  The “Christ Connection” feature reveals how Jesus is part of each Bible story, and the “God’s Plan for Me” feature leads the reader to the plan of salvation included at the end of the book.

Each spread offers a vivid 4-colour illustration, and you can download a free Augmented Reality App that brings the art and stories remarkably to life both visually (3D) and audibly.

CBD PRICE: R35.00 each
Special Promo Price: Buy two booklets & get one free
Promotion available online (code: gospelstory) & our Head Office store until 15th March 2016.

The Big Picture Interactive Bible (HSSB) for kids also available at R410.00

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