Category Archives: Blog

Don’t Quit Now…

By Trevor Bradley

Don’t quit now… You always face big battles before great breakthroughs. Rip off every label and limitation that is not in alignment with who GOD says you are.

God is filling your heart with greater JOY (Psalm 4 vs 7). Weeping may last for a night, but Joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30 vs 11).  God doesn’t waste anything, including your pain. And out of your pain you can find your purpose.

When God calls you, he anoints you.  It doesn’t matter what other people think about you or what other people do to you.  With God on your side, nothing ( can I say that again – NOTHING) can hold you back.

Have a big vision, don’t limit God.  You cannot out-dream God, he thinks big, he thinks overflow.   Whatever you are dreaming about you must live with an expectant and faith-filled heart.  God is going to supersize it (Ephesians 3 vs 20).

Make room for GOD!

Asking God for wisdom is one of the most important things you can do as you start your day (Proverbs 4 vs 7 & 8).  When you make wisdom/discernment/understanding your priority, you will begin to see  God-inspired decisions that will lead to greater levels of success in your family, your home, your workplace.

The LORD encourage you today and may you have a Christ filled day.

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Book Review: Radical

Radical (Platt)Author: David Platt.  Reviewed by Joseph Beattie

What is Jesus worth to you? It’s easy for Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live, what their new lifestyle would actually look like. They would, he said, leave behind security, money, convenience, even family for him. They would abandon everything for the gospel. They would take up their crosses daily…

But who do you know who lives like that? Do you?

The title David gives to his book aptly describes not only what is in his book, but more importantly how Christians are to truly live that out in their daily walk with Jesus. Brutally honest, with real life examples from around the world, Radical typifies a life that not only challenges the contemporary western-type of Christianity, but also describes the cost of radical small group studyliving in such a way, a way that is biblically based on Jesus example and ministry.

The way of living Christianity today is probed radically – that one can feel either ashamed to be a western Christian, or encouraged to live it just that little bit more Christ-like, which to the western Christian would be radical. David ends his book by outlining pragmatic steps one can take in living out the radical life in contemporary Christianity.

Book: R190.00 (paperback)      DVD:  R325.00      Workbook: R120.00

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EMU Music CD’s on sale

EMU Cape Town


For those of you who were not fortunate enough to attend one of EMU’s Music, Ministry Conference’s around the country, here is a chance to purchase one of their cd’s as the special conference prices.



Then sings my soul 1

Rediscovering God’s purposes for singing in the church

(paperback book)

WAS R205.00    NOW R150.00


New Song in My Heart (CD)New song in my heart



Songs of the Saved (CD)

Songs of the saved




 Songs for Little Rooms CD

Songs for little Rooms



 Very Very Very Big God, A (CD)

A very very very Big God



SPECIAL PROMOTION: Buy 2 cd’s for R250 (promo code: EMU2), 3 cd’s for R350 (promo code: EMU3) or 5 cd’s for R550 (promo code: EMU5)

This stock is available from our head office store or on-line shopping cart & is available until 14th March or while stocks last.

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A place to start for spiritually stuck people









An article from Desiring God and written by Paul Maxwell

I’m spiritually stuck. We are stuck people. We get distracted, pulled down, undone. God feels distant and irrelevant. Dane Ortlund says, “You are not abnormal. So relax. We all go through this from time to time.”

Seasons of spiritual darkness are common — even when many pretend it’s an anomaly. Even when indifference pirates our most pious intentions, and we surrender ourselves to isolation in our lack of holy zeal, don’t be deceived: Gloom in the Christian’s heart is common.

It does often look and feel different for different people:Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (PB)

  • Your daily fear of future tragedy erodes your affection for God.
  • Your experience in corporate worship is empty and distracted.
  • You feel unimpressed, aloof to the things of God.
  • Patterns of repentance crumble and fade.
  • The preached word seems boring.
  • Hymns prompt only an irregular cadence of exhausted sighs.
  • Spiritual advice trips over its own triteness on its way to cynical ears.
  • Christian blogs induce more guilt than help.

Day after day, sermon after sermon, small group after small group, we’re discouraged and frightened by a widening gap between the desired self and the real self. We feel the torque pulling between our desired relationship with God — the desired emotions, the desired disciplines, the desired relationships — and the real.

North Face of God, TheIt feels like the solution should be simple — another round of repentance, a worship song, a Paul Tripp devotion. Something. Anything. But those things either don’t feel effective or mysteriously elude us. Here are six places to start — intentions to experiment with — when you feel spiritually stuck and alone. “Intentions” are things that we easily lose. They are good, but they can be slippery. You should find yourself in one, or a few, of these intentions. They’re not all right for you. But you should discover which one might be most relevant to you now. Read through them, and search for words for your heart. Read them in sequence, and look for the helpful nutrients you need.  More…

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Book Review: When People are big and God is small

When People are Big and God is SmallBy Edward T. Welch

Need people less, love people more. That’s the author’s challenge. He is talking about a tendency to hold other people in awe, to be controlled and mastered by them, to depend on them for what God alone can give. Ed Welch proposes an antidote: the fear of God..the believer’s response to God’s power, majesty and not least his mercy.

The book is divided into two parts: How and why we fear others and then overcoming the fear of others.  Firstly we need to identify the fear of man in our lives, which helps us to understanding that the cure is to grow in our fear of God and love for man. The second part of the book helps us to examine our desires and understand our real needs and then to learn to delight in the God who fills us.   Ed Welch also takes us on a discussion of co-dependency, using this behavior to illustrate the theme of people being too big in our lives.

This biblical and practical book is user friendly as a Sunday School resource or small group bible study.

CBD PRICE: R230.00

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Tim Challies 2016 Reading Challenge

 Tim Challies 2016 Reading ChallengeBy Author & Blogger Tim Challies

Do you love to read? Do you want to learn to love to read? Do you enjoy reading books that cross the whole spectrum of topics and genres? Then have I got something for you!

Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2016 Reading Challenge is designed to help you read more and to broaden the scope of your reading.

How It Works:-

The 2016 Reading Challenge is composed of 4 lists, which you move through progressively. You will need to determine a reading goal early in the year and set your pace accordingly.

  • The Light Reader. This plan has 13 books which sets a pace of 1 book every 4 weeks.
  • The Avid Reader. The Avid plan adds another 13 books which increases the pace to 1 book every 2 weeks.
  • The Committed Reader. This plan adds a further 26 books, bringing the total to 52, or 1 book every week.
  • The Obsessed Reader. The Obsessed plan doubles the total to 104 books which sets a demanding pace of 2 books every week.

Read more about this challenge on Tim’s Blog Site…

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C. S. Lewis on the Danger of Love

Sourced from the Desiring God Blog Site

If you were having a cup of tea with C. S. Lewis on Valentine’s Day, and you asked him sincerely, “Mr. Lewis, am I better not to love because it’s so risky?” — he might say something like this:

Of all arguments against love none makes so strong an appeal to my nature as “Careful! This might lead you to suffering.”

To my nature, my temperament, yes. Not to my conscience. When I respond to that appeal I seem to myself to be a thousand miles away from Christ. If I am sure of anything I am sure that his teaching was never meant to confirm my congenital preference for safe investments and limited liabilities.…

There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness.


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Equip Book of the Month: February

Holiness JC RyleHoliness by J.C. Ryle

JC Ryle wrote this timeless classic on holiness over a hundred years ago, yet how poignant his words still are for us today. Sadly, we all know how easy it is to appear godly in public, while behind closed doors to continue in our own sin.

This modern English version will challenge a new generation of readers to live a Christ–like life. Ryle’s timeless wisdom reminds us that holiness shouldn’t be cold, distant and unobtainable, but that Christ himself is the root of our godliness. Be exhorted not to simply settle for half–hearted holiness, but to strive to be holy in every area of our lives. Holiness, Ryle argued, was not simply a matter of believing and feeling, but of doing.


These prices are valid until 29th February or while stocks last.

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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.


Mark 4 vs 20 “Others like seed some on good soil, hear the word, accept it and produce a crop – thirty, sixty or even hundred times what was sown.”

In some communities across the world, the preaching of the Word of God is met with a warm welcome and a good response. In other communities the message of the bible is either not welcomed or it is ignored.  Why these different responses? Well, one of the things that the New Testament constantly sets before us is the different responses to Jesus and His Word.

In this parable about the sower, we have before us in parable form, four different responses to the Good News. Some people hear it with hard hearts and the devil soon snatched even the memory of what they heard from them. Others receive the word with an initial enthusiasm but the word has not penetrated or taken root. All is superficial. So when difficulties arise because of the Gospel they quickly fall away and abandon the truth.

There is another response to the Gospel with which we are all aware. That is an initial acceptance of the message, but their life is distracted with all the busyness of family, children, and making money – so that the truth is eventually choked out of their life. We all know someone like that. But is all lost then? Does the Gospel appeal to nobody? On the contrary Jesus told us that there is some good soil that produces up to a hundred times what was sown.  There is always somebody who hears and believes. Sometimes they are the most unexpected people, but to them is given the gift of understanding and they produce the harvest.

Perhaps you can remember your own experience. How long it seemed to take before you began to see the light. And then even if you did not see the whole Gospel picture, what you did understand excited you and began to dominate your life. And look at you now. Even though you may be a nobody in the eyes of the world, how many people have heard the Gospel from you or experienced some of Christ’s love through you and have been blessed? You are the one producing the harvest.

Prayer: “O God, thank you for opening my eyes. Please grant me more light and understanding and help me to produce more fruit to bring you glory. Amen”

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Book Review: The Heart of Singleness

By Andrea Trevenna

Heart of Singleness, TheWhether we like it or not, Valentines Day is just around the corner, with all the emotional hype and consumerist trappings that accompany  it.  It must also be one of the hardest occasions in the year for those of us that are single, either by choice or by circumstance. And it is for this reason that we will be reviewing The Heart of Singleness today.

The world tells single women that they most need to find a guy, at least for a night. The church often seems to suggest they most need a husband. Is it really possible to be a single Christian woman and be satisfied?  Andrea Trevenna takes readers to the heart of singleness-to what our hearts need, how they feel, and the ways they can be deceived. She shows that there is a way for singleness not to be at best a quiet regret, and at worst a personal tragedy. She points to the ultimate, and only, place where anyone, single or married, finds true satisfaction-knowing, and enjoying knowing, Christ.

This book is written for single women – whatever your experience in life so far – and for friends of single women.  it will help you to listen to what your heart tells you, think about whether your heart is right and discover the place where your heart’s longing are truly met. Discover the way to be single and satisfied.

CBD PRICE: R105.00


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Valentine’s Day Promotion

Valentines day image cropped

NLT Love Languages Devotional Bible (HC)NLT Love Languages Devotional Bible (Moody Publishers)

Dr. Gary Chapman has become a trusted expert on relationships. His teaching is based on the timeless wisdom of God’s Word. This bible has a straightforward approach to reading through Scripture, complemented by brief devotional readings that apply the text to real-life relationships which will deepen couples’ understanding of God and of each other. The Love Languages Devotional Bible covers numerous topics, including: communication, expectations, roles, sex, conflict, money, children, in-laws, and more.

WAS: R340   NOW: R170.00


Vow, The (Carpenter)The Vow by By Kim & Kricket Carpenter

Life as Kim and Krickitt Carpenter knew it was shattered when 2 months after their marriage, a devastating car wreck left Krickitt with a massive head injury and in a coma for weeks.  When she finally awoke, she had no idea who Kim was with no recollection of their relationship.  Against all odds, but through the common faith in Christ that sustained them, Kim and Krickitt fell in love all over again. Even though Kim stood by Krickitt through the darkest times a husband can ever imagine, he insists, “I’m no hero. I made a vow”.

Was: R192.68   NOW: R120.00


5 Paths to the Love of Your Life5 Paths to the Love of your Life: Defining your dating style

Decide for yourself. Tired of catch-all, simplistic theories on dating? Join the club. Dating, relationships, and marriage are all too important to risk on one person’s unproven advice. In 5 Paths to the Love of Your Life, respected relationship experts and best-selling authors help you gain new insight into dating and marriage. They offer you sound advice that is grounded in biblical truth and their own personal experiences.

CBD PRICE: R105.00


 We're Just Friends and Other Dating Lies“We’re just friends” and other dating lies by Chuck Milian

Hurt feelings, unmet expectations, dashed hopes, misplaced trust – these are just some of the potential time bombs that explode in dating relationships leaving a trail of broken hearts. Does it have to be this way? Do you have to stop dating to protect yourself and others from deep hurt? Milian educates readers about defining expectations before they start dating, and he outlines a specific five-step dating plan that will help limit relational damage as they look for someone to share their lives with and helps singles to move forward into a biblically healthy and romantically fulfilling relationship as God intended it to be. This book remedies and reduces the casualties of the current dating minefield where hearts get broken daily and sometimes never recover.

CBD PRICE: R160.00


Prices valid until end February 2016 or while stocks last.

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Not “Though” but “When”.

By Trevor Bradley

Sometimes we create scenarios in our minds as to how we will react if adverse, or need I say pleasant,  circumstances come upon us…  For example – “if I have a huge windfall, I will give to that person…that charity…that ministry”.  Very few of us can foresee or anticipate the sudden “storm”, “hurricane”, “tragedy”, or “collapse” in our lives.  At times we look at the misfortunes or mishaps of others and we silently believe that we are immune.

Though it may not happen (and who can tell), how will I react when does?  What is my anchor, my bulwark, my haven, my harbor?  There’s a beautiful verse tucked away in

Habakkuk 3 vs 17:  “Though/when…the fig tree does not blossom…And there be no fruit on the vine.  Though/when…the olives crops fail…and the fields produce no food.
Though/when…there be no cattle in the stalls…and there be no sheep in the pen”.

Hear the prophets heart. He is saying that there are no certainties in one’s life,save death and taxes..But he had already determined how he would handle, react to the “side-swipes” that life can dish out

If we look, we will see that what the prophet saw was a man/family who had IN HOPE, planned, planted and sowed.  And what they had reaped was disappointment… for they got nothing in return.  We see that their assets had been either sold or had been stripped away.  They were without any nest egg, it was all gone,  and what they faced was devastation and nothingness.


“God I know that you know, that you see, that you are near, that you care.  And no matter what befalls me, I will not allow the devil to rob me of my joy, steal my calling and destroy my faith. I will trust you no matter what.  I will sing as Horatio Stafford wrote ” It is well, it is well, with my soul.”  Write your eternal words on our hearts Lord, and give us grace to believe that you are the God of all grace, the God who is a loving Father and our all powerful redeemer and saviour. You will never leave us nor forsake us.

Give to us new songs in our hearts , that our mouths will be full of praise and thanks to you who is our all-sufficient God, the God of more than enough.  That even though we may not be experiencing the winds of adversity nor the sea of heartbreak, when they do come we will be ready to rejoice in You our strength and the God of our salvation.

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