Category Archives: Blog

Book Review: Meaning of Marriage

Author: Timothy & Kathy Keller   Reviewed by Joseph & Lisa Beattie

Meaning of Marriage (Riverhead)(PB)How many people would have thought, thought of what Timothy and Kathy Keller lay out in their book? Only God. In Ephesians chapter 5, Paul outlines the basis for solid Christ-like marriages, yet Timothy and Kathy help us understand it, pragmatically.

Honestly real and applicable, The Meaning of Marriage is easily read by the Christian and non-Christian alike to not only refine their marriage, but also assist one in why it is important to stick marriage out when it often doesn’t make sense. Defining what true love is, how friendship should underlie a solid relationship and how this looks like in real life after a covenant is made by two imperfect people, makes this book not only an inspiring, but humbling book to read for the already married; and also for those looking into getting into marriage or not wanting to make a true commitment to marriage.

CBD PRICE: R270.00  (Valid while stocks last)

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New Arrivals for January


Gospel Commision Writers to-Read
 The Gospel Commission

By Michael Horton

 Writers to Read

By Douglas Wilson

At a time when churches are engaged in creating mission statements and strategic plans Horton argues that we should ask ourselves anew whether we are ambassadors following the script we have been given, or building our own kingdoms with our own blueprint. If books are among our friends, we ought to choose them wisely.  But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. The author introduces us to nine of his favorite authors over the last 150 years, exploring their lives, works and legacies. He opens our eyes to literary mentors who teach us what good writing looks like, and helps us become better readers in the process.
R205.00 R275.00
Buy now 2 Buy now 2
Story of Everything, The Prayer Praise-and-Promises-
The Story of Everything

By Jared C. Wilson

 Prayer, Praise & Promises

 By Warren Wiersbe

We’re all searching for significance – something deeper, richer, and bigger than what we can see in our unremarkable, everyday routines. The greatest news we can hear is that God has a very real purpose for everything in this life. This book explores the redemptive story that God is telling in and through the world. Psalms have always held a special place in worship. From expressions of joy and thanksgiving to heart wrenching please for mercy and strength, these poetic verses have been the basis of Christian worship for millennia.   You can experience the richness of the Psalms every day in this classic book,  asWiersbe plumbs the depths of the Psalms and adds personal devotions and reflections you will want to savour all year long.
R260.00 R185.00
Buy now 2 Buy now 2

Valid until end of January 2016 or while stocks last.

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Parenting well in a digital world

Parenting well in a digital world

By Author & Blogger Tim Challies

Even at the best of times there is nothing simple about raising children. But throw in a million new technologies—new devices and social networks and apps—and things get far more complicated still. This is every parent’s challenge today. Yesterday I offered a few tips on living well in a digital world and today I want to offer some tips on parenting well. I will use the same format: 3 things you need to put off or reject, and 3 things you need to put on or embrace.

Reject Ignorance, Embrace Education

You need to put off ignorance and in its place put on knowledge. Whenever a new technology invades society, we see a consistent pattern: the older people tend to reject it while the younger people embrace it. The older people are perfectly content with the technologies they have always known, while the younger people are excited to try something new. The younger generation surges forward and the older is left behind.

This is true of parents. Parents often feel intimidated by new technologies, so do not bother to investigate them. Instead, they hand their children devices without really understanding their power and capabilities, and that leaves the children as the ones who bear all the risk. This is what we saw at the dawn of the Internet, where parents handed their children a computer and an Internet connection, never even considering that their children might just look for and find pornography. As a consequence, we found an entire generation of young people addicted to porn. Why? Because the parents did not do what they should have done. It is easy to blame the boys, but we also need to look to those parents who did not fulfill their responsibility.

So parent, you need to reject ignorance and choose education. As new technologies come along and as existing technologies evolve, you need to remain educated about them. Before handing your children those new, shiny gadgets, or before allowing them to join those new, exciting social networks, or before letting them download the new apps everyone else is using, you need to educate yourself. Reject the temptation to be passive and ignorant, and instead force yourself to get educated.  Read More…

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Book Review: Struggles

Author: Craig Groeschel   Reviewed by Val Viljoen (reviewer for Gateway News)

#StrugglesInformation technology has completely transformed our lives. The benefits are numerous — instant communication with loved ones all over the world through social media, access to a plethora of video and audio teachings and preachings as well as entertainment in the comfort of our own homes, breaking news at all times as well as access to the reaction by the public to these issues – the list goes on.

But as we are all well aware, there are many pitfalls and we in our human frailties are prone to finding those pits to fall into. #struggles has been written to address this issue and to alert and hopefully protect us and those we have influence over to the many dangers inherent in IT. Easy access to pornography is an obvious danger and the author addresses this by giving practical suggestions. For example he himself uses tracking softwear that sends detailed reports of his Internet activity to two men, both of whom have authority to remove him from his role as pastor. I want to emphasise that the author has chosen to do this because of his awareness of his weaknesses and vulnerabilities — it is not something imposed upon him.  Read More…

CBD PRICE: R300.00

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Back to Bible College Promotion

Back to Bible College Promotion

bible college students

Brown's Dictionary of Bible Characters Concise-Dictionary-of-New-Testament-Gree
 Brown’s Dictionary of Bible Characters
 Concise Dictionary of New Testament Greek
By John Brown By Warren Trenchard
R175.00 (was R350) R260.00 (Was R310)
Buy now Buy now
How to Read Genesis New Bible Dictionary
How to read Genesis
 New Bible Dictionary
By Tremper Longman  IVP
R70.00  (Was R135.71) R315.00  (Was R628.57)
Buy now Buy now

Valid until end of January 2016 or while stocks last.

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Teaching your kids about the seriousness of sin

The story of Cain & Abel: Helping your kids to develop a proper doctrine of sin.

Written by Brian Dembowczyk: Brian is the team leader for The Gospel Project for Kids. He served in local church ministry for over 16 years before coming to LifeWay Publishers.

Gospel ProjectSeveral years ago when I was pastor of a church in Kentucky, I went out to lunch with a group from the church and was introduced to my first hot brown. They had two sizes—regular and large—so of course I ordered the large and I enjoyed every bite of the creamy, cheesy bacon and turkey sandwich.  As I finished my lunch, one of the ladies in the group said, “You know, Brian, they have this huge brownie sundae here that I have never seen anyone finish. I’ll buy you one if you think you can finish it.”

Gospel Project for pre schoolTwo things I need to mention at this point. First, I don’t back down easily from a challenge. Second, this kind, sweet lady set me up. She knew all along that she was going to challenge me to this and yet she allowed me to order the large hot brown instead of the regular one.  Needless to say, I finished the brownie sundae (although I really only enjoyed the first half of it).  Also needless to say, I had a stomach ache for pretty much the rest of that day.  But, alas, like a moth to the flame, I kept shoveling brownie ice cream goodness into my mouth. Spoon after spoon. I knew better, but I didn’t listen to my brain or my swelling belly. I listened to my pride instead.

All of us are that way when it comes to sin, too, aren’t we? We know better, yet we find ourselves drawn toward sin and the next thing you know, we are sick to our stomach spiritually. We weren’t the first. I’m sure Adam and Eve felt that way right after the Fall, and we know that Cain did soon after.

As you walk through Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16,25-26) with your kids this week, you will want to help them understand how serious sin is and how we are all susceptible to its pull. We often hear people talk about their sin with a “the Devil made me do it” or a “the world is pulling me down” mentality. It is certainly true that Satan and his demons are active in leading people astray. It is also certainly true that the world’s fallen systems entice people to rebel against God. However, we have to be careful that we don’t give our own flesh a free pass.

We are quite good at sinning on our own without the help of Satan or the world.

Notice that God warned Cain bluntly that if he was not careful, sin would devour him. That is a warning we want our kids to hear and appreciate. As much as we love our kids, as cute as they are, and as innocent as they seem, let’s not forget that they are sinners by nature, just like us. They want to sin. They enjoy sin. And the world is indeed making it easier for them to give in to sin.

So don’t miss this opportunity to talk with them about how serious sin is. But at the same time, we don’t want to demoralize our kids and lead them to believe that there is no hope. This is the perfect opportunity to share the gospel and talk about how following Jesus is not a matter of what we can do for Him, but what He has done for us. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, He has provided total forgiveness for all who trust Him. And because of the gospel, we can live in freedom and grace, knowing that we are fully forgiven and fully accepted by God.

With all of that said, here are seven action steps you will want to help your kids take as they develop a proper doctrine of sin.  Read More…

CBD stock the range of Gospel Project curriculum for the whole church.

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Beat the exchange rate

Bible Study Resources at pre-inflation prices (valid until end January 2016)

2 Corinthians (For Everyone Bible Study) Wright, N T SPCK R85.71 47% R45.00 2-Corinthians-For-Everyone-Bible-Study
Anointed Transformed Redeemed (DVD) Moore, Beth Lifeway  R464.29  50%  R230.00 anointed, Transformed redeemed
Anointed Transformed Redeemed (Workbook) Moore, Beth Lifeway   R207.14  49% R105.00 anointed, Transformed redeemed
Beyond Eden (Genesis 1-11 Jensen & Payne Matthias Media  R71.43  44%  R40.00 Beyond Eden (Genesis 1-11) New Format
Early Church (Acts 1-12) Cardinal, Esma Christian Focus Publications  R50.00  50%  R25.00 The Early Church Acts 1-12 (Geared For Growth)
From Sinner to Saint (Workbook)

DVD avail @ R137.10

Chapman & Roberts Matthias Media  R51.43  51%  R25.00 From Sinner to Saint (Workbook)
Getting to Know God (Exodus 1-20) Smith, Bryson Matthias Media R45.71  45% R25.00  Getting to know God
God’s Heart for My Heart (Geared for Growth)  Bowden, Ian Christian Focus Publications R50.00  50% R25.00 God's Heart My Heart (Geared for Growth)
How to Lead a Lifeguide Bible Study  Bunch & Kuhatschek   IVP  R85.71  47% R45.00 How to lead a lifeguide bible study
In the Sight of God (Participants) Cheung, Gordon Matthias Media R51.43 51% R25.00 In the Sight of God (Participants)
Living your life as a beautiful offering: Wkbk

DVD Avail @ R865.00

Thomas, Angela Lifeway R121.43 38% R75.00 Living your life as a beautiful offering
Problems of Life (Geared for Growth) Edwards, Ann Christian Focus Publications R50.00 50% R25.00 Problems of Life, The (Geared for Growt
Ruth – Love, Loss & Legacy (Workbook)

No DVD required

Minter, Kelly Lifeway   R192.86  48% R100.00  Ruth - Love lost
Saints in Service (Geared for Growth) Drew & Dinnen Christian Focus Publications  R50.00  50%  R25.00 Saints in Service (Geared for Growth)
Warning Signs (Jonah) Reid, Andrew Matthias Media R85.71 47% R45.00 Warning Signs (Jonah)

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Not another one

By Trevor Bradley

Coming to work this morning, the radio talk show host was discussing a number of topics – the start of the new academic year for children, load shedding and low expectations for a better year economically.  Hope is low and expectations are dim because of the year we had last year.

I met with someone yesterday and their cry was “ not another year like last year”.  What are we to do as Christians?  How are we to react to the ‘system’ we live in?  If say I am different, it’s time I started living ‘the difference’.

There is a beautiful verse tucked away in Romans 15 vs 13. Listen to it and may the Holy Spirit wash His word over our hearts,minds and spirit today. ” Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy & peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit”.

Who doesn’t want a bit of that? HOPE  JOY  PEACE?

I want to start at the back of the verse, and say that we will not know and live this divine dynamic in and through our own strength.  It has to, and will only come, through us coming to the Holy Spirit, admitting our powerlessness and asking Him to live His life out through us.  And the fruits of that surrender will be HOPE,JOY and PEACE.

The verse hinges on 2 little words – “In Believing”.  It is as I exercise faith.  Today may we know what it’s like to live out that reality through the power of Him in us (Colossians 1 vs 27).

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Let’s be Frank: Thought for the day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Fear of the Lord

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools’ despise wisdom and discipline”.

Many would agree that our world needs men and women of integrity and moral vigour as leaders. Some have called for a moral revolution and I suppose it is not far off the mark to say that the whole world is sick and tired of corruption and dishonesty and the moral bankruptcy of our society. What is the answer?

According to the bible what we need is “wisdom”. Wisdom is the ability to know what to do, how to make right decisions and how to negotiate the pitfalls of life. But also, according to the bible, there is an “anti-wisdom”. By that I mean an alternative view of wisdom that sees life purely in worldly terms. Thus men and women are able to exercise a sort of natural cunning and make a lot of money and build empires.

The bible’s view of wisdom however is different. Its starting point is the FEAR OF THE LORD. That is the language the Old Testament used for the pious devout Hebrew who truly trusted in Israel’s God. In New Testament terms it would mean to truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as God’s Son and Redeemer and to live for Him. That means that we take our starting point from Him in all the affairs of life. We think of life differently. We place a value on things that “anti-wisdom” – ungodly wisdom, does not. We value discipline, insight, providence, justice, fairness, knowledge and discretion (vs11-4).

Our whole basis for living is different. But notice that these things come into focus only as we “fear the Lord”. When we see Him the Lord of life and our hearts are captured by Him, we value that which He values and place no value on the things the world values because the world’s values are false and usually lead us away from the things that really matter.

Notice how the Proverb ends “Fools despise wisdom and knowledge”.

In Proverbs the “fool” is often mentioned. This is not a reference to a stupid person, or someone who is mentally deficient. Rather in Proverbs the fool is the man who is morally and spiritually deficient. He says in his heart there is no God (Psalm 14:1). A fool is a person who is unteachable. No matter what you say to him he will always think he is right Proverbs 12:15: “The way of the fool seems right to him but a wise man listens to advice.”

Stay away from people who never take advice but always believe that they are right in all things.

Remember that true Wisdom comes from the Fear of the Lord. Once our relationship with God is in place all other things fall logically in order. Fear Him and no one else.

Prayer: “Almighty God, Once I too was a fool thinking my own way was right. How wrong I was. Thank you for opening my eyes and for forgiving all my sins through Jesus Christ. I pray that you will keep me from foolish behaviour and help me to be a light to those in my circle who walk in darkness.  Amen.”

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Book Review: Lila (a novel)

Author: Marilynne Robinson

LilaThis novel was our Equip Book of the month at the beginning of 2015.  It is an award winning book and well worth mentioning again.

The story begins on the fictional Plains town of Gilead, Iowa.  Lila tells the story of a young girl, homeless and alone after years of roaming the countryside, who steps inside a small-town church and ignites a romance and a debate that will reshape her life. She becomes the wife of a minister, John Ames, and begins a new existence while trying to make sense of the life that preceded her new found security.

Neglected as a toddler, Lila was rescued by Doll, a canny young drifter, and brought up by her in a hardscrabble childhood. Together they crafted a life on the run, living hand to mouth with nothing but their sisterly bond and a ragged blade to protect them. Despite bouts of petty violence and moments of desperation, their shared life was laced with moments of joy and love. When Lila arrives in Gilead, she struggles to reconcile the life of her makeshift family and their days of hardship with the gentle Christian worldview of her husband.

“The value of an exceptional novel lies in its ability to embed itself in your memory long after you have finished reading it. Its value is measured in how often you find yourself thinking in the voices of the characters, or thinking through the ideas, or remembering its images. A great novel has its after-image in other books, films, people, and events. A truly great novel has a spectral presence that will follow you for days, weeks, months, even years.”              Equip Bookclub Blogspot

Marilynne Robinson is the author of the novels Home, which was a Finalist for the National Book Award, Gilead, which won the Pulitzer Prize, and Housekeeping, which was also a Finalist for the National Book Award, and four books of nonfiction, When I Was a Child I Read Books, Mother Country, The Death of Adam, and Absence of Mind. She teaches at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

CBD PRICE: R315.00 (Hardcover) SPECIAL PRICE:  R250 (Avail til end Jan 2016)

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Book Review: A very different Christmas

Authors: Rico Tice & Nate Morgan Locke (Reviewed by Sylvia Bester)

Very Different ChristmasThe title of this book intrigued me from the outset as I am always on the lookout for ”difference”.  This is a page-turner second to none and even the most conservative reader can’t help but open it up and have a peek.

When one thinks of Christmas one usually thinks of gifts and all the joy and pleasure that should accompany this gifts.  Well, this book is indeed about gifts, however, not the kind of gifts we give but the gifts we receive.

Which then, are these gifts and what is so very different about them?

Rico tells us about 4 amazing gifts, gifts that are not new to the believing Christian but gifts which we take for granted and subsequently need reminding of their worth.  I will let Rico remind you of these gifts but I will tell you that they are priceless and irreplaceable.

Towards the end of this compelling little book Rico asks the question ”What will You do with the Gifts God is offering You?”

He also states and I quote from page 51 “It’s a question that matters more than any other. Its far more crucial than answering: what are we doing this Christmas?  What will I buy this Christmas? How will I get through this Christmas?”

So here is what you do….. Get a copy of this book for yourself, get a copy for a friend, get a copy for a family member – or even get a copy for a stranger… you won’t regret it.


CBD PRICE: R55.00    SPECIAL PROMOTION: R45.00  (or R40 for 50 or more copies)

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20th Birthday Celebrations: December

Prices valid 20-31st December or while stocks last.

Missing the Point Roberts, Vaughan  Authentic  R45.71  56%  R20.00 Missing the Point
Augustine (CBBS)  Eyre, Stephen IVP R78.57 49%  R40.00 Augustine (CBBS)
Truth Apparent  Adams, Jay Timeless Texts R128.57 50% R65.00 Truth Apparent
Truth is the Word Peppler, Christopher Christy Publications R150.00 33% R100.00 Truth is thy Word
Audrey Featherstone I presume? Shenton, Tim Evangelical Press R150.00 50% R75.00 Audrey Featherstone, I Presume
Sacred Secrets


Moore, Beth Lifeway R164.29 42% R95.00 Sacred Secrets Study journal
Hosea (Focus on the Bible) Eaton, Michael CFP R142.86 51% R70.00 Hosea (Focus on the Bible)
Holiness Ryle, JC 10 Publishing  R178.57  50%  R90.00 Holiness JC Ryle
Handle that new call with care. Campbell, David Day One  R85.71  47%  R45.00 Handle that New Call with Care
Vintage Church Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R250.00  60%  R100.00 vintage church
Proclaiming the Risen Lord (Acts) Bolt, Peter Matthias Media  R56.43  47% R30.00 Proclaiming the Risen Lord
Receiving comfort from God (LGBS) Ryan, Dale & Juanita  IVP  R52.85  53%  R25.00 Receiving comfort from God (2)
Understanding Leadership (Learn 2 Lead) Good Book Co  R64.29  53%  R30.00 Understanding Leadership (Learn 2 Lead)
Help! My Spouse has been unfaithful Summers, Mike  Day One  R25.00  50%  R12.50 Help_My_Spouse_has_been_unfaithful_9781846252204
Just Start Talking (workbook) Ramsay & Stace Evangelism Ministries  R45.71  45%  R25.00 Just Start Talking (Workbook)
On Who is God? Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R100.00  50%  R50.00 On who is God
Unshakeable Confidence (Habakkuk & Joel) Bakes, A CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00 Unshakeable Confidence
Cracking Da Vinci’s Code (Digest Edition) Jones & Garlow Cook Communications  R42.86  53%  R20.00  Cracking Da Vincis Code
All you need to Know (2 Peter) Smith, Bryson Matthias Media  R60.00  50%  R30.00  All You Need to Know (2 Peter)
Amazing Love: Hosea (Geared for Growth) Russell, Dorothy Good Book Co  R50.00  50% R25.00  Amazing Love (Hosea) Geared for Growth



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