Category Archives: Blog

Count your Blessings this Christmas

By Angus Buchan (courtesy of Gateway News)

NKJV Angus Buchan (HC)In the Gospel of Luke 1:46-55 we hear and read of the beautiful song of Mary, the mother of Jesus. As I read this beautiful song again, for the umpteenth time, I realise one thing that Mary was obviously the most blessed woman that has ever walked, or ever will walk on the face of this earth. She was not divine, but yet she was a young maiden who was full of faith, love for God and was a holy person. She wrote this song to her God, our Heavenly Father which says “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant.”

Angus Buchan Daily Planner 2016My dear friend, I’m reading a song here of exceptional thanksgiving towards God for His blessing. God is looking for thankful servants. That is one of the main reasons why I believe the Lord chose Mary the mother of Jesus because she was thankful and she had a tremendous appreciation and understanding of the wonderful opportunity and gift that God had given to her to be able to carry the Son of God in her womb for nine months and then to give birth to Him into this world, to look after Him, teach Him, nurture Him until He came of age. An unbelievable blessing and gift!  Read more…

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Book Review: The Story of Christmas

Author: Colin D. Jones

Story of Christmas, The (Tales of Truth)From lowly shepherds outside Bethlehem,  to wise  men from the East- join Mary & Joseph, Zechariah,  Elizabeth  and a host  of angels  in  celebrating the Birth  of Christ!  With awe and amazement,   be prepared for an adventure as you consider  the   wonderful  nativity story.  With state-of-the-art stunning visuals that will capture the attention of any reader, this bible story is beautifully written to captivate, engage and challenge children with the word of God.

Colin D Jones has been in the ministry since 1971. He became the pastor of Three Bridges Free Church, Crawley in 1996 after twenty-two years of ministry at Wem Baptist Church, Shropshire. He is the author of  5 books, all published by Day One Publishers. He and his wife, Chris, have four daughters and three grand-children.

CBD PRICE: R110.00 (paperback)

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War Room Resources

War Room Slider

Matthew 6:6 “When you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”

Based on the Kendrick Brothers new movie War Room, here are some resources to inspire and challenge you:-

War Room (DVD Leader Kit) War Room Campaign Kit


War Room Study Guide

R105.00 each

War Room (Study Guide)
Battle Plan for Prayer, The The Battle Plan for Prayer



The Battle Plan for Prayer



Battle Plan for Prayer (Study Guide)
 Battle Plan Prayer Journal, The The Battle Plan

Prayer Journal



Priscilla Shirer


 Peter's Perfect Prayer Place  Peter’s Perfect Prayer

Hardcover book


 This means war

A Strategic Prayer Journal


 This Means War

These prices are valid until end January 2016 or while stocks last. Stock available on line and at certain CBD outlets.

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How to make Christmas the best of Times

By Author and Blogger Tim Challies

To mildly mangle Charles Dickens, December is the best of times, and the worst of times.

Very Different ChristmasThe best, because in the depths of winter we remember the heights from which the Word came. We marvel at his journey from the heavenly throne room to the Bethlehem manger. We wonder at the truth that the fingers that molded the planets curled round a mother’s finger.

And as we share time, food and gifts with loved ones, we appreciate all that we have been given in this life by the One who pitched his tent among us all those centuries ago.

It is, truly, the best of times.


Yet… Christmas is also the worst of times.

Action Bible Christmas Story 25-PackFor every delight that Christmas brings, there is also disappointment. Too many families will have an empty chair at the table this Christmas. Too many people will be alone at their table this Christmas. While most cannot wait to get to Christmas, many simply cannot wait to get through Christmas.

But the worst thing about Christmas is how the One at the center of the first Christmas gets pushed to the sidelines. The worst thing about the season is that, so often and so easily, Christ gets missed at Christmas.

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Equip Book of the Month: December

Grace Has Come (CD) : Produced by Sovereign Grace Ministries

Grace Has Come (CD)Our Equip book of the month takes the format of a CD this month.  The 13 songs attempt to reflect some of the glorious eternal truths found in Paul’s letter to the Romans. In the midst of our rebellion, desperation, and longing, grace has come to us in Jesus Christ. An appropriate CD for the month we remember the birth of Jesus into our world. Grace has Come.

With Grace Has Come we let a book of the Bible drive the whole album. This is by no means an exhaustive musical rendering of Romans. But I think we captured many of the prominent themes – grace, the gospel, God’s glory in creation, the sinfulness of man, justification in Christ, God’s righteousness, adoption, union with Christ, God’s love, election, and offering our lives as a living sacrifice. The songs are ordered in a way that reflects their appearance in Romans, although some of the songs cover one or more chapters.Bob Kauflin, Worship Matters 

This will make a great Christmas gift.

Usual CBD Price: R140.00                 Special Equip BOM Price: R100.00

This price is valid until 6th January 2016 or while stocks last.

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Fathers of the Reformed Faith


The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan EdwardsThe Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards

Steven Lawson

CBD PRICE: R170             SPECIAL: R110.00


Expository Genius of John Calvin, TheThe Expository Genius of John Calvin

Steven Lawson

CBD PRICE: R175            SPECIAL: R110.00


The Heroic Boldness of Martin LutherThe Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther

Steven Lawson

CBD PRICE: R180            SPECIAL: R110.00


Daring Mission of William Tyndale, TheThe Daring Mission of William Tyndale

Steve Lawson

CBD PRICE: R175            SPECIAL: R110.00


Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, TheThe Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon

Steven Lawson

CBD PRICE: R185            SPECIAL: R110.00


Ultra special price: R500 for all 5 books. This is an offer not to be missed, and is valid until 31st December or while stocks last. (please insert “reformers” on the coupon code if you are purchasing this special deal on-line).

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Let every heart prepare Him room.

Article by John Bloom,  co-founder of Desiring God.

The Max Lucado Christmas CollectionThe season of Advent is beginning again. Advent — a season, so full of tradition, so full of memory, so full of legend. And a season so full, often over-full, bustling and bursting with the exhausting activity of keeping traditions, creating memories, and recalling legends.

And as Advent begins, Luke comes to us, as a kind of a holy ghost of Christmas past, bidding us to lay aside for the moment our Christmas lists, leave the half-trimmed tree, pause the holiday movie, dry our hands from washing the cookie pans, and follow him. And as we do, all we see begins to swirl into an unfamiliar darkness.

Gift of ChristmasSuddenly, we find ourselves standing in what we somehow know is a small, ancient Palestinian village on an unusually starry night. The shapes and shadows of buildings look strange. The human and animal noises sound strange. The smoky scents of fire, foods, burning oils, and manure smell strange. The utter absence of electric lighting is strange. We reach for our smartphone. It’s dead.

Disturbing Advent Sight

Case for Christmas, The (PB)Luke leads us beyond the village and down a dark, twisting rocky path to some ignored, ignoble spot where we suddenly come upon a sight that we find surprisingly disturbing. Not ten feet away, asleep on the ground, near a small fire that has burned down to embers, is a peasant girl. She has bits of straw in her long, messy, dark hair, and she is wrapped in dirty cloaks and a blanket. A split-second look tells us how difficult this night has been for her. And she is so young.

Shock and AweEven more distressing, we see beside her a small, crude, dirty feeding trough in which lays a sleeping newborn, wrapped tightly in unsanitary, blood-smeared cloths.  We take a few tentative steps forward. We know this child, and we know this girl. But the scene is strange to us. It does not look anything like the manger scenes and illustrated books of our childhood. Our Advent traditions did not prepare us for the earthy realness of the real Advent.

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Book Review: Christmas Stories

Author: Max Lucado

Christmas StoriesThis book is a heartwarming collection of Christmas stories and reflections by the author. These stories – like your favorite Christmas ornaments – come in all shapes and sizes.  they unfold in a variety of settings, from ancient Bethlehem to rural England.  Some stories are short and others are long.  Some offer reflections.  Others imagine Christmas through the eyes of a burnt-out candle-maker, a lonely business man or heavenly angels – and all resonate with the wonder of the season.

That is what each of these unique Christmas stories help us to do.  In the midst of the bustle and hurry that so often distracts us this time of the year, these stores free us to explore the ways in which Christ’s coming has forever changed history – and us. The richly drawn characters all encounter the miracle of Christ’s birth in their unique settings – and are forever transformed.  Each will stay with you long after you read their stories of joy, love and hope.

CBD PRICE: R205.00  (hard cover)

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Promotions this week

Beat God to the PunchBeat God to the Punch: Eric Mason

Jesus demands your entire life. In Beat God to the Punch: Because Jesus Demands Your Life,  Author Eric Mason succinctly articulates God’s call of discipleship on every person.  In a winsome, persuasive tone, he calls people into a posture of submission to the gospel. Mason masterfully roots out the areas of life where we try to tell God, “Do not enter.” In light of Jesus’ free offer of the good news and challenges readers to turn our affections away from those things that hold hostage our hearts and consider what it means to be an authentic follower of the Messiah.

CBD PRICE: R195.00

Utter Relief of HolinessThe Utter Relief of Holiness: John Eldredge

What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us – the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible? John Eldredge believes it is, and in The utter relief of Holiness, he shows readers how they can be that free, through the healing work of Christ in their lives. It begins when we discover what the salvation of Jesus Christ means for our own restoration and find that holiness is an expression of the healing of our humanity.  Here is a book that explores the beauty of the genuine goodness available to us in Jesus Christ, and guides the reader through the process whereby God makes us whole and holy by his love. Readers will be relieved. Utterly.

CBD PRICE: R265.00

God, the bible & TerrorismGod, the Bible and terrorism: Simon Robinson

A graphically yet sensitively illustrated booklet, considering points such as How would Jesus respond to the London bombings?, Is this Gods judgment?, Forgiveness and justice and Seeking the Lord while he may still be found.

CBD PRICE: R4.00 each   Buy one get one Free

Buy 100 booklets for R100.00

Mary and Martha (Pencil Fun Book)Martha and Mary Pencil Fun

Each booklet presents a bible story for children to read.  Each page hides secret pictures that are revealed as they shade in the white areas with their pencil.  These booklets will make great Sunday School prizes and stocking fillers for Christmas.

CBD PRICE: R10.00 each

Available from Head Office or on-line while stocks last.


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Two New Arrivals

The Songs of Jesus By Tim Keller

Songs of Jesus, TheThe Book of Psalms is known as the Bible’s songbook – Jesus knew all 150 psalms intimately, and relied on them to face every situation, including his death.  Two decades ago, Tim Keller began reading the entire Book of Psalms every month. The Songs of Jesus is based on his accumulated years of study, insight, and inspiration recorded in his prayer journals.

If you have no devotional life yet, this book is a wonderful way to start. If you already spend time in study and prayer, understanding every verse of the psalms will bring you a new level of intimacy with God, unlocking your purpose within Gods kingdom.  This year-long daily devotionals beautifully designed with gilt edges and a gold ribbon marker.

CBD PRICE: R300.00  (hard cover)

Re-plant: How a dying church can grow again.  By M. Devine & D. Patrick

ReplantToday’s spiritual landscape is littered with churches on their last legs, forcing us to reconsider how we keep the Body of Christ alive and strong. The solution, according to visionary pastors Darrin Patrick and Mark DeVine, is to infuse new blood into the body and by seeking God’s presence and guidance. Avoiding cookie-cutter steps or how-to formulas, Replant describes the story of a church resurrection, a story that offers a multitude of divinely inspired, and practical possibilities for church planters. The result is a harvest of inspiring ideas on how to inspire new church growth. Discover a new openness to churches merging with other congregations, changing leadership, and harvesting fresh spiritual fruit – inviting us all to re-think how churches not only survive, but thrive.

CBD PRICE: R220.00

Prices valid while stocks last.

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Book Review: How to walk into Church

Author: Tony Payne (reviewed by Author & Speaker Tim Challies)

How to Walk into ChurchI do it three times every week: Every Sunday morning, every Sunday evening, and every Wednesday evening I walk into church. Sometimes I walk into church eager and full of expectation; sometimes I walk into church grudgingly and grumpy; sometimes I walk into church sick or sorrowful. But week after week I do it. And I attach very little significance to it.

In the opening pages of his booklet How To Walk Into Church, Tony Payne describes the common experience:

“I suppose it must have happened upwards of 2000 times by now.  I exit the car, usually with a wife and various kids in tow, and amble in the front door, tossing off a quick greeting to whomever is handing out the folded sheets of paper that in church-speak are called ‘bulletins’.

After a quick scan of the seating situation—who has already parked themselves where, who I might want to avoid and so on—I choose a spot not too near the front and sidle into the chosen row, smiling feebly at the person sitting on the other side of the seat that I’ve politely left vacant between us.  And there it is. I’ve walked into church.

Not exactly a taxing or impressive feat, and hardly worthy of having a book written about it, even a very short book like this.  But things are rarely as simple as they seem”.

No, things are rarely that simple. Many of the mundane and repetitive tasks that fill our lives have outsized importance: Walking into your home at the end of a long day’s work, saying goodnight to your children, participating in family devotions—these are little things but significant things, just like walking into church. After all, How you walk into church will be determined by what you think church is, and what you think you’re doing there.

  • If you think church is a bit like going to the movies, you might walk in expecting to be entertained or inspired.
  • If you think church is an opportunity for personal devotion and worship, you’ll probably walk in not wanting to interact too much with anyone else.
  • If you think church is something you have to do in order to ‘do the right thing’ or stay on God’s good side, you’ll walk in with a determination to do what needs to be done (and then leave as soon as possible).

Read more…

CBD PRICE:  R65.00

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20th Birthday Celebration: November

Prices valid 22-30th November or while stocks last.

Capturing the Pagan Mind Jones, Peter  B&H  R235.71  58%  R100.00 capturing the pagan mind
ESV Economy Bible Crossway R57.14 48%  R30.00 ESV Economy Bible (PB)
Cross from a distance (NSBT)  Bolt, Peter IVP R200.00 50% R100.00 The Cross from a Distance (NSBT)
Gospel Centered Church Timmis & Chester Good Book Co R107.14 49% R55.00 Gospel Centered Church
Manhood Restored (study guide) Mason, Eric Lifeway R150.00 43% R85.00 Manhood Restored (Study Guide)
Lord’s Supper Jeffrey, Peter Evangelical Press R80.00 50% R40.00 The Lord's Supper
Back to the Blackboard Adams, Jay Timeless Texts R100.00 50% R50.00 Back to the Blackboard
Work of Christ (CCT) IVP Letham, Robert  R257.14  55%  R125.00 Work of Christ, The (CCT)
Don’t call it a comeback  de Young, Kevin Crossway  R271.43  61%  R105.00 Don't call it a comeback
Charting a New Course Dever & Schnucker  Centre for Church Reform  R3.00  50%  R1.50 Charting a new Course
Trellis & The Vine Payne & Marshall  Matthias Media  R171.43  54% R80.00 Trellis and the Vine, The
Jesus @ Leisure Beynon, Graham  Authentic  R46.71  57%  R20.00 JESUS@LEISURE
Cash Values Payne, Tony Matthias Media  R57.14  56%  R25.00 Cash Values (Matthias) New Format
Churches going Global  Jeffrey & Johnson  Lifestyle  R114.29  57%  R50.00 Churches Going Global
Art of Living (Proverbs) Smith, Bryson Matthias Media  R67.14  48%  R35.00 Art of Living, The (Proverbs)
On Church Leadership Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R100.00  50%  R50.00 on church leadership
What’s going on out there? Benton, John Evangelical Press  R15.71  53%  R7.50 What's Going On Out There
Building for God’s Glory (Haggai & Zechariah) Bentley, Michael Evangelical Press  R135.71  56%  R60.00 BUILDING FOR GOD'S GLORY
Esther (The Guide) Bloomfield, Peter Evangelical Press  R114.29  52%  R55.00 Esther (Guide)
 Seek the Truth (Da Vinci Tract) Thornborough, Tim Good Book Co  R1.43  51% R0.70 Seek the Truth (Da Vinci Tract)


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