Category Archives: Blog

The battle belongs to the Lord.

By Trevor Bradley

Every day he goes around like a roaring lion seeking who he might devour… so Peter tells us.  Peter encourages us to be alert and to have our wits about us. (1 Peter 5 vs 8 & 9)

In Isaiah 36 & 37 it starts off with these words “And then it came about”.  Hezekiah is sitting in his palace and the King of Assyria decides to make a move on the kingdom of Judah, to attack it. The Assyrian king first sends his representative to meet with Hezekiah’s reps to warn them that they are about to get attacked.  He taunts them with the fact that no army or other god can withstand the King of Assyria’s onslaught.  Listen to his words “where will you find the wisdom and strength to fight us..on whom will you rely?”

Isn’t it incredible that when the evil one comes to attack us, his first weapon is always to get us to doubt our God?  Will God… can God… does God want to… is He able in this situation to rescue?  Are you not asking a bit to much of Him?  Hezekiah’s reps go back and report this to the King.  Hezekiah’s response is to go into the house of God – that is his first port of call.  How unlike mine at times, trying to figure a way out in and through my own earthly wisdom.  Hezekiah then goes to the one who carried the word of God at that time and asks Isaiah ‘What now…where to from here?”

Hear the words out of Isaiah’s mouth “FEAR NOT”

Wow that’s so difficult in the heat of the battle, but this is where the embedded word of God comes through and is brought to mind by the Holy Spirit.  Verses like:-

  • Romans 8 vs 31 ” If God is for us( and He is) who can be against us”
  • Isaiah 54 vs 17 ” No weapon formed against you will prosper”
  •  Psalm 91 vs 16 “Then you will call upon me and I will answer you. And I will be with you in your trouble. I will rescue you”.

God told Isaiah to tell Hezekiah not to be afraid of “their words”.  Why? “For my word is more powerful than any other word on the face of this planet. In fact it is eternal and nothing can stand against my word”. (Isaiah 37 vs 6)

And here is the crux- verse 37- “FOR I WILL”.

My dear brother and sister, let me remind you today, as I did myself, that He will never leave you exposed, defenseless, vulnerable.  He will show up in the heat of your battle and He will deliver you, as He did with Hezekiah.  The battle belongs to the Lord (Exodus 14 vs 13 &  2 Chronicles 20 vs 15).

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A Call for Christian Extremists


By Pastor, Author and Blogger Tim Challies

The effects of extremism have been on display all weekend. They are splashed across every television screen, every news site, the front page of every newspaper. The attacks in Paris have shown us extremism at its most brutal and bloody, the kind that celebrates death, destruction and mayhem.

But did you know that the Bible calls Christians to extremism as well? It calls Christians to be zealots in a cause, to go to great lengths to carry out extreme deeds in the name of Jesus. We see this in Paul’s little letter to Titus where we are reminded of Jesus Christ “who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14).

We, too, are to be extremists. We, too, are to go to extreme measures to serve our God. And here are our marching orders: Do good. We are to bring glory to God by doing good for others. Allah may be glorified in maimed bodies and blood-soaked city streets, but God is glorified in acts of love and deeds of kindness. He is glorified in deeds done not to earn favor with God, but deeds done as an expression of gratitude because we have already received the favor of God. God is glorified as we serve others in his name. God is honored in the costly sacrifice of love.

Jesus himself spoke of the primacy of good works: “Let your light shine before others,” he said, “so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). His friend Peter said it as well: “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles [those who do not adhere to Christian teaching] honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation” (1 Peter 2:12). The Apostle Paul would also echo the theme: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). The theme pervades and dominates the New Testament. Does it pervade and dominate your life?  Read More…

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By Pastor, Author & Blogger David Murray

God, the bible & TerrorismIf you’d lived during the industrial revolution, you probably wouldn’t have thought, “Oh, wow, this is a revolution.” No, it’s hard for people in the middle of massive changes to make sense of them, to see the bigger picture, to see where all the different bits and pieces are pointing. It’s usually only with hindsight that historians can look back and say, “These were revolutionary times — times of epochal change and radical transformation.”

If the world is spared long enough, I believe that many will look back on these years and say, “That was a revolution. The world was radically and irreversibly transformed in the first 10-15 years of the 21st century.” They will put together all the multiple pieces – 9/11, the Iraq War, Madrid, London, Paris, Syria, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc., – and see how they all fit together and what a different world picture they created.

But behind these infamous dates, places, and names are deeper forces that have been at work for decades and have now combined to create a perfect hurricane.

Unprecedented mobility. With modern transport — via road, rail, sea, and plane — it has never been easier for people to travel hundreds, even thousands of miles in a relatively short time, relatively unimpeded, and in relative safety. Whether we look at the Mexican border or at Europe this past summer we see the same thing — hundreds of thousands of people in multiple mass movements between nations and even continents.

Borderless nations. In the past, national borders and checkpoints would have made it impossible for people to get into one country from another without a passport or visa. The Mexican border is now more of a gate than a fence. Most European nations boast of being borderless. You can travel from one country to another almost as easily as going to the grocery store. Even when the French “closed” their so-called border on Friday evening, three escaping terrorists waltzed through a checkpoint near the Belgian border and escaped.

Greedy companies. Just as in the USA, large multinationals in Europe are driving greater immigration in their desire to get workers who will accept lower wages and thus increase their profits. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken of the economic boost that welcoming hundreds of thousands of Syrians will give to their country.

Ambitious politicians. Many politicians want to accelerate immigration and give amnesty to illegal immigrants because they want their future votes and thus increase and extend their power in government.

Political correctness. College campuses, the media, politicians, and the courts have combined to make it almost impossible for moral values, religious beliefs, and ethical conduct to be critiqued. Anything goes apart from saying that anything shouldn’t go. So afraid are the authorities of offending Muslim sensitivities that many Muslim communities in European cities are now no-go areas for police and other state agencies. Even after Friday evening’s atrocities, the Democratic candidates for President refused to use the phrase “radical Islam.”

Smashed nations. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Iraq war and its aftermath, or the the half-hearted confused military strategies in Lybia and Syria, the result is hundreds of utterly destroyed cities – even the destruction of whole civilizations. No wonder we have so many angry young Muslim men. We’re partly responsible for wiping their futures of the map. Their homes, their universities, their businesses, their roads – all lie in ruins.

Crusading Islam. When you put together unprecedented mobility, borderless nations, greedy companies, ambitious politicians, political correctness, moral confusion, and smashed nations you’ve created a wide open goal for an aggressive Islam that wants to conquer the world. There are virtually no obstacles left — no geographical, national, financial, political, or moral barriers — to hinder them.

Mass media. All of the above is now broadcast 24/7 around the world, via mainstream and social media, drawing ever growing tsunamis of undocumented and unknown peoples to Western Europe and North America, with the publicity around successful attacks provoking terrorists to outdo one another in their vile and abhorrent evil.

If such are the causes, what are the solutions? Well, it’s close to impossible to reverse or change what has happened over the past 15 years or so. Like all sin, we know how to start it, but we don’t know where it will end or what will end it.  Read More…

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Out of the Black Shadows: Stephen Lungu

 An amazing story of transformation.

Out of the Black Shadows 1Stephen was the oldest son of his teenage mother, married off to a much older man by her parents.  When he was 7 his mother ran away, leaving him and his younger brother and sister with their aunt.  By the age of 11, Stephen had run away too and was living on the streets where he scavenged food from dustbins.  As a teenager he was recruited into an urban gang, The Black Shadows, which ran a programme of theft and thuggery.

When a travelling evangelist came to town, Stephen was sent to fire-bomb the event, carrying his bag of bombs and mingling with the crowd.  Instead of throwing bombs he stayed to listen… and what followed was more amazing than fiction!

NORMAL PRICE: R165.00                  PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R120.00

(valid until end November 2015 or while stocks last

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Let’s be Frank: Thought for the day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Acknowledge Christ

Proverbs 3:5 & 6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.”

We always have to choose between two different ways of looking at life – our way and God’s way. Our natural tendency is to make our own judgements and assessments and act accordingly. But very often the judgements we make are wrong. Proverbs 14:12 is a good reminder of this: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”

It is far better to lean on God’s view of life and not our own. Our own view of life will make wrong judgements about people, about circumstances, about life in general and most dangerous of all, about how to get to Heaven. Left to our own understanding we will inevitably think that we can make it on our own. Or we will conclude that it doesn’t really matter what we believe because all roads lead to God anyway! Then on that great day we will prove to be fools. Judgement will show that we leaned on our own way of looking at life rather than on God’s way.

It is far better to “acknowledge him in all our ways”. What does this mean and how do we do it? Well, it means that we reject our own natural tendency to view life as we please and in repentance turn to Him and accept His view of life. In God’s view we are all sinners needing a Saviour. He has provided such a Saviour for us. Furthermore, left to ourselves, we will inevitably make wrong decisions – so He has given us not only a Saviour but also His own word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. To acknowledge Him thus means that we accept His opinions and views about all things. In all our decisions we want to know what will please Him most? What will reflect His wisdom, kindness and compassion? What will bring Him glory? Then we act accordingly. It is true that sometimes making decisions based on our relationship with God, rather than on the accepted wisdom of the age, may bring confusion upon us and it may displease many people. But the Proverb goes on to say: “He will make your paths straight”. In other words, no matter how many oppose you or ridicule you in the end you will be vindicated. Your paths will be straight i.e. without difficulty, disharmony, guilt or any of the things that come upon those who have no time for Christ and His opinions.

Most important of all is that if we acknowledge Him, we will acknowledge His value that He places on His Son and we will turn to Jesus as our only Saviour and our safe guide to the Glory to come.

Prayer: “Almighty God, Please forgive the tendency of my heart to act without you. Help me always to consider you in all of life and seek always to live acknowledging you and your ways in all things. Amen”

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Book Review: On This Foundation

Author: Lynn Austin

On This Foundation (Restoration ChroniclThis is the 3rd book in the Restoration Chronicles series by Lynn Austin.  Being a big fan of historical fiction novels, I could not wait to read this book and was not disappointed at all.

In the first book, Return to Me, we follow the journey of Zechariah who is part of the first group of faithful Jews that return to Jerusalem after years of exile in Babylon, and their struggle to rebuild their lives in obedience to the God who beckons them home.

In the 2nd book, Keepers of the Covenant, we trace the story of the exiles left in Babylon and the decree for the annihilation of all Jews in the Empire.  We read of Queen Esther who braved King Xerxes to save her people and  Ezra’s call to deliver his people to Jerusalem.

Now in this 3rd book, Nehemiah hears word that Jerusalem’s wall is shattered & its gates burned with fire.  He takes leave of his duties as cup bearer to King Xerxes and follows God’s call to go and rebuild the city wall of Jerusalem.  The leaders of the surrounding nations become his fiercest enemies, who will stop at nothing to prevent the wall’s reconstruction.  In the meanwhile a drought in the country has left people impoverished, with many selling their children as bond servants just to keep from starving.

It is against this backdrop that the book explores faith in the midst of oppression and offers us hope that, in spite of appearances, the gracious hand of God is upon those who believe.

CBD PRICE: R274.45   (valid while stocks last)

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Meaning of Marriage Small Group Study

By Timothy Keller

Meaning of Marriage, The (Study Pack)Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate, that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage, that marriage does not mean ’til death do us part, but merely for as long as my needs are being met.  And that when serious differences arise, divorce is the best solution.

According to the Bible, all of these modern-day assumptions miss what marriage is all about. In The Meaning of Marriage, a six-session video-based Bible study, Timothy Keller, along with Kathy, his wife of forty years, draws a profound portrait of marriage from the pages of Scripture that neither idealizes nor rejects the institution but points us back to the relationship between God and man. The result is a vision for marriage that is refreshingly frank and unsentimental, yet hopeful and beautiful.

This six-session video Bible study is for anyone from singles to couples considering marriage to those who have been married recently or for a long time.

The six sessions are:

  • Service: Marriage Isn’t about You
  • Covenant: Created to Make Promises
  • Roles: Loving through Mutual Submission
  • Singleness: Strengthening the Spiritual Family
  • Sex: The Act of Covenant Renewal
  • Hope: Seeing the Great Horizon

Study Pack (incl DVD): R545.00               Study Guide: R160.00

Price valid while stocks last

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6 Deadly Enemies of Marriage


By Speaker & Author Tim Challies

Cracking the Communication CodeMarriage is under attack. Marriage has always been under attack. The world, the flesh and the devil are all adamantly opposed to marriage, and especially to marriages that are distinctly Christian. Marriage, after all, is given by God to strengthen his people and to glorify himself; little wonder, then, that it is constantly a great battleground.  If Satan cannot destroy a marriage, he will at least determine to weaken it. To neglect any of these 6 things is to invite his presence and to welcome his influence.

I have been thinking recently about some of the foremost foes of Christian marriage and, really, the foremost foes I see creeping up to assault my own marriage. Here are 6 deadly enemies of marriage, and Christian marriage in particular:-

Neglect of Foundation:

Marriage MasterpieceThe enemy of marriage that deserves to be at the very top of the list is this one: neglecting the foundation—neglecting the biblical foundation. The Bible makes it clear that marriage is an institution decreed by God and an institution meant to glorify God by displaying something about him. The great mystery of marriage is that the covenantal relationship of husband and wife is a portrait of the covenantal relationship of Christ and his church. Marriage is from God, about God, to God, and for God, so we neglect God at our peril. It is only when the biblical foundation is in place that we are able to rightly understand how a husband and wife are to relate, how they are to take up their separate roles, and how they are to seek to bring glory to God both individually and as a couple. To build marriage on any other foundation is to neglect the rock in favor of building upon the sand.  Read More…

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Equip Book of the Month: November

Introverts in the Church by Hugh MacAdam

(Intervaristy Press)


Introverts in the ChurchIntroverts are called and gifted by God. But many churches tend to be extroverted places where introverts are marginalized. Some Christians end up feeling like it’s not as faithful to be an introvert.

Adam McHugh shows how introverts can live and minister in ways consistent with their personalities. He explains how introverts and extroverts process information and approach relationships differently and how introverts can practice Christian spirituality in ways that fit who they are. With practical illustrations from church and parachurch contexts, McHugh offers ways for introverts to serve, lead, worship and even evangelize effectively.

Introverts in the Church is essential reading for any introvert who has ever felt out of place, as well as for church leaders who want to make their churches more welcoming to introverts. Discover God’s call and empowering to thrive as an introvert, for the sake of the church and kingdom.

CBD Price: R215.00                    Special Equip Price: R150.00

(price valid until 30 November 2015)

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The World We All Want Bible Study: Chester & Timmis

World We All Want, The (DVD)Finding your place in the Bible’s big story

We all dream of a better world – a world of security, plenty and friendship.  Christians believe that God promises just such a new world.  And the Bible is the story of what God had done and what he will do to keep that promise.

The world we all want is for people who are interested in discovering the message of the Bible.  it is an introduction to the whole Bible Story – the story Christians believe to be the story of our world and its future.  And as you start to see how wonderful God’s story is, you’ll also start to see how his story can become yours as well.

Each session looks at some bible passages.  This is the most important part of the course as it is an opportunity for you to find out for yourself what the Bible actually says. And the diagrams at the bottom of that page show the big story of the Bible in it’s proper sequence.

The workbook can be used on its own or in conjunction with the dvd which includes 7 session and animation.

Workbook: R110.00                   DVD Set: R180.00

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Christian Virtue in the Age of Authenticity

By Kevin de Young – Kevin is the senior pastor of University Reformed Church (PCA) in East Lansing, Michigan, near Michigan State University. He writes as part of the Gospel Coalition.  Kevin has written 6 books, all of which CBD stock

The word doesn’t have to be annoying, but it usually is.

Hole in our holinessI opened up my big, red Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (yes, I still have one of these dinosaurs on my desk) and found five definitions for the word “authentic.” It used to mean (1) authoritative, but now means (2) something worthy of acceptance or belief or reproduced in accordance with the originals. Authentic can also mean (3) real or actual, or (4) refer to a musical chord progression. It’s the fifth definition, however, that has become standard: “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.”

Crazy Busy (IVP)In a day where people disdain hypocrisy more than any other vice and prize transparency more than any other virtue, you can be as obnoxious as you want to be, fail spectacularly, and sin repeatedly, as long as you never pretend to be any better than you really are. It makes no difference what errors you say, think, or do, if only you are true to yourself. This is life in the Age of Authenticity.

Which is not all bad. Jesus spared no verbal expense in rebuking the hypocrites of his day (Just do somethingrule, to learn to be comfortable in your own skin, to refrain from trying to be someone or something you’re not. Authenticity appeals to so many of us because it seems a welcome antidote to calculating, self-righteous priggishness.

But living in the Age of Authenticity comes with many dangers–common vices made more deadly because they are willfully mistaken for virtues. Read more…

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Book Review: I kissed dating goodbye

Written by Joshua Harris.  Reviewed by Author & Speaker, Tim Challies

i kissed dating goodbyeIn 1997 Multnomah Publishers released I Kissed Dating Goodbye, a book Joshua Harris had written when he was just twenty-one years old. In this book he tells why he rejected dating in favor of courtship, and he calls on his readers to do the same. He believes courtship represents a better and more biblically-faithful model of beginning and building a romantic relationship.

Dating, as understood and practiced by many believers and unbelievers alike, too often proves an obstacle rather than an aide to living for God’s glory. Harris suggests that dating comes with at least seven serious pitfalls. Dating…

  • leads to intimacy, but not necessarily to commitment.
  • tends to pass over the “friendship” stage of a relationship.
  • often mistakes physical intimacy for love.
  • often isolates a couple from other important relationships.
  • distracts young adults from their primary responsibility for these years, which is preparing for the future.
  • can cause discontentment with God’s gift of singleness.
  • creates an artificial environment for evaluating another person’s character.

The cultural expectation for teenagers and young adults is that they will experience a succession of short-term romances before finally finding true love and settling down with one person. This system, though, is built to fail. When people finally do marry, they often do so with a long history of heartbreaks, baggage, and sexual failure.  Read More…

CBD PRICE: R155.00

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