Category Archives: Blog

John Blanchard Promotion

For those of you who were unable to attend one of John Blanchard’s meetings around the country, here is a last chance to purchase his books at the special tour prices until 15th November 2015
Whatever Happened to Hell?  Evangelical Press  R215.00
Whatever Happened to Hell?
What in the World is a Christian? Evangelical Press R130.00
 What in the World is a Christian?
Why are you here? Evangelical Press R165.00
 Why Are You Here?
Hitch Hikers Guide to Heaven Evangelical Press R130.00
 Hitch hikers guide to heaven
Has Science got rid of God? Evangelical Press R105.00
 has science got rid of god
Is God past His sell-by Date? Evangelical Press R100.00
 Is God Past His Sell-By Date
Major Points from Minor Prophets Evangelical Press R155.00
 Major points from the Minor prophets
Luke comes Alive Evangelical Press  R80.00
 Luke comes Alive
Right with God Evangelical Press  R110.00
 Right With God
Read Mark Learn Evangelical Press  R50.00
 Read mark learn
The Beatitudes for today Evangelical  R135.00
 Beatitudes for Today
Meet the real Jesus  Evangelical Press  R140.00
 Meet the Real Jesus 1
How to enjoy your Bible Evangelical Press  R115.00
 How to Enjoy Your Bible 1
Travel with John Blanchard Evangelical Press  R140.00
 travel with John Blanchard
Dealing with Dawkins Evangelical Press  R35.00
 dealing with dawkins
Ultimate Questions Booklet (ESV & NIV translation) Evangelical Press  R20.00
 Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
Ultimate Questions Pocket Edition

(ESV & NIV translation)

Evangelical Press  R10.00
 Ultimate questions pocket NIV

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New Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer

Armor of God (Workbook)Armour of God

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is a 7 week action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

DVD  Kit: R550.00  (includes 2 DVD’s)      Member’s Workbook: R185.00

Meet Priscilla Shirer:-

Priscilla Shirer picPriscilla Shirer is a wife and a mom first, but put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you’ll see why thousands meet God in powerful, personal ways at her conferences and through her Bible studies.  Through the expository teaching of the Word of God, Priscilla desires to see people not only know the uncompromising truths of Scripture intellectually but experience them practically by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Available while stocks last

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The Visionary Worrywart

By blogger, Author & Book Reviewer Tim Challies

Running ScaredWe all have some familiarity with that deep, gnawing, pit-of-the-stomach anxiety, that stubborn worry that refuses to abate. The cause and effect may be a little different for each one of us, but we all have a time and a place and set of circumstances that causes us to be anxious.

In his book Running Scared, Ed Welch makes 4 fascinating observations about worriers and their brand of vision-casting.

Worriers Live in the Future

Running Scared CDWorriers live in the future. We are all people of the past, present and future, and worry has a way of spanning all three time zones. Fear is often triggered by past events, then reacts to crises in the present, and anticipates their consequences in the future. Fear’s preference, though, is to point you to the future, and to do this it relies upon the power of imagination.

We tend to think that imagination is the realm of the child, but it is equally the realm of the worrier. We have imaginations so we can consider things that do not yet exist. We admire people with expansive imaginations as visionaries, people who are able to look ahead and anticipate the trajectory of the nation, of the church, of the business, or of the individual. The worrier is a visionary too, in that he sees, or thinks he sees, the future, and what it will bring. He lives in the future. He creates a vision of the future, he transplants himself there in his mind, and he feels all the traumatic emotions associated with it.  Read More…

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Book Review: Yawning at Tigers

Author:  Drew Dyke   Reviewed by Tim Challies

Yawning at TigersI don’t know for certain, but my guess is that the early church did not need a lot of books or sermon series with titles involving words like “dangerous” or “extreme” or “radical.” If we need these books today, it is only to battle the complacency that can come when Christianity is a majority religion or an accepted religion. When Christianity is in the minority or when it is the object of persecution, life is already plenty dangerous.

But our temptation is toward complacency and sometimes we do need a good shaking up, a good talking to. Drew Dyck delivers this in Yawning at Tigers which carries the subtitle You Can’t Tame God, So Stop Trying. The title conjures up an image of a tiger in a zoo, taken from the wild, penned into a little cage, pathetically pacing back and forth. When he is caged up we can approach him confidently, safely, at our own time, without any hesitation. But this is not God as he reveals himself in the Bible.

Dyck shakes up our complacency in two broad ways. In the first half of the book he looks at the way we can inadvertently shrink God down to our size, to a manageable size. We tend to do this by neglecting or redefining his holiness, by ignoring or writing-off his wrath. To combat this, Dyck draws the reader to God’s majestic holiness, his (dare I say it?) dangerous holiness—the kind of holiness that caused Isaiah to fall on his face and Uzzah to fall dead on the ground. Through several chapters he examines God’s holiness from several different angles and reveals this holy God as being infinitely better than any safe and manageable God we may prefer.

In the second half of the book he shows that we can also attempt to tame God by diminishing his love. Just as God’s holiness is too terrifying, his love is too unbelievable, so we try to make it make sense in light of our fallibility. “We take the infinite, divine love described in Scripture and place limits on it. We make it reasonable. We project our own faltering brand of affections heavenward and assume God’s love is as flawed as ours. Even as we pay lip service to God’s boundless mercy, we tabulate our shortcomings and wonder whether we’ve exhausted his grace.”

The book packs a powerful one-two punch with the emphasis on holiness followed by meditations on love. Dyck is a good writer—a very good writer—and his prose is lively and always interesting. The whole “God is dangerous” theme could easily be overplayed, but he doesn’t allow that to happen. He turns constantly to the Bible and to a host of good sources to back and extend his claims.  Read more…

CBD PRICE: R215.00

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20th Birthday Celebration: October

Prices valid until 31st October 2015 or while stocks last. Available from our Head Office store or on-line shopping card.

Dog who stole Christmas, The Carswell, Roger  Day One  R2.86  48%  R1.50 Dog Who Stole Christmas, The
Essence of Feminism Reid, Andrew Matthias Media R50.00 50%  R25.00  essence of fem
ESV New Classic Reference Bible Crossway R685.71 64%  R250.00 ESV New Classic Reference Hardcover
Law is not faith, The Van Drunen et al P&R R357.14 51% R175.00 Law is Not Faith, The
Shining like Stars Brown, Lindsay 10 Publishing R100.00 50% R50.00 Shining like stars
Shock and Awe Coffey, Ian Bible Reading Fellowship R171.43 65% R60.00 Shock and Awe
Out of Darkness Olyott, Stuart Evangelical Press R50.00 50% R25.00 Out of Darkness (Exodus 1-18)
Law of Love (Workbook) Moore, Beth Living Proof  R164.29  49%  R85.00 law of Love
Branded by Grace  Brand, Chippy  Truth House  R164.29  40%  R100.00 Branded By Grace
Evangelism (LBS) Pippert & Siemmens  IVP  R85.71  48%  R45.00 Evangelism (LBS)
Trellis & The Vine Payne & Marshall  Matthias Media  R171.43  50% R85.00 Trellis and the Vine, The
Voyage of Discovery  Thomas, Derek  EP  R128.57  50%  R65.00  a voyage of discovery
Is it worth believing? Clarke, Greg Matthias Media  R119.29  50%  R60.00  Is it worth Believing
Triumph of the King (2 Samuel – Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon  EP  R121.43  51%  R60.00 Triumph of the King (2 Samuel - Welwyn)
Freedom (Geared for Growth series) Dinnen, Marie CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00  Freedom (Geared for Growth)
Freely Forgiven (Geared for Growth series) Dinnen, Marie  CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00 Freely Forgiven (Geared for Growth)
Preacher on the Run (Jonah-Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press  R100.00  50%  R50.00 Preacher on the Run
Help! I can’t handle these trials. James, Joel Day One  R57.14  49%  R30.00  Help! I can't Handle These trials
Light, Salt and World of Business Files Catherwood, Fred Didasko Files  R14.29  65%  R5.00 Light, Salt and the World of Business
 Kingdom of Heaven (Junction 5) Fawcett, Roger  CFP  R71.43  50% R35.00 Kingdom of Heaven (Junction 5)


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Book Review: A Puritan Theology

By Raynard Sims

A Puritan TheologyJohn Bunyan writes in his book “The Pilgrims Progress”, “I am from the City of Destruction, and am going to Mount Zion.”  This quote seems to best sum up what marked the Puritans – their extreme focus on the Word of God in light of an eternity with Christ.

The Puritans were largely considered to be a part of the movement of Reformed orthodoxy, not associated with Lutheranism. The book seeks to cover the English Puritans around 1560 who were seeking reformation from the Church of England.

The book covers a systematic understanding of the Bible from the viewpoint of the Puritans. The book is not set up to expound on a topic in the basic sense, but rather will cover what a specific, or group, of Puritans said about a certain topic. Thus, this book will not replace a systematic theology work of Grudem or Horton but will rather supplement it.

The book is divided into the following eight sections with a final conclusion:

Prolegomena; Theology Proper; Anthropology and Covenant; Theology;  Christology; Soteriology; Eccelesiology; Eschatology; Theology in Practice;  Afterword

Many people have asked the question, “Why should I read or study thePuritans?”. While it is a valid question, there are a number of good reasons to read (or slowly work through) this book. Not only does this book give a comprehensive overview of the various Puritan theologians (saving you from having to read their vast number of works) but it highlights what is distinctive of the Puritan tradition and theology. The authors and contributors have spent countless hours tracing out the Christologically shaped theology, drawing our attention to that which is beneficial and edifying for reader, but has also alluded to some doctrines that were wrongly interpreted and formulated by the Puritans.

It has been suggested recently to begin reading this work by starting with the penultimate chapter (Theology in Practice) before returning to the beginning ( book-with-me). This section is probably the most pastoral and definitely the most practical and challenging section of the book. The authors start by commenting how many Christians affirm Calvinism and preach the doctrines of grace but fail to live according to the standards they profess. The authors continue to highlight how much of the teaching of the Puritans were implemented in their lives and how it should possibly be incorporated in our own lives.

The various authors and contributors of “A Puritan Theology” have done an amazing work to cover the vast number of systematic topic both in width and in depth. This work will continue to be the standard for all in-depth reading and word on the Puritans for a long time to come. “A Puritan Theology” will be a worthwhile read for all who can endure the page count.

CBD PRICE: R790.00

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Buy 20 Get 20 Free Promotion

As part of our birthday month promotion, you can purchase 20 copies of any of the titles below and receive another 20 copies for free.  Available from our head office store.

Other Jesus, The (Tract)The Other Jesus (Tract)

by Tony Payne.

Publisher: Matthias Media

R3.50 each

Ultimate questions pocket NIVUltimate Questions Pocket Edition (NIV or ESV)

By John Blanchard

Publisher: Evangelical Press

R10.00 each

God, the bible & TerrorismGod, the Bible & Terrorism (Tract)

By Simon Robinson

Publisher: Day One

R5.00 each

Help! I'm Drowning in Debt (Day One)Help! I’m drowning in debt

By John Temple

Publisher: Day One

R15.00 each

ESV Economy Bible (PB)ESV Economy Bible

Publisher: Crossway

R40.00 each

How to Walk into ChurchHow to walk into Church

By Tony Payne

Publisher: Matthias Media

R65.00 each

Available until end October or while stocks last.

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Let’s be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

You are the Christ

Mark 8:29 “But what about you” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”  Peter answered: “You are the Christ”

This is an amazing moment in the Gospel narrative. Matthew records it in more detail in Matthew 16:13-20. He goes on to say that Jesus replied: “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in Heaven.”

Have you ever wondered why it is that which is so clear to you about Jesus and the Gospel message, seems so difficult and obscure to others?  Or why when in a Church service you can be so moved yet others next to you on the same pew seem utterly untouched by the message?

Here is a strange and profound truth. Just as Simon could not have recognised Jesus as the Messiah in and of his own understanding, neither can we comprehend the truth about Jesus unless it is given to us to understand. God in His great Grace opens our eyes and suddenly we can see what was formerly hidden from us.

This should be a cause of wonder and praise that, in His great mercy, He should have opened our eyes to the truth. All the healings of blind beggars or people in the Gospel foreshadowed this great event – the Holy Spirit opening our understanding so that we may believe in Christ and be saved.

As a result we should walk very humbly before God in full awareness that we are what we are by His mercy and grace alone. Consequently when we encounter those who do not understand, comprehend or believe the Gospel we should deal with them in great humility and with compassion – not argumentatively or arrogantly. For once we too were blind and could not see. We should pray that God would be gracious and open their understanding so that they may see and believe with their hearts.

This should also be a reminder to us that we cannot simply argue or persuade people to believe. That must also be the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts and minds. This should lead us to pray much for our loved ones and friends so that as we have opportunity to speak, our words will be accompanied by the life-giving power of the Spirit. And may we than have the joy of seeing many come to faith as a result of God’s gracious revelation to their hearts.

Prayer:  “Dear Lord of all Glory.  Help me to remember that once I was blind but now I can see, only by your grace. Give me love, patience, humility and compassion for others. Use me as an agent to bring the words of life to them. Open their eyes, their hearts, their understanding so that they too may believe and be saved. Amen”

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Equip book of the month: October

The Intolerance of Tolerance: DA Carson

Intolerance of ToleranceWe live in a culture obsessed with the idea of ‘tolerance’.  However, when tolerance, poorly defined, is made an absolute good, it drifts towards intolerance.  It must then, argues D. A. Carson, be  thoughtfully challenged, both for the good of the church and for the good of the broader culture.  Carson examines how the definition of tolerance has changed.  It now has less to do with putting up with a person or stance while still seeking to disagree, and more to do with not saying others are wrong.  It is impossible to deploy this new tolerance consistently, so that actual practice is often whimsical and arbitrary. Worse, the words ‘tolerance’ and ‘intolerance’ have become merely rhetorical terms of approval and  disapprobation.

Despite the many negatives about these new, often ethically deficient definitions of tolerance, from a Christian perspective there have been gains as well. In this valuable and accessible volume, Carson uses examples and quotations to illustrate his analysis and concludes with practical advice on exemplifying and promoting the virtue of civil civic discourse.

“Nothing is more intolerant than a tolerance that requires the absence of all convictions. Don Carson thoughtfully shows how tolerance, once defined as respecting others’ right to hold differing perspectives, has morphed into a pervasive insistence that no one should hold firm convictions. The consequence of such a shift is a challenge to biblical faith that needs a biblical response, which Carson ably provides. In doing so, he gives the biblical basis for true tolerance in a just society and shows the inevitable tyranny of tolerance ill-defined. Not to hear and heed him is to enter a nightmarish world in which zeal to discern truth is replaced by zeal to keep anyone from claiming anything is really true.” – Bryan Chapell, President, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis

Usual CBD Price: R205               Special Equip BoM Price: R150  

Price valid until 4 November 2015 or while stocks last.

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Commentaries by Douglas Moo on Promotion

Douglas J. Moo is a New Testament scholar who, after teaching for more than twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois, has served as Blanchard Professor of New Testament at the Wheaton College Graduate School since 2000.

James-PillarThe Letter of James (Pillar series)

Normal Price: R400



Colossians-Philemon-PillarColossians & Philemon (Pillar Series)

Normal Price: R550



Galatians (BEC)(Moo)Galations (BECNT)

Normal Price: R535.00



Encountering the Book of Romans (EBS)(2nEncountering the book of Romans (EBS)

Normal Price: R371.00



James (TNTC)James (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)

Normal Price: R200.00



Romans (Niv Application Commentary)Romans NIV Application Commentary

Normal Price: R350.00



Prices valid until end October 2015 or while stocks last.  Available from on-line shopping cart or our head office store.

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Is all sin equal in God’s Eyes?

By Author and Speaker Tim Challies

A reader of my blog site recently asked me this question: Is all sin equal in God’s eyes? It is a common question and the answer is of the variety that is always a little bit unsatisfying: It is one of those “yes and no” answers.

There is a sense in which all sin is the same. Every sin is an act of rebellion against God. Any sin, no matter whether it is an angry thought or outright murder, is a declaration of independence from God, a means of saying, “I am going to do this my way instead of your way. I choose my will rather than your will.” In that sense every sin is sufficient to justify an eternity of separation from God. Every sin grieves God and arouses his just wrath. God hates sin because his very nature is contrary to sin. This is not God being mean or arbitrary, but God simply giving us the wages due to our rebellion.

However, it is equally correct to express that some sins are more serious than others. Certain sins are more significant than others because the consequences are more significant. We observe this in the New Testament, in Paul’s description of sin in Romans 1. Here we see the progression of sin so that as people are given over to their sin and rebellion, they progress into sin that is more and more serious. We also see this displayed in the laws of the Old Testament where, for example, the consequence for theft is not as grave as the consequence for murder. There are degrees of punishment for various sexual sins so that some are punished with a fine, some are punished by banishment and some are punished by death. Each is sin, but each is judged to be more or less serious; the punishment accords with the crime. Of course we see it today as well, reflected in our civil laws and reflected in our parenting and church discipline and every other area where laws exist.

Is all sin equal in God’s eyes? Yes and no. All sin is equal in causing us to be separated from God, but some sins are more significant because they bring about more serious consequences.  Read More…

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Book Review: 7 Toxic Ideas Polluting your Mind

Author:  Reviewed by Author & Blogger David Murray

7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your MindThe worst kind of poison is the kind that poisons you without you realizing it. There’s no bitter taste, no pain, no sudden weakness, nothing to alarm; yet, the poison is slowly and steadily doing its deadly work.  In such a dangerous condition, our only hope is some kind of test that shows what is undetectable to normal human senses, maybe a scan of sorts that shows up the extent of the poison in our systems. Only then can the antidote be found, prescribed, and taken.

Although the vast majority of Christians don’t realize it, we are being slowly yet steadily poisoned by virtually undetectable toxins. No, this isn’t about chemicals or biological agents; it’s ideas, worldviews, philosophies, and ideologies that we are unknowingly absorbing into our systems every day of life, and that are eating away at the vitals of our spiritual vitality.

Thankfully, Pastor and Professor Anthony Selvaggio has provided a scan to help us see the toxins and the damage they are doing.  In 7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your Mind, he shines biblical light on seven wrong and sinful ideas or ideologies that have subtly infiltrated into our thinking patterns wreaking havoc on our spirituality.  He covers:

  1. 1. Technopoly:The iPod Nation
    2. Neophilia:History is Bunk
    3. Egalitarianism: We’re all in Charge
    4. Individualism: Every Man is an Island
    5. Materialism: All That Matters is Matter
    6. Consumerism: Shop Till You Drop
    7. Relativism: What is Truth?

Even more thankfully, Selvaggio also provides antidotes to these terrible toxins, biblical truths with which to attack these infiltrators and drive them out of our minds and heart, with #1 and #4 being both especially convicting and especially converting for me.

I predict that as you read you will be stunned to discover how some of these viruses have wormed their way into your thinking and you’ll be grateful to Selvaggio for helping you not only to identify them but also to train you with biblical strategies to combat and defeat them.

It’s a book that stirs us out of our passivity and onto the offensive “to pick up intellectual arms and join the battle for the mind.” It’s a call to battle conformity to the world, but not the kind of worldliness that focuses merely on external behavior; rather it’s a summons to fight against thinking like the world.

Although this is a book that everyone can benefit from (and I certainly did), its popular style, contemporary references, and brevity make it especially helpful for High School and College age readers. It would be ideal for Church Youth Groups and for High School Apologetics courses. Also, great Sunday afternoon reading for teenagers.

CBD PRICE: R155.00

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