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Resources from Good Book Co

Ephesians for YouEphesians For You: Richard Coekin

In a world where Christianity seems increasingly side lined and even irrelevant, we need to grasp the truths of this faith-affirming, life-changing letter. Ephesians is a book that excites us about all we have in Christ, transforms our view of our church, thrills us as we see our part in God’s amazing plan, and challenges us about our day-to-day lives. In Ephesians for you, Richard Coekin, brings his trademark clear teaching and challenging Ephesians (Good Book Guide)application to every page. The accompanying bible study has 8 sessions which will take groups through the whole letter, explaining and applying it to our lives as church members and as individuals.

Ephesians for You:- Special Price: R120.00  (R145.00)

Ephesians (Good Book) Special price: R40.00  (R50.00)

Gospel Shaped Outreach (DVD Leader Kit)Gospel Shaped Church is a five-module course from The Gospel Coalition. It is designed to take the whole church family on a journey to discover how the gospel should shape every part of their life and witness. Five immersive modules look at the impact of the gospel on worship, outreach, daily living, work and caring for those in need.  Each Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to evaluate, plan, promote and run an engaging and immersive program with your church.

Gospel Shaped Worship (DVD Leader Kit)Gospel Shaped OutreachSpecial launch price: R700.00                This 9 week resource explores what it means for a church to be a community with a message and a mission to the world.  Watch the Gospel Shaped Outreach Trailer here.

Gospel Shaped Worship  – Special launch price: R700.00        This 7 week resource explores what it means for a church to be a worshiping community which encompasses the whole of life. Watch the Gospel Shaped Worship Trailer here.

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Tests and Temptations


Devotion by Blogger & Author Tim Challies

Life is full of difficult circumstances. Life inevitably involves circumstances that we would never have chosen on our own. Yet, the Bible assures, God does not work his grace in his people despite circumstances, but right through the middle of them.

As we look at life’s difficult circumstances, we can sometimes be confused about what this thing is and what it is meant to accomplish. The Bible tells us that there are at least two categories of difficult circumstances: there are tests and there are temptations (see James 1). Both of these exist, but they have very different sources and very different purposes. Every test is an invitation to grow in your faith and draw closer to God; every temptation is an invitation to weaken your faith and push God away. You face that battle every day.

The tricky thing is that the very same circumstances that bring us great blessing also tend to bring us sore temptation. Is this a test or a temptation? It may be both.

Read More…

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Book Review: Women of the Word

Author: Jen Wilken    Reviewed by Tim Challies

Women of the WordWilkin loves God’s Word and she loves to teach others to love it as well. Her book is designed to awaken that same love in others, and especially in other women. It is, after all, meant to call women to the Word so they can be women of the Word.

She opens biographically, telling about her growing passion for the Bible—for reading it, for knowing it, for teaching it to others. She explains that the book’s purpose is “to teach you not merely a doctrine, concept, or story line, but a study method that will allow you to open up the Bible on your own. It intends to challenge you to think and to grow, using tools accessible to all of us, whether we hold a high school diploma or a seminary degree, whether we have minutes or hours to give to it each day.”

Before she gets to a method of studying the Bible, she tells about two turnarounds she had to make in her life, where she replaced backward approaches to Bible study with better ones. The first was to allow the Bible to speak of God. She had been approaching the Bible as a book about her, a book answering the question “Who am I?” more than “Who is God?” The second turnaround was thinking that she should allow her heart, rather than her mind, to guide her study of the Bible. She let her feelings dictate what she read and how she read it instead of first allowing it to transform her mind. She wants her readers to know that they cannot love what their minds do not know.

With those foundations in place, she makes a plea for biblical literacy and follows it with a five-part method meant to bring it about. Her description of this method, along with examples of it in action, consume the bulk of the book. She teachers her readers to study with purpose, perspective, patience, process and prayer. This method is simple enough to be practical, but significant enough to lead to deep understanding, reflection, and application. She closes with some guidance for teachers and a final call to a commitment to the Word.  Read more…

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20th Birthday Celebration: September Promotion


Prices valid until 30th September 2015 or while stocks last.

 Translating the Bible into Action Hill, Harriet & Margaret  IVP  R121.43  51%  R60.00  Translating the bible into action
For men only Feldhahn, Shelti Multnomah R185.71 73%  R50.00  For Men Only (HC)
Story of Mansoul Woodcock, Peter & Anne Day One R178.57 61%  R70.00  The Story of Mansoul
God Rules (Junction) Margesson, Nick CFP R107.14 54% R50.00  God Rules (Junction 3)
Jesus the Life-Changer Robinson, Simon Day One R78.57 49% R40.00  Jesus_the_life-changer_2009
Sennacherib (Face to Face) Anderson, Clive Day One R85.71 53% R40.00  Sennacherib (Face 2 Face)
Life worth living and a Lord worth Loving Olyott, Stuart Evangelical Press R100.00 50% R50.00  Life Worth Living
Light in the Darkness  Webb-Peploe, A Good Book Co  R92.86  52%  R45.00  Light in the Darkness
Just the two of us  Margetson &McGowan  IVP  R107.14  53%  R50.00  just the two of Us
What the Scriptures Teach Kevan, EF  Evangelical Press  R50.00  50%  R25.00  What the Scriptures Teach
Romans, Gladiators and Games Edwards and Anderson  Day One  R28.57  48% R15.00  Romans, Gladiators and Games
New Irish Hymns #1  Becker, Brennan, Hogg  Kingsway  R142.86  44%  R80.00  New Irish Hymns 1
Mothers Touch, A Retief, Beulah CBD  R40.00  50%  R20.00  Mother's Touch, A
On the Old Testament  Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R100.00  50%  R50.00  On the Old Testament (2)
One to One (book 2)  Cornes, Andrew Good Book Co  R64.29  54%  R30.00  One2One(2)
Celebrating Sundays  Holdt, Jonathan  Dayone  R30.00  50%  R15.00  Celebrating Sundays
Preacher on the Run (Jonah-Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press  R100.00  50%  R50.00  Preacher on the Run
Help! I have breast cancer Fields, Brenda Day One  R25.00  510  R12.50  Help_I_have_breast_Cancer_9781846252167
Ultimate Questions Blanchard, John Evangelical Press  R28.57  48%  R15.00  Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
 Alive in Christ (Welwyn Comm on Ephesians)  Olyott, Stuart  Evangelical Press  R135.71  53% R65.00  Alive in Christ (Welwyn - Ephesians)














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Let’s Be Frank : Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Insignificant things

Matthew 10:42 “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple. I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward”.

When the 2012 Paralympic Games came to a close in London, many thought that the event had done more to change attitudes towards disability than any educational programme or equal rights campaigns. One writer wrote: “No longer were these unusual athletes defined by their disability but by their extraordinary ability”.

Do you know who started the Paralympic Games? His name was Ludwig Guttman, a Jewish doctor who fled to Britain from Nazi Germany in 1939.  He later became director of the first specialist spinal injury unit in Britain. Little known today, the last Paralympics were nevertheless a tribute to an unsung hero.

Jesus tells us it will be like that with us too. Sometimes we feel we can do very little as a Christian to help others because of our personal or physical circumstances. Indeed sometimes we feel we can do nothing. But Jesus tells us that even something as simple as a cup of cold water to another believer to encourage them and help them on their way will not go unnoticed or unrewarded. Nobody remembers Ludwig Guttman today as the athletes are cheered from the stands. So it is from your point of view; there is nobody cheering you because you are able to do so little.

Just wait till Heaven. There you will be amazed at the numbers who will point to you as their encourager for the small and seemingly insignificant things you did or said to them to cheer them on. Never despise the cup of cold water when you have nothing else to offer.

Remember the occasion in Mark 12:41-44 when Jesus watched people putting money into the temple treasury?  A poor woman came by and “put in two very small copper coins worth only a fraction of a cent”. Jesus called his disciples and said: “I tell you the truth, that poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she out of her poverty put in everything – all she had to live on.”

The smallest deed done for Him will be noted.

Prayer:  “O Lord, Sometimes I feel so useless and unable to do anything worthwhile for you. Thank you for reminding me of the cup of cold water. Help me to do what I can for you today and trust you to use it for your glory.  Amen”

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Book Review: Chai Tea and Ginger Beer

By Deborah Kirsten (reviewed by Sylvia Bester)

Chai Tea and Ginger BeerWhen I first read the title I thought:  How quaint!  However this inspiring, honest and sometimes poignant book is far from quaint…

What I enjoyed most about the book were the quotations ( duly acknowledged and in italics) interspersed throughout the chapters. The author blends all the spices  and flavours of life, different characters, exotic destinations into a charming and challenging story.  The book is beautifully illustrated with Debbie’s mother’s ink drawings and many photographs.

Throughout this engaging and “hard to put down” biographical work Debbie reminds us that our story is actually His (God’s) story

“ I am but the pen in God’s hand- He is the Author of my story” Mother Theresa

As we delve into the pages we quickly realise her wisdom, honesty  and strong spiritual commitment that have guided her and her family through the many challenges of life as the wife of a famous sports star. Debbie takes us on an amazing journey, filled with joy, disappointment, sadness, loss and grief all woven with the thread of her firm faith in the Author of their story.

From her childhood adventures  as a small town girl, daughter of a missionary father and teacher mother to wife of an international cricketer, mother of three and accomplished journalist and motivational speaker, Debbie keeps us enthralled.

This book is definitely a page turner, encouraging yet challenging, heart-warming yet heart-rending, insightful and thought provoking, funny yet heart-wrenching. It’s about ordinary people who realise and acknowledge the Author and Finisher of their faith.

“You can’t write a story together if you’re not on the same page”  Anonymous

Another must read and “proudly South African” product.

CBD PRICE: R135.00

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I know how you feel

 By Trevor Bradley

Hebrews 4 vs 15 “For we do not have a high priest( the one who stands before the Father on our behalf) who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in ALL THINGS as we are, yet without sin”..

That’s a huge verse…  For whatever you and I have gone through..what we are going through…what we will go through…HE KNOWS HOW WE FEEL..

Deserted by friends… been there
Knew what it was like to suffer hunger… been there
Felt the pain/sorrow of the untimely death of a friend… been there
Betrayal… been there
His life being threatened constantly… been there
Ridiculed, scoffed, laughed at… been there
Rejection by his family…called a madman… been there
Had his heart broken..he cried over Jerusalem… been there
Look at Jesus life and you will see that He could safely have the words spoken about Him, written here in Hebrews 4 vs 15.

But more than that, He also “sees you”…in fact His eye is constantly on you, never leaves you for a minute.
Hear Psalm 33 vs 18 “Behold the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him..on those who hope for His loving kindness”  How awesome, how comforting.  His name speaks of this – EL ROI, the GOD who sees me- Wow..every minute detail is before Him and He carefully watches over us as a loving Father.

May we realise that afresh this day, this week.  He knows how we feel and we are NEVER ALONE!!!  Psalm 33 vs 21 & 22 ” Our heart rejoices in HIM because we trust in HIS holy name…and our hope is in HIM”

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Book Review: Purity is Possible – How to live free of the fantasy trap

Author: Helen Thorne   Reviewed by Tim Challies

Purity is PossibleNew from author Helen Thorne, this book addresses fantasy, erotica and pornography, and does so from a female perspective. Thorne is transparent (but not vulgar) in describing her own struggles with lust and in sharing how she has gained increased victory over the sin. She writes in a friendly and conversational tone, inviting the readers to join her arm-in-arm as they pursue purity together.

There is a rumour going around that women don’t watch online sex. There’s a school of thought that says that our fantasies are romantic rather than explicit. Some argue that we don’t think as visually as men, so pornography is rarely appealing. A few believe that we are, by nature, more pure and innocent.  I wish the rumors were right. They’re not. Not in my experience, and not in the experience of most women I know.

But there’s another rumor going around… That there is a way out. That, in Jesus, God offers forgiveness and change.

I’m so glad that rumor is true; that it can be the experience of any and everyone.  Eternity is open.  Purity is possible, and Thorne shows from God’s Word just how it is possible.

One strength of Thorne’s work is that she carefully addresses the heart and not merely the outward behavior. When it comes to sexual sin or any other sin that is manifested outwardly, it is so easy to fixate on behavior modification. But she coaches the reader in examining her heart, and learning the deeper sin problem that is causing her to act out lustfully. She deals well with true repentance, pointing out the difference between tears that flow out of shame and tears that flow out of a true desire to repent. “You can’t cry guilt away. You need to give it away.”   Read more…

CBD PRICE: R120.00

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Spring Promotions


Challenges of Christian Leadership: John Stott

Challenges of Christian LeadershipAll Christian leaders face challenges. But God works in us, with us and through us to accomplish his eternal purposes. Here is practical wisdom from a much-respected leader speaking personally on: discouragement – how to persevere under pressure self-discipline – how to maintain spiritual freshness relationships – how to treat people with respect youth – how to lead when still comparatively young.

CBD PRICE: R110.00    Special price: R95.00

Living Free Bible Study: Beth Moore 

Living Free (Workbook)Ready to replace false strongholds with true freedom in Christ?  As you learn to pray Scripture with Living Free, you’ll realize the life God desires for you. Beth Moore explores the somewhat radical idea that we cannot please God by being perfect. The study begins by defining false strongholds, then focuses on five key benefits for every believer. Participants can learn how to develop a Godward focus in life, while incorporating the key benefits in their lives through practices of prayer and Bible study.  No DVD required.


Counter Culture series of booklets: David Platt

Poverty (Counter Culture)Poverty, Same-Sex Marriage, Racism, Sex Slavery, Immigration, Persecution, Abortion, Orphans, Pornography? How are we supposed to respond to all of this?  In this companion piece to his book, Counter Culture, David Platt provides Biblical support and practical action steps to help Christians take a courageous and compassionate stand on some of the most controversial issues of our time, and highlights dozens of ways individuals and churches can get involved at both the local and international level.

CBD PRICE: R55.00  (booklet)

Basic Christianity: John Stott

Basic ChristianityWho is Jesus? “If Jesus was not God in human flesh, Christianity is exploded,” writes John Stott. “We are left with just another religion with some beautiful ideas and noble ethics; its unique distinction has gone.” If Jesus is not who he said he was, and if he did not do what he said he had come to do, the whole superstructure of Christianity crumbles in ruins to the ground. Is it plausible that Jesus was truly divine? And what might this mean for us? John Stott’s clear, classic statement examines the historical facts on which Christianity stands.

CBD PRICE: R145.00            Special price: R110

Prices valid until end September 2015 or while stocks last.

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Controversy or Complacency

By Author & Blogger Tim Challies

Think BiblicallyThe church has always had some of those people associated with it. There have always been people who maintain an offensive disposition when it comes to their faith. These are the people who seem to love nothing more than a good fight. They bait every conversation with a few key words, hoping that you will blunder into a discussion they know they can win. They play one Christian off another. They might elevate themselves into positions of Christian leadership for the purpose of enriching themselves at everyone else’s expense.

Culture MattersEven back in the days when the Apostle Paul was traveling from city to city to preach the gospel and plant churches—even then there were people who had an unhealthy craving for controversy (see 1 Timothy 6). At one point he wrote Timothy to warn specifically about these people. He identified them as professed Christians who especially love to quarrel about theological nuances and who have a knack for causing fights between others. It’s a too-common “gift” this gift of spiritual discouragement.

But as I read 1 Timothy and hear Paul warn about these controversialists, I hear him sound a second warning as well. This is a warning about a second kind of person who sins very differently but no less seriously. If we have controversy on the one side of the equation, we have complacency on the other. This, too, is a sin and it, too, is very dangerous. Read More…

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Equip Book of the Month: September

Anne Bradstreet by Faith Cook

Published by Evangelical Press

Anne BradstreetAt eighteen, Anne Bradstreet left England for the New World in search of religious liberty. Despite many hardships, she became famous as America’s first published poet. A devoted wife and mother, she was a woman of deep spiritual convictions, seeing the Christian life as a pilgrimage with a better world to come. Faith Cook shows how this woman lived ‘not to set forth myself, but the glory of God’.

Anne’s writings reveal the biblical truths that shaped America’s early laws and underpinned its society. Her humble dependence on God and her desire to live constantly in the light of a better world yet to come, ‘whose builder and maker is God’, provide a challenge to our frequently materialistic, earthbound outlook

‘Faith Cook’s biography of Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) is moving, delightful, God-glorifying, and packed with heavenly piety. In it, Bradstreet, America’s first published poet, declares that she wrote not ‘to show my skill, but to declare the truth, not to set forth myself, but the glory of God’. She exemplifies how a godly woman can balance standing in the limelight through poetry and politics, while raising eight children and battling illness, all the while maintaining a biblical posture of submission and humility. This stirring biography is great reading for men and women of all ages but is a particular gem for young women looking for godly mentors.’
– Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids

Faith Cook, the daughter of OMF missionaries, was born in China and now lives in Derbyshire, England. She is the author of a number of books, including Fearless Pilgrim – the life and times of John Bunyan; Lady Jane Grey, the Nine-day Queen of England; Our Hymn-Writers and their Hymns; Seeing the Invisible; Lives Turned Upside Down and two historical novels, Under the Scaffold and Caught in the Web, all published by EP.

Retail Price: R157.14

Special Equip BoM Price: R100  (price valid until 1 October 2015)

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