Category Archives: Blog

Birthday Special: Buy 20 get 20 Free


How to Walk into ChurchIf you’ve been a churchgoer for more than just a few Sundays, walking into church probably doesn’t seem like it deserves its own ‘how to’ manual. Right? In fact, it most likely seems like a pretty straightforward and trivial weekly activity. But things are rarely as simple as they seem, and how you walk into church reveals a great deal about what you think church is, what it’s for, and what you think you’re doing there.

In How to Walk into Church, Tony Payne helps us think biblically about church. Along with giving plenty of other practical advice, he suggests a way to walk into church that beautifully expresses what church is and why you’re there – a way that every Christian can master. If you go to church, this Brief Book is for you.

Normal Price: R65.00            SPECIAL PROMOTION: BUY 20 GET 20 FREE

(valid until end September 2015 or while stocks last)

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Nothing in, Nothing out…

By Author & Blogger David Murray

I couldn’t help thinking of all that power and wealth when I was preparing a sermon on 1 Timothy 6 late last week. There, in verse 7, we come across a label that God puts on every car, every house, every office, every dollar, ever title, every position, everything: “We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”

Beyond GreedNothing in, Nothing out: This is a label for all things, for all people, and for all times of life.

When you are having a baby: What does that baby come in with? Nothing. What shall it leave with? Nothing. As Job said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there” (Job 1:21). We all enter and exit the same way. Nothing in, nothing out.

When you are deciding on a career: Don’t make money, salary, and benefits the only consideration. Put this label at the top of every job offer.

Money, Possessions, and EternityWhen you want something too much: When covetousness and greed get a grip of your heart, loosen its deadly hands by putting this label on the object of your desire. “Nothing in, Nothing out.”

When you get something you’ve always wanted: Don’t make an idol of it. Don’t get too attached to it. It is certain we shall carry nothing out.

When you lose something valuable: It may be a well-paying job, an inheritance, a house, or many of your possessions are destroyed in a fire or taken in a robbery. It just got taken from us a few years earlier than expected. Nothing in, nothing out.

When you are tempted to do wrong to get more money:  Is it worth it? For something you are going to have to leave in a few short years anyway?

When you are deciding what to give to the Lord’s cause: Why not give more of it to the Lord before it’s taken by the Lord?

When you are complaining about how little you have: We all leave with the same amount. Nothing.

When you are planning your latter years: When thinking about retirement, pensions, trust funds, inheritances, etc. think on this verse. Yes, it’s appropriate to plan, but if you stick “Nothing in, nothing out” on everything, it will make your decisions much easier and much better.

When you are thinking of the judgment:  We check everything at the grave. When the multi-billionaire John D. Rockefeller died, his assistant was asked, “How much did he leave?” “Everything,” he replied.

Why not print this verse and stick it on everything you have or want: “We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”

And while you’re at it, maybe put another label beside it: “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

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Book Review: Counter Culture

Reviewer: Tim Challies

Counter Culture (HC)We are witnesses today to a massive culture shift. Things we used to hold sacred are now subject to mockery; evils we would never even have dreamed of are now regarded as normal and beautiful. And everywhere we look, Christians are on the front lines—whether they like it or not, they are on the front lines. They are on the front lines of the battle between traditional marriage and same-sex marriage; they are on the front lines of the battle for life in the womb; they are on the front lines of the battle against sex trafficking and pornography. Wherever our culture delights in evil, Christians are attempting to speak with clarity and authority.

David Platt has observed this culture shift and in his new book calls upon Christians to ensure they will not stand idly by. Counter Culture is, according to the subtitle, a “A Compassionate Call to Counter Culture in a World of Poverty, Same-Sex Marriage, Racism, Sex Slavery, Immigration, Abortion, Persecution, Orphans and Pornography.” Platt calls on Christians to wade into the cultural battlefield and to represent Jesus.

He begins with the gospel. He believes that the gospel is meant to compel the Christian to take action, saying “the gospel is the lifeblood of Christianity, and it provides the foundation for countering culture. For when we truly believe the gospel, we begin to realize that the gospel not only compels Christians to confront social issues in the culture around us. The gospel actually creates confrontation with the culture around—and within—us.” The gospel creates confrontation through its most outlandish and offensive claim:

The most offensive and countercultural claim in Christianity is not what Christians believe about homosexuality or abortion, marriage or religious liberty. Instead, the most offensive claim in Christianity is that God is the Creator, Owner, and Judge of every person on the planet. Every one of us stands before him guilty of sin, and the only way to be reconciled to him is through faith in Jesus, the crucified Saviour and risen King. All who trust in his love will experience everlasting life while all who turn from his lordship will suffer everlasting death.

With the gospel foundation in place, Platt sets out to draw attention to some of the most pressing issues of our day, and to show “how the gospel moves Christians to counter all of these issues in our culture with conviction, compassion, and courage.”

The heart of the book is a chapter-length examination of several major culture concerns: Poverty, same-sex marriage, racism, sex slavery, immigration, abortion, persecution, orphans and widows, and pornography. In every case Platt outlines the issue, shows how the gospel speaks to it, and then calls the Christian to action. He is a gifted writer and storyteller and often interweaves the chapters with tales of people he has met and situations he has encountered in his many travels. He is also a gifted theologian, and draws both deeply and accurately from the wells of Scripture. Inevitably some will wonder how this book compares to his bestselling book Radical, and I would say it has all the passion and intensity, but with far more nuance.

In the end, his call is both strong and convicting. Early in the book he lauds Christians for the ways they have already countered culture, but expresses this concern: “On popular issues like poverty and slavery, where Christians are likely to be applauded for our social action, we are quick to stand up and speak out. Yet on controversial issues like homosexuality and abortion, where Christians are likely to be criticized for our involvement, we are content to sit down and stay quiet. It’s as if we’ve decided to pick and choose which social issues we’ll contest and which we’ll concede. And our picking and choosing normally revolves around what is most comfortable—and least costly—for us in our culture.” He is exactly right, and in this book he brings needed balance, dwelling not only on issues that will earn applause, but also the issues that will earn criticism or even persecution.

Platt believes that “the greatest way to achieve social and cultural transformation is not by focusing on social and cultural transformation, but by giving our lives to gospel proclamation.” I agree entirely. His hope for our generation is this: “May it be said of us that we not only held firm to the gospel, but that we spoke clearly with the gospel to the most pressing issues of our day.” Counter Culture will equip you to do that very thing.

Watch a trailer here on Counter Culture.

CBD PRICE (hardcover):  R290.00

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20th Birthday Celebration: August Promotion

Prices valid until 31st August 2015 or while stocks last.

Idiot, The Dostoyevsky, Fodor Dover R78.57 43% R45.00 The Idiot (Signet Classics)
Envy of Eve Kruger, Melissa CFP R171.43 50% R85.00 envy of eve
Message of Heaven & Hell (BST) Milne, Bruce IVP R164.29 45% R90.00 Message of Heaven and Hell (BST)
Holy Spirit: His Person & Ministry  Palmer, Edwin  P&R  R157.14 49%  R80.00  Holy Spirit - His Person and Ministry
Compelled Stetzer/Nation New Hope  R214.29  40%  R130.00  Compelled
Confessions of a Reformation Rev  Driscoll, Mark  Zondervan  R185.71  52%  R90.00  Confessions of a Reformission Rev
Heaven (pocket Puritans)  Edwards, J  Banner of Truth  R65.71 50%  R32.50  Heaven (Edwards)
 Church, The  Philips/Ryken/


 P&R  R92.86  52%  R45.00  Church, The (Ryken, Phillips and Dever)
 ESV Greek-Eng New Testament  Nestle-Aland  Crossway  R935.71 58%  R400.00  ESV Greek English New Testament
Mark (Pillar) Edwards, James IVP R792.86 49% R400.00 Mark (Pillar) (Eerdmans)
 Messenger of love: Malachi (Geared for Growth)  Dinnen, Marie  CFP  R50.00  R50%  R25.00  Messenger of Love (Malachi) Geared for G
Help, I’m confused about dating  James, Joel  Day One  R21.43  53%  R10.00 HELP! I'm Confused about Dating
 Horizons of Hope  Edwards, Brian  Day One  R114.29  48%  R60.00  Horizons of Hope (Reprint)
On the New Testament Driscoll, Mark Crossway R100.00 50% R50.00 On the New Testament (2)
Next Story Challies, Tim Zondervan R247.71 40% R150.00 The Next Story
Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet) Blanchard, John EP R28.57  56%  R12.50  Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
 Ultimate Questions (ESV Pocket)  Blanchard, John  EP  R14.29  51%  R7.00  Ultimate questions ESV Pocket
 For the Lord we Love  Stott, John  Didasko  R14.29  65%  R5.00  For the Lord we Love
 Ichthus File (Vol 2 Genesis 12-36)  Matthias Media  R42.86  76%  R10.00  Ichthus File Issue 2


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The Narrowest Religion in the World

narrowest religionBy Tim Challies, author and blog writer.

The Christian religion is at once the broadest and the narrowest in the world. It is a faith that admits every possible kind of person. But it admits them in only one way.

There is one God. Only one: If there were two gods there might be two paths to salvation—you get saved by this god and I will get saved by that one. But there is only one God and, therefore, only one path to salvation.

There is one humanity. Only one: If there were two kinds of people there might be two paths to salvation—you are part of this group and I am part of that one. But there is only one humanity and, therefore, only one path to salvation.

There is one Mediator. Only one: If there were two mediators there might be two paths to salvation—you have this mediator represent you and I’ll go with that one. But there is only one mediator and, therefore, only one path to salvation.

There is one ransom. Only one: If there were two ransoms there might be two paths to salvation—you have your debt paid by that savior and I’ll have my debt paid by the other one. But there is only one ransom and, therefore, only one path to salvation.

One God created one humanity represented by one Mediator who paid one ransom. So there is only one way. The way to salvation is so broad that it can admit every person who seeks for God, yet so narrow that they can enter only through Jesus Christ. (See 1 Timothy 2:1-7.)


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Book Review: Courageous

Honour Begins at home : By Randy Alcorn

Courageous (PB)Courageous is an inspiring new story about everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners willingly stand up to the worst the world can offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they’re quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark.

They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their Courageous Livingchildren are beginning to drift farther and farther away from them. Will they be able to find a way to serve and protect those who are most dear to them? When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a new found urgency help these dads draw closer to God . . . and to their children?

CBD PRICE: R140.00   DVD: R140.00         Also available as a bible study

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R20 Special on Booklets

These booklets from Reformation Heritage Books have been designed to cultivate biblical godliness as they deal with key questions we encounter in our daily walk with the Lord.


Cultivating biblical godliness

These prices are valid until end August 2015 or while stocks last. 

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Free e-book from Crossway Publishers : Valid 1 Day Only

Adoption: What Joseph of Nazareth can teach us about this counter cultural choice Russell Moore

The Bible depicts Joseph of Nazareth as a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife when it appeared that she had betrayed him, raising Jesus as his own son. In doing so, Joseph provided all Christians with a beautiful picture of what fatherhood is meant to look like: steadfast, loving, protective. But such love stands in stark contrast to what we see in our world today: on-demand abortion, unreported abuse, and widespread neglect. Calling Christians to take a stand for children—born and unborn—this short booklet, adapted from Adopted for Life, makes a passionate plea for Christians to view adoption as a way to value and protect every human life.

RUSSELL D. MOORE is the eighth president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the moral and public policy agency of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. A widely-sought commentator, Dr. Moore has been called “vigorous, cheerful, and fiercely articulate” by the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of several books, including The Kingdom of Christ, Adopted for Life, and Tempted and Tried, and he blogs regularly at He and his wife, Maria, have four sons.

NORMAL CBD PRICE: R70.00      FREE download (valid until 18th August 2015)

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Monday Motivation

Here are some great books to motivate you this week.

Heaven, How I Got HereHeaven, How I got here:  Colin Smith

What if you woke up one morning knowing that it was your last day on earth? That’s what happened to the thief on the cross, who died a few feet from Jesus. Heaven, How I Got Here is his story, told in his own words, as he looks back from Heaven on the day that changed his eternity, and the faith that can change yours.


What's the Point of Life?What’s the point of life: Mez McConnell

“Abandoned by my mother, I was often clueless about my father’s whereabouts, while his girlfriend-a cruel, angry, and violent woman ‘looked after us’.  She wasn’t nice and would get angry with us kids and hit us. She would get angry a lot”.  You might think that this is just another harrowing story about an excruciating childhood but the difference is that Mez discovered a hope that transformed his life.  Read more in this booklet.

CBD PRICE: R15.00  (booklet)

John Knox - Fearless FaithJohn Knox: Steve Lawson

John Knox is one of the most colourful figures in church history and his impact is still felt around the world. The real story of Knox surpasses the best fiction novels. Five hundred years after his death, Steven Lawson seeks in this book to ignite our faith for Jesus through Knox’s story. If you think of Knox as the dull Presbyterian, prepare to think again. Let this seminal figure in the history of the Scottish Reformation inspire you to stand firm in your faith and let God impact your spiritual life.

CBD PRICE: R115.00

What Jesus demands of the world1What Jesus demands of the World (DVD & Workbook): John Piper

Do you wonder what’s next? Has your faith grown stagnant? Is your spiritual walk in a dry season? Are you interested in knowing Jesus more deeply? This study from The Gospel Coalition serves as an accessible introduction for thoughtful inquirers and new believers, as well as a refreshing reminder for more mature believers of God’s plan for His Son’s glory and our good. It includes a small-group Bible Study Book and 1 DVD with a promotional video and six 10-minute teaching sessions featuring John Piper.

Leader Kit:  R710.00              Workbook: R160.00

Valid until end August or while stocks last.

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Planned Parenthood: Four ways to respond.

By Tim Challies

matters of life and deathWe have come to a singularly important moment in the battle against abortion (which is to say, the battle for life). The stunning undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress have taken us right to the heart of the abortion industry. They have shown that Planned Parenthood is enriching themselves with the bodies of murdered babies. Not only that, but Planned Parenthood is willingly increasing the risk to the women they serve in order to enrich themselves—altering the abortion procedures to deliver intact bodies. Planned Parenthood is a business, a government-supported business, that buys and sells death.

Abortion RitesYesterday’s video, the fifth, is the most horrendous yet. It shows a Planned Parenthood representative discussing babies as line items, considering how she can maximize profit as she sells “the products of conception.” It continues to the lab where we see people picking through the slaughtered remains of a child, lifting up pieces, separating an arm and a leg, lifting up the intestines and lungs, considering the monetary value of each one. It is absolutely sickening, absolutely shocking, absolutely unflinching, absolutely real. It exposes the industry, shining a billion-watt light into its darkest recesses. What was meant to remain hidden has now been made plain.

Life Already Started, AThis is an important moment.

In the face of such overwhelming evil, it can be difficult to know what we, as individuals, can actually do. Few of us have any significant power or ability. We do not have access to the ear of the President or the front page of the Times. But we can still act.  Read more…

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Equip Book of the Month: August

Know the Creeds and CouncilsKnow the Creeds and Councils: Justin Holcomb

In every generation, the Christian church must interpret and restate its bedrock beliefs, answering the challenges and concerns of the day. This accessible overview walks readers through centuries of creeds, councils, catechisms, and confessions–not with a dry focus on dates and places, but with an emphasis on the living tradition of Christian belief and why it matters for our lives today.
As a part of the KNOW series, Know the Creeds and Councils is designed for personal study or classroom use, but also for small groups and Sunday schools wanting to more deeply understand the foundations of the faith. Each chapter covers a key statement of faith and includes a discussion of its historical context, a simple explanation of the statement’s content and key points, reflections on contemporary and ongoing relevance, and discussion questions.

“Obviously, Christianity did not begin when we were born…Today’s Christianity is directly affected by what earlier Christians chose to do and to believe.” – Justin Holcomb, professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary

Usual CBD Price: R175.00       Special Equip BoM Price: R150.00

Price valid until 1st September 2015 or while stocks last.

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Monday Madness at CBD

Introducing ScriptureIntroducing Scripture: Introducing the Old & New Testament

CBD PRICE: R140.00



Ezra & Nehemiah (Crossway Bible Guide)Ezra and Nehemiah (Crossway Study Guide): Dave Cave




Revelation (Crossway Bible Guide)Revelation (Crossway Study Guide): Peter Hicks




Ephesians (Crossway Bible Guide)Ephesians (Crossway Study Guide): Steve Motyer




Making Sense of the New TestamentMaking Sense of the New Testetment: Craig Blomberg

CBD PRICE: R160.00


Prices valid until end August 2015 or while stocks last.

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