Category Archives: Blog

Four Questions to ask your money

By Tim Challies

Family_money_mattersThere are some subjects in the Christian world we probably talk about too much and some we may talk about too little. Over time, I think we swing back and forth, often overcorrecting. In my experience money has been one of those subjects we sometimes over-emphasize and at other times almost forget altogether.

I have benefited tremendously from frank, Bible-based discussions on how Christians are to use their money. I have modeled my use of money after people who spoke to me, or who wrote candidly, about their own use of money. As far as I can discern Beyond Greedthey did not do this in order to boast, but in order to lead and disciple. Their practical counsel has shaped my understanding of the right use of money at least as much as any sermons I’ve heard.

Someone once drew my attention to four questions to ask when I am about to make a purchase—any purchase. Looking back, I can see how much better I am at managing money when I keep questions like these in mind (which, I believe, were first posed by John Wesley).

  • Make your church's money workIn spending this money, am I acting as if I own it, or am I acting as the Lord’s trustee? 
  • What Scripture passage requires me to spend this money in this way? 
  • Can I offer up this purchase as a sacrifice to the Lord? 
  • Will God reward me for this expenditure at the resurrection of the just? 

Read more here…

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Book Review: If I were God I’d end all the pain

By Tony Dickson

If I Were God I'd End All the PainA child catches a rare brain virus and is affected for life. A father dies in a plane crash. A dictator murders millions.

Why doesn’t God do something about things like this? Why does he allow them to happen? In fact, can we still believe in God in the face of all the suffering and pain in the world?

In this short book, John Dickson looks honestly at these questions, and provides some compelling answers. He looks briefly at the alternative explanations for suffering provided by Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Atheism, before turning to what the Bible itself says about God, justice and suffering.

CBD Price: R95.00

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This week’s promotions at CBD

An Interview with CH Spurgeon on Creation and Evolution:

By David Harding

Interview with C H Spurgeon, AnC H Spurgeon, who is known to be theologically robust about the verbal inspiration, infallibility, perspicuity and preservation of the text of the Bible, made many forthright statements about Darwinism and his sermons and writings are liberally sprinkled with references to the subject. In this virtual interview, David Harding takes us through his general thoughts on the matter, on science and the Bible, and then his more specific attitudes to science. There is advice to young people and then comments for preachers. What of those who disagree? He had a few words for them too! The appendix explores Spurgeon’s attitude to his own fallibility and is relevant in view of his opinions and judgements about when the world was made.


The Truth and nothing but the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a doubting age

By John MacArthur

The Truth and Nothing but the TruthScripture is clear about the fact that we must be prepared to communicate the truth of the Gospel when given the opportunity – and do it with the right attitude. But even when your tone is gentle and respectful, what, specifically, should you say when asked or confronted about your faith? And what is your overall responsibility to unbelievers as a disciple of Christ?  Combining a biblical study of evangelism, a rational defense of Christian beliefs, and a practical approach to evangelism, this book offers a well-rounded perspective that can help you gently and confidently give an answer for the hope you have in Christ.

CBD PRICE: R100.00

Praying with Paul: A call to spiritual reformation

By D A Carson

Praying with Paul (PB)God doesn’t demand hectic church programs and frenetic schedules; he only wants his people to know him more intimately, says top-selling author D. A. Carson. The apostle Paul found that spiritual closeness in his own fellowship with the Father. By following Paul’s example, we can do the same. This book calls believers to reject superficiality and revolutionize their lives by embracing a God-guided approach to prayer.

CBD PRICE: R250.00

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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2


The Unpardonable Sin


Mark 3:28 “I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”
These are very serious words and ought to be taken very seriously. Yet it is also true that these words have caused great confusion and concern in the hearts of the very people who cannot commit this sin.Our Lord was speaking to people who had witnessed great miracles and seen many displays of His power and His claim to be the Son of God. Yet they had hardened their hearts and refused to receive him. Instead they accused him of being in league with the devil.The Holy Spirit is the One who puts Jesus before us and speaks to our hearts and consciences. To reject these urgings is to say to Jesus: “I do not want you in my life”. That is what the “teachers of the law” (v 22) were doing. So the blasphemy, or standing against, or rejection of the Holy Spirit does not consist of mere words – for who of us did not at one time reject the Saviour? No! The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is that consistent and stubborn hardening of our hearts that results in a life-long rejection of Christ and His great redemption. To die unrepentant means that there is no salvation, no other choice left. It means to die lost.

But that is not you. You are reading this because you want to hear from Him. You seek news of Him. You long for more strength to follow Him.

I once knew two elderly sisters who were concerned they were doomed because every time they knelt to pray their minds were filled with blasphemous thoughts. But NO! Not even that is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That is simply an attack of the devil against sensitive consciences. Sometimes people with mentally obsessive problems, nervous conditions or psychological needs can be easily persuaded they have committed the ultimate sin.

Please be encouraged. Jesus did not come to condemn but to save.

And all those who long to follow Him and truly believe in His saving work on the Cross, no matter how weak or troubled they may be, will be included in the great new world.

It is only those who keep on rejecting Him and His way of salvation who will be finally lost. Those who insist on trying to save themselves or think they are good enough and therefore do not need a Saviour – those are the ones who are in eternal danger.

Prayer:  “Almighty God, You sent your Son into the world to save us. I believe in Him, trust Him and embrace the salvation you have provided in Him. Please help me in my weakness, see my heart and strengthen my faith every day. Amen”

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Book Review: 7 Ways to Read a Book.

By Tim Challies

Reading is kind of like repairing a bicycle. Kind of. For too long now my bike has been semi-operational. It has one brake that just doesn’t want to behave and all my attempts to fix it have failed. Why? Well it turns out that I haven’t been using the right tool. To get the bike working I need to use the right tool. And when it comes to reading, well, you’ve got to use the right tool—you’ve got to know what kind of reading to do. Here are seven different kinds of reading.

Studying. Studying is reading at its best, I think, but reading that can and should be done with only the choicest books. Life is too short and there are simply too many books to invest a great deal of time in every one of them. And this is where so many readers go wrong—they spend too much time and invest too much effort in books that simply don’t deserve it. When you study a book, you labour over it, you read it with highlighter in hand, you flip back and forth, you try to learn absolutely everything the book offers. Only the smallest percentage of books are worthy of this level of investment, so choose carefully which books you study.

Pillaging. Pillaging is one of my favorite forms of reading, and especially when the book is in a familiar category and written to be very practical. I will often buy the latest and greatest books on business and productivity and read them at a rapid pace. As I do this, I am looking for tips that I can ponder and apply. I do not intend to allow these books to teach me a whole new form of getting things done—I have my system and it works well. However, I am eager to pillage these books for ideas that can tweak my system and make it better.

Devotional. Devotional reading is reading deep truths meant to make a deep impact on your faith. This is slow and meditative reading that requires an open Bible and plenty of prayer. The Christian faith has many wonderful devotional works that are drawn from the Bible and will, in turn, draw you to the Bible. Read these ones day-by-day and allow them to lead you closer to God as he reveals himself through his Word.

Skimming. In recent years we have heard a lot about the evils of skimming, and it is true that for many people skimming is now their dominant form of reading. This is not a good development. But having said that, skimming still has its place. Some books are worthy of little more than a skim, and especially if you have already read extensively in that category. If you have read six books on marriage, you probably don’t need to do more than skim the seventh. Most books will benefit from a skim before in-depth reading as it will both help you understand whether it is actually worthy of study and help you better understand the flow of the author’s argument. Do not making skimming your only form of reading, but also don’t feel guilty if you find yourself skimming twice as many books as you read in depth. The more books you read, the more you earn the right to skim.

Stretch. Stretch reading is going beyond the popularizers and reading the sources. Some of us find that we much prefer reading books by the people who write on a popular level and who make their topic eminently accessible. But sometimes we ought to force ourselves to read more difficult texts—the Church Fathers or Reformation-era writers, the historians or scientists.

Re-run. Re-run reading is returning to an old favorite to read it again. This may be that old novel that you fell in love with so many years ago and returning to that novel is like journeying back to an old vacation spot. It may be that formative Christian living book that meant so much to you when you were first saved. Either way, your purpose in reading this book is almost entirely pleasure; you are not reading it to learn from it as much as for the plain enjoyment of finding comfort in its familiar words and phrases.

Failed. Failed reading is an important part of any balanced reading diet. I speak to far too many people who feel it is wrong to stop reading a book before they have finished it. But sometimes you just need to admit defeat and stop reading. The more books you read, and especially the more books you study, the more you earn the right to give up on a few of them.

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20th Birthday Celebration: June Promotion

Prices valid until 30th June 2015 or while stocks last.

 Why 27? Edwards, Brian  Evangelical Press  R142,86  51%  R70.00 Why-27_small
Even in Darkness (Judges/Ruth) Welwyn Comm Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press R100.00 50%  R50.00 Even In Darkness (Judges
Bio Engagement Daniels, Cameron Eerdmans R256.79 49%  R130.00 BioEngagement
Gospel Clarity Duncan, Ligon Evangelical Press R185.71 49% R95.00  Gospel Clarity
Between the Times (Malachi) Kendall, RT CFP R128.57 53% R60.00  Between the times
Young, Restless, Reformed Hansen, Colin Crossway R135.71 48% R70.00 Young, Restless, Reformed
God, the Bible and Terrorism booklet Robinson, Simon Day One R7.14 58% R3.00 God, the bible & Terrorism
Passing on the Truth (1&2  Timothy) Welwyn Commenary  Bentley, Michael  Evangelical Press  R157.14  52%  R75.00  Passing on the Truth
Life God Rewards  Wilkenson, Bruce  Multnomah  R30.00  50%  R15.00  A Life God Rewards HC
Help! I’m a single mom. Trahan, Carol  Day One  R21.43  53%  R10.00  HELP! I'm a Single Mom
Phillippians (Crossway Bible Guide) Coffey, Ian  Crossway  R64,29  53% R30.00  Philippians (Crossway Bible Guide)
China’s Book of Martyrs  Hattaway, Paul  Piquant  R321.43  50%  R160.00  China's Book of Martyrs
Secret of Contentment Beilharz, Karen Matthias Media  R21.43  51%  R10.00  secret of contentment
Planetwise  Bookless, Dave  IVP  R121.43  51%  R60.00  Planetwise
Jesus on Trial  Richards, Kel Matthias Media  R115.70  48%  R60.00  Jesus on Trial (Richards)
Religion Saves (HC)  Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R221.43  53%  R105.00  religion saves
Tough Questions  Payne, Tony Matthias Media  R13.10  50%  R7.00  Tough Questions
What does God want of us anyway? Dever, Mark Crossway  R121.43  51%  R60.00  What does God want of us anyway
Engaging with Keller Campbell et al Evangelical Press  R228.57  57%  R100.00  Engaging with Keller
 I will never become a Christian  Peter, Jeffrey  Day One  R71.43  51% R35.00  I Will Never Become a Christian

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Take Heart

By Trevor Bradley

When clouds hide the son.
When the winds are fierce and threaten to destabilise our lives
When waves seek to batter you against the rocks of adversity.
When the rain will just not go away
When the road under foot is not easy to walk on..


Invest Your SufferingBecause the word of our GOD has been given and sent to encourage and lift your heart out of the despair and desperation..

Psalm 126 speaks these words of life:
“When the LORD brought back the captives ones of Zion we were like the ones who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting.  Then they said among the nations. THE LORD HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR US…WE ARE GLAD”.

Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.  He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed shall come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.

Why Suffering?This is the word of the Lord… He has declared it.
He will watch over it to perform it (Jeremiah 1 vs 12)
You and I will be the recipients of His abundant goodness for all to see and others will declare ‘ THE LORD HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR THEM’
Take heart… put your faith in Him & His word, for He is a God who never fails.  He will bring it to pass..have faith.

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Breaking News ….. Just Arrived…. Timothy Keller’s latest book

 Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism

PreachingMost Christians, including pastors, struggle to talk about their faith in a way that applies the power of the Christian gospel to change people’s lives. Timothy Keller is known for his insightful, down-to-earth sermons and talks that help people understand themselves, encounter Jesus, and apply the Bible to their lives. In this accessible guide for pastors and laypeople alike, Keller helps readers learn to present the Christian message of grace in a more engaging, passionate, and compassionate way.

CBD Price: R270.00 (hard cover)

Price valid while stocks last.  Available at our head office store and shopping cart.

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Book Review: Being a Dad who leads

By John MacArthur

Being a Dad Who LeadsWith Father’s Day just around the corner, it seems appropriate that we review a book for dads…

As a Christian father, you bear a tremendous responsibility – to raise your children through both biblical instruction and personal example – But how can you succeed in a society that attacks the role of fatherhood and godly family values.  Are you sometimes tempted to give in or give up?

The rewards of being a dad who leads are well worth making the effort to stand firm. The Bible offers clear guidance for dads on how to parent effectively. Join pastor-teacher John MacArthur as he looks at:-

  • the keys to building healthy family unity
  • essential character qualities to teach every child
  • how to lovingly discipline children and nurture obedience
  • traps to avoid in the course of parenting
  • the power of a dad’s example to influence future generations

This book will equip you in the pursuit of leading your family well.  You will learn God’s principles for instructing and disciplining your children – principles that will guide your kids to righteous living and bring blessings into your home.

Commit yourself to being a dad who leads, and God will enable you every step of the way. There is no greater joy in life than to see one’s own children walking in the truth.

CBD PRICE: R210.00  (hard cover)

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Promotions for this week

This week we are promoting 4 titles which will be valuable additions to your library.

Micah (EP Study Commentary) by Dale Ralph Davis

Micah (EP Study Commentary)Using his own translation from the Hebrew, Dale Ralph Davis shows how many of the situations Micah addresses are very relevant to the experiences of Christians in various parts of the world in our own day. He presents the prophet, and the faithful remnant to whom he ministered, as an example and encouragement to us all to start living the life of the next age in this present age, and to trust God’s promises, however dark our circumstances may appear, in the assurance that he has a glorious future yet to come for his church.


Out of Formation: Spiritual disciplines of God and men

by Gary Gilley 

Out of FormationThis book deals with the re-introduction of ancient practices to the modern church. The essence of the book is that God has ordained certain disciplines for our spiritual maturity but men have added their own, not unlike the Pharisees of Jesus day. The believer needs to discern the difference and live according to God’s ordained means. Ancient disciplines, most often practiced within the monastic movement in the early centuries of Christianity, have been dusted off, repacked, and resubmitted to believers as the means whereby spiritual growth is obtained. There is increasing discussion about fasting, journaling, pilgrimage, simplicity, solitude, silence, contemplative prayer, and spiritual direction in Christian literature. What can be learned from this renewed interest in spiritual formation, and what are the dangers?

CBD PRICE: R180.00

Pray, Plan, Prepare, Preach: Establishing and maintaining priorities in the ministry.

By Ian Campbell

Pray, Plan, Prepare, PreachThe New Testament places a great emphasis on preaching—that is, the public heralding of the message of the Word of God. In many churches, preaching has been sidelined by activities, or else has become squeezed out by other pressures. This book is not only a call to faithful, expository ministry that will elevate Christ and both feed minds and move hearts; it also contains important principles to help Christians understand what authentic preaching is, and to help those who are preachers to preach better


Building a Church Counseling Ministry: without killing the Pastor

By Sue Nicewander

Building a Church Counseling MinistryIf you are a pastor/elder or a biblical counselor who wants to help the local church to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission, this book is for you. Full of practical and helpful advice as well as case studies for both pastors and biblical counselors, it also suggests ways to develop biblical counseling in your church and provides a model for sharing counseling resources through a group of like-minded churches. This is a vital tool in the pastor’s toolbox!

CBD PRICE: R150.00

Promotion valid until end June 2015 or while stocks last.

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The most important thing my parents did.

By Tim Challies


With Father’s Day just 2 days away, I wanted to share with you a post by Tim Challies on the one small unseen thing his parents did that impacted his faith…

Family Driven FaithI grew up in a church culture, a catechizing culture, and a family worship culture. Each of these was a tremendous, immeasurable blessing, I am sure. I am convinced that twice-each-Sunday services, and memorizing the catechisms, and worshipping as a family marked me deeply. I doubt I will ever forget that my only comfort in life and death is that I am not my own, but belong in body and soul, both in life and death, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ, or that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. I can still sing many of the psalms and hymns of my youth, and I have precious memories of my family bowing our heads around the kitchen table.

Revolutionary ParentingWhat was true of my family was true of many of my friends’ families. They, too, grew up around churches and catechisms and rigid family devotions. In fact, in all the times I visited their homes, I don’t think I ever witnessed a family skip over their devotions. It was the custom, it was the expectation, and it was good. Our church had near 100% attendance on Sunday morning and near 100% attendance on Sunday evening. It was just what we did.

But despite all of the advantages, many of the people I befriended as a child have since left the faith. Some have sprinted away, but many more have simply meandered away, so that an occasionally missed Sunday eventually became a missed month and a missed year. Not all of them, of course. Many are now fine believers, who are serving in their churches and even leading them. But a lot—too many—are gone.

Why? …… Read more

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Equip Book of the Month: June

Honest Evangelism: How to talk about Jesus even when it’s tough.

By Rico Tice

Honest Evangelism

This is a book that is honest about the costs of evangelism, and yet it will excite you about the effects of evangelism.  Rico shows how we can talk about Jesus with those who don’t yet know him but need to meet him.

There are plenty of “how to” books out there on evangelism, but this is not one of them.  It speaks to the heart and engages with the realities of witnessing to a hardening culture.  It also helps us to face out own hurts and fears and encourages us to overcome them.

If we are honest with ourselves, few of us find evangelism easy and we make a lot of excuses not to do it.  But this down-to-earth and practical book provides us with useful tools to help us.

View the Trailer for Honest Evangelism here


SPECIAL EQUIP PRICE: R75.00 (valid until the 5th July or while stocks last)

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