Category Archives: Blog

Father’s Day Promotions

With Fathers Day just around the corner, why not look for a gift for your dad that has an eternal impact on his life?

How to Read the Bible for All Its WorthHow to read the Bible for all it’s worth : Gordon Fee

This volume guides readers in understanding the literary dimensions of the Bible by incorporating techniques for interpreting Scripture, while it also maintains faithfulness to literary genres

CBD Price: R200.00

Busy Christians guide to busynessThe Busy Christian’s guide to Busyness : Tim Chester

God has promised his rest to all who are weary and burdened (Matthew 11:28). It’s up to us to accept it.  While offering practical help to busy Christians, Tim Chester also opts for root-and-branch treatment: it’s not enough just to slow down, or to simplify your lifestyle, you need to deal radically with the things that are driving you.

CBD Price: R150.00

Father, ForgiveFather Forgive : Andrew White

For most of his ministry Canon Andrew White has been involved in reconciliation. “The kind of people I engage with are not usually very nice,” he writes. “On the whole, nice people do not cause wars.” In Baghdad he lives daily with violence, and has conducted too many funerals. He knows what peacemaking costs.

CBD Price: R120.00

Mission Matters: Tim Chester

Mission MattersThe word ‘mission’ means ‘sending’.  But for many centuries this was only used to describe what God did, sending his Son and his Spirit into the world.  World mission exists because the Father wants people to delight in his Son, and the Son wants people to delight in the Father.  Tim Chester introduces us to a cascade of love: love flowing from the Father to the Son through the Spirit. And that love overflows and, through us, keeps on flowing to our Christian community and beyond, to a needy world. This book is for ordinary individuals willing to step out and be part of the most amazing, exciting venture in the history of the world.

CBD PRICE: R150.00

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Crossway Bible Promotion

This week we are promoting a lovely selection of Bibles from Crossway Publishers at great prices.  These make ideal gifts, so stock up now…

ESV Compact Trutone Olive Celtic C

  • ESV Compact Bible
  • Trutone Olive Celtic
  • Was: R300.00 
  • Now: R200.00


ESV Gift Bible Trutone Navy

    • ESV Gift Bible
    • Trutone Navy
    • Was: R275.00
    • Now: R180.00


ESV Thinline Bible Burgundy Bnd Lthr

  • ESV Thinline Bible
  • Burgandy Bonded Leather
  • Was: R340
  • Now: R260.00


ESV Thinline Bible Chestnut Filigree Bnd

  • ESV Thinline Bible
  • Chestnut Filigree
  • Was: R195.00
  • Now: R140.00


ESV Thinline Bible Deep Brown Bnd Lthr

  • ESV Thinline Bible
  • Deep Brown
  • Was: R195.00
  • Now: R140.00


Prices valid until end June 2015 or while stocks last.

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Book Review: What’s So Amazing About Grace?

By Philip Yancey

What's So Amazing About Grace (PB)In 1987, an IRA bomb buried Gordon Wilson and his twenty-year-old daughter beneath five feet of rubble. Gordon alone survived. And forgave. He said of the bombers, “I have lost my daughter, but I bear no grudge. . . . I shall pray, tonight and every night, that God will forgive them.”

His words caught the media’s ear – and out of one man’s grief, the world got a glimpse of grace. Grace is the church’s great distinctive. It’s the one thing the world cannot duplicate, and the one thing it craves above all else – for only grace can bring hope and transformation to a jaded world. In What’s So Amazing About Grace?, award-winning author Philip Yancey explores grace at street level.

  • If grace is God’s love for the undeserving, he asks, then what does it look like in action?
  • And if Christians are its sole dispensers, then how are we doing at lavishing grace on a world that knows far more of cruelty and unforgiveness than it does of mercy?

Yancey sets grace in the midst of life’s stark images, tests its mettle against horrific “ungrace.” Can grace survive in the midst of such atrocities as the Nazi holocaust? Can it triumph over the brutality of the Ku Klux Klan? “Grace does not excuse sin”, says Yancey, “but it treasures the sinner”. True grace is shocking, scandalous. It shakes our conventions with its insistence on getting close to sinners and touching them with mercy and hope. It forgives the unfaithful spouse, the racist, the child abuser. It loves today’s AIDS-ridden addict as much as the tax collector of Jesus’ day. In his most personal and provocative book ever, Yancey offers compelling, true portraits of grace’s life-changing power. He searches for its presence in his own life and in the church. He asks, “How can Christians contend graciously with moral issues that threaten all they hold dear”? And he challenges us to become living answers to a world that desperately wants to know, What’s So Amazing About Grace?

CBD PRICE: R155.00

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The Messy Matter of Motives


By Tim Challies

I find one of the trickiest matters of Christian living to be the matter of motives. I often find myself wondering why I do the things I do. Just as often, I find myself wondering why I do not do those things I refuse to do. Sometimes, even with a lot of focused thought, I can make little headway.

Fool's Gold?I think the Apostle Paul would identify with me. In Romans 7, he wrote, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (vv. 15–16). He was not looking to his motives per se, but he was still considering his life and finding that he was unable to discern why he did sinful things even when he wanted to do holy things. He saw his lack of holiness and his pursuit of sin and marveled at his own inability to do even the good things he wanted to do.  Read more…

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20th Birthday Celebration: May Promotion

Prices valid until 31st May 2015 or while stocks last.

Ultimate Questions (NIV Pocket) Blanchard, John Evangelical Press R14.29 51% R7.00 Ultimate questions pocket NIV
Help! My Teen is Gay Marshall, Ben Day One R21.43 54%  R10.00 Help! My Teen Is Gay
Matters of Life and Death Wyatt IVP R214.29 50%  R107.00 matters of life and death
1 Corinthians 1-9 (Good Book Guide) Dever, Mark Good Book R71.43 51% R35.00 1 Corinthians 1-9
Jesus the Son of God Carson,D Crossway R235.71 51% R115.00 Jesus the Son of God (Carson)
Bridges from the Word to the World Coffey, Ian Bible Reading Fellowship R100.00 50% R50.00 Bridges from the Word to the World
God, the Bible and Terrorism booklet Robinson, Simon Day One R7.14 58% R3.00 God, the bible & Terrorism
Da Vinci – A Broken Code  Edwards, Brian  Day One  R28.57  65%  R10.00  Da Vinci - A Broken Code
Unashamed to Bear His Name  Kendall, R  Chosen  R192.86  38%  R120.00  Unashamed to Bear His Name
Housegroups Coffey, Ian  IVP  R92.86  57%  R40.00  Housegroups (Large Format)
Elisha (Face to Face) Winter, Jim  Day One  R92.86  78% R20.00  Face2face_Elisha
When Money Disappears Overnight  Cheng, Gordon  Matthias Media  R4.29  53%  R2.00  When Money Disappears Overnight
Rainbow of Grace – Learning from Noah Jeffrey, Peter  Evangelical Press  R70.00  64%  R25.00  Rainbow of Grace - Learning from Noah
Planetwise  Bookless, Dave  IVP  R121.43  51%  R60.00  Planetwise
Preparing Just for Starters  Payne, Tony Matthias Media  R178.57  50%  R90.00  Preparing Just for Starters
Workers for the Harvest Field  Roberts, Vaughan  Good Book  R128.57  61%  R50.00  workers for the harvest field
Life God Rewards for Kids  Wilkinson, David Multnomah  R20.00  50%  R10.00  LIFE GOD REWARDS FOR KIDS
Reach out for Him  Benfold, Gary Day One  R14.29  50%  R7.15  reach out for him
Planting for the Gospel  Beynon, Graham CFP  R71.43  51%  R35.00  Planting for the Gospel
Judges Keller, Tim Good Book  R78.57  49%  R40.00  judges flawed and flawless

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A Cry for Help

By Trevor Bradley

Anxious for NothingIsaiah 33 vs 2.  Who couldn’t do with a bit of help?  Someone to come alongside and share the burden or to take it in totality.  Many feel lonely crusaders, even to the extreme that God has forgotten them…

Here’s a cry for God to come, to make Himself known, to demonstrate his power.  “O LORD be gracious to us; we have waited for you. be our strength every morning” (note, not every week, every month, every year).

It’s the striving – me wanting to fix, to take things into my hands – that thwarts and frustrates God’s plans and purposes.  Psalm 127 says that unless the Lord builds the God of All Comfort, The (Isaiah)house, we who labour, labour in vain. It is all in vain.

Remember Saul?  He had to wait for Samuel to bring an offering to God on behalf of the nation of Israel.  He got impatient and took things into his own hands and suffered the consequences (Read 1 Samuel vs 15).  Saul’s theme song which was echoed from the lips of Frank Sinatra ‘I did it my way’.

Then the verse says “be our strength” for we are powerless, without you we can do nothing. (check out John 15 vs 5, Zechariah 4 vs 6 and  2 Chronicles 20 vs 12).

Strengthen Yourself in the LordAlso “be our salvation”.  To that the promise is given in Isaiah 40   “Behold, the Lord will come with might ( in power, to deliver)”.

So we wait for Him, and when He comes, He will strengthen us and deliver us.  That is my prayer today, is that yours?  I must do what Psalm 123 calls me to do. ” So our eyes look to the LORD, until He is gracious to us” (and rest assured He will be be according to His word as you and I ‘wait’ for Him)

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Book Review: Nearing Home

By Billy Graham

Nearing HomeBut I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:24 (ESV)

“Growing old has been the greatest surprise of my life”, says Billy Graham, known by many as God’s Ambassador. “I would have never guessed what God had in store for me, and I know that as I am nearing home, He will not forsake me the last mile of the way”.

In Nearing Home this man of faith, now in his nineties, explores the challenges of aging while gleaning foundational truths from Scripture. Billy Graham invites us to journey with him as he considers the golden years while anticipating the hope of being reunited with his wife, Ruth, in his heavenly home that eclipses this world. “When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice”, says Billy. “Growing older with grace is possible for all who will set their hearts and minds on the Giver of grace, the Lord Jesus Christ”.

Join Billy Graham as he shares the challenges of fading strength but still standing strong in his commitment to finishing life well.  Explore with him not only the realities of life as we grow older, but also the hope and fulfillment and even joy that can be ours once we learn to look at these years from God’s point of view and discover His strength to sustain us every day.

NORMAL PRICE: R220 (hard cover)      PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R180 valid until end May.

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Great Titles, Great Authors, Great Prices

We are promoting some our best authors at fantastic prices this week… don’t miss them.

How then shall we Worship? – R.C. Sproul

How then shall we worshipDr. R.C. Sproul is one of today’s preeminent theologians. For more than fifty years his solid, practical messages have impacted and inspired generations of believers.  This book is a landmark look at God’s design for authentic worship.  Today’s church cannot seem to agree on what corporate worship should look like. Some choose contemporary forms, others prefer traditional expressions. Yet pop culture or the status quo do not hold the answers. God’s Word does.  Dr. Sproul digs deep into rich Scripture passages to provide a guide for worship today. Readers will discover that God intends worship to be an unforgettable encounter between Himself and His people – a joyous experience engaging the worshiper’s entire being.

CBD PRICE: R125.00               PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R80.00

Pleasing God – R.C. Sproul

Pleasing GodSanctification is not an everyday word.  In fact, it’s an idea that has little value in our me-focused, instant-gratification world.  yet regardless of trends, culture or opinion, being sanctified – being set apart from the world – remains a vital part of our journey with Christ.  But what does this process look like? How do we begin? And is it even possible to live a life pleasing to God?  R.C. Sproul believes that it is not only possible, it is our calling. He delivers an in-depth look at God’s plan and pathway for spiritual maturity. and reveals how every believer can experience authentic, lasting life change through a relationship with God.

CBD PRICE: R125.00               PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R80.00

The Power of Suffering -John MacArthur

Power of SufferingFor over 30 years trusted pastor and teacher John MacArthur has delivered practical, Biblical insights for helping Christians grow in their own journey of faith.

Now the very best of John MacArthur’s Christian Living titles are being updated to feature a fresh new look and study guides for both personal and group reflection.  Why does God allow suffering? Even more perplexing, where is God when people hurt? The Power of Suffering holds the vital answers. MacArthur takes a look at the reality and role of suffering in the life of a believer. He offers readers a profound message of hope, encouragement, and peace.

CBD PRICE: R125.00               PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R80.00

Silent Shepherd – John MacArthur 

Silent ShepherdThe role of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life is often misunderstood. Some believers focus solely on spiritual gifts, some emphasize the practical over the spiritual, and others avoid the subject altogether. Yet in spite of the apparent confusion, the truth is surprisingly simple: God’s Spirit is a vital part of our relationship with Him.  The Silent Shepherd offers a balanced, scripturally sound look at the personality, works, and deity of the Holy Spirit. MacArthur clears away misconceptions, offers fresh insights, and shares how God’s Spirit can guide, lead, and empower every believer. This revised and updated edition includes a guide for both personal and group study and features discovery questions, suggestions for prayer, and activities, all designed to connect life-changing truths with everyday living.

CBD PRICE: R125.00               PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R80.00

Heart Cry by Jill Briscoe 

Heart Cry1Do you struggle with feelings of emptiness?  Are you asking yourself “Is this all there is?”.  A sense of urgency surrounds us today.  We do too much, move too fast, want more.  And beneath the flurry of activity and distraction we cry out for something different – something eternal.  King Solomon spent a lifetime searching for contentment and meaning in life.  And through Ecclesiastes he teaches us what he learned the hard way: that no relationship, accomplishment or experience can truly satisfy our souls.  Jill Briscoe explores the insights of Ecclesiastes and offers you contemporary guidance for living your life in the light of eternity.  includes 9 week study of Ecclesiastes.

CBD PRICE: R125.00               PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R80.00

Special prices until 18th May 2015 or while stocks last.

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Equip Book of the Month: May

My God, My God: Is it possible to believe anymore?

By Michael Jensen

My God, My GodOnce upon a time, it was not so difficult to believe. Believing in God was like breathing. It was a second sense of which people were hardly aware. But in an age when our faith is mainly in science and technology, is it possible to believe anymore?

Michael P. Jensen takes a searching look at what makes us believe – or not believe – in God in this contemporary world. He converses with troubled souls, cranks, crackpots, and conspiracy theorists, and even with the devil himself.

This entertaining and stimulating journey through the underworld of our beliefs will have you wondering whether things are always what they seem.

“Christian belief is still important in the twenty-first century. The loss of purpose and direction that characterizes Western culture is having devastating social consequences. In this captivating book, Michael Jensen sensitively and intelligently highlights that belief is still possible because the realities of suffering and evil in our world are given meaning through the hope we have in Christ.”  –Tim Costello, Chief Executive Officer, World Vision Australia

Michael Jensen is Lecturer in Theology and Church History at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia.

Usual CBD Price: R205.00

Special Equip BoM Price: R150.00

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Looking for new Small Group Bible Study material?

Brand new from Lifeway Publishers.


Fast Track is a personal discipleship experience that introduces the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation in only eight sessions.  Employing easy-to-draw memory icons and creative teaching practices, Chad Hovind will guide you to understand key story points and track along with principle figures, major events and session themes such as Trust Me, Don’t Give Up and Facing Adversity.

This workbook includes a small-group experience for 8 sessions, individual study and applicable Scripture.  Each session contains two main components: a group track and a personal track:-

  • The Group Track provides you with an opportunity to drill down into the identified theme of each of the eight sessions;
  • The Personal Track consists of 5 devotional opportunities that explore major events, circumstances or biblical figures identified in the message.

CBD PRICE: R140.00 Workbook

CBD PRICE: R460.00 for DVD Set(2 disks)

Counter Culture (Workbook)COUNTER CULTURE: DAVID PLATT

Welcome to the front lines. Everywhere we turn, battle lines are being drawn?traditional marriage vs. gay marriage, pro-life vs. pro-choice, personal freedom vs. governmental protection. Seemingly overnight, culture has shifted to the point where right and wrong are no longer measured by universal truth but by popular opinion. And as difficult conversations about homosexuality, abortion, and religious liberty continue to inject themselves into our workplaces, our churches, our schools, and our homes, Christians everywhere are asking the same question: How are we supposed to respond to all this?

In this small-group bible study, David Platt calls the church to a contrite, compassionate and courageous response to the most controversial issues in our culture.

CBD PRICE: R140.00 Workbook

CBD PRICE: R690.00 for DVD Kit (incl workbook, 2 dvd’s & Counter Culture book)

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Book Review: Disciplines of a Godly Man

Author: R. Kent Hughes

Reviewed by Mike Budler

Disciplines of a Godly Man (Paperback Edition)This is the fourth time I have opened the cover of R. Kent Hughes’ ”Disciplines of a Godly Man” which is published by Crossway Books.  It is an excellent book – I first worked through it when serving as a Chaplain for a University level Basketball team in Chicago.  God used this book to see one of the players make a profession of faith, while the rest of the team was challenged and encouraged to deepen their faith through practicing the spiritual disciplines as outlined by Hughes.  While on staff with CBD, I often recommended this book to men who were looking for such a book.

Some people have voiced concern that a book of the Spiritual Disciplines could become “legalistic” or lend itself to a works-based sanctification process.  Hughes wisely answers this possible concern in the right spot – the introduction – as he writes:

The difference between discipline and legalism is one of motivation: legalism is self-centered; discipline is God-centered.  The legalistic heart says, “I will do this thing to gain merit with God.”  The disciplined heart says, “I will do this thing because I love God and want to please Him.”  There is an infinite difference between the motivation of legalism and discipline!  (page 15)

The book is laid out in four sections: Discipline of Relationships, Discipline of the Soul, Discipline of one’s Character, and Discipline of Ministry.  Each of these sections is further broken down in the following manner:

  • Relationships including purity, marriage, fatherhood, and friendship
  • The Soul including the mind, devotion, prayer, and worship
  • Our character including integrity, speech, work, and perseverance
  • Ministry including church, leadership, giving, and witness

And just to make sure his readers remember the difference between the proper carrying out of the disciplines versus legalism, Hughes closes this book with an entire chapter about these disciplines as chapter 19 is entitled the “Grace of Discipline.”  He reminds his readers that not only is salvation by grace alone, so too is the sanctification process carried out by the grace of God.

Do all of these disciplines seem overwhelming to you?  Hughes accurately encourages his readers to prioritize as no one can carry out all of these disciplines at the same time.  He also wants his readers to be realistic and to pray, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide each man where he should focus on improving on one’s disciplines for growth in his faith.  For years, I have had an accountability partner – that also is a good way to have victory in the disciplines.

To summarize, Hughes wants us men to take “baby steps” and to remember that God’s grace is sufficient when we stumble.

CBD PRICE: R235.00 (paperback)

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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books. 

 Preparing the way of the Lord

Mark 1 v 1:4 “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” a voice of one calling in the desert,’Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” And so John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

These words apply to John the Baptist.  He was sent as a messenger to prepare the way for the Lord.  This is a very significant development and we should not miss out on the importance of this passage for us today.

In those early days of the Roman Empire it was a common thing for a messenger to be sent ahead of a victorious Roman general to proclaim his victory on some far off battlefield.  It served as a spur to confidence and encouragement in the local people regarding the ability to their armies to protect them.  But in this passage we have the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy (Malachi 3 v 1 Isaiah 40 v 2) regarding the long awaited Messiah.  God would raise up a messenger who would prepare the people for the Messiah’s appearance by appealing to them to repent and to be ready to receive Him when He appeared.

There are two ways in which John the Baptist’s proclamation helps us today.  Firstly, we can be sure that the One to whom he pointed was truly the Son of God.  He was not a fake, not an illusion.  He was the true Messiah who came to bring redemption to his people.  But secondly, John’s proclamation was one of the signs that marked Jesus out as utterly unique.  So unique was he that a messenger was sent ahead of him. Unlike the messengers who were sent out to proclaim military victories for Roman generals, this messenger prepares the way of the Lord Himself.  Furthermore this “Lord” who comes does so not as a mighty warrior, but as a servant who will rescue HIs people by dying for them.

The uniqueness of Jesus is spread throughout the opening chapters of Mark’s Gospel but it is probably better to describe His uniqueness in terms of His great authority.  Have a look at Mark chapter 1 and see how many signs of his uniqueness there were at his baptism with the voice from Heaven, His temptations in the desert, His power over the men He calls to be His disciples, His authority over evil spirits, His power to heal the sick – these all point to a truly unique individual with unusual authority over all the brokenness of the human condition.

We should take great courage from this.  No matter how much it may seem from time to time that Christ’s kingdom is about to disappear we must remember His power and greatness.  It is this authority He has exercised over you when he called you to Himself and it is this authority and power that accompanies us on our way.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for endowing your Son with such power and authority so that I may be sure my sins are all forgiven and that He will keep us safe until we reach that Heavenly Kingdom. “Amen”

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