Category Archives: Blog

Daily readings for the Advent Season

You know how we all love Advent calendars especially the ones with chocolates……?

There something about the element of surprise when we “open” a window and find a treat.

Shock and AweIn this advent book beginning on the 1st December and going right through to the 6th of January, we find a spiritual treat every day as it reminds us of how Jesus birth was met with wonder, astonishment and even incredulity.

Ian Coffey describes God’s method of granting us His Grace as shock and awe. Shock that a heavenly king was to come to earth as a lowly baby and Awesomeness of the way God delivers on his promises time after time.

We begin with the story of God’s promise and covenant with Abraham in Genesis and end with John’s vision of the new heaven and earth in Revelation.  The book is filled with anecdotes, snippets and quotes from other Christian writers and from the author himself which just add that little bit extra to an already challenging yet comforting book.

There is also a short study guide at the back is helpful and can only serve to encourage either individuals or even a small group.  If this gem is not on your” books to read” list it should be, better still buy an extra copy and “bless” someone with it. It’s far more practical and uplifting than an advent calendar.


HALF PRICE PROMOTION: R60.00 (valid for sales in December only)

Our plans ….. He provides…..

A devotion by Trevor Bradley

Let God Be GodI was sharing with someone this morning the quote that has seen me through many difficult hours. Times when life just doesn’t make sense or when there is expectation/faith burning in my heart for an anticipated answer to prayer.

Here is a quote I like –  “The last 30 minutes on the journey of faith is the longest”

Proverbs 16 vs 9 says ‘”We make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps”
Psalm 32 vs 8  reminds us that ‘”I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. With my eye watching over you I WILL counsel you”

Praying for Dear LifeALL IS IN HIS HANDS.
It is hard at times to comprehend, but it’s true.  I have to console myself with the truth that my heavenly Father loves me and HIS plans for me are good.  His timetable is not mine. But this I know, that no good thing will HE withhold from me.

Hear Psalm 84 vs 11 ”the Lord is a sun and a shield. The Lord gives grace and glory. No good thing does HE withhold from those who walk uprightly”.

God is Just Not FairWhy is this so real to me today.?  Because for some time now our family has been looking to make plans about a certain issue in our lives.  We were encouraged to take a certain, established plan of action that would put us on a desired path.  BUT today we heard that the route we wanted to take has been firmly shut, forever.

Thus I have had to flee to those verses before you today.  It is in these promises that I find the comfort that with my plans GOD WILL MAKE THE WAY..It’s all HIM. As HE instructed the children of Israel to do, so I must do.  ‘Stand still and see the salvation the LORD will accomplish for you today.

The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent’  Our plans…Christ the provider/way.
Amen- so be it according to HIS word.

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Book Review : Does Grace grow best in winter?

By Ligon Duncan

Does Grace grow best in WinterFew things trouble our hearts and minds like suffering. “Why is this happening?  Why me? How can I get through this?  Can I get through this?”  God says we can, but he says more. Suffering is not merely to be endured. It comes into our lives for good reasons. Suffering affords seasons for growth in ways we would not grow otherwise.

This book prepares believers for hardship when it comes their way. Learning some of the purposes for suffering, how it connects us with our Lord and his people, and what God’s Word says to us in the midst of our pain will enable us to glorify him in the most troubling times.  The wealth of Scripture in this readable book, its focus on the passion and sympathy of Jesus, and thoughtful study questions for reflection or group discussion will help to transform not only our outlook on suffering but on our lives.

Regardless of your current circumstances, this book will help you to perceive God’s purpose in suffering, receive God’s grace in trails and draw near to our great High Priest who suffered the unimaginable horrors of the cross for us.

CBD PRICE: R120.00

Purchase Does Grace grow best in Winter? from our online shopping cart,



Tim Keller’s latest book has arrived

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with Christ

Prayer (Keller)Christians are taught in their churches and schools that prayer is the most powerful way to experience God. But few receive instruction or guidance in how to make prayer genuinely meaningful. In Prayer, renowned pastor Timothy Keller delves into the many facets of this everyday act.

With his trademark insights and energy, Keller offers biblical guidance as well as specific prayers for certain situations, such as dealing with grief, loss, love, and forgiveness. He discusses ways to make prayers more personal and powerful, and how to establish a practice of prayer that works for each reader.

CBD Price: R340 (hardcover)

Stock is currently available only at our Head Office Store and on-line shopping cart.

Purchase Prayer from our online shopping cart,


Why we neglect our bibles …..


For the love of God 2We assume every Christian has a Bible that is worn down, marked up, and paired with a journal stuffed with multicolored spiritual reflections…..

But that’s often not true. Many Christians find it difficult to get into a daily habit of Bible reading. John Piper recently addressed four common causes of Bible neglect in the Christian life, like: “I don’t read my Bible because . . .

  • Explore (Backdated Issues). . . it seems so irrelevant to my life.”
  • . . . I don’t have time.”
  • . . . I go to church every Sunday.”
  • . . . I find it confusing.”

Read here as John Piper shares his answers to these questions and more.

Our Daily Bread Annual Edition 2011CBD has a wonderful selection of dated and undated devotional material to suit your requirements & assist you with your daily walk with God.

Purchase your book requirements from our online shopping cart,


Two brand new bible studies just arrived.

We have just received a shipment of bible studies including two new DVD-based studies by Priscilla Shirer & Matt Chandler.  Make sure you stock up before the start of the new year.


Recovering RedemptionAll of us have a sense of dissatisfaction. And we typically look for solutions in four areas: self, others, the world, and religion. But none of these will satisfy. Recovering Redemption is about recovering what is lost and broken—our relationship with Jesus—because the gospel is the remedy to fix all things: every struggle, every circumstance, every relationship, everything. 

In this 12-session study, Matt Chandler explains the implications of the gospel with surprising clarity and striking candor. Those who have been Christ followers for years will find that it helps connect the dots of their faith, serving as a bridge between salvation and maturity. It’s also an essential study for new believers.

Click here to watch an introduction to this bible study.

Workbook: R155.00            DVD: R820.00

Breathe: Priscilla Shirer

BreatheWe are in bondage to busyness. We constantly strive to complete the limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. We miss the moments because we rush ahead to the next thing. It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today.

Join Priscilla and discover Sabbath margin – the boundary God enables us to put around things we enjoy so that we never become slaves again.  If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life.

Click here to see an introduction of this Bible Study.

Workbook:   R150.00         DVD: R330.00

Purchase all your small group requirements from our online shopping cart,

Moments with a Mom: To be a Mom



Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (5) and Tyler (3 going on 21). Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters. In her spare time Candice writes for her own blog and is a travel consultant.

To be a mom, I’m sure means different things to different moms. Each journey into and through motherhood is littered with moments and memories that are particular to that mom and to her journey with her children.

Parenting Isn't for CowardsI’m a mom of two ~ and believe me, I don’t profess to know anything at all about being the perfect mom. Actually, the longer I’m a mom, the more I realise how much I really don’t know at all. The only thing I can lean on is daily grace and patience from their (and my) Creator and the never-ending, unconditional well of love for my two little mini-me’s.

What does it mean to be a mom? Through my “I’m-Noah-and-Tyla’s-mom” lens, here’s what it looks like to me so far ~ because I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning.

To be a mom is to be able to laugh at yourself. Life with babies is serious business but in all honesty, sometimes it’s just so not funny, that it’s hysterical.

A Mom After God's Own HeartTo be a mom is to be a personal chef, chauffeur, doctor, artist, hairdresser, stylist, counsellor, walking encyclopaedia of a wide number of subjects (right now for me it’s the solar system and superheroes), cheerleader, advice giver ~ the list is endless. You’re everything to them.

To be a mom is to know more about Veggietales, Dora the Explorer, Cars, Barney and Bob the Builder than you know about current breaking news stories and the latest One Direction single.

To be a mom is to realise that growing up is over-rated. Who said moms can’t climb on jungle gyms and hang upside down on the monkey bars? (I still do this…) Who said that when you reach a certain age you can’t wear your princess fairy dress up costume to do the grocery shopping? My children show me every day that life doesn’t have to all that serious, really.

dont make me count to threeTo be a mom is to realise how much magic you miss out on, just because you don’t take the time to notice it. My children notice that there’s magic every day in the small things ~ lying in the garden and watching clouds, putting on your favourite song and prancing around like no-body’s watching, driving with all the windows down and letting your hair dance behind you .

To be a mom means encouraging your kids to do things that you might be afraid of them doing. It’s not our job to instil fear in our children when they try new things. My daughter loves her gymnastics class and at three years old, I can’t tell you that it doesn’t scare me to see her on the bar already. She could hurt herself!  I’m scared, but she’s not ~ time to paint on that encouraging smile and take a long sip of Coca Cola.

To a be mom is to realise how many things are actually out of your control and in turn, how much we need to trust our little treasures to our Heavenly Father. Motherhood should drive us moms to our knees ~ we should carry them to Jesus daily as we realise just how much of their lives we don’t have control over and  how much of the world we can’t protect them from.

To be a mom is provide ultimate security and trust all within the palm of your hand, literally. When you hold a little hand in yours, just know that that little heart believes that whatever happens next, you’ll be there to get them through it.

To be a mom means keeping your promises. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Always be the ultimate example in keeping your word and following through when you say you will.

To be a mom is to be brave, is to be strong, is to fight ~ even when you can’t imagine taking just one more step and putting one foot in front of the other.

To be a mom is to sign up for sacrifice. The essence of motherhood is sacrifice.

“The emotional labour pains of becoming a mother are far greater than the physical pangs of birth; these are the growing surges of your heart as it pushes out selfishness and fear and makes room for sacrifice and love.” (Joy Kusek)

To be a mom is to listen intently and show grace.

To be a mom is to create and leave a legacy.

To be a mom is being conscious of the fact that little eyes are always watching.

To be a mom is to live with open arms, no matter what.

To be a mom is to witness the fingerprint of the Father on every detail of a life.

To be a mom is to realise that you matter.

AND MOST OF ALL, I couldn’t say this better and to this day, it’s the best description of motherhood I’ve ever read:

To be a mom is to decide to forever have your heart go walking around outside your body (Elizabeth Stone).

Purchase your parenting book requirements from our online shopping cart,



Book Review: God is just not fair

by Jennifer Rothschild

Finding hope when life just doesn’t make sense ……

God is Just Not FairThis is a book about finding more than just answers. It’s for anyone who needs hope when life doesn’t make sense – for all who reach for a God who feels distant. Do you believe God is just not fair? If you’re like Jennifer Rothschild, you wrestle with questions when you experience painful circumstances. Does God care? Does he hear my prayers? Is he even there?

Blinded as a teenager, Jennifer overcame daunting obstacles, found strength in God, and launched a successful speaking and writing ministry. Then in her 40’s, everything changed.  Jennifer hit a wall of depression and discontent that shook her to her core, undermining many of her past assumptions about her faith. Jennifer wondered who God was and why he continued to allow her to struggle and doubt. Where, Jennifer pleaded, is his hand of healing and hope in my life now?
As Jennifer tackles the six big questions of faith, she will help you:
  • Trust God more than your feelings. 
  • Strengthen your faith when you feel beat up by life. 
  • Embrace your obstacles and start experiencing their purpose. 
  • Face your disappointment and grow stronger from your loss.


CBD PRICE: R185.00 

Gary Gilley Promotion

Gary Gilley has just spent the past 3 weeks preaching and ministering in the Gauteng area.  We are offering Gary’s books at special promotional prices until the end of November 2014.  Available on-line and from our Rosebank & Head Office stores.


This Little Church Went to MarketWith the spectacular successes of mega churches, churches all over the world are buying into the market-driven philosophy of church growth and expansion.  But what price have these churches paid in order to fill their pew with scores of people?  Is the market-driven phenomenon comparable to such historic movements as the Evangelical Revival?  Or has the church lost its culture wars?

The most significant forces pressing against the church are entertainment, market-driven philosophies and psychology.  These three are largely absent from the Bible, yet are startlingly prevalent in evangelical churches.  This is a serious and timely call for churches to return to their scriptural roots ….. before it is too late.

CBD PRICE: R100.00


This Little Church Stayed HomeIn This Little Church Stayed Home, Dr Gilley explores the manifold temptations of conservative churches to sell out to modern trends and innovations, including the present temptation towards mystical theology. Churches toying with new measures will be challenged to remain true to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith and to remain faithful to God s chosen means of converting sinners to himself: the good news of Jesus Christ.



This Little Church Had NoneEvangelicals have been desperately trying to impress the world for decades, becoming thoroughly worldly in the process.  it is hard to think of any significant fad that evangelicals haven’t latched onto. Holiness has practically fallen out of the evangelical vocabulary.  This book is a skilful analysis and critique of contemporary evangelical movement and a powerful plea for Christians to recover their love for the truth.



Is That You LordWe live in a world of communication, and yet communication is a messy business – poor call quality dropped lines & misdials are common.  And that is before we try to get the other person to understand what we are saying ……  Perhaps this is how we feel about communicating with God?  But what does the bible say?  Gilley shows us what God’s Word teaches on this important subject which will guide you to a biblical soundness.


While stocks last. E & OE

Purchase any of these books from our online shopping cart,

6 Reasons to live more simply & give more generously ……

Author Randy Alcorn shares with us the biblical pattern for giving:

GRACE OF GIVINGSee a need, give to meet it. Giving according to our ability means living on less than God has entrusted to us. If He has entrusted us with a great deal, as He has most people reading this, it means living on far less so we can deliver the excess to the needy. That way they will not have too little and we will not have too much—exactly what God intends.

According to 2 Corinthians 8:14. (NIV version) your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness.”

Money Mentor, TheIn his blog, Randy gives us 6 reasons why we should live more simply and give more generously:-

1.Because Heaven is our home;

2. Because it frees us up and shifts our center of gravity;

3. Because we’re God’s pipeline;

Tithing4. Because of the reward we’ll receive in Heaven and the joy it will bring us;

5. Because of the dire spiritual needs of the world;

 6. Because of the world’s urgent physical needs.
Purchase books on giving and managing your finances from our online shopping cart,
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Book Review: Not a Fan

Author: Kyle Idleman

Reviewed by Mike Budler


not a fanAbout a decade ago, I told God that “He could have all of my life!”  Well, He took me up on my offer, as I have lost much of my life – finances, spouse, jobs, and relationships with some so-called friends.

Stated in a different way, author Kyle Idleman challenges his readers and small group participants to be followers of Jesus rather than just fans.  Idleman encourages believers to “deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus.”  For those following Jesus, this book/small group study will confirm one’s confidence in following Christ wholeheartedly.  For those who are just “fans” of Jesus, Idleman encourages them to allow God to convict which produces a deeper commitment of one’s faith.

As I enter my second week of six in the small group study, I have been both encouraged that I am following Jesus, but I have also been challenged to allow God access to my whole life and not just the areas of my life that I choose.  Bottom line:  are we going to surrender our diaries, finances, relationships, hearts and minds?  Or are we going to try and control our lives and emotions ourselves?

The small group resource includes a powerful video that looks realistically at life and death; the big questions of life are addressed with a decidedly Christian Worldview.  This resource is also unique in that the workbook is actually a daily journal in which participants interact with the DECIDE – COMMIT – FOLLOW  theme.  There are morning, noon, and evening daily questions in which one interacts, but the time needed for each day of journaling is not overwhelming.

Sports enthusiasts will surely understand the concept of being a “fan.”  Some fans are fickle – they follow their favorite teams only when the team is winning.  When teams begin to lose on a regular basis, attendance and interest drops significantly.  There is another type of” fan” – the one who is faithful to their favorite team whether the team is winning, just average, or losing regularly.  Idleman summarizes this 6 week small group study by stating that “it costs little to be a fan; it costs everything to be a follower.”

So why did God allow my decision to “let Him have it all?”  I believe that the apostle Paul answers this question as he writes:

But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.  Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.

Idleman asks this: “Are you ready to lose all things and count them as rubbish, in order that you may know Christ more intimately?  Are you ready to stop being a fan of Jesus?  Will you be a sold out follower of Jesus?”

CBD PRICE: R140.00 (limited stock)

Purchase Not a Fan from our online shopping cart,


Why are you here? : A brand new title from John Blanchard

Direct from the publishers, this book has not yet been officially released.  It will only be released in the UK in November.

Searching for the meaning of life …..

Why Are You Here?Nobody who thinks seriously about life can avoid the question the title of this book asks, and finding the answer to it is a transforming experience.  The pages of this book show how to avoid wrong turnings when thinking though the issue and lays out a clear, straightforward road map showing how to be sure of going in the right direction.

This is the perfect book to give to the thinking, serious person who is wrestling with the Christian faith and its relationship to the meaning of life?  Why are you here? will help to connect the dogs so that the big picture, although composed of seemingly endless millions of facts, really does begin to make sense.


This book and all of John Blanchard’s other titles will continue to be sold at the special tour promotional prices until the end of October while stocks last.  A number of Blanchard’s books are available as e-books. Click here to view them.

webside slider John Blanchard books amended.jpg


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