Category Archives: Blog

Let’s be Frank: Thought for the day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Satan falls like lightening …..

Luke 10 v 20: However do not rejoice that the spirit submits to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.

safe?The seventy disciples return from their missionary trip with wonder and joy. “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” After the Holy Spirit is given at Pentecost and after the ascension of our Lord, this great power and victory of Christ would bring a crescendo of joy to the church worldwide. The significance of Christ’s ascension would mean that amongst other things, “angels and authorities and powers were made subject to Him” – 1 Peter 3 v 22. Read Paul’s great words in Ephesians 1 v 20 – 22

These early victories over the devil pointed forward to the final victory which the Lord Jesus Christ would win on the cross.

Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Heaven, TheAs Christians, we still need to wage war against spiritual forces on a daily basis.  We also need to contend against the wiles of the devil, but the outcome is settled. And Jesus expresses it, the way he does in this text – Satan fell from Heaven.

How wonderful that Jesus should give assurance of victory to his disciples before the dreadful events of his suffering and death. But there are still many trials ahead for those who follow him.

The secret of joy is not that we overcome all enemies, but that we are saved. Our names are written above. If we were not sure of this great fact, we would not be able to rejoice at all.

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Book Review: Glimpses of Grace

Treasuring the Gospel in your home : Gloria Furman

Glimpses of GraceSometimes life feels a lot like a burden—day-in and day-out its the same chores and tasks, challenges and discouragements, anxieties and responsibilities. Dust bunnies show up on the stairwell, social commitments clutter the calendar, and our families demand daily attention and care. At times, just catching our breath seems like an impossible feat.

So where is God in all of this? Does he care about the way we unload the dishwasher or balance the budget? Do the little things like changing diapers or cooking meals make a difference? And how can we use our spheres of influence for God’s glory and our joy?

Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working woman splitting time between the office and home, Gloria Furman—writer, pastor’s wife, cross-cultural worker, and mom—encourages us to see the reality of God’s grace in all of life, especially those areas that often appear to be boring and unimportant. Using personal examples and insightful stories, her richly theological reflections help us experience the gospel’s extraordinary power to transform our ordinary lives.

CBD PRICE: R170.00

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Where to from here?

 A devotion by Trevor Bradley

A family and the world is shattered when it sees the beheading of a young man on TV …… A young man’s wife, whom I briefly met, is taken from him through a tumor on the brain at 33 years of age. Where to from here?

God's Solutions to Life's ProblemsListen to the line of a song by one of my favorite gospel groups, 4 HIM:

I quote Isaiah 61 vs 1-3 and pray at the same time that this will be the portion today of those closest and those needing HIS help.

“I have come to bind up the broken hearted ( there’s nothing harder to deal with to than a heart shattered. HE has promised to bind it up). To give those who mourn a garland instead of ashes(for even though you cannot see it now, from these ashes I will make beauty to rise), the oil of gladness instead of mourning( whenever oil is mentioned in the word it has to do with the Holy Spirit. So my Spirit will come upon you and from within you, it will astound you, joy will arise), and a mantle of praise for the spirit of fainting (Nehemiah 8 vs 10 ‘ The joy of the Lord is our/my STRENGTH.’…..I WILL The Bookends of the Christian Lifecover you with my strength).

Notice the first few words of Isaiah 61- “I HAVE COME”.  It will, and can never be, anything of our own doing. For it is impossible for us to do. But HE IS ABLE. HE IS HERE. HE WILL DO AS HIS WORD PROMISES.

So where to from here? Let’s follow the words of 4HIM and run to that shelter which is Jesus Christ, there to find a haven in the shadow of HIS wings, until the storm passes.

Grace to you today in abundance. For whatever the storm, HE IS A SHELTER.

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Book Review: My Seventh Monsoon

Author : Naomi Reed

Reviewed by Nikki Brandsma (CBD Store manger)My Seventh Monsoon (Reed) Authentic

My Seventh Monsoon is the first in Naomi Reed’s award-winning trilogy. Written during the monsoon of 2005, Naomi, wife to Darren, both trained physiotherapists, shares their Himalayan journey of faith and mission. She does this by reflecting on the various seasons and the trials, challenges and joys that accompany them.

This book is a fresh and honest account of the thoughts and real encounters that they are faced with in their journey of obedience to do what the Lord has called them to do. Naomi is vulnerable in that she shares her inner thoughts and doubts, her private struggles and her joys through life in two countries, both as serving in the medical field as well as serving in their local church and communities. Her writing sets the scenes really well and you can almost picture the green lush hills at the base of the snow capped Himalaya’s and smell the spicy dal bhat as they sit down for a meal.

A great and enjoyable read for everyone but a ‘must’ for those considering overseas mission work as well as thought provoking for those wondering what you have been called to do, with the talents you have been given.

This book is followed by its sequel ‘No Ordinary View’ and ‘Over My Shoulder’ (about the impact of personality on cross-cultural mission).

CBD Price: R145.00

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John Lennox Promotion

Gunning for God : Why the new Atheists are missing the target

For those of you who missed buying a copy of this sell-out book during John Lennox’s tour last week, here is your change to purchase a copy of our new stock just arrive ……. but hurry, there are limited copies available.

New ideas about the nature of God and Christianity that will give Dawkins’ best friends and worst enemies alike some stimulating food for thought. 

Gunning for GodAtheism is on the march in the western world, and its enemy is God.  Religion, the “New Atheists” claim, is dangerous.  It kills or poisons everything.  And if religion is the problem with the world, their answer is simple: get rid of it!!

But are things so straightforward?   Tackling the likes of Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and others head on, John Lennox highlights the fallacies in their approach, arguing that their irrational and unscientific methodology leaves them guilty of the same obstinate foolishness of which they accuse dogmatic religious folks.

This erudite and wide-ranging guide to religion in the modern age packs some debilitating punches .  It puts forward new ideas about the nature of God and Christianity that will give the New Atheists’ best friends and worst enemies alike some stimulating food for thought.

CBD PRICE: R210        PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R190.00  (limited stock)

(Available at our head office & Rosebank stores as well as on-line)

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Let’s be Frank : Thought for the day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

 Never say no!

A Faith Worth SharingLuke 10 verses 8-12. “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you. But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: ‘The kingdom of God is near.’ I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town.”

Jesus sent out seventy two other disciples to go ahead of him and prepare the various towns for his visit en route to Jerusalem. They were to call on people to repent and enter the Kingdom of God. Like many people today, who have squandered their gospel opportunities, they would never be able to say that they had no opportunity to be saved.

Setting Hearts on FireIn verses 13 and 14 Jesus seems overwhelmed at the thought that some cities who had witnessed his mighty works had never taken the opportunity to repent. There are only two final destinations. The world is full of opportunities to hear the Gospel and to turn to Christ. But just as final salvation is a possibility for people, so is everlasting destruction – eternal hell. There is only one heaven and whoever gets there must get there through faith in Christ. Rejection of the messengers Christ sends into the world is tantamount to rejection of Christ himself. Thus the cities mentioned in verses 13 and 14 have woes pronounced upon them, by Jesus. The words are full of sadness.

How careful we should be with every opportunity we have to hear God’s Word and to respond to it.  How unspeakably sad for those who hear but don’t care ……

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Book Review : Beyond Greed

By Brian Rossner
Greed is not the most fashionable concept these days. It ranks with guilt and sin as words Beyond Greedthat many modern people have virtually stopped using.  According to Brian Rosner, greed is also a massive blind spot for Christians, which is surprising given how much the Bible has to say about it.

Sometimes it’s hard to spot the difference, because the ‘air we breathe’ is laced with the love of money and the race for material comforts. But should we be the same?

“The most disturbing thing about the fact that greed is idolatry is that hardly anybody owns up to being a worshipper. Imagine the response of disbelief in the local church if it were revealed that the vast majority of its members were secretly worshipping other gods. Yet if our analysis of the religion of money is right, the unthinkable may not be so far from the truth.”

Beyond Greed helps open our eyes to the problems, and proposes a liberating lifestyle that trades-in greed and materialism for something of far greater worth and satisfaction. Brian steers us with biblical logic and words of encouragement towards a life beyond greed and materialism. You’ll find ideas on living a life of generosity rather than luxury, and contentment rather than comparison.

You’ll learn how Jesus taught us not to be rich in this world, but rather to be rich in the next.

WAS: R85.00 NOW: R70.00

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Moments with a Mom : My most unexpected Cheerleader


Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (5) and Tyler (3 going on 21). Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters. In her spare time Candice writes for her own blog and is a travel consultant.

It’s tragic sometimes ~ only when people go, do you realise how much they meant. That’s a really sad thought. But it happened to me today.

I'm Pregnant, Now WhatToday I found out that the doctor who delivered both my babies had passed away. I struggled with this when I found out. I cried for what she had been to me and really, we only ever had conversations during mandatory ultrasounds and pregnancy check-ups but I’ll always have her close for what she meant to me from 13 March 2009.

I knew I was pregnant and I was one of four people on the planet who knew my secret. I had no idea where I would have my baby. I had no idea where to book myself in for an ultrasound and check-up. I had no idea I was supposed to be taking vitamins! I didn’t even know how far along I was exactly ~ I just knew I was pregnant. From there, I was walking into the unknown.

HELP! I'm a Single MomI couldn’t even summon up the courage to make the appointment. Having to deal with being pregnant, and everything that’s attached to being a “church girl”, unmarried and pregnant, having to make an appointment just meant facing another mountain. It meant that it was real. Until then, I had nothing to confirm that inside me, my Noah was being formed and shaped. I couldn’t see him from the outside so at times when I wanted to ignore the reality of what was actually happening to me and the massive amount of drama I was about to cause for everyone in my life, I could tune out. Making an appointment meant admitting my shortfall. It meant facing the consequence of my actions and accepting my plunge into motherhood.

The only stipulation I made was that I wanted it to be a female doctor. Matt called the switchboard at the hospital closest to us. (Bless his heart, he’s always been the one to step up when I just couldn’t fathom it. Love him.) He asked if he could make an appointment with one of the doctors for a pre-natal check-up. The lady on the switchboard said that she didn’t think we would get an appointment for at least a month but she put us through anyway. On the other side of the phone, the receptionist told us that she had a cancellation for 13 March and she could fit us in. We booked and I had two weeks to prepare myself.

It’s here that looking back, I begin to see God’s hand guiding me when I felt He was the furthest away. I had pushed Him so far out of my life, I didn’t even think He cared because I’d failed Him so greatly. I landed a doctor, RANDOMLY or not so randomly, who loved Jesus. Out of all the doctors in the hospital, I got her.

On 13 March 2009, my first real ante-natal scan and check-up, I met this lady who was the first person to tell me, to my face, that God doesn’t make mistakes. Every single birth is miraculous. Every baby is a blessing. She didn’t know my story (she never did know my story, I never got to tell her) and she didn’t know what I was walking through BUT she was a voice of calm in my life. She was my voice of reassurance. I think it was my eight month check-up, I was walking out and she gave me a hug, held me at arm’s length and said to me “I just wanted to tell you that I see you. And more than I see you, Jesus sees you. Noah is coming, and you can’t do anything about that (she always was really straight forward! HA HA) but we’re a team. I might deliver him to you on this earth, but Noah really is a delivery from the Saviour. God chose you to be his mother, not for any other time, but for right now. Never forget that.”  That changed my life.

Thank you for being one of the many miracles on my journey. Thank you for never asking me any questions but listening to your heart, offering me words and shoulders and hugs when you could feel I was wilting. Considering the timing of our meeting and the role you played in my life I never doubt how intimately Jesus is involved in my life. Even today.

Me:  A guilt-ridden, shame-soaked girl, struggling to keep her head up.

You:  A messenger from my Father, sent to intercept my life for His divine purpose at a time when I felt like I didn’t really matter, to anyone. You’re the reason that I began to realise that it’s not about how I see myself, but more about how Jesus sees me.

Never doubt the people who cross your path ~ some of them might just give you reason to believe that Jesus sees you and is there, camping with you in the trenches of your life when you think He’s left you to fight it out on your own.

Here’s to you, Dr Jean Sharpe ~ captain of my encouragement team.

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Book Review : Treasuring Christ when your hands are full

Gospel Meditations for busy moms : Gloria Furman

Treasuring Christ when your hands are fullMoms are busy—and they are looking for methods to manage the madness. From grocery shopping to soccer practice, running a household is exhausting work, sometimes making it hard for mothers to experience joy in the midst of the craziness of life.

As a pastor’s wife and mother of four, Gloria Furman encourages women to refocus and reorient their vision of motherhood in this thoughtful resource for frazzled moms. Showing them how to pursue a vibrant and ever-growing relationship with Christ -even when discouragement sets in and the dirty laundry is still waiting to be washed – this book recasts the monotony of everyday life, showing how moms can treasure Christ more deeply no matter how busy they are.

Mom’s don’t need another book telling them how short they fall.  Mom’s need a book that will lift their eyes away from themselves and onto Christ, and this book does just that. Its pages are filled with helpful honesty and gospel centrality as we are invited into the wonderful and messy world of motherhood.

CBD PRICE : R125.00

Purchase Treasuring christ when your hands are full from our online shopping cart,

Let’s be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Jesus and the Money Man …..

Luke 5 v 31. “Jesus answered them: ‘It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

At the beginning of the chapter Peter is called by Jesus from his fishing boat. Now Levi is called from his tax collectors’ tables. Jesus’ recruits do not really match up to smart company. For at least three reasons Levi is an unlikely choice as a disciple. First, he worked Love Your Neighborfor the despised Roman imperialists, second, he belonged to a class of people reckoned to be extortionists and fraudulent and, third, as tax collectors they were in contact with Gentiles which made them ceremonially unclean. Thus they were regarded socially as belonging to the lowest class, akin with prostitutes and other social outcasts.When Levi met Jesus, how did he respond? He exercised a love and concern for all his former fellow sinners and threw a large dinner party at which all his former colleagues could meet Jesus and hear him preach.Here is something we can learn. Of course evangelistic dinners are not new to us but it is refreshing to see the spontaneity with which Levi did this.But not all were impressed; the Pharisees and the teachers of the law criticized Jesus for eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners (4 v 30) Jesus’ answer quoted above is priceless. If doctors never visited the sick for fear of contamination how would they ever be healed?By the same token if preachers only preached to the converted, how would sinners ever hear the good news?

What does God want of us anywayBut behind Jesus’ answer was a deeper barb. Did the Pharisees and teachers of the law not see themselves as sinners? Probably not, but they were in the same need of a Saviour as the people they despised. But the tax collectors and prostitutes and other sinners knew they were sinners. They knew they needed a Saviour. They knew they were in need of forgiveness. But who would be the Saviour and forgive them? The answer is of course, Jesus Christ.

Those who never see themselves in need of God’s forgiveness, live on in pride and pay a bitter price in the end.

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Coffee with Sylvia : Keep the Faith

Sylvia Bester Picture

 Sylvia Bester has been part of the CBD family since August 2009 after retiring from her career in banking.  She has always loved books (the smell and feel of them). Sylvia is a Social Media junkie, passionate about people and how she can make a difference in their lives by encouraging them to read good books. 

by Martin Ayers

Shifting your thinking on doubt ……

Keep the FaithThis great little book is part of a collection of “Guidebooks for Life” published by Matthias Media and its very aptly titled.

The author reminds of the times when we as Christians feel as if we are going in the opposite direction to our family and friends and we feel very lonely and isolated. At times like this it’s important to keep going in that opposite direction, the direction of our redeemer.

Our Christian faith defines who we are and that faith and union with Jesus is sufficient for all our needs. We are reminded that if we become doubtful about what we believe it will become increasingly harder to rely and live according to those beliefs.

Living in a society where your friends think you’ve gone mad is not easy for the Christian especially when adherents of other faiths dismiss our faith in Jesus with mockery and scorn.  What we need to remember when we are challenged by doubt is the reason why we put our trust in Jesus and that Christianity has been weighed and measured throughout history and never been found wanting.

We need to be careful that we don’t reduce our levels of commitment and involvement and so enter into a vicious circle that will eat away at our faith. Following Jesus is an all or nothing experience and serving him wholeheartedly will allow your doubts to dissipate.

I totally agree with the author that the most practical step in dealing with doubt is remembering the Fall and to be encouraged by how we have been rescued from the results.

On page 124 “Our delight will only grow stronger as we mature in our faith by contemplating his(Jesus’s) words and his actions, by serving him wholeheartedly, by speaking to him more often and by getting to know him better through the scriptures”.

A tremendously encouraging book full of anecdotes and scripture references which belongs on every Christian’s bookshelf.


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