Category Archives: Blog

What now?

Devotion by Trevor Bradley

Trusting GodDo you ever wake up full of the ‘joys’, only to have that ripped away and replaced by the unexpected?  The foundations of your world have gone from immovable to marshmellow …

There’s a start to a chapter in 2 Chronicles 20 that showcases this.  It starts out like this – “AND THEN IT HAPPENED” …. They never saw it coming.

Max Lucado says: GOD will see you through this.It might not be painless. But HE WILL take that which seems will harm,and use it/turn it around,for your good…HE WILL see you through”

Life Is an Obstacle CourseHow can we be sure?….. Because of the promise HE has given to us.  Proverbs 3 vs 5-6: “Trust in the Lord (the GOD  who is able. The mover of mountains. EL- the all-powerful one) wholeheartedly (with all that is within you. Stake it all on HIM) and do not lean on own understanding (wisdom,ability,gifts).  In ALL that is happening acknowledge that HE IS in control, and HE WILL direct your ways/paths (Psalm 32 vs 8 : ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you must go. With my eye watching over you, I will counsel/direct you’).

That’s HIS promise to you today. HIS word of truth. HIS assurance.

Right Side UpSO?

Psalm 46 vs 10 says “Let go,relax,and let God be God”.   Easy?   ……. Never ….  Is it contrary to what you believe you ought to do and the system tells you to do?  You bet.  But I would rather put my “what now” in HIS hands than in the hands of anyone else.

Wouldn’t  you?



Book Review: Don’t waste your sports

By C.J. Mahaney

Don't waste your sportsSports are a gift from God—but we’ll waste this gift if we play for our own glory.  

So how do we play sports for God’s glory and not our own?  

Don’t Waste Your Sports
 is for athletes, parents, and coaches. It provides a biblical worldview of sports so that we don’t waste this gift. “I had the opportunity to glorify God in my sports,” C.J. writes, “and I fumbled it. I wasted my sports. You have the opportunity, by the grace of God, not to waste yours.” 

This booklet covers topics like:-

  • What are sports really for?
  • Meeting god before the opening tip;
  • Play to the glory of God;

The booklet includes two sets of application questions: one for athletes and one for parents. 


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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

 No Answer

Luke 18 v 1. Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
For many believers it is a mystery why there are times when God just does not appear to hIs That You Lordear their prayers, or to deliver them out of some great need. It can be very discouraging and spiritually frustrating when the Father who sustains the world and has promised to care for His own children, seems to bring no breakthrough for us. What is this all about?In the bible passage alluded to today, Jesus tells a parable about a woman who needed some help against an adversary. She turned to the law, but the law let her down because the very one who should have protected her was unjust.
What did this woman do?The answer is she persisted. The judge said “this widow keeps bothering me.” So finally he Prayer And The Knowledge Of Godgranted her request. I do not know why God does not seem to answer us immediately in our time of need. But what we all know is that our Father is not unjust, but just and caring. Listen to Jesus’ words in Luke 18 v 7. “Will He keep putting them off?” The answer is of course, no, he won’t. He will see that they get justice. Our problem is that we have the way God should answer our prayers, all worked out in our minds. But God has His own sovereign will, and according to verse 1 “We should always pray and NOT give up.” Keep trusting Him, even when there are no apparent answers from Heaven. He hears us. He is our Heavenly Father.

Prayer:  O God my strength is exhausted. I feel discouraged and very low. Still I will trust you. You know me and you know my need. Amen.

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Book Review: Living with the Underworld

By Peter Bolt.  Reviewed by Nick Collins

Living with the UnderworldWhat does ‘Underworld’ mean?   Does it refer to the mafia and Tony Soprano, or the world of the dead and Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

As Peter Bolt shows in this frankly frightening book, it can mean both – and the two often behave in similar ways. I say ‘frightening’ because the book uncovers the unseen spiritual world – and you might prefer it remain covered.

How, asks Bolt, do we explain the fascination for the (spiritual) underworld in ‘enlightened’ Western society? He explores all the pagan ideas of the ancient world – underworld spaces such as the world below (where the dead are buried) and the world above (where spirits dwell). And we sit uncomfortably in between, forced to interact on occasions with both. How do we understand charms, curse tablets and the invasion of “our” world by the other world?

 “In some Christian circles, interest in the devil is climbing to almost medieval proportions. .. sadly, this has led to a number of weird practices that are certainly not endorsed by the New Testament and are actually discouraged.”

It is a dark and threatening book. However, the last three chapters cover ‘Neutralizing the underworld’, ‘A New Space in the Universe’ and ‘Living with the Underworld’. It is the victory of Christ and the clear teachings of the New Testament that deal with the lower and upper worlds, and define our lives and practices.

CBD Price: R120.00

Purchase Living with the Underworld from our online shopping cart,


Christianity on Trial ….

Do you struggle with answering the difficult questions your unsaved friends sometimes ask you?  Do you wish you were able to be more articulate in your replies?  CBD have 3 great books that can help you at great promotional prices:

Jesus on Trial: Kel Richards

Jesus on Trial (Richards)Hasn’t Jesus been disproved by modern scholars?  Can Jesus have really risen from the dead?  Surely there must be some other explanation?  

In the modern world, we are constantly told that Jesus is merely a myth, and the resurrection story wishful thinking.  But what does the evidence say?  Taking the form of a court case, this book lays out the evidence and counter-evidence for Jesus.  What will your verdict be?  122 pages (paperback)

PRICE: WAS R81.00    NOW R65.00

How can a God of love send people to Hell? : John Benton

How can a God of Love send people to HellIs there a hell to which unrepentant sinners go after they die? If it does exist, and if God is a God of love, as he is supposed to be, how could he send people to such a place? How bad do you have to be before God would send you there?

In plain, direct language John Benton deals with these and many other questions concerning hell. He challenges us to face up to what lies beyond the grave and to deal in this life with those issues which determine our destiny.  93 pages (paperback)

PRICE: WAS R30.00       NOW R15.00


Missing the Point? : Vaughan RobertsMissing the PointIs there meaning to life? Is history just random? Where does my life fit in? These are topical questions in any age but particularly so in our post-modern era. Vaughan Roberts addresses these questions and others by examining what the Bible presents as the ‘turning points’ in history, from creation to the end of time.

This does not read like a normal history book. It does something far more important, to help you see history as God does, so that you might fit in with his plans for the world. These questions and others by examining what the Bible presents as the ‘turning points’ in history, from creation to the end of time.  41 pages (paperback)

PRICE: WAS R32,00     NOW: R20.00

Purchase these new books from our online shopping cart,

Book Review : Tribe of Shadows

Written by David Ferguson & reviewed by Ginny Grimsley

Tribe of ShadowsIn a part of the world as beautiful as it is brutal, the fate of two brothers and a nation are at the mercy of a ruthless military general in author David Fergusson’s tale of modern Africa and its struggle for freedom and self-determination in the new novel Tribe of Shadows – The Hunted”

William Hunt is a renowned journalist living in London when his brother, Ross, who runs a photographic camp on the edge of an African game reserve, sends a desperate message: He is running for his life from a feared and powerful military leader who commands a legion of merciless guerillas. Loosely based on actual events and the real-life experiences of people who have endured civil wars and ethnic clashes, the novel explores the breathtaking violence and spiritual redemption of a struggling region of the world.

For David Fergusson, a native South African who grew up Zimbabwe in its troubled transitional years, the story is personal.

“African nations are among the most beautiful, but most troubled in the world and I wanted to capture the essence of that struggle and do so in a way that allows readers all over the world to relate to the plight of the people who live there,” says Fergusson,  who now makes his home in Zambia.

“Tribe of Shadows delves deeply into the darkness of the lost soul, and the compassion and patience needed to draw it out of the shadows to a place of peace.”

Blessed with some of the world’s most fantastic natural beauty, incredible wildlife and riches in natural resources, sub-Saharan Africa remains a region struggling to join a modernizing world.

Fergusson’s work seeks to explore that difficult transition, following the two brothers, their friends and their family members as they are pursued by mercenaries intent on burying a secret. Their story culminates in a dramatic ending that reflects strong messages of resiliency and faith.

For more information on this book and others written by David Ferguson (which CBD stocks), please visit

CBD PRICE: R150.00

Purchase Tribe of Shadows from our online shopping cart,


Just Arrived at CBD – 2 Brand New Titles

Evidence for the Bible – Brian Edwards

Evidence for the BibleThis beautifully produced book with over 200 full colour images, reveals some of the many discoveries that either authenticate or illustrate the biblical narrative.

The text is accurate, informative & assumes no prior knowledge of the world of archaeology. It follows the biblical record from Genesis to Revelation.

Timelines of the Ancient Near East empires, articles on specific thorny issues such as the Pharaoh of the Exodus & the census of Quirinius, an assessment of fallacies in the world of biblical archaeology & a detailed bibliography, all add to the value of this unique volume.

CBD PRICE: R375.00

Bible-Centred Church : Running a Church in the biblical way – John Temple

Bible-Centred ChurchMost evangelical churches claim to be biblical in all they do. Pastors faithfully encourage their congregations to obey Scripture as their expression of their love for Christ. But does this include the way we structure & run our churches? We all too easily slip into starting with the secular law, tradition or culture, regarding the biblical requirements as ‘suggestions’, yet it is the Bible that should be our starting point. We should endeavour to ‘render to Caesar the things that are Caesars’ & observe those elements of secular law, tradition or culture which are not in conflict with the Bible, but reject anything that is contrary to the Bible.

Using a scale from ‘Precepts’ (the Ten Commandments) to ‘Freedoms’ (issues on which the Bible is silent), this book provides practical advice on how to apply the Bible to church organisation.

CBD PRICE: R100.00

Purchase these new books from our online shopping cart,


Let’s Be Frank : Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.


Luke 22:62: “And he went outside and wept bitterly.” 

The Bookends of the Christian LifeThe reason for Peter’s tears was his failure to stand by Christ in his time of ordeal. Instead he denied Christ and his inner world crashed in on him. 

This is what it means to be backslidden. It is to let our love of the world supercede our love for Christ. We lose our taste for spiritual things and the view of life we once had becomes dimmed. Our lives undergo a change and we are no longer ardent about Christ nor zealous to see others brought to faith in Him. Sometimes our confusion about conversion stems from the fact that we have silently backslidden and have lost our grip on Christ.  

There are many reasons why people backslide. It could be the devil’s old trick of helping us to fall in love with the wrong person, or it could be the disapproval of family and friends, as it could be the simple busyness of life and the distractions of earning a living, paying our debts, and caring for our families. Who knows? There are a million reasons why we lose our grip on Christ. 

Things God Wants Us To KnowBut here’s the thing. It may well be that your state of backsliding is evidence that you were never a real Christian in the first place and now the old life, the real you, is beginning to show through. That’s a possibility. 

On the other hand, it is possible that your backsliding is a temporary setback and you have momentarily caved into some pressure. But how do you know which? 

Well, in Peter’s case, Jesus met him later, after his resurrection and asked Peter: “Do you love me”. He asked three times. And Peter, in spite of what he must have been feeling was able to say: “Yes Lord I love you”. 

True love for Christ, rooted in the new nature, will eventually break through. The sign that you are a Christian is that you leave your backsliding and return to the Lord. Conversely the sign you are not a Christian is that you simply don’t care. Which is it with you? 


Dear Lord, please protect me from the influences of the world, the flesh and the devil. Please keep me spiritually safe.

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Book Review : Connecting with God in the Small Spaces of your Day

Aimed at  the Teen Market, this book is filled with devotions that are short, relevant, edgy & true.

Small SpacesThe writers of WordSpace get that being a young person today can be tough ….They get that life is often crazy busy …. They get that trying to figure out life with God as a teenager can be both exhilarating and just plain scary …. They get that many young people are looking for authentic, honest truth.   And they believe that you will find that in this book.

Each post has been written by a youth leader who loves Jesus and young people too.  They have paired each devotion with an image that will help to give you space to connect with a personal God.  You can use that space in whatever way is helpful to you.

Some topics in this devotional include:-

  • Temptation Diaries;
  • God’s view of you;
  • Your Soundtrack;
  • Holy people in unholy places;

Encounter God in a fresh way through this collection of WordSpace posts & images.

CBD Special Promotional Price: R85.00 (valid until end September 2014 or while stocks last)

Teens can also subscribe to receive free daily WordSpace messages directly to their cell phones.  Find out more here:

Purchase SmallSpaces from our online shopping cart,


Christians can get depressed & lose hope too …..

Do Christians get depressed?  … How can we as Christians support and encourage loved ones around us who suffer from this condition? … How do we find hope when life doesn’t make sense & God feels distant?

Depression in the Christian Family : Author: Herbert Carson

Depression in Christian FamilyDepression is a personal and deeply painful problem.  It not only causes great trials for the sufferer but also for the family and friends who have watch their anguish.  They want to help but don’t know how to respond, knowing that a wrongly spoken word or attitude can cause further hurt.

This book is primarily designed for those who are facing depressing, but is also directed at Christians who are in a position of supporting and ministering to those suffering from depression.  The book seeks to equip the reader to be able to help depression sufferers and to show that the Bible has the answer as to how we should face it.




God is just not Fair : Jennifer Rothschild

This is a book about finding more than just answers. It’s for anyone who needs hope when life doesn’t make sense – for all who reach for a God who feels distant. 

God is Just Not FairDo you believe God is just not fair? If you’re like Jennifer Rothschild, you wrestle with questions when you experience painful circumstances. Does God care? Does he hear my prayers? Is he even there?
Blinded as a teenager, Jennifer overcame daunting obstacles, found strength in God, and launched a successful speaking and writing ministry. Then in her 40’s, everything changed.
Jennifer hit a wall of depression and discontent that shook her to her core, undermining many of her past assumptions about her faith. Jennifer wondered who God was and why he continued to allow her to struggle and doubt. Where, Jennifer pleaded, is his hand of healing and hope in my life now?
As Jennifer tackles the six big questions of faith, she will help you:
  • Trust God more than your feelings.
  • Strengthen your faith when you feel beat up by life.
  • Embrace your obstacles and start experiencing their purpose.
  • Face your disappointment and grow stronger from your loss.

CBD PRICE: 185.00

Please note that this offer is available from our Head Office Store and is valid until end September 2014.

Purchase these & other books on depression from our online shopping cart,


Moments with a Mom : How to raise your kids to be world changers (Part 2)


Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (5) and Tyler (3 going on 21). Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters. In her spare time Candice writes for her own blog and is a travel consultant.


I read up a couple of weeks ago about this idea of suspended coffee. I’d never heard of it, and its apparently an idea that’s in operation all over the USA but I was totally keen to try it.

Family, TheSuspended coffee works in some coffee shops, where if you buy a coffee, you can say “One decaf to go and one suspended.” In essence, you’re paying for two coffees but one is suspended. Someone in need, for example, a homeless person, a family in need ~ when they come into the coffee shop, they know to ask for a suspended coffee and they receive a free one because of you, paying for one. Stunning idea and really just demonstrates an act of kindness and giving to those who can’t even afford a simple luxury of coffee in the morning.

So, because I’m not really a coffee drinker, I decided to rope my kids in when we do grocery shopping, in a kinda “Suspended Grocery Shopping” idea. When I take my two Gospel Centred Familylittle ninjas in the trolley down the aisle at the grocery store, whatever they choose as a treat, they throw another one in the trolley for “a baby who doesn’t have one.” Living in South Africa, my kids come into contact with loads of kids who are less fortunate than they are so I pack the extra goodies in my car. It’s never anything big, maybe like a sucker, or a packet of chips, or a boxed juice, but my kids are slowly learning that things that they have, some kiddies aren’t fortunate to have themselves. When we come across a little girl or boy that is in need, we can dig into the stockpile we have and hand it out. Not only is it a blessing to the little kiddie in need, but it’s a HUGE blessing to my two babies to see how much joy they bring to someone by just sharing something they take for granted everyday. Again, it’s being someone’s smile, even just for a few moments.

8 Great Dates for Moms and DaughtersBeing only 3 and 5 years old, my children still have so much to learn. They are only just beginning to find out what they’re capable of, and just because they’re tiny, doesn’t mean they can’t change the world for good, for Jesus. My kids and I have this little line we always say. I say to them “I may be small” and they end it off with “But with God’s help, I can do big things.” Me, as their mommy ~ I have to show them now that even the smallest things now, make an eternal impact ~ and that’s not restricted to their age at all. I pray every day that my kids, starting now at 3 and 5 years old, will start to realise the kind of impact they can make on the world.

Purchase your parenting book requirements from our online shopping cart,

Equip Book of the Month : August

Scriptures Testify about Me, TheScriptures Testify About Me : DA Carson

Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament

The Bible’s storyline is grand in its sweep, beautiful in its form, and unified in its message. However, many of us still struggle both to understand and to best communicate how the Old and New Testaments fit together, especially in relation to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Eight prominent evangelical pastors and scholars demonstrate what it looks like to preach Christ from the Old Testament in this collection of expositions of various Old Testament texts:

Albert Mohler — Studying the Scriptures and Finding Jesus (John 5:31–47)

Tim Keller — Getting Out (Exodus 14)

Alistair Begg — From a Foreigner to King Jesus (Ruth)

James MacDonald — When You Don’t Know What to Do (Psalm 25)

Conrad Mbewe — The Righteous Branch (Jeremiah 23:1–8)

Matt Chandler — Youth (Ecclesiastes 11:9–12:8)

Mike Bullmore — God’s Great Heart of Love toward His Own (Zephaniah)

D. A. Carson — Getting Excited about Melchizedek (Psalm 110)

From the experience of the Israelites during the exodus, to the cryptic words about Melchizedek in the Psalms, here are 8 helpful examples of successful approaches to preaching the gospel from the Old Testament by some of the most skilled expositors of our day.

Usual CBD Price: R190

Special Equip Price: R140

(price valid until 7 September 2014)

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