Category Archives: Blog

The Never Ending Conflict in the Middle East

The current conflict between Israel and Palestine is uppermost in most Christian minds and conversation.  Renewed violence …… fresh calls for peace negotiations …. broken cease fires ….  Between perplexing contradictions and inflammatory rhetoric, it is often difficult to find out what is really going on in the Middle East.

The Mirage of PeaceLike it or not, the problems of the Middle East are here to stay.  Like it or not, what is happening in the Middle East is going to impact the lives of all of us.  What happens in the Middle East affects our lives in some way or another.  Understanding the region and its conflicts is no longer a luxury and no longer the concern of only academics and dilettante travelers, it is vital for all of us.

Former TIME magazine Jerusalem bureau chief, David Aikman, has spent decades reporting on Middle-East issues.  Aikman takes a sober, balanced look at a region aflame and brings a journalist’s mind and a believer’s heart to his exploration of the political and religious factors in play.  He goes beyond the media’s chronic over-simplification to carefully examine recent history and the leaders who have made that history.

Aikman turns a critical eye on the policies of the region’s prime players.  He resorts neither to blind pro-Israeli sentiment nor to reactionary pro-Palestinian bias.  He challenges fellow Christians to a similar approach to the Middle East: respect, reason and love.

CBD PRICE: R133.00 (Hardcover edition)

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Let’s Be Frank : Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Romans 3:21 “But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the law and the prophets testify.”
COUNTED RIGHTEOUS IN CHRIST (2)Just think for a moment how much good the noble deeds of great men have accomplished in the world. Although our world is fallen we must not forget that we are still created in God’s image and therefore mankind is capable of great and good things as well as great evil and darkness. Philanthropists over the years have made possible hospitals for the sick, schools for the poor children, food for the hungry and various ingenuous endeavours to help those who cannot help themselves for some reason. One only has to remember some recent natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood to see the world respond in great acts of goodwill and generosity.But however good, noble and praiseworthy all these efforts are, we must never lose sight of the bible’s teachings that by our good deeds and noble efforts, i.e., our “righteousness” we can still not know God. Our fallenness is too great, so no matter how we try we cannot know God until he makes Himself known to usRoot of the Righteous. But here in this verse we read that this is exactly what He has done. “A righteousness from God has been made known”. What righteousness is this? It is the righteousness of Christ which supercedes all the noble acts of humankind, over all the ages. And what makes His righteousness so special? It is that He offered His righteous soul up as an atonement for our sins. God’s promise is that to all who believe, the righteousness which belongs only to His Son will be imputed or given to us  sinners, while our sins are attributed to Him who pays for them on the Cross. This means that I need no longer strive to make myself acceptable to God – for that is an impossible task. Rather the impeccable righteousness of Christ, given to me, speaks for all and makes me acceptable to the Father. So I may feel a failure, I may feel especially low but now I know that my feelings are not important. It is what is true about me that is important and that is that I now have a “Righteousness from God”. I am saved, forgiven and free from guilt.

Moreover, this is what the Old Testament law and prophets were pointing to all the time. So it’s not new. It’s what God intended from the beginning.

Let’s not stop our noble deeds, rather let us increase them, but this time with the knowledge that they do not gain us Heaven, but are rather proof that we belong to God and that Heaven is our ultimate destiny.


“Heavenly Father

Words fail us as we think of your mighty Grace extended to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. I praise you and thank you for the righteousness He gave us which makes us acceptable to you. Please help me to live in such a way that I demonstrate this daily to all I meet. Amen”

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Book Review: The Feminist Mistake

By Mary Kassian

Reviewed by Tim Challies

Feminist MistakeThe Feminist Mistake, by Mary Kassian traces the rise of feminism through the twentieth century. It shows how a movement at first designed to protect women’s rights, soon morphed into a movement of incredibly destructive power – a movement that has ultimately caused great harm to society and to the church. “Looking back over the past fifty years is a sobering exercise. Feminism was the dream that promised women happiness and fulfillment. But I suspect … we would find that women are unhappier and less fulfilled than ever. The feminist paradigm simply does not match the reality of who God created women and men to be. Hence it cannot deliver on its promise” (page 299).

Read more about this book here.

CBD Price: R165.00

SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R145.00  (valid until end August 2014)

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Join Dr Timothy Keller as he opens up the first half of the book of Romans, helping you to Romans 1-7 for Youget to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today. 
Written for people of every age and stage, from enquirers to new believers to pastors and teachers, this flexible resource is for you to:

  • READ: As a guide to this wonderful letter, helping you appreciate the great gift of righteousness with God.
  • FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God s word.
  • LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying Romans 1 7 as you preach or lead a Bible study.

Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is… Romans 1-7 For You.

CBD PRICE: R165.00


Timothy Keller was educated at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary.  He is the Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.  Timothy is the New York Times bestselling author of The Reason for God, The Prodigal God and Galations for you.

Prices valid until end August 2014 or while stocks last.

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When sin looks delicious …

By Author & Speaker Tim ChalliesStill Deadly

Do you ever have those days where you just want to sin? Sin looks delicious while righteousness looks distasteful. Sin looks satisfying and holiness looks frustrating. You wake up in the morning with a desire to do what you know you should not desire to do. Your heart echoes with what God said to Cain: “Sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you.” And your desire is for it.

What do you do on a day like that?Battling Unbelief

Tim Challies offers 8 practical points on how to face the temptation of sin in your life head -on, read more here.

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Coffee with Sylvia : South Africa’s Forgotten Revival

Sylvia Bester Picture

Sylvia Bester has been part of the CBD family since August 2009 after retiring from her career in banking.  She has always loved books (the smell and feel of them). Sylvia is a Social Media junkie, passionate about people and how she can make a difference in their lives by encouraging them to read good books. 

 By Olea Nel

The story of the Cape’s great awakening in 1860

In this very informative and uplifting book, Dr Nel recounts the facts around the almost “overnight” revival that changed the lives of many South African people. It is evident that this is an exceptional piece of historical research about a period that has been “forgotten” by many.

South Africa's Forgotten RevivalThis is the story of the Cape’s Great Awakening in 1860 which left a precious heritage that is still evident today.

This is the story of Andrew Murray, a young minister from Scotland who defended the Church against the onslaught of liberalism and illiteracy. Andrew was one of the most important and blessed church leaders in South African history. His books have been translated into many languages and are still beloved by millions of Christians all over the world.

It is also the story of Nicolaas Hofmeyr and Gotlieb van der Lingen who, in spite of their robust faith, could not  in their own strength, breathe life into their congregations and awaken their frigid hearts to persevere in prayer. It is the story of how God in his Mercy had to take the initiative and place the desire for communal prayer into the hearts of believers.

On page 25 we  are told of the quandary the semi-literate Afrikaners found themselves. “The clergy considered their vernacular, Afrikaans to be unworthy of religious observances, including personal devotions” Fortunately we read that our sovereign God had no intention of leaving the situation that way and we find out exactly what God’s goals for the Afrikaner were.

We are reminded that the best weapon of attack is the sword. This sword is the sword of the Spirit- the Word of God.

It is with this weapon that Andrew Murray arms himself to break down every barrier to worship.

Dr Christo Nel says in the foreword: May God help us to remember what it is like when our Lord works sovereignly  and uniquely”

As you  begin to read this story you will find, as I  did, that you cannot put it down you and will be encouraged and amazed at the wonderful and glorious works of our Lord!

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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Where is Jesus when I need Him?

Mark 5:36 Jesus told the synagogue ruler: “Don’t be afraid just believe.”
The story in Mark 5:2-4 is full of interesting and mysterious things. Jesus is approached by a troubled and anxious father to heal his eleven year-old daughter. This man “Jairus” was neither an enemy nor a critic of our Lord. He was simply a father, although he had great standing in the community because he was one of the rulers of the local synagogue.We read that Jesus went with him but on the way he was delayed by another person with great personal needs. The woman who stopped him en route to the young girl had suffered for years with a bleeding condition. We can only imagine what this must have meant for her physically, psychologically and socially because she would have been considered unclean, and also conjugally – if she was married at all – her husband would most likely have disowned her. So Jesus stops to deal with her and help her.Meanwhile, imagine the family waiting for Jesus with great anxiety. Does he not know how serious their daughter’s condition is? Why does He not come at once? Why does He allow Himself to be delayed?
God is Enough
How often have we felt like that. Our personal circumstances have taken a bad turn and in desperation we have called out to the Lord. But nothing seems to happen. Then the news arrives that the girl had died. But Jesus ignores the messengers and urges the family to have faith! Faith in what? Faith in fate, or in medicine or in the unknown or what? No. It is faith in HIM. By trusting Him they are saying: “We believe that you come from God. We believe you have all power in Heaven and Earth. Although we do not understand all your ways we know you not only know best but will do what is right and in alignment with your purposes”As we know the story ends well. The young girl is healed and the family is comforted.Does this mean that there will always be healing for us? Or that every crisis will be resolved satisfactorily? NO! What this great story tells us is that there will come a day when Jesus will “wake” us all up from the grave and in that new world which he will bring with him there will be no more death, sickness and sorrow.
Prayer and the voice of God aOf course this story also tells us how compassionate our Lord is with us all here and now! We may certainly bring our sorrows and anxieties to Him. But remember the little girl died first before she was raised to live and so too with us. Our circumstances may not seem to change much outwardly, in fact they may even seem worse. In other words somehow for us it seems that the worst that can happen seems to happen first, with no intervention from the Lord.But He who has authority and power over all things seen and unseen is still in control of your circumstances if you belong to Him.
His Word to you is “Don’t be afraid. Just believe”. Believe not in the mystical power of faith, like many superstitious people do, but believe in Him, His love for you, proven by His death on the Cross, and believe that He is in control of your life and working all things out for the best, and for His own ultimate glory. So that whatever conclusion there is to your personal dilemma, sad or happy, you are never out of His hands, never cut off from His care and never outside of His purposes.Prayer:“Heavenly FatherI confess that my faith has often failed especially when my circumstances have been bad. I am very weak. Please strengthen me so that I may trust you and your love for me shown by your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us and rose again so that we might have a brighter future. Amen”
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Book Review: All Is Grace

Author: Brennan Manning

All is Grace (Manning)This book was reviewed by Trevor Bradley : Rosebank Union Church, Sandton

Here is an invite to come into the closet and peek at the unfolding love story between creator and the created. The intimacy between the loved and the heart of the one who created the very act of love.   

The living out and unpacking of the most wonderful word in the English language – GRACE.

CS Lewis  was asked by one of his students,upon passing a table of debate at the university where he was a professor, what made Christianity different from all other religions? His immediate retort was GRACE..

Brennan was a recipient of it. Lived in the embrace of it. Abandoned himself to it for he knew in measure the scope of it ~ fail and feeble prodigal that he was and like we all are. We can never plunge it’s depths nor comprehend it’s enormity or begin to understand it’s scope. But we can fall down at the feet of the one who as the hymn writer says “were the whole realms of nature mine. This will be an offering far to small. Love so amazing so divine. Demands my life, my soul, my all.” We can worship HIM for his grace.

This is the story of Brennan Manning. A life lived in thanks to our Father for HIS amazing, awesome grace.

CBD Price : R250.00

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Some Great Specials


BloodlinesGenocide. Terrorism. Hate crimes. In a world where racism is far from dead, is unity amidst diversities even remotely possible?

Sharing from his own experiences growing up in the segregated South, pastor John Piper thoughtfully exposes the unremitting problem of racism. Instead of turning finally to organizations, education, famous personalities, or government programs to address racial strife, Piper reveals the definitive source of hope—teaching how the good news about Jesus Christ actively undermines the sins that feed racial strife, and leads to a many-colored and many-cultured kingdom of God.

Learn to pursue ethnic harmony from a biblical perspective, and to relate to real people different from yourself, as you take part in the bloodline of Jesus that is comprised of “every tongue, tribe, and nation.”

CBD PRICE: R215.00




God is Great Bible StorybookIGod Is Great, Carolyn Larsen and illustrator Caron Turk provide a wonderful resource for children ages five and under by presenting seventeen Bible stories in an understandable and fun way. In simple language, Larsen describes what God has done in the story of our world, beginning with the creation account and moving through the Great Commission. As children learn about the ways in which God has shown his greatness in the past, they will also learn about his character and how he is still great today.

“God Makes Everything,” “God Protects Daniel,” “Jesus Feeds the 5,000,’ and ‘Jesus Dies, But Not Forever!” are only a few of the stories that will captivate young readers. Beautiful illustrations by veteran illustrator Caron Turk accompany each story. Parents, grandparents, and teachers will find God Is Great to be a valuable tool for teaching young children.





John Calvin saw this world as God’s theater where his glory is always on display. The universe and history are not silent,  they tell the glory of God. With Calvin in the theater of GodReflecting on over 500 years of Calvin’s legacy, John Piper and this book’s other contributors invite us to join Calvin in the theater of God.

Stemming from the Desiring God 2009 National Conference, this volume includes chapters by Julius Kim, Douglas Wilson, Marvin Olasky, Mark Talbot, Sam Storms, and John Piper. It touches on topics such as Calvin’s life, the Christian meaning of public life, sin and suffering, the joy of the last resurrection, and Jesus Christ as the dénouement of God’s story.

Editors John Piper and David Mathis, along with the contributors, make John Calvin’s Christ-exalting perspective on the glory of God accessible to today’s readers. Both Calvinists and other evangelicals interested in the life and work of Calvin will find these essays refreshing and instructive, leading to a robust understanding of the world as the theater of God.

CBD PRICE: R115.00



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Moments with a Mom : How to raise your children as world changers (Part 1)


Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (5) and Tyler (3 going on 21). Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters. In her spare time Candice writes for her own blog and is a travel consultant.

When you have a baby, just getting through one day without falling asleep in our cereal is the biggest achievement. As my two ninjas get older, I’m beginning to realise that raising kids, as much as possible to be Jesus kids, doesn’t just consist of trying to make it through the day in one piece, It's Apparent... You're a Parent!making sure that homework is done, ensuring that veggies are eaten and that naps are taken. God actually relies on me (and Matt) to give our kids character building lessons, to teach them Godly values and to show them how to be Jesus to people. Because we’re the closest people to them, we’re the first example they’ll know and see ~ ahem. The pressure is great.

Noah, my 5 year old, is at school in the mornings. At the start of the year, he was at another pre-school where he was bullied. It impacted him and his little self-confidence and character a lot. As his mommy, it was just the most heart breaking thing to have to walk through. Needless to say, he’s in a different school and loving it BUT even though Noah and I walked that path, and it was horrible, it gave him a chance to learn an important lesson. Because he knows that being ugly to other kids hurts, because he’s experienced it himself, he knows what it feels like. He identifies. So everyday when he gets out the car at school, and we walk into class, I say to him “Mr Noah, you be the little boy who makes another girl or boy smile today.” Look, he’s 5 ~ and he’s totally not into sharing at the moment and really is feisty so of course, he’s got his moments where he’s not even close to bringing a smile to someone else, but rather a flood of tears. But every morning as his mommy, I pray “Lord, help my baby help someone smile today” ~ and I try remind him at the start of every day as he heads into his classroom. He’s never come home and told me he’s been a smile-bringer but his teacher told me the other day that he prayed in class and this is how his prayer went “Dear Jesus. Thank you for our mommies and daddies and please help us to be kind to each other today. Jesus doesn’t like it when we’re ugly to each other. Amen.”

Candice Noah TylaI’m trying my best to teach my kids to bring and be joy to the people around them. By doing that, they’re demonstrating Jesus, even in the small things, like sharing Lego blocks or by asking another little girl or boy if they’re ok if they fall and helping them up ~ it’s a tough one to teach a little person who’s still trying to figure out what they want in life and who they are in life, never mind trying to be a light in someone else’s but we take it one day and one prayer at a time.

There’s also the practical side of things like trying to get my kids to be involved hands on with people who they wouldn’t normally get to interact with, to get them to see and be face to face with kids who don’t have as much as they do.

SUSPENDED COFFEE AND GROCERIES …… read part 2 next month.

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Book Review: Return to Me

Author: Lynn Austin

Book Reviewed by Candice Fourie: Staff member at CBD Rosebank Store

I can credit Lynn Austin with getting me into what’s called “biblical fiction.” She’s one of the most popular writers in this genre and since I picked up her Return to Mefirst book, Gods and Kings, I’ve been a really big fan of her writing.  Lynn Austin takes actual biblical events and creates a storyline and develops characters around the historical text and happenings. The Chronicles of the Kings series was her first novel series and in each book, she lists the text in the bible where she draws her inspiration from. You can check her as you’re going. For me, reading into a story written around an actual event in the Bible, opened up the text so much more for me. 

In her latest book, Return To Me, Lynn Austin starts off her new series called The Restoration Chronicles. The first book centers around the Jews who had been cast out of Jerusalem and exiled to Babylon. A new Persian king is brought into power and he decrees that they can return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. The two main characters are both serving in the priesthood ~ Iddo, married to Dinah and a survivor of the exile from Jerusalem and Zachariah, his grandson who by the end of the book is revealed as the Hebrew prophet who wrote the book of the same name in our Bible today.

You will follow their struggle and sacrifice as they leave Babylon after 70 years in exile, their trials and victories as, in obedience to God, they start the process of rebuilding the temple and their joy and elation as the temple is completed. All within Iddo’s lifetime, with him be able to see his grandson continue his legacy of serving God’s people in the temple and bringing them God’s word for His people. 

Let the books of Ezra and Nehemiah come alive to you with this compelling book. I would recommend it in a heartbeat – can’t wait for book 2.

CBD PRICE: R175.00


Offer valid until end of August 2014 or while stocks last
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Spotlight on China

Operation China: Introducing all the Peoples of China

Paul Hattaway (Author of best-selling title Operation World.

Operation ChinaOperation China introduces the minority peoples of China, made up of 490 groups and more than 100 million members. These diverse cultures, from the blue-eyed Muslims of Xinjiang to the tribal people of the jungles of Yunnan, are presented using brilliantly colored photographs, anthropological and geographical data, maps, statistics and a prayer calendar. Operation China is indexed with an extensive bibliography of English and Chinese-language publications.

If you have used Operation World to pray for peoples in the world, and you have a heart for the Chinese people — you need to buy this book as it will help you to understand the urgency of reaching those people groups and again shows you the heart of God — as illustrated in Luke 15, that He would go for the 1 lost sheep and leave the 99 behind. God loves those minority in China as well… no matter how small a group they might be, they”re still the 1 lost sheep to Him and He will go search for them until they are found. 

CBD PRICE: R 231.00



Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power

David Aikman : Former Beijing Bureau Chief for Time Magazine

Jesus in BeijingPolitics are being transformed by religion, namely in China—within the next thirty years, one-third of this potential superpower could be Christian.  If this religious transformation occurs, China would be one of the largest Christian nations in the world.  It is exciting to see how God is at work in China, causing rapid growth of the Church in spite of persecution that at times and at certain places has been tragically severe. The Chinese Church not only envisions– and is working toward- bringing all of China to faith in Jesus Christ, but is also working toward bringing the whole Muslim world to Christ. 

This book is a fascinating account of past history, present history being made, and a glimpse of the future Christian world. It is not only informative, but exciting and uplifting for a Christian to read this.

CBD PRICE: R 175.00



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