Category Archives: Blog

Let’s be Frank

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Just Do It ……

Proverbs 3:27-28  Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbour, “Come back later; I’ll give it tomorrow” – when you now have it with you.

Here is a word in season for all of us. There is within our fallen nature a basic tendency toward stinginess in thought, word and deed. We often find it hard to rejoice when others prosper and sometimes are perversely satisfied when others fail. We also tend to criticise rather than build up and to GRACE OF GIVINGthink negatively about people rather than lovingly.

This proverb takes an opposite view. For believers in Israel’s God fairness and justice should pervade all of life. As indeed should generosity and compassion.

So when someone has done well and deserves a word of encouragement, why not pass in on? It costs us nothing and we never know what that “reward” may reproduce in their lives. Many a tale could be told of a young man or woman making a crucial decision at a vulnerable time in their lives, as the result of a word in season from a friend, and their lives then turning out to be a blessing to many others. And with the electronic tools available to us today it is so easy to say something positive, uplifting and encouraging to someone who is trying hard to do the right thing but is currently feeling discouraged.

So, too, with the giving of material help. With the huge needs around us at the present time it is not easy to know who to give to, or how we should do it. But this is not the problem in this proverb. Rather it is the inner spontaneity to want to help. Often we try to get out of giving money or goods – especially with the amount of begging and con artists we have in our society. Still, there are also, very often genuine needs brought before us, where we can help, be it ever so little. The bible says, in effect “Give now” – not tomorrow.

I had a missionary friend once, long ago, who was invited to a very needy area to present the Gospel. However he did not have the money to pay for the ferry to take him there. He prayed and waited, but nothing happened. As a result he could not go and the opportunity was lost. The next day he received a letter from a supporter with the exact amount of money in it that he needed for the fare. The supporter said: “I meant to get this to you yesterday. I felt a strong urge to do so, but I was distracted.” I hope you can use this gift for the Gospel.” It was good of him to give, but he delayed, and as a result a good opportunity to spread the good news was lost.

Compare the words of these Proverbs with James 2:14-17. Let’s determine to be open-hearted, encouraging and as generous as our circumstances allow so that we may imitate our Father in Heaven.


Heavenly Father, you sent your Son to our world to save us. He is your only Son. Please forgive my tendency to selfishness and stinginess. Give me an open heart and make me a blessing to others who need encouragement. Amen”

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Book Review: Seekers of the Lost Boy

By local Author Taryn Hayes

Seekers of the lost BoyThis is the story set in a post-apartheid South Africa, writing about life during the apartheid era… We are transported along by a homeschooling family who are searching for the answers to a question they found in a Message in a Bottle that was thrown into the sea thirty years before.

When 12 year old Simon spots a mysterious object on the beach one cold winter’s morning, he never imagines that it will change his life.  Together with Nic and Kim, his 10 year old twin siblings, Simon decides to track down the origin of the object.  What they discover reveals a family secret, a history they never understood, and the answer to a question they never asked:

Who is God and does he care about me?

For a great review on this book by Se7en as well as an interview of the author, follow this link:

CBD Price : R90.00 each


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Father’s Day 2014

How about choosing a nice book to give to Dad this Father’s Day?


 Sleeping Giant: No Movement of God without Men of God (Kenny Luck)

Sleeping GiantMany pastors see the need but are at a loss for how to really engage men in their culture and church context. Deep down, they know they haven’t yet inspired men into the mission and vision of the local church on the same scale as women. Meanwhile, most men feel further detached from worship, left only with worldly expressions of manhood to fuel their identity.

Sleeping Giant is a punch in the gut and pat on the back for pastors and men worldwide, a powerful biblical approach that will bring them together and awaken some serious ministry potential.  And a church that gets men right can slay another dragon: Global injustice.

Injustice against women, children, and all innocents is rooted in broken male culture. The Bible says “Just as through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man many will be made righteous” (Romans 5:19). As the church disciples men into an identity and purpose that transcends culture, they will move from Adam and death over to Jesus and life.

You can see it taking place in Acts 2 following Pentecost, when widespread repentance and changing of men’s hearts brought God’s justice and relief to people. A masculine revolution happened then, and it can happen today.

CBD Price: R180.00

This resource is also available as a small group bible study.  Click here for more details.


A man after God’s own heart : God’s Relationship with David – and with you  (R.T. Kendall)

Man After God's Own Heart, A (Kendall)Twice God says that in King David he had found ‘a man after my own heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). David was one of God’s favourites. This was so despite David having sinned so deeply. What is encouraging is that the Lord continued to use David after his time of backsliding.

David was a man with deep feelings. He was a poet and musician as well as being Israel’s greatest King and one of the greatest ever military leaders.  David wrote that ‘the Lord confides in those who fear him’ (Psalm 25:14). It is a great honour to have someone confide in you – but to think that God would confide in a human being is amazing! David was someone with whom God chose to share his heart.  If you wish to know what it is like to be confided in by God – to become a person after God’s own heart too – then this book will help you discover what such a relationship is like.

CBD Price: R165.00


The Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Stuart Scott)

The Exemplary HusbandGod ordained marriage between a man and a woman so man would have a helper suitable, for companionship, and for procreation.  He created marriage to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church.  Christ was willing to sacrifice His life for the Church, and God expects no less from husbands today.

This book assists husbands towards purposeful and lasting Christlikeness for the glory of God.  It was written to be a companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Pearce.  Couples who commit to the biblical principles presented in these books will find a oneness in marriage that will give God glory and bring His blessing.

CBD Price : R150.00


Making the Most of your Devotional Life (Derek Thomas)

Is the Bible able to provide answers to the struggles and difficulties facing Christians at the beginning of the twenty-first century? Does it have aMaking the most of Your Devotional Lifenything realistic and genuinely helpful to say to those who are feeling jaded in their spiritual lives as a result of the stresses and pressures of life in a modern world? Derek Thomas gives a resounding ‘yes’ in response to these questions.

By leading his readers through fifteen meditations on the Psalms of Ascent ( Psalms 120-134), Dr Thomas shows them that the Word of God is a rich resource, full of the practical wisdom needed to meet the challenges of life in the home, at work, in the community and at worship. This book will assist Christians in restoring a vital relationship of worship and communion with God;  establishing the daily discipline of reading the Scriptures; developing the habit of meditating on the Word of God and prayer;  keeping a journal which helps to apply the teaching of Scripture and records one’s spiritual progress. 

Special CBD Price : R55.00


Offer valid until end of June 2014
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Rock Bottom

Psalm 40 vs 16:  But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The Lord is great!”

Do you ever feel you have hit “rock bottom?”  Well, take heart because you are not alone!  The Psalmist David experienced the same thoughts and wrote Good News for Anxious Christiansabout them for us in Psalm 40.

His extremely painful soul may have been caused by loneliness, a rebellious son, family members who had rejected him, or maybe even a combination of these.  But in the midst of “rock bottom” circumstances, David reminds us to:

  •  wait for the LORD who hears our cries (verse 1)
  •  remember that God will lift us out of the slimy pit and set our feet on a firm place to stand (verse 2)

God also “puts a new song in our mouth, a hymn of praise to our God (verse 3a).”  I experienced this first hand and share this to encourage you. While driving along the coast, I was listening to 3rd Day and was so moved as I saw at the same time His creation of a crystal clear blue Pickups for HiccupsAtlantic Ocean, sun shining brightly, and mountain upon mountain.  Tears of joy flowed as I considered the words of the song that:

  • the Lord of all creation is our God who takes us out of rock bottom situations
  • the universe declares His majesty, love, and holiness

David frequently used music to encourage his soul.   So find some dvd’s with worship music on them and put up the volume ….  Enjoy and worship our creator for who He is in your life, and trust Him that your rock bottom circumstances are known about by the Lord of all creation!

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Equip Book of the Month: June

Invest your Suffering: Paul Mallard

Unexpected Intimacy with a loving God.

Invest Your Suffering‘Let me be honest, during the last twenty years there have been times when my faith has seemed frail and fragile and almost ready to collapse. I have struggled with seeing my wife stripped of her dignity and reduced by her agony. I have doubted all kinds of things. I have exploded and lashed out. I do not like what is happening to my sweetheart one little bit.

Chronic illness never goes away. Come on, realistically, how much more can we take?’ ‘But one thing I have never doubted is that, in the darkest circumstances, we were only ever in the hands of God. That has been the ultimate source of comfort and hope.’

As Paul Mallard knows only too well, the crucible of suffering is a horrible place to be. But lessons learned there can be powerful and memorable. And it was there that Paul and Edrie experienced unexpected intimacy with a loving God who is no stranger to suffering. They feel personally challenged to use their experience and insights to help fellow sufferers too.

CBD Price: R125.00

Special Book of the Month Price: R90


Offer valid until end of June 2014
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New Arrival : Beth Moore’s latest Bible Study

Children of the Day : 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Your circumstances and conditions are not coincidental in your journey. God’s timing is impeccable. Join Beth Moore on Children of the Day (Leader's Guide)the Thessalonian shores as you face real crises, real medical diagnoses, real afflictions, real relationships, real doubts, real concerns, and real fears. Let’s not brush the sand off quickly. Let’s sit a while and let the tide come in and wash our eyes with fresh vision for 8 beautiful weeks. We don’t have to always see eye-to-eye to be glad we’re side by side. Let’s pat the sand beside us and welcome each other along.

Gather around the letters postmarked Thessalonica. Don’t let pride or timidity come between you and the presence of God. Press in tightly, professing Christ and, yes, in the company of others but also intimately by your name, circumstance, and condition. You have a place here. A purpose. And not one floating like a fleck in the air, loosed and free from your raw realities. This is your journey to the shores of Thessalonica where you’ll write your name and a slice of your biography in the sand.

Workbook: R190 each

Leader’s Guide:  R85 each

DVD: R890 each

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Re-Framing the 10 Commandments

We all know that the 10 Commandments are the very building blocks of our Christian Faith.  As Children we were taught the 10 commandments, and over the years we have heard many sermons based on these commandments and seen movies of the same.  Sometimes it is easy to fall into the Ten Commandments for Today, The (2nd ed)trap of seeing God’s law as a list of do and don’ts instead of viewing them in a positive light.

Author & Pastor, David Murray, has (cleverly) re-framed the 10 Commandments as list of God’s laws for us to enjoy and take pleasure in:-

  1. Enjoy the pleasure of knowing, worshipping and serving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
  2. Enjoy the pleasure of worshipping God in ways that He approves, loves, rewards, and responds to.
  3. Enjoy the pleasure of speaking and singing about God’s beautiful persons, names, attributes, and acts.
  4. Enjoy the pleasure of six days working in God’s calling for you and then enjoy the freedom of one full day off work to worship God and rest.
  5. Enjoy the pleasure of loving and following the leaders God has placed in your life for your temporal and eternal good.Ten Commandments, The (PB)
  6. Enjoy the pleasure of healthy attitudes and activities that will improve the quality and length of your life.
  7. Enjoy every physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual pleasure with the wife/husband God has given you.
  8. Enjoy the pleasure of growing wealth in order to provide for your family and to bless others with loving generosity.
  9. Enjoy the pleasure of praising others and of promoting all that is true, beautiful, and good.
  10. Enjoy the pleasure of being thankful and content with all that God has given you.

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Book Review : 5 Points

Towards a deeper Expression of God’s Grace : John Piper

Review by Tim Challies

Grace is the heart of God to do you good when you deserve it least. But do we really know how deeply we don’t deserve it?  Only God can reveal that to Five Pointsus. He does it through the Bible. And when he does, the wonders of his grace explode with brightness as never before. These Five Points are about how Christians come into being, and how we are kept forever. It reaches back into times past when we were freely chosen. It reaches forward into the future when we will be safe and happy forever. It reaches down into the mysteries of the work of Christ, purchasing the gift of faith for all God’s children. And it reaches into the human soul, glimpsing the mysteries of the Spirit’s work as he conquers all our rebellion and makes us willing captives of King Jesus.

John Piper believes that our experience of grace grows with our grasp of God’s gracious work. He invites us to come with him on this quest.

One of Piper’s great strengths in representing and defending Calvinistic theology has been in not merely defending this doctrine, but in making it lead to wonder and to worship. “My experience is that clear knowledge of God from the Bible is the kindling that sustains the fires of affection for God. And probably the most crucial kind of knowledge is the knowledge of what God is like in salvation.” Of course this is what the five points of Calvinism are about—“not the power and sovereignty of God in general, but his power and sovereignty in the way he saves people,” which is exactly why these doctrines are commonly referred to as the doctrines of grace. He insists that he does not begin here as a Calvinist who sets out to defend a system, but as a Christian who holds the Bible above any system of thought.

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See the Winners of the 2014 Christian Book Awards

2014 Christian Book Awards Winner


Kevin De Young

Crazy Busy

“I’m too busy” …….Most of us have probably used that excuse before. All too often busyness gets the best of us and it is hard to strike a balance between doing nothing and doing it all.

With warmth, humor, and honesty, De Young addresses this problem head on.  But not with the typical arsenal of time management tips.  Rather he gives us the biblical tools we need to get to the source of the issue and pull the problem out by the roots.  He explains why a life of constant chaos is far from what God intends. Discover the restful cure you’ve been too busy to find!




John MacArthur

NIV MacArthur Study Bible (HC)A classic resource—now available in the NIV. The MacArthur Study Bible is perfect for serious study. Dr. John MacArthur has collected his pastoral and scholarly work of more than 35 years to create the most comprehensive study Bible available. No other study Bible does a more thorough job of explaining the historical context, unfolding the meaning of the text, and making it practical for your life.

Teeming with beneficial Bible help, The MacArthur Study Bible is among the elite of Bible study tools. Over 35 years of Bible study are packed into one volume. The extensive verse-by-verse study notes provide a one-stop way to do your Bible study.

R525.00 (hard cover)



Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (2nd

The second edition of the DJG amply weighs and assess the gains and shortcomings of this new scholarship. Here is a self-contained reference library of information and perspective essential to exploring Jesus and the Gospels. This volume bridges the gap between scholars and those pastors, teachers, students and interested readers who want thorough treatments of key topics in an accessible and summary format.

Articles cover each Gospel, major themes in the Gospels, key episodes in the life of Jesus, significant background topics, as well as issues and methods of interpretation. Among other benefits, it allows multiple opportunities for each of the Gospels to be weighed and heard in its own voice. Bibliographies are full and up to date, putting readers in touch with the best work in the field. All of this allows the articles to serve as launching pads for further research.

R715.00 (hard cover)



Alister McGrath

CS Lewis A LifeIn C.S. Lewis—A Life, Alister McGrath, prolific author and respected professor at King’s College of London, paints a definitive portrait of the life of C. S. Lewis. After thoroughly examining recently published Lewis correspondence, Alister challenges some of the previously held beliefs about the exact timing of Lewis’s shift from atheism to theism and then to Christianity. He paints a portrait of an eccentric thinker who became an inspiring, though reluctant, prophet for our times.

You won’t want to miss this fascinating portrait of a creative genius who inspired generations.

R240 (hard cover)



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Let’s Be Frank

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

 Control your Anger

Proverbs 14:29  “He who is slow to anger has great understanding. But he who is quick tempered exalts folly.”

A Woman's Answer to AngerWe probably all know the name of the famous Reformer of the 16th century John Calvin. He was a great and godly man whose influence has stretched over the centuries. But perhaps few of us know that on one occasion over the wording of a certain document Calvin lost his temper completely and uttered the most scathing and bitter words to those present. Calvin blamed himself severely for his conduct and soon repented of it. The event occurred when he was a young man and not as well-known as he was to become in later years. This tendency to anger was a lifelong struggle for John Calvin.

Like him we all have our faults and anger is probably one of them. Who of us does not know the embarrassment of losing our temper and saying things which we can never take back and for which we are truly sorry?  It is true of course that not all anger is sinful anger. Sometimes anger is the right response to some sin and injustice. But not the anger that so consumes us that we lose total control of ourselves and the result is that several people may be hurt as a result of our inability to govern ourselves.

Jesus_the_life-changer_2009Knowing our sinful tendency to anger the Apostle Paul wrote: “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:26.

He was telling us to control ourselves when things occurred that stirred up anger. All disputes should be settled that very same day. Otherwise it is possible that brooding on the injustice that occurred may lead to increased anger and before you know it the devil has gained a foothold and great conflict and drama has unsettled all relationships.

Sometimes people’s words or actions can cause great hurt and we may feel justly angered. But it is far better to take time to reflect before we speak. We should all seek to preserve relationships and not break them.

Anger - Escaping the MazeThis calls for good grace and self-control. But is this not how the Lord’s people should behave under all circumstances? We read of Jesus being angry in the New Testament but on each occasion it was because of the hard-heartedness of his listeners to God or sometimes even to the less fortunate.

If there is an apology to be made; or a relationship to heal, a bridge to cross with someone, why not do it right now, before this day ends?


“Almighty God, You had every reason to be angry with all of us because of our rebelliousness against you, yet still you loved us and sent your only Son to save us. Forgive us for the times I have not reflected that graciousness and allowed myself to be led into anger and insult. Help me to put it right and give me grace to change. Amen.”

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Book Review : Compared to Her

How to experience true contentment : Sophie de Witt

Reviewed by : Nici Sims

This book is brilliant. It may be a small, short read, but there is nothing tiny about its message which cuts to the heart, speaking clearly and honestly about something ALL women struggle with – comparisons.Compared to Her

It is tempting to tell you everything and how deeply I was personally challenged, but I want you to read the book – so here is a brief morsel to whet your appetite!

Sophie begins by describing what “CCS” is – Compulsive Comparison Syndrome and how all women at guilty of either looking DOWN on someone else (I’m so glad I’m not like her… or do that…) or looking UP at someone (Oh how I wish I was like her… or had that…) or both! Different situations either make us feel superior, proud and somewhat better than other (read arrogant), or we complain and feel jealous, anxious, ungrateful – both looking down and looking up make us feel discontent , unable to rejoice with others. dissatisfied and bitter about whatever we have (or think we don’t have).

It is not wrong to long for security, significance and satisfaction – that is how God created us to be – but the problem is that we have reversed everything and put ourselves, instead of God in His rightful place, at the centre of our lives.

The only treatment and cure for CCS is the cross – Sophie brings us back to the Gospel, where we alone can find true contentment and freedom and joy that lasts, not only this life, but all the way into eternity.

You could read Compared to her in one sitting, or take your time, perhaps reading a chapter a day with your morning devotion or during a free thirty minutes outside in the sun during the afternoon before you have to make dinner – but DO read it – I highly, highly recommend it!

CBD Price : R105.00


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New Arrivals from Christian Book Discounters

Have a look at what is new in our stores:-

It's Apparent... You're a Parent!I’TS APPARENT, YOU’RE A PARENT : JOHN LEHMAN

I’m a parent? ….  Wow! …. How should I best navigate through the wonderful, new challenges and opportunities that are coming my way?  What wisdom may be gleaned from the Bible, God’s living Word?  Will God really enable the process to turn out well?  In six helpful, easy-to-read chapters, John Lehman writes with passion and clarity on the great issues of bringing up children. Rich in biblical content, this book will help steer you carefully through the many situations that come the way of all parents.  

CBD Price: R150.00 



“The thing is……..”  That’s what we say when we are at last getting to the point. The bushes have been beaten around, the chase has been cut to, and we are finally getting to the thing we’ve been avoiding but that now needs to be spoken. What is that thing for you? What is the thing that makes sense of your life but that you don’t often talk about? What is the point of it all, the purpose, the real reason you get out of bed in the morning? 

From the author of The Trellis and the Vine comes an opportunity to pause and take stock of our lives, and to discover the life-changing purpose that God has for each one of us. Not some vague-Christian-cliché purpose; but a purpose that is clear and real enough to drive the decisions we make and the way we live our lives from this point on. To work out what ‘the thing is’ together in a small group, try The Course of Your Life. CBD Price: R155.00   



Errol Hulse presents a clear Biblical model of what a pastor is – the qualities of the pastor are determined and a distinction made between pastor and elders. He shows, from the time of the Reformation to the present day, how that Biblical model is brought to life. This is a book that pastors and elders should read – but it also gives guidance and help to any church member, as eight biographical sketches are used; the first two from the Bible and the others from church history.

A God-sent preacher is ‘one among a thousand’. Such men are sorely needed today. They are men who build up God’s Church by solid biblical preaching, by godly pastoral affection and by constant prayerfulness.  CBD Price: R160.00 


For the love of GodFOR THE LOVE OF GOD : D.A. CARSON (Volumes 1 & 2)

Complete with a daily Bible-reading plan, these devotionals are sure to encourage and edify readers as they make their way through God’s Word in the course of a year.  The author has an amazing ability to place a chapter in its biblical context, helping the reader understand why it”s important. His writing is very well crafted as he puts profound concepts in simple terms.

Volume 2 is a companion volume for volume 1 and follows Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Bible-reading plan, taking you through the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once. Don Carson has written thought-provoking comments and reflections to accompany one of each day’s scriptural passages. And, most uniquely, he offers a perspective that places each reading into the larger framework of history and God’s eternal plan, in order to deepen our understanding of his sovereignty For the love of God 2and the unity and power of his Word.

Volume 1 : CBD Price : R235.00

Volume 2 : CBD Price : R205.00



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