Category Archives: Blog

Book Review : The Hole in our Holiness

Filling the Gap between Gospel Passion and the pursuit of Godliness

Reviewed by Tim Challies

We have no shortage of excellent books on the subject of holiness. J.C. Ryle’s Holiness has stood the test of time while R.C. Sproul’s The Holiness of God and Jerry Bridges’ The Pursuit of Holiness represent two modern classics. We might well ask whether we really need more books on the subject. Kevin DeYoung’s The Hole in Our Holiness answers with a resounding “Yes!”

DeYoung believes there is a hole in our holiness, a gap between gospel passion and the pursuit of holiness. The hole is simply this: that we don’t Hole in our holinessreally care much about holiness. “Passionate exhortation to pursue gospel-driven holiness is barely heard in most of our churches. … I’m talking about the failure of Christians, especially younger generations and especially those most disdainful of ‘religion’ and ‘legalism,’ to take seriously one of the great aims of our redemption and one of the required evidences for eternal life—our holiness.”

I have thought about this often over the years and am inclined to agree with DeYoung’s assessment. All the way back in the nineteenth century J.C. Ryle was teaching that holiness “is one grand end and purpose for which Christ came into the world.” But then, as DeYoung says, My fear is that as we rightly celebrate, and in some quarters rediscover, all that Christ has saved us from, we are giving little thought and making little effort concerning all that Christ has saved us to. Shouldn’t those most passionate about the gospel and God’s glory also be those most dedicated to the pursuit of godliness? I worry that there is an enthusiasm gap and no one seems to mind.

We would do well to ask the reason for this gap, and here DeYoung proposes several answers: In the past Christians equated holiness with abstaining from a few taboo practices such as drinking and dancing; our churches have many unregenerate persons in them who are necessarily uninterested in holiness; we emphasize a culture of cool that pushes the boundaries with language, entertainment, alcohol, fashion, and whatever else is deemed cool; labeling something as unholy or ungodly feels judgmental; we fear legalism and are frightened by words like diligence, effort and duty; we face the reality that pursuing holiness is hard work; and finally, many Christians have tried and just plain given up.

Through nine short chapters, DeYoung goes on to show what the Bible says about holiness, to answer some of the contemporary objections to it, and to offer challenges in a few of the areas where we may be accepting and even celebrating unholiness. The chapter titled “Saints and Sexual Immorality” is especially to the point as he challenges us to see that maybe, just maybe, we’ve allowed the world to squeeze us into its mold in the area of sexuality. This is true not only in our sexual ethics and behavior, but also in the things that entertain us and the things we laugh and joke about.

One of the book’s strengths is in its constant encouragement that we actually can be holy. What God calls us to he also empowers us to attain. Yet too many of us have tried holiness and have found it too difficult, too insurmountable a calling. DeYoung says rightly that “There are a hundred good things you may be called to pursue as a Christian. All I’m saying is that, according to the Bible, holiness, for every single Christian, should be right at the top of that list.” I couldn’t agree more.

While Ryle, Sproul and Bridges have written books that are almost timeless, DeYoung’s humor and references to culture keep it bound in the here and now. But this is exactly what makes it such a great complement to those other works. It does not replace them, but stands beside them.

If holiness really is meant to be at the top of the Christian’s list of priorities, then we do well to equip ourselves by regularly reading about the subject. The Hole in Our Holiness will challenge, equip and encourage you to put sin to death and to be relentless in your pursuit of holiness. I don’t think I can pay the book a higher compliment than that.


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Let’s Be Frank : Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching , pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

No Answer

Luke 18 v 1.  “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up”.

Prayer And The Knowledge Of God

For many believers it is a mystery why there are times when God just does not appear to hear their prayers, or to deliver them out of some great need. It can be very discouraging and spiritually frustrating when the Father who sustains the world and has promised to care for His own children, seems to bring no breakthrough for us. What is this all about?

In the bible passage alluded to today, Jesus tells a parable about a woman who needed some help against an adversary. She turned to the law, but the law let her down because the very one who should have protected her was unjust.

What did this woman do?

Prayer and the voice of God a

The answer is she persisted. The judge said “this widow keeps bothering me.” So finally he granted her request. I do not know why God does not seem to answer us immediately in our time of need. But what we all know is that our Father is not unjust, but just and caring. Listen to Jesus’ words in Luke 18 v 7. “Will He keep putting them off?” The answer is of course, no, he won’t. He will see that they get justice. Our problem is that we have the way God should answer our prayers, all worked out in our minds. But God has His own sovereign will, and according to verse 1 “We should always pray and NOT give up.” Keep trusting Him, even when there are no apparent answers from Heaven. He hears us. He is our Heavenly Father.


“O God my strength is exhausted. I feel discouraged and very low. Still I will trust you. You know me and you know my need. Amen”.

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Equip Book of the Month : April

Passion by Mike McKinley

How Christ’s final day changes your every day ….

“Passion” by Mike McKinley is a book written to better understand and cast new light on the significance of the cross. He writes “the cross of Christ is the reality that gives shape to the way Christians should think about every detail of our lives right now, from our marriages to our money, from our suffering to our success.” His book seeks to more intensely look at one specific day of Jesus’ life leading up to his crucifixion, death and briefly noting his resurrection.Passion

McKinley takes you through the chapters section by section and allows the historical picture that he casts from the biblical background to shape the understanding of the narrative. More often than not his retelling of the narrative and insightful points of the passage forces you to stop and ponder the significance of what is happening in the story.

McKinley continues look to modern day application and reflection often drawing the reader’s attention with personal story and then returning to the narrative from Luke’s gospel. This results in reading the gospel with new vigour and further highlight new truths and deepens the reader’s understanding of the gospel and the life of Jesus.  The author ends each chapter with questions to reflect on what was said and discussed with the chapter the questions drive the reader to constantly evaluate themselves in regard to what was said but also to continue to reflect on the character of Christ and what he has just been through and what is approaching, according to the narrative of course.

The book is great not only for those who are new to the gospel story and have not studied it in depth, but the it is also a great way for those who have studied the gospels more intensely to again reflect on the significance of what Christ came to accomplish with his sacrifice on the cross. I would gladly recommend reading this book to remind the theological student of the riches of the passion narrative in Luke’s gospel, I would even more so endorse this book to the lay person who has not spent much time studying the passion narrative to learn more about the Jesus and what he accomplished in his sacrifice, the historical and theological worth thereof.

Reviewed by Ryanard Sims – Intern at Tokai Community Church in Cape Town  

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Never Beyond Hope

  • Are you feeling hopeless, discouraged, or even in despair in your walk with the LORD as a believer?
  • Have you made mistakes and now have feelings of regret or shame?

From Despair to Hope (Job)You are not alone!  Of all people, the disciple and then apostle Peter can relate to your emotions and actions; he was devastated and wept bitterly after denying Jesus three times.  Yet, that was not the end of the story for Peter.  Christ forgave Peter and used him in remarkable ways as we read about the formation of and first thirty years of the Church through the book of Acts.

A friend recently sent me a devotional of encouragement based on the reality of HOPE in our lives.  The term HOPE, he reminded me, is used in the New Testament to mean “promise,” a reality of something good and assured.  Hope is not as many use the term today of just “wishful thinking.”

Pete Wilson, author of the small group resource Let Hope In (Bible Studies for Life, BSFL by Lifeway Publishing), writes that “weLet hope in all have hope regardless of our past regrets and shame.”  The apostle Peter experienced HOPE as he was forgiven and restored in his relationship with the LORD.

You too can experience the promise and reality of HOPE in your life regardless of your feelings or your past choices.  If you are looking for a bible study without a video component, you may then want to try “Hope: Never Beyond Hope,” by J.I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom.  This Christian Basic Bible Study is published by Inter Varsity Press and has sold over one million copies.  Packer and Nystrom add that “the hope of our salvation brings joy, energy, faithfulness, and a desire to be of use to God!”

LOST IN THE MIDDLENot only Peter but so many such as Martha, Samson, and more were used by God in their imperfections – so can you, no matter how bad we think you are.  Packer and Nystrom encourage their readers that “the bible was given to offer HOPE and encouragement through the testimonies of those that have gone before us.  Just as biblical characters were failed, biblical characters were redeemed.  And God wants to do the same for us.”

You are never beyond HOPE!  You have been redeemed and because of the Gospel, you can continue to be redeemed.

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Book Review : Gospel-Centred Family

Becoming the Parents God wants you to be …

Ed Moll and Tim Chester

This encouraging book is not a typical “manual” on how to bring up your family according to Scripture, but a collection of short but challenging chapters which makes it easier to read.

Each chapter begins with a real-life  scenario and follows up with a relevant Bible passage to help you think it through. Thereafter there are questions for reflection and ideas for action.  It’s filled to the brim with questions like:gospel centered family

  • Is your home child-centered or God-centered?
  • What do your children think about marriage based on your life?
  • How do you open your home to the church family?

The section that really “spoke” to me was entitled  Children as a Gift (Make sure you enjoy your children) because as a very young teenage mother in the 1960’s I didn’t have the time to actually enjoy my children . If only I had a book like this one then!  On page 54 under the heading “ Eating Together” the authors remind us how important meals were in the ministry of Jesus. It urges us to eat together (with the TV off) at least once a day and even play games at the meal table thus encompassing the essence community and relationship.

Let’s face it sometimes we don’t view our children as a gift and very quickly forget about when they made us laugh, when they made us proud, when we were moved to tears and so on.  We must thank God for our children and list specific things about our children that give us cause for thanksgiving if need be.

We read  about how we can influence our children’s view of television adverts for instance and help to guide their thoughts and actions around these very powerful media messages.

Chapter 10’s principle is: Teach your children to pray by praying with them.

So simple yet so effective in today’s world.  Listen to their prayers… they don’t construct eloquent speeches or restrict their petitions to special times or places, in doing so we could very well learn a lot about gospel-centeredness from them.

This gem of a book ends off with a chapter on how to be a serving family…. it reminds us that even though our children are a gift they are not the centre of the world….. go to page 87 and read more…..  


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The Happiness of the Christian Family

 By David Murray

We’ve lost the media, we’ve lost the polls, we’ve lost the courts, we’ve lost the major parties, we’ve lost most politicians, we’ve lost the universities and colleges, we’ve lost the military, we’ve lost the workplace, and we’ve even lost many churches.Bound for GloryShepherding a Child's HeartGrace-Based Parenting

But we’ve not lost our families.

And the happy Christian family is potentially our greatest asset.

If there’s one thing that people are persuaded by, it’s happiness.

Our society has no idea how this terrible experiment with marriage and the family is going to play out in the coming years. No one can know the long-term consequences, especially for children. No supporter of gay marriage can predict the eventual impact of this massive cultural and societal revolution. It’s a fearful leap into the unknown that will result in unfathomable damage to innumerable multitudes of children (and adults). Our social services, our schools, our healthcare providers, and our criminal justice system are going to be picking up the tab for decades to come.  Read more on David Murray’s blog:

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Book Review : Kisses from Katie

A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption : Katie Davis

Here’s a heart moved by HIS compassion. Here’s a life lived through and by HIS power.

Here’s a young woman that has taken God at HIS word and touched the lives of those we would call “THE UNTOUCHBLES”, through her obedience to, and love for, Jesus. Kisses from Katie. Kisses from Katie

If you have read those verses in Phillipians 4 vs 13 & 19 and want “living proof” that God fulfills HIS word, you will find it in the journey and unfolding story of KATIE DAVIS in Uganda.

Leaving the comforts on her all American dream, she ventures to Uganda on a short term missionary trip, only to find that the trip has turned into a life long calling from the Lord to help, support, love and care for children that have been abused, abandoned or orphaned by parents that have succumbed to disease.

To date Katie has personally adopted over 14 children,albeit that she is in her early twenties, and daily cares for and feeds over 100 more. The answers to her prayers reminds one of the life and story of George Muller. Here is God on display!!!!

Having heard the call of God on her life she has made that verse in Philippians 1vs21 the testimony of her life- “For me to live is Christ”. Remarkable… Inspirational…. Challenging….

God continue to bless and use you, Katie for HIS honor and glory, as HE remains your all-sufficiency, and as you continue to trust in his inexhaustible future grace. After all that is what this life is all about.

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Moments with a Mom : The Parenting Pressure Cooker


Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (4) and Tyler (2 going on 21).  Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters.  In her spare time she writes her own blog & is a travel consultant.

The pressure of being a parent is immense. Moms I think especially, as our little kiddies start their lives, we carry huge burdens in terms of what people think about our kids, are we doing everything right, what would my mother have done, what do other kids think of my child? If it’s not on the good side, is that my fault?

Laugh your way to a better marriage

We have a supper club that Matt and I are a part of. About 2 years ago, maybe a bit more, Matt and I went through the “Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage” course at church with two other couples and we’ve since stayed close friends. (By the way, if you haven’t done the course and you get the opportunity to, RUN, not walk, to sign up! It’s such a great way to learn more about your husband/wife in a light, fun environment.) Anyway, us three couples meet every couple of months for a get together and a dinner which is always just an awesome time for us all to chill out and catch up. Now, we have two kids, one couple has one little boy who’s nearly a year now and the other couple are having their first baby in December. You can just imagine the amount of advice flying around that room at our last dinner! After sharing our stories and funny anecdotes and do’s and don’ts to help them deal with their impending parenthood, my good friend Sim (who’s got a little boy) turned to us girls and said “the one thing I’ve learnt since becoming a mom is that I’m no one to judge. Whatever gets you through the night and whatever makes your child a happy one, that’s what you gotta keep your eyes on. What works for me, might not work for you.” And that’s stuck with me since then.

It seems that parenthood between moms especially, is a competition. Maybe it always has been and I think that every stage of your baby’s life, comes with a different Gospel Centred Familyfacet of competition. When you’re in the baby stage, it seems that everyone wants to know how you gave birth (and everyone has an opinion as to which one is better ~ c section or natural) and once that’s out of the way, how long you breastfed for (when I mentioned I wanted to put my second baby straight onto the bottle, I was met with looks of disdain.) Then it gets down to seeing whose baby sleeps the longest at night, when your child got teeth, when your child crawled, when your child walked, when your child talked. Parents, let me warn you ~ if you’re ever asked if your child has spent even a night in your bed, be careful at your answer. This seems to be the MOST HORRIFIC parenting mistake one can make.

Let me give you a little insight into my life as a mommy and feel free to look at the computer screen with contempt ~ this time, I won’t be able to see you 🙂

Noah is 4 years old. Yes, he still has a dummy. Ok, not all the time, but yes, when his head hits the pillow to sleep, he still wants his dummy and I’m ok with that. I understand the dummy’s reign is going to come to an end soon, but right now, yes, he still has one when he sleeps.

Tyla is 2 years old and she still has a bottle. Yip, the pukka Avent bottle, not a sippy cup, not a normal cup. Look, depending on what mood she’s in, I can get her to drink out a sippy cup and a normal cup, but when she’s looking for something to soothe her, she’ll ask for her bottle. Do I give it to her? Yes, I do.And then I had Kids 2

There we go. I’ve admitted just a couple of my parenting shortfalls and there are many more, believe me (Just as a side note, Noah still doesn’t sleep through the night… How’s that for sleeping through the night before they’re one? Um, try “I’m still trying to get that right at 4 years old.”)

Now, obviously there are boundaries. Noah won’t be entering 2014 with a dummy at night and my baby girl Tyla won’t be having her bottle until she’s 4 or 5. I hear you that I could’ve gotten rid of both these things earlier. Being a mom, means putting your child’s needs before your own. That sometimes means picking the harder way to solve a problem, rather than an easier one. I’ll admit I’ve up until now, bailed out on this idea in the name of sleeping, for example. Because I don’t want to fight Tyla’s crying for an hour before she sleeps, I’ll give in and give her a bottle. I always tell myself I’ll gather the strength one day to do it and that day just never comes. It’s like putting off the inevitable. Do I think that it’s a major train smash and that I’ve failed Noah as a mother because he still sleeps with a dummy? Definitely not but a day is coming where I’m going to have to get less sleep than I am now, pucker up enough resolve and strength to fight my little boy’s tears in the name of getting Noah dummy free.

No-one’s parenting journey is the same. Before I was a mom, and a child had a dummy at 3 years old, never mind 4 years old, to go to sleep with, I would totally get the How to Really Love and How to Really Kno“that’s just horrendous parenting” look but now that I’ve walking this parenting path, if there’s any facet of a child that I can’t identify with because my kids aren’t the same, I just look at those parents and think “hey? They’re doing a good job. Whatever works for them and gets them through a 24 hour day, awesome.” (Now let me clarify, that anything to a child’s extreme detriment, I could never condone or justify)

Let me share something with all your moms who worry that your children aren’t keeping up, that they haven’t walked early enough, that they haven’t crawled soon enough, that they don’t sleep through the night young enough:

  • YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. God gave you your specific child because He chose you to be their mommy. He didn’t think anyone else could parent that child better than you could, and that’s why you get the privilege of bringing up that baby. Don’t worry about when everyone else’s child was potty trained, when everyone else’s child could form a full sentence, when everyone else’s child got their fine motor skills mastered. As long as you’re pouring your heart and soul into loving your baby as best you can, ensuring their best interests are at heart, and relying on God to help you be the best mother you can be on a daily basis, you’re doing the best that can be done for your child.

I have this little note on my phone and I refer to it every once in a while ~ to all my mommy friends out there, and all of those who know a mommy who could use this reminder, send it on.

“Dear mom who needs to be reminded that she matters ~ this is your reminder.

Nobody could be the mom you are to your children – only you can.

Now, go back to all you’re doing – your cleaning, working, driving, nose-wiping, cooking, clothes-folding, everyday things – and hold your head up high. Motherhood matters. More than having the perfect house, the perfect body, the perfect planning schedule, THE PERFECT KIDS, the perfect anything.

You are a game changer. A life changer and that is why you matter.”

Moments with a mom

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Book Review : True Friendship

Walking Shoulder to Shoulder ….. Vaughan Roberts

In this short book, Roberts seeks to think briefly on the topic on friendship. It is a helpful endeavor as he seeks not only relate friendship to the Christian, but seeks to help the non-Christian to see their need for Jesus for the basis of any meaningful friendship. Roberts continues throughout the book to seek to explain the need for friendship in everyone’s life, this especially relevant in today’s society. Roberts sheds some helpful commentary on how to have healthy friendships and dangers to watch out for.

Amongst other issues, True Friendship addresses the topic of constructive criticism that comes in the context of friendship.  He suggests that we respond as follows:-

We should expect criticism:True Friendship

We should expect criticism because we are sinful, so far from the holiness God requires and so far from the holiness we desire. If anything we ought to be surprised that we receive so little criticism. We should also expect criticism because friendships—especially close friendships—invite it. Criticism may arise from a negative spirit, but it can also arise from love. Our best friends must have an open invitation to offer criticism of our lives. Is there no one in your life who offers you critical feedback? Then it may be that you have chased off your friends by responding poorly and pridefully in the past. Expect to be criticized from time to time, and give your friends an open invitation to do so.

Examine It:

When we receive criticism, and especially when that criticism stings or seems outrageous, we need to examine it to see if it is true. It may be that our friends have a faulty perspective, but it may be that they have a better perspective that we do. George Orwell was right when he said, “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” Humility admits that others may see what we cannot or will not see ourselves. Roberts says, “We should resist the instinctive temptation to defend ourselves or attack the critic, but rather consider whether there is truth in what is being said.” Prayerfully examine that criticism to see if it is true and fair.

Endure It:

There will be times the criticism will be painful but true. In such times, we will need to endure that criticism as we respond to it by making changes to our lives. There are times the criticism will sting because we come to believe the criticism is unfair. In either case, we need to keep ourselves from responding in kind or lashing out at the one who criticized us. We must resist the temptation to gossip about that person or to sever the friendship. Far better, we must endure criticism just as Christ Jesus patiently endured all the criticism that was heaped upon him. As always, as ever, he is our model.

This book is helpful for anyone who is struggling in friendships and seeking advice as how to deals with the various issues. The book may also be extremely helpful for young (and old) people to read and to think on the friendships they have and how important they are. It is also a helpful resource and opportunity for Christians to show the importance of Jesus to people who do not know who Jesus and this through the basis of friendship.  I would definitely encourage anyone to pick up this book and read it at least once… and then pick it up again and read it with a friend.

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