Category Archives: Blog

18 Things I will not regret doing with my wife and more …… Tim Challies

Remember 2 weeks ago, Tim Challies encouraged us as parents to focus on the things we are getting right with raising our kids instead of  always beating ourselves up for our mistakes.  This week Tim suggests 18 things that husbands can be doing for their wives to show how much they are loved and cherished.  Click this link to find out more: 

Here are some great marriage-growing books for you to consider buying.

Date your wife

What Did You Expect PBFive love languagesmarriage builder


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Keeping the spirit of reading alive in our kids

I guess if you are reading this post it is because you are an avid reader and have a passion for Christian books.  If you are like me, you grew up in an era where the onset of television came only later in your life (ie you were not born to the strains of  Barney & the Tellytubbies).  One of my highlights was a regular trip to the local library, where I could sit reading for hours without the distraction and tug of modern gadgets such as cell phones, play stations and the like.  So how can we instil a love for reading in our children these days in a fun and non threatening way?  Click here to read 7 practical steps on how to encourage your children to read more:- 

Here are some great reads we can recommend to encourage your family and children.

The Gospel Story BibleThe Gospel Story Bible

Long Story Short

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Coffee with Sylvia : The Busy Christian’s Guide to Busyness by Tim Chester

Sylvia Bester Picture

Sylvia Bester has been part of the CBD family since August 2009 after retiring from her career in banking.  She has always loved books (the smell and feel of them). Sylvia is a Social Media junkie, passionate about people and how she can make a difference in their lives by encouraging them to read good books. 

How “busy” are we?

What do we understand by busyness?

Does it mean that we rush around aimlessly accomplishing very little but feeling drained in the process or is our busyness ordered and exact?The Busy Christian's Guide to Busyness

Do we need to prove ourselves somehow by keeping busy, because if we are not we somehow feel that we have failed someone or something? Do we say yes when we should be saying no. Our slavery to busyness arises from serious misunderstanding reinforced by our culture.

Tim reminds us that even though it is important to manage our time it is of vital importance that we manage our hearts.  “We must set our hearts on things above” Col 3vs1

So what is the answer to busyness? The psalmist reminds us that it is simply to wait upon the Lord.

We are urged to think about how we can serve God when are lives are so busy. We struggle to find “time” for God when actually all our time can be for Him.

“Ordinary life is the theatre of God’s glory” Page 61

Our whole life can be lived as an offering to Him if we spend our waking hours glorifying God.

Those of us who complain about our busyness are not finding joy in God, if we rejoice in God as our Saviour and Provider we will not find our busyness a burden.

“Father God, you’ve been with me all day. Have I spent my time well today?”Page 170

Thanks to Tim for taking time out of his “busy” life to remind us where our priorities lie.

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Moments with a Mom : The Power of Vulnerability


Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (5) and Tyler (3 going on 21).  Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters.  In her spare time she writes her own blog & is a travel consultant.

People don’t need Christians to act like we always have it together. They need us to be real! What kind of healing would come if we all just got real before God and others? – BETH MOORE

 Beth Moore has a way with words ~ but this quote is something that hits me in the heart. Somewhere between the pages of my life story, this quote explains exactly where I was and how I got to where I am today. Something that I really learnt along my life’s journey is that being transparent with people is a great blessing, not only to them, but to me.

Most people who know me, will know that I got pregnant before I was married. Me? Yes me. The brought-up-in-Christian-home, on-the-worship-team, dating-a-Christian-guy girl. Lessons I learnt from just getting pregnant as a Christian girl, before I was married? That’s a different blog for a different day ….

Anyway, I can remember sitting down with my friend, who’s also kinda like my mentor, and saying “I’m so tired of everyone always pretending that everything’s always fine, and everyone is always “good,” everyone is always seeming like they’re all holy and “tight with God” ~ nobody wants to be real.” I will admit I was a little angry and maybe that was because I couldn’t pretend I was fine anymore, I couldn’t pretend I was all HOLY anymore ~ I carried the evidence of my struggle on my body, for all to see so no point in pretending really. It was clear.

It’s like God forced me into a corner. Matt and I had stumbled, and we could’ve kept it a secret if I hadn’t gotten pregnant but now here I was, 6 and a half months pregnant, and having to be public about how I’d stumbled? Whether I liked it or not, it was glaring people in the face!

Being transparent about my struggle ~ that was HARD to do! Pride is a huge factor with Christians, I think. I think most people assume that because we’re supposed to be doing life with God, we’re never NOT having a wonderful life and nothing is ever difficult. We don’t experience hardship ~ it’s just rainbows and roses! And in my opinion, us Christians give them good reason to think so because we confirm their thinking by putting up this front that we are ALWAYS fine, and that can’t be true, surely!

I think that making yourself vulnerable, coming to terms with the fact that’s it’s ok not to be ok, is a massive leap of faith. It’s putting yourself out there, for scrutiny and for judgment possibly, but you’ll be amazed at how many people actually identify with you, appreciate your honesty, and walk with you, because they’re either going through something similar or they’ve been there before. I learnt that first hand. Being real with people gives God the space to work PUBLICLY in your life ~ His providence and His grace become apparent to everyone as they journey with you, in whatever you might be dealing with. You’re releasing and sharing your burden with people, not so they can judge you for it but so they can help you carry it.

I can only speak from the journey I’ve had. Having been pregnant (and not married…yet) within the Christian community, where I was heavily involved, really knocked me down a peg or two ~ in terms of how I viewed myself and how I thought others would view me. Once I’d admitted to God that I wasn’t ok and I needed Him basically to make it through every single day without beating myself up over what I’d done, and I admitted that to other people that I needed their help too, it was like God and His supernatural comfort and provision invaded my life.

There are dozens of examples of how God provided for us during this time ~ but as I said, different blog for a different day. Not only big things but small things, made a difference to me. People would come up to me and hug me and say “This doesn’t change anything. We love you the same.” They didn’t have to say that but seeing where I was coming from, and how I was walking through probably the darkest valley of my life, they knew it was important that I knew that, even if I didn’t feel I deserved it.

I always told everyone that I knew that God had forgiven me, but it took me years to forgive myself. It humbles me that God used my biggest trial to give me my greatest blessing ~ my little Noah. God can take my mistakes, and consequently my struggle and use it to bless me more than I can ever imagine. Sometimes, I think I take that verse for granted ~ Romans 8 v 28 ~ “All things work for the good of those who love Him, and are called accordingly to His purpose.”

It took me ages to accept that God might have called me to a struggle, a time of hardship in my life for His purpose. Yes! I can tell you without a second’s hesitation that I needed that struggle in my life. At the time, I didn’t think I needed it and I surely didn’t want it, but when I look back, God refined me through that and I wouldn’t change it. The person who I was back then is not even close to the person I am now. The level of involvement I thought God would ever have in my life was made clear to me when I was at my lowest ~ God got real with me, when I admitted I couldn’t make it on my own. Not only through God Himself, but I saw God get real with me through other people. Would I tell you to wish struggle upon yourself to see how God works and changes you? Never. All I’m saying is that if you are heading through a time of trial, God can still be found in that place. He hasn’t deserted you.

Would I recommend any of you go through what I did and make the same mistakes? No! And that’s exactly why “God uses rescued people to rescue people.”* My story can help or encourage people who are struggling with the same things I was, and am still working through today. I wouldn’t want anyone who was walking the same journey I was, to think they were alone in it. Being open about where I’ve been can help someone who’s living the struggle right now ~ just so that they know they’re not the only ones who’ve fallen, they’re not the only ones who’ve felt they failed and disappointed people, they’re not the only ones who’ve destroyed dreams. Getting real before God and before others, brings about healing that we can’t even imagine.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank Noah (and God) enough for showing me the importance of transparent struggle. I had always said that when I had a son, I would call him Noah. Look, if I’m honest, I liked the name but I had no clue what it meant. I just thought it was a really snazzy name ~ and it was biblical. Bonus! Noah was born, despite having been through my greatest struggle and trial leading up to his birth. When he was born, one of my friends texted me and said “What an awesome name! Did you pick it because of its meaning?” I didn’t even know the meaning! I looked it up and it said “Noah: of Hebrew origin meaning to find rest, to be comforted.”

As I held my little boy about an hour after he was born, it was almost as if God said “ This little boy is My reminder to you ~ never forget who to run to. No matter what you’ve done, I’m here, waiting. Find rest in me, I will comfort you. Look! We made it ~ you, Me and Noah.”

*Quote by Christine Caine

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Healthy, Healthy, Healthy?

Welcome to CBD’s first devotional blog! We hope you will be encouraged by this to grow in your love for the LORD.

 A well Church ……

So are you healthy? What is your blood pressure? Are you exercising enough? Have you seen the doctor for a check up lately? But just importantly, I want to ask, what is the health of your local church? Are you helping to lead a healthy church?

What exactly is a healthy church you may ask? One of my favourite passages on the Church is found in Acts 2: 42-47 as Luke writes about what a healthy or “well” church looked like:Church Essentials

W – They were a worshipful church. As a group, they praised and were awe in the awesomeness of God, enjoyed the company of others, broke bread, and fellowshipped!

E– They were an evangelizing church, as a work of God saw people being saved daily!

L– They were a loving church as they gave to others sacrificially!

L – They were a learning church being devoted to the teaching of the apostles!

How are you doing health wise spiritually?

1- What is the climate of your worship? And that of your church?

2- With whom are you sharing the Gospel? Are people being saved daily in your church?

3- Who is God asking you to love sacrificially?

4- Are you part of a church that challenges and encourages you from the Word of God?

If this topic interests you, Mark Dever with 9 Marks has written a great resource from Lifeway Books called Church Essentials. This combination DVD and workbook is great for church groups. The purpose of the book is to:

“Identify key characteristics of church health and helps every church member, from the Pastor to the pew sitter, come to a greater understanding of why they are so important.”BTS ActsNIV Life Application Study Bible HC

Get healthy! Stay healthy! Consider purchasing this Dever resource.

Other resources to consider:

We have 1 free copy of Mark Dever’s title “The Church:  The Gospel Made Visible ” to give to the first person who replies giving the Publisher of the Church Essentials resource. This can be collected from any of our stores countrywide.

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Tim Challies encourages us as parents …..

The Next Story

As parents we often beat ourselves up about how we raise our children …..  from feeling guilty about being a working mom,  regret that they are growing up in a broken home or lament on not spending enough time with them.  Popular author Tim Challies encourages us to rather focus on the positive things we are doing in our children’s lives in his post called ” 18 things I will not regret doing with my children.”

We stock a number of Tim Challies books at CBD including his title “The Next Story” which we currently have a promotion on at R160 each for a hard copy edition.

Offer valid while until 31st December 2013
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Book Review : Simon Peter – Challenging Times

Simon Peter 2

This is a fantastic book for tweens and early teens to read.  This is part of a series written by Helen Clark called Pocket Bible People, and includes stories of Ruth & Esther as well.  Click this link to read more on Simon Peter’s story and what Jesus did in his life.

This and other Pocket Bible People stories are in stock at the unbelievable price of R50 each and will make great stocking fillers for Christmas.

Offer valid while stocks last.
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Moments with a Mom : The Journey from my head to my heart

Moments with a Mom picture

Candice is a busy wife to Matt and mom of Noah (4) and Tyla (2 going on 21).  Candice also works part-time at our Rosebank Store of Christian Book Discounters.  In her spare time Candice writes for her own blog and is a travel consultant. She is totally obsessed with books (but doesn’t get time to read that often anymore!) and is a huge fan of Jefferson Bethke & Kelly Minter. 

The Journey From My Head To My Heart

I just finished reading Floyd McClung’s book “Living On The Devil’s Doorstep” and if you haven’t read it, you have to!

Not wanting to give away the entire book for anyone who wants to read it, There a few things about this family’s story that made me stop and re-evaluate my life and what I was doing with it.

Being a mom and a wife made me made this story much more hard hitting for me. When the McClungs had children who were about the same as age my children are now, they moved into a house in the middle of the Red Light District in Amsterdam, to start a ministry among the prostitutes, pimps and drug addicts. They had a satanist temple next door and a brothel as their other neighbor.  Picture perfect – all they needed was a picket fence right? :) Not exactly a place I would be comfortable taking my family to visit, never mind to live. Their children used to walk past the prostitutes sitting in the windows on the way to school and greet them BY NAME. They had drug addicts showing up all hours of the day and night on their doorstep, desperate for help and they were never turned away. For many of the people embroiled in the sex-driven, drug addicted culture of the area, Floyd and his family were the example of Jesus they had, the only lifeline they had to the Saviour and if you read the book, you’ll  read about the hardships and struggles that calling brings.

A few things hit home about this family and about our God:Living-on-the-Devils-Doorstep

1: All of us – every single one of us – are broken. I’m too quick to judge a prostitute for example and look down my nose and assume I’m better than they are. Like everyone born on this planet, God created them and formed them and knows them intimately. My sin or struggles might not be as public as theirs, but that doesn’t mean that I’m better off than they are.

2: What you do, the sin you commit, doesn’t define who you are. This is why the McClungs insisted on learning the names of all the girls in the windows. They didn’t want to label the girls as PROSTITUTES, or THE GIRL IN THE BUILDING NEXT DOOR, SECOND WINDOW ON THE RIGHT. Calling the girls by name meant they had their own identity, their own story, their own struggles and their own individual importance to the Saviour.  That beggar at the robot isn’t just A BEGGAR – he’s a person with a name, a story and an identity in Jesus.

3:  Just because they don’t acknowledge Him, doesn’t mean He loves them any less. What’s the best way to show them that Jesus loves them? By me loving them the way He would – inspite of everything. There is no sin that Jesus’s blood doesn’t wash away and there is no life too far gone, that He can’t fix and they won’t know that, unless I get take my gloves off, I’m ready to get involved in their lives, warts and all and be Jesus to them.

4: I SEVERELY underestimate the power my family can have in changing the world around us, when we’re walking in the will of God. And that includes my kids. Floyd talks in the book of break throughs they had with some of the girls because of their small kids, who wouldn’t hesitate in hugging them, in making things for them at school and dropping them off at their windows. God can use anyone, NO MATTER WHAT AGE, to bring someone to  a little closer to Him.

5: The power of a praying couple is something that God uses to change nations, but it starts with a husband and wife team willing to step out in faith, even at the risk of their and their children’s safety, knowing they are doing the will of God. Floyd and Sally had both prayed and felt God calling them to where they were, even though as an outsider, it looked like a pretty horrendous place to take a young family. God doesn’t call PERFECT people – He calls PRAYING people! God may be calling my family to somewhere that could stretch us… Am I open to that? Right now, I would say far from it. My life is way too comfortable and way too safe, but then how is that kinda life impacting the world for Jesus?

If I call myself a Christian, and I trust with all my heart that God can do the impossible, why would I not do the same as what they did and go to where He leads, no matter the cost?

It’s been said – “The will of God will never take you, where the grace of God will not protect you.” My dad always tells me that the longest journey is from your head to your heart. While I would totally and utterly believe that statement in my head, when it came to crunch time and my number came up, would I trust in that with all my heart and give God the opportunity to use me and/or my family for His glory, BUT on His terms?

I’m praying the journey from my head to my heart gets shorter everyday.

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Coffee with Sylvia : Lit by Tony Reineke

Sylvia Bester Picture

Sylvia Bester has been part of the CBD family since August 2009 after retiring from her career in banking.  She has always loved books (the smell and feel of them). Sylvia is a Social Media junkie, passionate about people and how she can make a difference in their lives by encouraging them to read good books. 


Are we making the correct decisions in the books we read?

We are bombarded by books that complicate our lives. Think about it……Book Sales (Charity ones and Commercial ones), Mail shots, Catalogues. Personally I love catalogues and find myself being attracted by the bright colours. However bright colours don’t mean good reading matter, it’s the old adage “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”Lit

Sadly though many Christians don’t read books! Is this you? Do you find reading a chore? I encourage you to find someone at church or your home-group who is an avid reader and observe them, ask them to help you choose a book and read it together. You’ll be amazed.

“Literature does not always lead to the City of God.  But it makes our sojourn on earth much more a thing of beauty and joy and insight and humanity” Leland Ryken.. Windows to the World.

Reinke made me sit up and take stock of the books I have on my bookshelves, on my bedside table, beside the couch, on my kindle…. Are these books going to enrich my spiritual life? Are they going to lead me  down the “wrong” path? Could I pass any of them on with a clear conscience to a friend in need of spiritual or emotional upliftment.

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