Category Archives: Blog

Killer Sale at Head Office in January


CBD Head Office is having a killer sale in January 2017 to ease everyone into the New Year.  All selected books will be selling at our normal CBD price less 50%.  With literally hundreds of books on offer, we can’t show them all, but here is a taste of some of the good deals at unmissable prices!!
 QuickVerse Standard Edition (CD-Rom) New Dictionary of Theology  Icecutter's Daughter (Land of Shining Water)  2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles (Wiersbe Bible S
 Jesus_the_life-changer_2009  Bible Answer Book, The  walking-with-god  Acts (Crossway Bible Guide)
 Message Concordance, The Bible Puzzles (3 Book Set)  holiness-without-the-halo  power-of-a-praying-teen-the
Postcard from Palestine Chasm, The Fifteen Minutes Hurtling Toward Oblivion

Find these and hundreds more titles at fantastically reduced prices
available at our Head Office store.
Prices valid until end January 2017 or whilst stocks last.

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The Haunted Hayride of Human Approval


By Marshall Segal from DesiringGod.Org

If we are always concerned with what people think about us, we will always be reluctant to tell them about Jesus.

Perhaps the single most significant hindrance to Christian witness in the world today is our hunger for human approval. By nature, we think more about what people think of us than about what they think of Jesus. We crave acceptance and dread rejection — which inclines us toward whatever might improve others’ perception of us. And that will very rarely, if ever, lead us to call them to repent from their sin and believe the gospel.

The apostle Paul lived differently. Apparently he had been liberated from the need to be liked, or even respected. He moved from town to town, in and out of crowds, anchored in the safety and satisfaction of knowing Jesus (Philippians 3:8). Many adored him, even to the point of worshiping him, and others hated him, even to the point of trying to murder him. But he lived and served above approval ratings. He worked for someone else’s fame, whatever that fame might cost him personally in popular opinion.

He abandoned the haunted hayride of human approval to walk Calvary’s underground road to freedom from the fear of man.

Zeus, Hermes, and Human Approval

Everywhere Paul went, he met dramatically mixed reviews.  During his and Barnabas’s time in a town called Lystra, for instance, they came to a man crippled from birth. He had literally never used his feet (Acts 14:8). Paul saw through the man’s disability, though, into his heart, and he saw faith — a brilliant and strong belief that Jesus could heal him inside and out (Acts 14:9). So Paul healed the man’s legs (Acts 14:10).

The crowds saw the man walking, after sitting for so many years, and they rushed Paul and Barnabas. They treated them like gods (Acts 14:11) — not like governors, or star athletes, or movie stars, but gods. They called them “Zeus” and “Hermes” after familiar figures in the pantheon (Acts 14:12). They even brought oxen to sacrifice to them (Acts 14:13).

Imagine your neighbors trying to worship you by slaughtering their animals.

The Seduction of Attention

How do Paul and Barnabas respond to these acts of worship? Do they bask in the attention? Do they relish the over-the-top affirmation and support? Do they change their handles to @Zeus and @Hermes, and retweet a few lines of the people’s praise?

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Bible Promotion for the New Year



NIV Chronological Study Bible (HC)

(Hard Cover)
Retail Price: R920.00

Less 50% = R460.00


NKJV Maxwell Leadership Bible (HC)
NKJV Maxwell Leadership Bible

(Hard Cover)
Retail Price: R821.40
Less 50% = R410.00


NIV Clear Print Bible

(Hard Cover)
Retail Price: R442.80
Less 50% = R220.00


Prices valid until end January 2017 or while stocks last.

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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

An uncommon King (Part 3)

Matthew 1 v 18. This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.

c220eebf99b15373d1cfb2fbb7267ac6 We are still grappling with the mystery of the Person of Jesus, our King. Continuing from where we left off yesterday we should note that the miraculous conception of Jesus is not the reason why He was sinless.

It is sometimes thought that original sin is transferred through the male line. But this is not true because women share in the sinfulness of the human race. This fallenness would have encompassed Mary too. In fact Mary herself was conscious of being a sinner and in Luke 1:47 she said: “My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”.

This does not suggest that there was any special or carnal sin about Mary. The book titled “The Da Vinci Code” and many liberal scholars have done enough of that. There is nothing to suggest that Mary was anything but a pure and upright Jewish teenager, who was chosen by God to bear the Saviour into the world. However that in itself does not make her sinless or above the rest of the human race. So if we want to trace the sinlessness of Jesus we must look elsewhere.

It is far more likely that God who can do anything, when He caused Mary to conceive also in a divine way preserved the special child who was to be born, from inheriting human sinfulness which Mary otherwise would have transmitted to her firstborn child. We do not use the word “begot” anymore today, but in this divine “begetting”, God preserved the new foetus from any sinful influence in a supernatural manner.

Incredible? Yes! But why should we not believe it? Our whole body of faith is based on God’s sovereign ability to provide us with a Saviour who was without sin Himself. And this seems to be the way He chose to do it. Jesus is truly an uncommon King.

Meditation:  Read Hebrews 4:15 and ask yourself whether Jesus could have been any help to us if He himself was a sinner. Then read Hebrews 4:16 and lift your heart to God.

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Calendar & Diary Bonanza

 The new year is coming … are you ready?  Purchase your calendars, diaries and daily planners from CBD at prices that will put a smile on your face.

Get an additional 15% off our already ridiculously low prices.


Large Calendars     –    R 51.00
Small Calendars     –    R 21.25
Daily Planners         –    R 25.50
Weekly Planner      –    R 41.50
Executive Planner –    R123.25
Med Daily Planner –    R 97.75  (leather)

Daily Planner          –     R 89.25  (hard cover)
Lrg Daily Planner  –     R140.25   (leather)
Daily Planner          –     R 29.75    (wirebound)
Magnetic Calendar     R 17.00
Colouring Calendar      R 72.25

Prices valid until end January 2017 while stocks last.

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Book Review: The Broken Way

Author: Anne Voskamp

broken-way-theAnn Voskamp sits at the edge of her life and all of her own unspoken brokenness and asks:

What if you really want to live abundantly before it’s too late?
What do you do if you really want to know abundant wholeness?

This is the one begging question that’s behind every single aspect of our lives, and that this book rises up to explore in the most unexpected ways.

This one’s for the lovers and the sufferers. For those whose hopes and dreams and love grew so large it broke their willing hearts. This one’s for the busted ones who are ready to bust free, the ones ready to break molds, break chains, break measuring sticks, and break all this bad brokenness with an unlikely good brokenness.  You could be one of the Beloved who is broken – and still lets yourself be loved.

You could be one of them, one who believes freedom can be found not only beyond the fear and pain, but actually  within it.  You could discover and trust this broken way – the way to not be afraid of broken things.

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Joy to the World – Preaching the Christmas Story

By Paul Beasley-Murray  (Inter-Varsity Press)

Joy to the WorldChristmas is the one time in the year when many non-Christians are prepared to go to church, and this presents a great opportunity for preaching the gospel.  However, for preachers and pastors, just to survive one Christmas is demanding, and to have something new to say from one Christmas to the next can be a real challenge.

From his own experience, the author aims to to help Christian preachers in their God-given task of telling the store of how God sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world.  He expounds a range of familiar texts from the Old Testament, the Gospels and the New Testament Epistles, offering resources and insights for those who seek to proclaim the meaning and significance of the birth of Jesus Christ, and for those who hear the message of “joy to the world” at Christmas time.

Paul Beasley-Murray is currently the Senior Pastor at Central Baptist Church in Chelmsford, UK.  He has previously lectured at Congo’s National University and been the principal at Spurgeon’s College in London.


Offer valid until end December 2016 or while stocks last.

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Our Favourite Picks this Week


 Counterfeit Gods

Counterfeit Gods (Dutton) (HC)

 Love & Respect in the Family


 The Bible tells us that the human heart is an “idol- factory,” taking good things and making them into idols that drive us – Gods that can’t give us what we really need.   No wonder so many of us feel lost, alone, disenchanted, and resentful.  There is only one God who can wholly satisfy our cravings- and now is the perfect time to meet him again, or for the first time. Eggerichs builds on a foundation of strong biblical principles to walk the reader through an entirely new way to approach the family dynamic. He shows how God reveals ways to defuse the craziness with our children from preschooler to teen, plus how to motivate them to obey and how to deal with them when they don’t.
 CBD PRICE: R210.00
 CBD PRICE:  R215.00
 Holiness : J.C. Ryle

Holiness JC Ryle

 Daily Readings from the Life of Christ (Vol 1)

Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1

 This book will challenge a new generation of readers to live a Christ – like life. Ryle’s timeless wisdom reminds us that holiness shouldn’t be cold, distant and unobtainable, but that Christ himself is the root of our godliness.  Holiness is not simply a matter of believing and feeling, but of doing.

CBE PRICE: R105.00

 As a Christian, you are called to live like Jesus – a life of courage, joy, passion and purpose.  This annual devotional focuses primarily on the gospel of Matthew as MacArthur offers unique truths tht promise to hit you right at the heart of your faith.


These prices are valid until end December 2016 or while stocks last.

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When God gives you an over-crowded Christmas


Written by John Bloom from

For many, the last few days before Christmas are rarely peaceful. This is especially true for parents and pastors. These days are packed with final (and often pressured) preparations of presents and programs and celebrations and sermons. “All is calm” is not our experience. This can leave us wondering if we are nothing more than Christmas “Martha’s,” “distracted with much serving . . . anxious and troubled about many things” and missing the “Mary” moment in all the merry (Luke 10:40–42).

While such distractions are, of course, a year-round ever-present danger, let me encourage you with some brief Christmas perspective on busy-ness.

Remember Joseph and Mary

First, we must keep in mind that the original Christmas was not peaceful, not for Joseph and Mary. They were the first parents who had to prepare for Christmas and the pressure they felt dwarfs what most of us are experiencing right now. Bethlehem was overcrowded with census registrants. Things did not go as they likely envisioned. Joseph was desperately searching for lodging for his wife who was in labor. All he could secure was a stable.

If an unforeseen crisis emerges in the midst of your already challenging Christmas labors, remember Joseph and Mary. That place of desperation is often where the grace of God breaks in with the greatest power.

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Book Review : Prince Warrior (for kids)

Prince Warrior by Priscilla Shirer

prince-warriors-theAs brothers, Xavier and Evan are used to battling each other.  But now they’re discovering that there is a much bigger battle going on all around them. And it’s their turn to fight.

Based on Ephesians 6:10–18, The Prince Warriors is the first book in Priscilla Shirer’s epic new series that brings to life the invisible struggle ensuing in the spiritual realm. Xavier, Evan, and their friends have typical lives until they enter a mysterious land called Ahoratos. There they meet their guide, Ruwach, who offers wisdom and direction as the kids’ initial adventure begins- an adventure filled with armor and danger and a very real enemy.

This book will make a perfect Christmas gift.

CBD PRICE: R260.00  (hard cover)

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A new devotional for Francine Rivers fans

Earth Psalms: Reflections on how God speaks through nature.

earth-psalmsBeloved author, Francine Rivers, invites you to join her in these weekly devotionals as she seeks the Creator through the marvelous natural world that we live in. Francine shares the observations she’s gathered over a lifetime of exploring – abroad and in her own backyard – and reflects on how they might apply to your daily life. What do the majestic redwoods, the persistent woodpecker, or a glorious sunrise reveal about our artistic and generous God? And how could that change your outlook or the way you handle adversity?

Stunning photography, Scripture excerpts, applications and prayers accompany Francine’s reflections, inspiring you to be encouraged.  Be challenged.  Be comforted.  God’s power is immense;  His attention to detail in precise;  His love for you is vast and unfailing. The proof is all around you.

This book will make a great Christmas gift.

R260.00  (Hard Cover)

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We’ve got Christmas Covered


Are you struggling to find a Christmas Gift for your loved ones?  Let CBD take the trouble away – with a lovely range of gifts costing from as little as R30 each, we have got Christmas covered.
 know-your-bible-for-kids  earth-psalms  nrsv-c-s-lewis-bible-hc
 R60.00  R260.00  R595.00
secret-the-seasons-of-grace-book-1 Heroes of the Bible (DVD)  we-died-before-we-came-here
 R60.00  R200.00  R235.00
hidden-christmas Gospel Story, The (Big Picture Interacti 365-daily-devotions-for-boys
 R280.00  R40.00  R200.00
9781432115661 9781432110543 broken-way-the
R95.00 R120.00 R325.00
Click here for a range of gorgeous Christmas gift ideas, there is something for everyone.

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