Category Archives: Blog

Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2

Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

An uncommon King – Part 1
Matthew Chapter 1 v 7 – 11

christmas-1We now begin a series of reflections on the Christmas story, and we start with the few verses referred to above as a start. These bible verses are part of the introduction Matthew gives us to Jesus’ birth. He and Luke both give us a genealogy of Jesus.Genealogies were important in ancient times to prove where people came from to validate their claims to certain privileges.  It was important for Jesus to be born of the line of David, so that all ancient prophecies about the Messiah could be fulfilled, and indeed both Matthew and Luke proved exactly that.Christians claim that Jesus Christ is God’s king of all creation and that the glory of His kingship will finally be seen by all when He returns. It was imperative in those days for kings to have water-tight pedigrees to go with their status and privilege. But our king, the Christian’s king was an uncommon king. He was different in so many ways and some of those ways may be observed in the genealogy referred to above.Four of the ancient kings of Israel are mentioned above, cause us to pause and reflect. They are:

Rehoboam:  1 Kings 12 – 14
Joram:  2 Kings 8 and 2 Chronicles 21
Amon:  2 Chronicles 33 v 21 – 25
Jechoniah (also called Jehoiachim):  2 Chronicles 36 v 9 – 10

What was unusual about them?  They were all extremely wicked people.  They were evil kings yet here they appear in our Lord’s genealogy.  This teaches us amongst other things how sinful and corrupt the human heart is.  Grace does not always run in families.  In spite of godly forebears and the presence of prophets to guide them, those kings behaved sinfully and brought great trouble upon the nation.

It also teaches us how great the mercy and grace of Jesus is, to condescend to be born of a woman, who like all of us was a sinner. Reckoned to be the son of Joseph he came from the kingly line of David, but some of his forebears were total failures.

Godly and privileged though Mary was, she would herself, need her Son to be her Saviour. She was merely the instrument God used, so that the Word could become flesh.

This is amazing. Think about these things.

Meditation: The God who made the heavens, in Mary’s womb?  The coming king of Israel, with such wicked forbears?  Unthinkable, but it happened.  Do not marginalize Jesus!  He condescended greatly to save you.

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Book Review: Teaching 1,2,3 John

Author: Rev Mervyn Eloff                   Reviewed by Sylvia Bester


Teaching 1,2,3 JohnWhilst this book is mainly aimed at preachers and teachers of the Holy Scriptures, it is also of immense use to everyday people like you and me.

As we know all good biblical preaching and teaching has to begin with detailed “listening” to the text and how it applies to daily life. After all these Scriptures are “God breathed” and therefore a personal encounter with God in the text is crucial to a well delivered exposition.

Because each chapter concludes with: Ideas for application, questions to help understand the passage and apply the passage, it becomes a great tool for not only one’s own devotions but for group study as well.

Personally I was not only challenged and encouraged as I delved further into the Scriptures with the aid of these well thought out questions but was greatly humbled and inspired by them.

What amazed me about this book is the way that Mervyn (perhaps I am biased as I know him personally) brings these letters to life and helps us to apply them in the now. By his honest approach and very obvious knowledge of the New Testament and Ancient Greek he is able to explain these letters in a way that we can all comprehend and take to heart.

Do yourself a great favour, get this book for yourself, for a family member and a friend you won’t regret it.

CBD PRICE: R140.00

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Why on Earth did Jesus come?

By Dr John Blanchard

Year after year millions of people pitch into a growing whirlwind of activity in preparation for just one day-December 25th. Many of those who join in the excitement have at least some idea that this particular day is called Christmas day because it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.  They who are delighted to accept gifts, large or small, refuse to accept the greatest gift ever offered – and one that can be theirs at any time of the year. Here it is: ‘The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (Romans 6:23).

why on earth did jesus comeIt is time to ask some questions?

  • Who was this Jesus?
  • Do we actually know when he was born?
  • Was there a special purpose in his birth?
  • Is there anything special that makes him stand out over the other 60 billion people that have lived on earth?
  • Why should we bother to find out?

In this lively booklet Blanchard strips away the myths and tells like it is.  Here is the real story. The dynamic truth that over the centuries has revolutionized countless lives.

These booklets make great evangelical tract at Christmas time, and CBD are offering a great promotion on them.

1-9 Copies :     R25.00 each                                     
10 – 49 Copies : R22.50 each
50 – 99 Copies : R20.00 each
100 – 249 Copies : R18.50 each
250 + Copies : On request

We also have some some slightly damaged copies with roller impressions on the cover available at reduced prices.  Available from Head Office.
1-49 copies –  R15.00;        50-249 copies – R12.00;         250+ copies – R10.00

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What would you say?

mirrorWritten by Trevor Bradley

Paul, nearing the end of his journey, decides to write to Timothy, his “spiritual son”.  2 Timothy 4 vs 6-8 is his heart.  What would you say, if you were asked by a younger person to share some of word of advice, about this journey called “life” ?  Paul says/does 3 things here:-


When Paul looks around, even though things are going “pear-shaped”, he has no fear.

When looking back, Paul has no regrets about past disappointments or failures.

Then looking ahead, Paul has no doubt.

It is easy for us to allow the devil to fill our hearts with fear as we look at the here and now. With the #feesmustfall violent protests, the fear that our country will be downgraded to junk status, concerns about the leadership capabilities of our government, it is easy to be fearful and concerned for our future.  One of the biggest tools the evil one uses to immobilize us and to render us ineffective, is to get us to look back.  Based on what we see, the devil tells us that GOD cannot and will not use us.  Read the life story of Peter and many others in the Bible and you can argue with him on that one.

Fear …Regrets… Doubt…  These are tools he uses against us often.  How do we overcome this?  Read Revelation 12 vs 11 and 1 John 5 vs 4.  These people overcame because of the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.  They declared that God is who is says He is.  He is doing what He said He would do, and He is in control of everything that He said He would be in control of in our lives.

So yet again I ask – If asked as you looked around, looked back, looked ahead, would you be able to encourage the younger generation, that the God we serve and have served is Faithful?  That the work set out for you to do, you have done?  That the course that was set before you, you have run?

Paul encourages us in Philippians 3 vs 13 & 14 ” forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I PRESS ON”.  That’s someone that is not scared of what is going down.  This is a person which says I know that soon I will receive a crown in glory, as all of us will (2 Timothy 4 vs 6-8), therefore I will give it my “best” to the end.

That’s the kind of person the younger generation are looking for as role models.  I want to be one, do you?

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Equip Book of the Month: November

Know the Heretics: Justin Holcomb

Know the HereticsThere is a lot of talk about heresy these days. The frequency and volume of accusations suggest that some Christians have lost a sense of the gravity of the word. On the other hand, many believers have little to no familiarity with orthodox doctrine or the historic distortions of it.

What’s needed is a strong dose of humility and restraint, and also a clear and informed definition of orthodoxy and heresy. Know the Heretics provides an accessible “travel guide” to the most significant heresies throughout Christian history. As a part of the KNOW series, it is designed for personal study or classroom use, but also for small groups and Sunday schools wanting to more deeply understand the foundations of the faith.

Each chapter covers a key statement of faith and includes a discussion of its historical context; a simple explanation of the unorthodox teaching, the orthodox response and a key defender; reflections of contemporary relevance; and discussion questions.

NORMAL CBD PRICE: R315.00               SPECIAL EQUIP PRICE: R200.00

Price valid until 30th November 2016 or while stocks last.

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New on our shelves this week


Engaging with Muslims:  John Klaasen

Many Christians in the west are fearful of engaging in conversation with Muslims – believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and conversations about the Bible.
This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the Gospel.

CBD PRICE: R100.00

 Transgender: Vaughan Roberts

There’s been a huge cultural change in the last few decades. Same-sex marriage would have been unthinkable 20 or 30 years ago. Now it’s almost universally accepted in the Western world. Now suddenly the issue of transgender is the next big social, cultural issue that has dominated the headlines.  This short book gives an overview and a starting point for constructive discussion as we seek to live in a world with different values, and love, serve and relate to transgender people.


Camaraderie of Confidence: John Piper

This book explores how Charles Spurgeon’s, George Mueller’s and Hudson Taylor’s trust in God’s sovereignty fuelled their faith, enabling them to live in obedience, persevere through hardships and bear fruit for the glory of God.  Says the author, ‘What they have to teach us and show us about the camaraderie of confidence for the glory of God is enormous. Let them lead you into a life of greater faith and joy and radical commitment to Christ’s mission in this world.’

CBD PRICE: R145.00                 PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R100.00

Intended for Good: Melvin Tinker

The Puritans used to say that “providence is the last refuge of the saints.” Melvin Tinker believes that the doctrine of God’s providence should be amongst the first refuges for the Christian seeking strength and comfort. From the early church right through into the nineteenth century, belief in providence was part of the staple diet of professing Christians. For various reasons, the doctrine was eclipsed in the nineteenth century, and yet it still lies on the edges of much Christian thought and practice today.  Melvin Tinker’s exposition of the wonderful facets of that jewel is both pastoral and practical.

CBD PRICE: R160.00                  PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R100.00

Money Counts: Graham Beynon

Some of us want to escape money. Some of us want to embrace money. We fear money, and we desire it. We think about it every day, and yet often we try not to think about it.

Graham Beynon shows us how to control our money rather than our money controlling us. In this readable, realistic book, he takes us to the gospel to show how we can handle money well in our hearts, so we can handle it confidently and wisely with our hands.

CBD PRICE: R115.00

Prices valid until 30th November or while stocks last.

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Christians, this is our night.








Written by David Mathis from

Halloween is not too haunted for true saints. This is no night for God’s “holy ones” to run and hide, but rise up and revel in the power of our sovereign Christ. This is not the devil’s day, but ours. No concessions, no treaties, no retreat. No call to fear, but an invitation to feast.

Originally “All Hallows’ Eve” may have been an annual commemoration of the seemingly super-holy, the Roman “saints” (Latin hallows, “holy ones”). But under God’s kind providence, a monk named Martin came to our rescue when he went trick-or-treating on October 31, 1517, at the church door in Wittenberg. Eventually Luther labored with a horde of others to liberate God’s people from a host of medieval misconceptions – including the assumption that only some, not all, of Christ’s people are “saints” (Romans 1:7;1 Corinthians 1:2; and 2 Corinthians 1:1).

Claiming All Hallows’ Eve truly belongs to believers does not mean we celebrate death or darkness. Far from it. We celebrate our Savior’s victory over death and over everything demonic. We mark Christ’s triumph, through death, over sin and Satan. “Through death he . . . destroy[ed] the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 2:14).

As Christians, with open Bibles, we have a theology tall enough and thick enough for every ounce of Halloween, and every other day of the year. This is not a night to moan and fret, but to rejoice with confident smiles and treats in hand. And with open ears because the harvest festival is a ripe opportunity to rehearse precious truths — or teach them for the first time — about the undaunted dominion of Christ and what it means for us as his people.

So, Christian neighbors, join me in leading our homes and churches out of fear and into joy. The harvest is great, and Halloween is a striking foil — for teaching our kids, and reminding ourselves — of who we are in Christ.  Read more…

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Book Review: A Solid Foundation


Biblical Truths our children must know before the age of 12

Author: Rev Leigh Robinson

Rev Leigh Robinson is the senior pastor of Rosebank Union Church in Johannesburg.  He has had over 40 years of pastoral, counselling and teaching ministry in both South Africa and Canada.  Leigh has just released his first children’s book – A Solid Foundation.

solid-foundation-aLeigh says: “Without question parents play the major role in influencing their children to know, love and obey God.  In the past parents could count on some biblical knowledge being imparted to their children at school.  This is for the most part no longer the case.  The chances are good that the only religious instruction children now receive at school will be that all religions are equally valid and should be respected.  Even children who attend a good Sunday School will receive at best about twenty hours of action instruction in the course of a year.  So parents, it’s up to you.  God has commanded you a “bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:2).  Much of this training and instruction should happen in the normal course of life in the home.  

Leigh Robinson encourages parents in the holy task of laying A Solid Foundation in their children’s lives as they help their children to memorize the bible passages in this little book.  As he reminds us, the benefits of having God’s word hidden in their hearts as they journey through life are eternal.

At only R50.00 each, these books will make great year end prizes and stocking fillers.

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Timothy Keller’s new book as just arrived

  • Maybe you grew up a Christian and then stopped going to Church?
  • Maybe religion failed you in some way and you never returned to God?
  • Maybe science and skepticism replaced your need for God?

making-sense-of-godBut now you have trouble answering life’s bigger questions…. “Where can I find fulfillment”?“Will we ever have real justice?”…  “Why am I still not satisfied?”…

Maybe it is time to take another look at God?

We live in an age of skepticism.  Our society places such faith in empirical reason, historical progress, and heartfelt emotion that it’s easy to wonder: “Why should anyone believe in Christianity?” or “What role can faith and religion play in our modern lives?”

In this thoughtful and inspiring new book, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller invites skeptics to consider that Christianity is more relevant now than ever.  As human beings, we cannot live without meaning, satisfaction, freedom, identity, justice, and hope.  Christianity provides us with unsurpassed resources to meet these needs.  Written for both the ardent believer and the skeptic, Making Sense of God shines a light on the profound value and importance of Christianity in our lives.

CBD PRICE: R410.00  (Hardcover)

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Simple ways to spark a luke warm devotional life


By Author & Blogger Tim Challies

It happens to all of us at one time or another. There are times when we wake up eager to get into God’s Word, when our times in the Bible are an absolute joy and thrill. We hope, we wish, we pray that these times will never end. But they do. At times we wake up with no desire to open the Word. We find to our sorrow that the joy and thrill have given way to cold duty. I know this all too well. With September here and fall and winter laid out before us, perhaps this is the time to spark that lukewarm devotional life. Here are a few suggestions.

Ditch Your Plan

Milk & HoneyBible-reading plans can be a tremendous aid in telling us what to read each day and in keeping us on track in actually reading it. The desire to finish the plan combined with the sense of personal failure that comes with abandoning it can be enough to keep us going. Yet often we fall behind in those plans and the discouragement of being a day, then a week, then a month behind paralyzes us into inaction. If that’s the case for you, why don’t you ditch your plan? Ditch it without shame, without that sense of failure, and do something different instead. Why not begin to read a Psalm a day, or a chapter of one of the gospels? Find a list of 100 key Scripture passages and focus on them. Pick a short book like Colossians or Titus and read it every day for a month. What and how much you read matters a lot less than the simple fact that you read something and meditate on it.

Start a Plan

Daily Readings from Life of Christ Vol 3Sometimes a plan is the problem and sometimes a plan is the solution. If your reading is infrequent and unstructured, why don’t you think about finding and following a plan? While we typically think of annual plans that begin in January, there are also great plans that run for weeks or months. A three- or four-month plan may be just the thing to get you through to the end of the year. If Bible-reading is an especially big struggle for you, try a 5-day-per-week plan that allows you a couple of catch-up days each week. can get you started with a whole list of options. The ReadingPlan app has been my companion all year long and I’ve grown to love it!

 Read more..

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Travel Series with Day One Publishers



Travel with William Tyndale

Travel with William Tyndale

Travel through Rome

Travel Through Rome

The Martyrs of Mary Tudor

Travel with the Martyrs of Mary Tudor

CBD PRICE: R115.00
CBD PRICE: R155.00
CBD PRICE:  R110.00
 Travel with Frances Ridley

Travel with Frances Ridley Havergal

 Travel through Oxford

Travel Through Oxford

 Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Travel with Martyn Lloyd-Jones

 CBD PRICE: R95.00


 CBD PRICE: R140.00


 CBD PRICE: R95.00


Travel through Cambridge

Travel Through Cambridge

William Wilberforce

travel with william wilberforce

John Blanchard

travel with John Blanchard

CBD PRICE: R125.00




CBD PRICE: R140.00


Available while stocks last.

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Lord, help me to feel my need for you

Written by John Bloom from

One of the most merciful gifts God can give us is a deep, keen awareness of our dependence on him for everything.

Living the Christian life relies on our full dependence upon the grace of God we receive through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said it this way:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Every professing Christian agrees we must abide in Christ. But our agreement is only important to the degree we feel it to be true. The less we feel our need for Christ, the less we will abide in him.

If We Don’t Feel Hungry, We Won’t Eat

I say “feel” because in English this gets closer to the kind of knowledge of our need for Jesus he means us to have. It’s not merely cerebral but experiential knowledge, like knowing we need food.

But it’s one thing to know we need nutrients for our body when we haven’t eaten in 24 hours; it’s another thing to know we need nutrients for our body after we’ve just washed down a bag of potato chips with a 32 oz. soda. We’re not likely to eat food we really need after sating our appetite with junk. If we don’t feel hungry, we won’t eat, especially the kind of food we most need.

The same thing is true of spiritual nutrition. If we don’t feel hunger for God because we’ve been eating spiritual junk, we are not likely to want to eat the food we need most — the food from the Vine.

Read More…

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