Category Archives: Blog

Book Review: God behind the Scenes – The Book of Esther

Author: Wayne Barkhuizen       Reviewed by Christopher Thwala

The God Behind the Scenes book is essentially a commentary on the book of Esther, but it doesn’t stop there.  Barkhuizen helps us to see and appreciate the work of God in his people’s lives under a foreign king.  Although God is not mentioned directly in the book of Esther, Barkhuizen helps us tremendously to see the fingerprints of God everywhere in the narrative.

Two things that stood out for me in the book is Barkhuizen’s Biblical theology and his Christocentric approach to the book:

  • God Behind the Scenes (Esther)Biblical theology:  The author does not treat Esther as an isolated book, he shows us brilliantly how the previous historical narrative books fit in with Esther and how God is fulfilling his promises in this short narrative. He also shows how the rest of the Old Testament contributes to this little narrative. The author’s insights into the historical background again help the reader to be transported back into what the Jews of the day would have felt and thought.
  • Christocentrism: Barkhuizen does not wait until the end of the book as though just to give Jesus a bit of a space in the book. No – throughout his exposition and perceptive comments, he shows us that it is the Christ that ultimately saves. Things may look oblique, but God is working behind the scenes. “God will never fail to deliver on His promises. He will never abandoned his people. He will deliver them not because they are so good or so faithful to him but for his name’s sake.”  It is worth noting that each time we see the name “God,” not to think of it as referring to God the Father only, but to the triune God.

I warmly recommend this book. It is good for personal study when you want to take on a project to understand the book of Esther and how Jesus is foreshadowed there.  This is one of the less studied and more peculiar books in the bible, but once you have used this book as your guide, you will indeed see great gems from the book of Esther.

CBD PRICE: R165.00

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New Beth Moore Bible Study


Learn To Guard What God Has Entrusted To You

We were never meant to take this journey of faith alone or in secret. God has entrusted us with the great and mighty gift of the gospel, something too precious and life-giving to keep to ourselves.

entrusted-workbookIn this 6-session Bible study, Beth will encourage you to guard what God has entrusted to you, further His kingdom by sharing Christ with others, and pour into future generations just as Paul once mentored Timothy. Because in this journey of joy and hardship, we need each other to stay the course and live lives of faithfulness.

  • Biblically-rooted and gospel-centered content
  • Interactive teaching videos (approximately one hour per session)
  • Leader material available with guides to questions and discussion with small groups
  • Beth’s recitation of 2 Timothy to encourage Scripture memorization
  • 5 personal study segments with homework to complete between 6 weeks of group sessions
  • Additional articles by Melissa Moore, Beth’s daughter and ministry partner, included
Workbook: R205.00  DVD: R1250.00 Leader Guide: R110.00 Memory Cards: R80.00
Valid whilst stocks last

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Lay aside the fear of Man

large_lay-aside-the-fear-of-man-zdbifmtqWritten by Jon Bloom from

Why do we fear others’ disapproval so much? We all experience this fear, and most of us don’t want to admit how serious its tyranny can be. The Bible calls this the “fear of man”, and it can weave a web of ambiguity around issues that are biblically clear. The fear of man can immobilize us when we should take action, and gag us into silence when we should speak. It feels powerful, but its power is deceptive.

That’s why the Bible tells us, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe” (Proverbs 29:25). The Hebrew word here for “snare” refers to traps hunters used to catch animals or birds. Snares are dangerous. If we get caught, we must do whatever it takes to free ourselves. God has the power to free us and he wants us living in the safe freedom of trusting him. But he frees us not by removing our fear of disapproval, but transferring it to the right place. And typically, he frees us by helping us face our false fears so that they lose their power over us.

God’s Design in the Fear of Disapproval
It’s important we understand why our desire for approval and fear of disapproval is so strong.

Due to our sin, weaknesses, and perhaps traumatic past experiences, we might assume these things are merely consequences of the fall. But at the core, they’re not. God actually designed us to be motivated by these emotionally powerful forces, for they uniquely reveal what we love.

Each of us instinctively knows, as creatures, that who we are and what we’re worth are not things we define for ourselves. We didn’t create ourselves. We didn’t choose our DNA, intellectual and physical powers, families, cultures, early education, time periods, or most other major influences. We are not autonomous but contingent creatures.

Read more…

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Equip Book of the Month: October

Nine Day Queen of England – Lady Jane Grey
Written by Faith Cook

Nine Day Queen of England (PB)“Lady Jane called out in a clear voice. “Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Then with a stroke, swift, sharp and terrible, Jane’s short life was ended. Like the Apostle Paul she had fought a good fight, finished the course and kept the faith. Henceforth there was laid up for her a crown of righteousness – a crown that none could take from her.”

Lady Jane Grey has often been called the ‘Tudor Pawn’ but to see her as one whose life was simply moved around by others is totally inadequate. This is no simplistic life and death of a sixteen-year-old girl.  In order to understand the full tragedy and triumph of her life it is vital to grasp the far-reaching political and religious changes that were shaking England at that time. The Reformation touched the whole population; from palace to university; from emerging town to peasant cottage.

Like the pieces of a jigsaw, the pieces come together to give a picture of a girl with outstanding natural abilities, whose strength of character and remarkable faith shine out despite the darkness that often surrounded her. Executed at age 16, Jane paid an awful price for a throne she did not seek.

‘Faith Cook writes in a very readable manner. Here is a sympathetic but realistic treatment of Lady Jane, coupled with a helpful study of this vital period of history.’ – Mignon Goswell, Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne

Normal CBD Price: R160.00                    EQUIP PRICE: R120.00

This promotional price is valid until 31st October 2016 or while stocks last.

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Last chance at special prices


Christopher Ash has now completed his tour of South Africa, and we were blessed to be able to hear him speak and share with us.  Christopher’s books will still be on sale at the same promotional prices offered during his visit.
 Out of the Storm  Bible Delight  Listen up!
 CBD PRICE: R115.00


 CBD PRICE: R120.00


 CBD PRICE: 20.00
 married for god  Teaching Romans Volume 1  Teaching Romans Volume 2
 CBD PRICE R160.00


 CBD PRICE: R140.00


CBD PRICE: R140.00


 Job (Preaching the Word)  Hearing the Spirit  Pure Joy

 CBD PRICE: R545.00


 CBD PRICE: R115.00


 CBD PRICE: R155.00


 Marriage - sex in the service of God  The Priority of Preaching  Zeal without Burnout
 CBD PRICE: R240.00


 CBD PRICE: R110.00


 CBD PRICE: R135.00


Valid until end October 2016 or while stocks last.

Purchase Christopher’s books here from our online shopping cart,
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What does God do with your sin?

sinBy  Author & Blogger Tim Challies

Unpacking ForgivenessSometimes it’s better to show than to tell. Sometimes it’s more effective to rely on illustration than description. Maybe this is especially the case when we are distressed, ashamed, or sorrowful, when emotions threaten to displace reason. In those moments, God comforts us not only with descriptions of what he does with our sin, but also with vivid illustrations. Are you distressed by what you’ve done? Do you hear whispers that you have sinned beyond God’s desire or ability to forgive? Let these illustrations comfort you. Listen to – no, see! – all that God does with your sin.

God throws your sin into the sea (Micah 7:19). Here is a clear reference to the Exodus when God rescued his people by drowning Pharaoh and his army in the sea. John MacKay says, “The Egyptians were prevented from catching up with the fleeing Israelites and reversing their deliverance. The freedom of the people of God will not be marred by some consequence of their past sin catching up with them to spoil their delight in the provision God has made for them.” Not a single Egyptian soldier crawled onto the bank to continue is-forgiveness-really-freeto torment Israel. Not a single one of your sins will continue to torment your soul.

God treads your sin underfoot (Micah 7:19). God doesn’t only drown your sins in the sea, but he also stomps them under his feet. Richard Phillips explains the illustration this way: “God responds to our sins the way a protective parent destroys a snake in the children’s playground.” He throws it to the ground, stomps on it, reduces it to nothing. He grinds it underfoot until it is dead and gone.

Your sin has been so thoroughly dealt with that it is as if God tossed it behind him where he can no longer see it.

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Tim Hawkins visits Durban

 For those of you lucky enough to live in the Durban area, Youth Pastor & Speaker Tim Hawkins from Australia will be visiting to run workshops for Youth Pastors and Children’s workers from 7-16th October 2016.  You and your staff are warmly invited to attend.


To read more about Tim and view his speaking itinerary click here.  If you would like to attend any of these workshops, please contact Janet Greener

Watch a clip of Tim Hawkins challenging Youth Workers to be Generation Changers.

CBD will be selling Tim Hawkins book at all of these events.

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Book Review: Out of the Depths

Written By: Edgar Harrell

The Inspiring True Story of a World War II Hero’s Miraculous Survival at Sea

Out of the DepthsJuly 30, 1945 – The USS Indianapolis is making its way through the South Pacific, unescorted, assured by headquarters the waters are safe.  It is midnight , and Marine Edgar Harrell and several others have sacked out on deck rather than spend the night in their hot and muggy quarters . Fresh off a top-secret mission to deliver uranium for the atomic bombs for Hiroshima that would ultimately end World War II,  Marine Edgar Harrell and his shipmates are unaware their ship is being watched.

At 12:14am, 6 Japenese torpedoes are slicing toward the Indy . . .

For five horrifying days and nights after their ship went down, Harrell and his shipmates had to fend for themselves in the open seas. Plagued by dehydration, exposure, saltwater poisoning, and shark attacks, their numbers were cruelly depleted before they were miraculously rescued. This is one man’s story of courage, ingenuity, and faith in God’s providence in the midst of the worst naval disaster in U.S. history.

CBD PRICE: R285.00 (Hardcover)

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Life Explored Promotion


Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is enjoying God himself.

This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions. It will also provoke good discussions among those who know and love Jesus.

This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to run your course – a leader’s handbook, a guest handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions, giving you flexibility to run it one-to-one, or in larger groups; in churches, or in homes.

 Life Explored DVD Set
 Life Explored
Leader’s Handbook
 Life Explored
 life-explored-dvd-leader-kit  life-explored-leaders-guide  life-explored-handbook
 Normal CBD Price: R640.00   


 Normal CBD Price: R135.00


 Normal CBD Price: R50.00


Offer valid until 15th October 2016 or while stocks last

Purchase Life Explored from our online shopping cart,
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Let’s Be Frank: Thought for the Day

Frank Retief 2Frank Retief was pastor at St James Church Cape Town for 31 years, having planted the church in 1968 with his wife Beulah.  He became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa until he retired in 2010.  Frank remains active in ministry through preaching, teaching, pastoral work & writing, and has authored a number of books.

Mystery of the Son

Luke 10 v 22. “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”

The Son of God has within Himself everything that we sinners need for our salvation. He is endowed by the Spirit of God. That means He has the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of God.

He has all these qualities and more, entrusted to Him by his Father so that He could become our mediator. He is the great Fountain out of which flows the Father’s grace and love to needy sinners. His riches are inexhaustible. He is so great that only the Father can truly know Him. Only God can penetrate to the essence of the being of Christ.  Likewise, so great is the Father that no one but the Son can know who He is. These are great mysteries.

But consider this, when Jesus was on earth none of these things were discerned by the disciples. It is true they caught glimpses of his uniqueness from time to time, but of His true greatness they knew very little. Imagine you were a listener to Jesus’ conversation when he uttered the words printed above. If you were Jewish you would be astounded that such claims could come from the mouth of a human being. If you were not a Jew but a Gentile you would shrug it off as the ramblings of a deluded person. But what if these words are true?

In that case the one person who truly knows God, came to earth and lived among us. Would it not make sense to hear him out and make a decision based on fact and not emotion?  But this is exactly what the people of Jesus’ day did not do. They argued with him at every point.

But at the end of the day, God is the One who opens the eyes of those who believe and they are saved. Why does God not open everybody’s eyes?  We do not know.  The important question is are your eyes opened, do you believe and do you live accordingly?

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Book Review: South Africa’s Forgotten Revival

Author: Olea Nel                   Reviewed by Sylvia Bester

Although this book was already reviewed by us a few years ago, we felt it was worth remembering it ahead of Heritage Day celebrations in South Africa.  This is the story of the Cape’s Great Awakening in 1860 which left a precious heritage that is still evident today.

South Africa's Forgotten RevivalIn this very informative and uplifting book, Dr Nel recounts the facts around the almost “overnight” revival that changed the lives of many South African people. It is evident that this is an exceptional piece of historical research about a period that has been “forgotten” by many.  It is the story of Andrew Murray, a young minister from Scotland who defended the Church against the onslaught of liberalism and illiteracy. Andrew was one of the most important and blessed church leaders in South African history. His books have been translated into many languages and are still beloved by millions of Christians all over the world.

It is also the story of Nicolaas Hofmeyr and Gotlieb van der Lingen who, in spite of their robust faith, could not  in their own strength, breathe life into their congregations and awaken their frigid hearts to persevere in prayer. It is the story of how God in his Mercy had to take the initiative and place the desire for communal prayer into the hearts of believers.

On page 25 we  are told of the quandary the semi-literate Afrikaners found themselves. “The clergy considered their vernacular, Afrikaans, to be unworthy of religious observances, including personal devotions”.  Fortunately we read that our sovereign God had no intention of leaving the situation that way, and we find out exactly what God’s goals for the Afrikaner were.

We are reminded that the best weapon of attack is the sword. This sword is the sword of the Spirit- the Word of God.   It is with this weapon that Andrew Murray arms himself to break down every barrier to worship.  Dr Christo Nel says in the foreword: May God help us to remember what it is like when our Lord works sovereignly  and uniquely”

As you  begin to read this story you will find, as I  did, that you cannot put it down you and will be encouraged and amazed at the wonderful and glorious works of our Lord!

CBD PRICE: R115.00

Purchase South Africa’s Forgotten Revival from our online shopping cart,
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Melvin Tinker Promotion

melvintinkerMelvin Tinker is the Vicar of St John Newland where he has served since 1994.  Melvin read Theology at Oxford University and trained for ordination at Wycliffe Hall.  As well as speaking around the country and abroad, Melvin is the author of over 60 published articles dealing with a wide range of  subjects relating to ethics and theology. He is also the author of several books.

  The Renewed Pastor
Close Encounters
Renewed Pastor, The
Close Encounters
 Normal CBD Price: R205.00


 Normal CBD Price: R50.00

Promotion: R30.00

Road to Reality
Alien Nation
Road to Reality


Alien Nation
 Normal CBD Price R85.00

Promotion: R65.00

 Normal CBD Price: R65.00

Promotion: R50.00

Why do bad things happen
to good people
 Wisdom to live by
Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People
Wisdom to Live By
 Normal CBD Price: R80.00

Promotion: R65.00

 Normal CBD Price: R70.00

Promotion: R50.00

 Tales of the Unexpected
Evangelical concerns 
 Tales of the Unexpected Evangelical Concerns 
Normal CBD Price: R90.00

Promotion: R65.00 

Normal CBD Price: R135.00

Promotion: R125.00 

Prices valid until end September 2016  Stock available on-line & Head Office

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