Category Archives: Promotions

John Blanchard Promotion

For those of you who were unable to attend one of John Blanchard’s meetings around the country, here is a last chance to purchase his books at the special tour prices until 15th November 2015
Whatever Happened to Hell?  Evangelical Press  R215.00
Whatever Happened to Hell?
What in the World is a Christian? Evangelical Press R130.00
 What in the World is a Christian?
Why are you here? Evangelical Press R165.00
 Why Are You Here?
Hitch Hikers Guide to Heaven Evangelical Press R130.00
 Hitch hikers guide to heaven
Has Science got rid of God? Evangelical Press R105.00
 has science got rid of god
Is God past His sell-by Date? Evangelical Press R100.00
 Is God Past His Sell-By Date
Major Points from Minor Prophets Evangelical Press R155.00
 Major points from the Minor prophets
Luke comes Alive Evangelical Press  R80.00
 Luke comes Alive
Right with God Evangelical Press  R110.00
 Right With God
Read Mark Learn Evangelical Press  R50.00
 Read mark learn
The Beatitudes for today Evangelical  R135.00
 Beatitudes for Today
Meet the real Jesus  Evangelical Press  R140.00
 Meet the Real Jesus 1
How to enjoy your Bible Evangelical Press  R115.00
 How to Enjoy Your Bible 1
Travel with John Blanchard Evangelical Press  R140.00
 travel with John Blanchard
Dealing with Dawkins Evangelical Press  R35.00
 dealing with dawkins
Ultimate Questions Booklet (ESV & NIV translation) Evangelical Press  R20.00
 Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
Ultimate Questions Pocket Edition

(ESV & NIV translation)

Evangelical Press  R10.00
 Ultimate questions pocket NIV

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New Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer

Armor of God (Workbook)Armour of God

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is a 7 week action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

DVD  Kit: R550.00  (includes 2 DVD’s)      Member’s Workbook: R185.00

Meet Priscilla Shirer:-

Priscilla Shirer picPriscilla Shirer is a wife and a mom first, but put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you’ll see why thousands meet God in powerful, personal ways at her conferences and through her Bible studies.  Through the expository teaching of the Word of God, Priscilla desires to see people not only know the uncompromising truths of Scripture intellectually but experience them practically by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Available while stocks last

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20th Birthday Celebration: October

Prices valid until 31st October 2015 or while stocks last. Available from our Head Office store or on-line shopping card.

Dog who stole Christmas, The Carswell, Roger  Day One  R2.86  48%  R1.50 Dog Who Stole Christmas, The
Essence of Feminism Reid, Andrew Matthias Media R50.00 50%  R25.00  essence of fem
ESV New Classic Reference Bible Crossway R685.71 64%  R250.00 ESV New Classic Reference Hardcover
Law is not faith, The Van Drunen et al P&R R357.14 51% R175.00 Law is Not Faith, The
Shining like Stars Brown, Lindsay 10 Publishing R100.00 50% R50.00 Shining like stars
Shock and Awe Coffey, Ian Bible Reading Fellowship R171.43 65% R60.00 Shock and Awe
Out of Darkness Olyott, Stuart Evangelical Press R50.00 50% R25.00 Out of Darkness (Exodus 1-18)
Law of Love (Workbook) Moore, Beth Living Proof  R164.29  49%  R85.00 law of Love
Branded by Grace  Brand, Chippy  Truth House  R164.29  40%  R100.00 Branded By Grace
Evangelism (LBS) Pippert & Siemmens  IVP  R85.71  48%  R45.00 Evangelism (LBS)
Trellis & The Vine Payne & Marshall  Matthias Media  R171.43  50% R85.00 Trellis and the Vine, The
Voyage of Discovery  Thomas, Derek  EP  R128.57  50%  R65.00  a voyage of discovery
Is it worth believing? Clarke, Greg Matthias Media  R119.29  50%  R60.00  Is it worth Believing
Triumph of the King (2 Samuel – Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon  EP  R121.43  51%  R60.00 Triumph of the King (2 Samuel - Welwyn)
Freedom (Geared for Growth series) Dinnen, Marie CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00  Freedom (Geared for Growth)
Freely Forgiven (Geared for Growth series) Dinnen, Marie  CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00 Freely Forgiven (Geared for Growth)
Preacher on the Run (Jonah-Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press  R100.00  50%  R50.00 Preacher on the Run
Help! I can’t handle these trials. James, Joel Day One  R57.14  49%  R30.00  Help! I can't Handle These trials
Light, Salt and World of Business Files Catherwood, Fred Didasko Files  R14.29  65%  R5.00 Light, Salt and the World of Business
 Kingdom of Heaven (Junction 5) Fawcett, Roger  CFP  R71.43  50% R35.00 Kingdom of Heaven (Junction 5)


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Buy 20 Get 20 Free Promotion

As part of our birthday month promotion, you can purchase 20 copies of any of the titles below and receive another 20 copies for free.  Available from our head office store.

Other Jesus, The (Tract)The Other Jesus (Tract)

by Tony Payne.

Publisher: Matthias Media

R3.50 each

Ultimate questions pocket NIVUltimate Questions Pocket Edition (NIV or ESV)

By John Blanchard

Publisher: Evangelical Press

R10.00 each

God, the bible & TerrorismGod, the Bible & Terrorism (Tract)

By Simon Robinson

Publisher: Day One

R5.00 each

Help! I'm Drowning in Debt (Day One)Help! I’m drowning in debt

By John Temple

Publisher: Day One

R15.00 each

ESV Economy Bible (PB)ESV Economy Bible

Publisher: Crossway

R40.00 each

How to Walk into ChurchHow to walk into Church

By Tony Payne

Publisher: Matthias Media

R65.00 each

Available until end October or while stocks last.

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Commentaries by Douglas Moo on Promotion

Douglas J. Moo is a New Testament scholar who, after teaching for more than twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois, has served as Blanchard Professor of New Testament at the Wheaton College Graduate School since 2000.

James-PillarThe Letter of James (Pillar series)

Normal Price: R400



Colossians-Philemon-PillarColossians & Philemon (Pillar Series)

Normal Price: R550



Galatians (BEC)(Moo)Galations (BECNT)

Normal Price: R535.00



Encountering the Book of Romans (EBS)(2nEncountering the book of Romans (EBS)

Normal Price: R371.00



James (TNTC)James (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)

Normal Price: R200.00



Romans (Niv Application Commentary)Romans NIV Application Commentary

Normal Price: R350.00



Prices valid until end October 2015 or while stocks last.  Available from on-line shopping cart or our head office store.

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Resources from Good Book Co

Ephesians for YouEphesians For You: Richard Coekin

In a world where Christianity seems increasingly side lined and even irrelevant, we need to grasp the truths of this faith-affirming, life-changing letter. Ephesians is a book that excites us about all we have in Christ, transforms our view of our church, thrills us as we see our part in God’s amazing plan, and challenges us about our day-to-day lives. In Ephesians for you, Richard Coekin, brings his trademark clear teaching and challenging Ephesians (Good Book Guide)application to every page. The accompanying bible study has 8 sessions which will take groups through the whole letter, explaining and applying it to our lives as church members and as individuals.

Ephesians for You:- Special Price: R120.00  (R145.00)

Ephesians (Good Book) Special price: R40.00  (R50.00)

Gospel Shaped Outreach (DVD Leader Kit)Gospel Shaped Church is a five-module course from The Gospel Coalition. It is designed to take the whole church family on a journey to discover how the gospel should shape every part of their life and witness. Five immersive modules look at the impact of the gospel on worship, outreach, daily living, work and caring for those in need.  Each Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to evaluate, plan, promote and run an engaging and immersive program with your church.

Gospel Shaped Worship (DVD Leader Kit)Gospel Shaped OutreachSpecial launch price: R700.00                This 9 week resource explores what it means for a church to be a community with a message and a mission to the world.  Watch the Gospel Shaped Outreach Trailer here.

Gospel Shaped Worship  – Special launch price: R700.00        This 7 week resource explores what it means for a church to be a worshiping community which encompasses the whole of life. Watch the Gospel Shaped Worship Trailer here.

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20th Birthday Celebration: September Promotion

Prices valid until 30th September 2015 or while stocks last.

 Translating the Bible into Action Hill, Harriet & Margaret  IVP  R121.43  51%  R60.00  Translating the bible into action
For men only Feldhahn, Shelti Multnomah R185.71 73%  R50.00  For Men Only (HC)
Story of Mansoul Woodcock, Peter & Anne Day One R178.57 61%  R70.00  The Story of Mansoul
God Rules (Junction) Margesson, Nick CFP R107.14 54% R50.00  God Rules (Junction 3)
Jesus the Life-Changer Robinson, Simon Day One R78.57 49% R40.00  Jesus_the_life-changer_2009
Sennacherib (Face to Face) Anderson, Clive Day One R85.71 53% R40.00  Sennacherib (Face 2 Face)
Life worth living and a Lord worth Loving Olyott, Stuart Evangelical Press R100.00 50% R50.00  Life Worth Living
Light in the Darkness  Webb-Peploe, A Good Book Co  R92.86  52%  R45.00  Light in the Darkness
Just the two of us  Margetson &McGowan  IVP  R107.14  53%  R50.00  just the two of Us
What the Scriptures Teach Kevan, EF  Evangelical Press  R50.00  50%  R25.00  What the Scriptures Teach
Romans, Gladiators and Games Edwards and Anderson  Day One  R28.57  48% R15.00  Romans, Gladiators and Games
New Irish Hymns #1  Becker, Brennan, Hogg  Kingsway  R142.86  44%  R80.00  New Irish Hymns 1
Mothers Touch, A Retief, Beulah CBD  R40.00  50%  R20.00  Mother's Touch, A
On the Old Testament  Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R100.00  50%  R50.00  On the Old Testament (2)
One to One (book 2)  Cornes, Andrew Good Book Co  R64.29  54%  R30.00  One2One(2)
Celebrating Sundays  Holdt, Jonathan  Dayone  R30.00  50%  R15.00  Celebrating Sundays
Preacher on the Run (Jonah-Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press  R100.00  50%  R50.00  Preacher on the Run
Help! I have breast cancer Fields, Brenda Day One  R25.00  510  R12.50  Help_I_have_breast_Cancer_9781846252167
Ultimate Questions Blanchard, John Evangelical Press  R28.57  48%  R15.00  Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
 Alive in Christ (Welwyn Comm on Ephesians)  Olyott, Stuart  Evangelical Press  R135.71  53% R65.00  Alive in Christ (Welwyn - Ephesians)


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20th Birthday Celebration: September Promotion


Prices valid until 30th September 2015 or while stocks last.

 Translating the Bible into Action Hill, Harriet & Margaret  IVP  R121.43  51%  R60.00  Translating the bible into action
For men only Feldhahn, Shelti Multnomah R185.71 73%  R50.00  For Men Only (HC)
Story of Mansoul Woodcock, Peter & Anne Day One R178.57 61%  R70.00  The Story of Mansoul
God Rules (Junction) Margesson, Nick CFP R107.14 54% R50.00  God Rules (Junction 3)
Jesus the Life-Changer Robinson, Simon Day One R78.57 49% R40.00  Jesus_the_life-changer_2009
Sennacherib (Face to Face) Anderson, Clive Day One R85.71 53% R40.00  Sennacherib (Face 2 Face)
Life worth living and a Lord worth Loving Olyott, Stuart Evangelical Press R100.00 50% R50.00  Life Worth Living
Light in the Darkness  Webb-Peploe, A Good Book Co  R92.86  52%  R45.00  Light in the Darkness
Just the two of us  Margetson &McGowan  IVP  R107.14  53%  R50.00  just the two of Us
What the Scriptures Teach Kevan, EF  Evangelical Press  R50.00  50%  R25.00  What the Scriptures Teach
Romans, Gladiators and Games Edwards and Anderson  Day One  R28.57  48% R15.00  Romans, Gladiators and Games
New Irish Hymns #1  Becker, Brennan, Hogg  Kingsway  R142.86  44%  R80.00  New Irish Hymns 1
Mothers Touch, A Retief, Beulah CBD  R40.00  50%  R20.00  Mother's Touch, A
On the Old Testament  Driscoll, Mark  Crossway  R100.00  50%  R50.00  On the Old Testament (2)
One to One (book 2)  Cornes, Andrew Good Book Co  R64.29  54%  R30.00  One2One(2)
Celebrating Sundays  Holdt, Jonathan  Dayone  R30.00  50%  R15.00  Celebrating Sundays
Preacher on the Run (Jonah-Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press  R100.00  50%  R50.00  Preacher on the Run
Help! I have breast cancer Fields, Brenda Day One  R25.00  510  R12.50  Help_I_have_breast_Cancer_9781846252167
Ultimate Questions Blanchard, John Evangelical Press  R28.57  48%  R15.00  Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
 Alive in Christ (Welwyn Comm on Ephesians)  Olyott, Stuart  Evangelical Press  R135.71  53% R65.00  Alive in Christ (Welwyn - Ephesians)














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Spring Promotions


Challenges of Christian Leadership: John Stott

Challenges of Christian LeadershipAll Christian leaders face challenges. But God works in us, with us and through us to accomplish his eternal purposes. Here is practical wisdom from a much-respected leader speaking personally on: discouragement – how to persevere under pressure self-discipline – how to maintain spiritual freshness relationships – how to treat people with respect youth – how to lead when still comparatively young.

CBD PRICE: R110.00    Special price: R95.00

Living Free Bible Study: Beth Moore 

Living Free (Workbook)Ready to replace false strongholds with true freedom in Christ?  As you learn to pray Scripture with Living Free, you’ll realize the life God desires for you. Beth Moore explores the somewhat radical idea that we cannot please God by being perfect. The study begins by defining false strongholds, then focuses on five key benefits for every believer. Participants can learn how to develop a Godward focus in life, while incorporating the key benefits in their lives through practices of prayer and Bible study.  No DVD required.


Counter Culture series of booklets: David Platt

Poverty (Counter Culture)Poverty, Same-Sex Marriage, Racism, Sex Slavery, Immigration, Persecution, Abortion, Orphans, Pornography? How are we supposed to respond to all of this?  In this companion piece to his book, Counter Culture, David Platt provides Biblical support and practical action steps to help Christians take a courageous and compassionate stand on some of the most controversial issues of our time, and highlights dozens of ways individuals and churches can get involved at both the local and international level.

CBD PRICE: R55.00  (booklet)

Basic Christianity: John Stott

Basic ChristianityWho is Jesus? “If Jesus was not God in human flesh, Christianity is exploded,” writes John Stott. “We are left with just another religion with some beautiful ideas and noble ethics; its unique distinction has gone.” If Jesus is not who he said he was, and if he did not do what he said he had come to do, the whole superstructure of Christianity crumbles in ruins to the ground. Is it plausible that Jesus was truly divine? And what might this mean for us? John Stott’s clear, classic statement examines the historical facts on which Christianity stands.

CBD PRICE: R145.00            Special price: R110

Prices valid until end September 2015 or while stocks last.

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Birthday Special: Buy 20 get 20 Free


How to Walk into ChurchIf you’ve been a churchgoer for more than just a few Sundays, walking into church probably doesn’t seem like it deserves its own ‘how to’ manual. Right? In fact, it most likely seems like a pretty straightforward and trivial weekly activity. But things are rarely as simple as they seem, and how you walk into church reveals a great deal about what you think church is, what it’s for, and what you think you’re doing there.

In How to Walk into Church, Tony Payne helps us think biblically about church. Along with giving plenty of other practical advice, he suggests a way to walk into church that beautifully expresses what church is and why you’re there – a way that every Christian can master. If you go to church, this Brief Book is for you.

Normal Price: R65.00            SPECIAL PROMOTION: BUY 20 GET 20 FREE

(valid until end September 2015 or while stocks last)

Please insert promo coupon “howtowalkintochurch” when shopping on-line.

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20th Birthday Celebration: August Promotion

Prices valid until 31st August 2015 or while stocks last.

Idiot, The Dostoyevsky, Fodor Dover R78.57 43% R45.00 The Idiot (Signet Classics)
Envy of Eve Kruger, Melissa CFP R171.43 50% R85.00 envy of eve
Message of Heaven & Hell (BST) Milne, Bruce IVP R164.29 45% R90.00 Message of Heaven and Hell (BST)
Holy Spirit: His Person & Ministry  Palmer, Edwin  P&R  R157.14 49%  R80.00  Holy Spirit - His Person and Ministry
Compelled Stetzer/Nation New Hope  R214.29  40%  R130.00  Compelled
Confessions of a Reformation Rev  Driscoll, Mark  Zondervan  R185.71  52%  R90.00  Confessions of a Reformission Rev
Heaven (pocket Puritans)  Edwards, J  Banner of Truth  R65.71 50%  R32.50  Heaven (Edwards)
 Church, The  Philips/Ryken/


 P&R  R92.86  52%  R45.00  Church, The (Ryken, Phillips and Dever)
 ESV Greek-Eng New Testament  Nestle-Aland  Crossway  R935.71 58%  R400.00  ESV Greek English New Testament
Mark (Pillar) Edwards, James IVP R792.86 49% R400.00 Mark (Pillar) (Eerdmans)
 Messenger of love: Malachi (Geared for Growth)  Dinnen, Marie  CFP  R50.00  R50%  R25.00  Messenger of Love (Malachi) Geared for G
Help, I’m confused about dating  James, Joel  Day One  R21.43  53%  R10.00 HELP! I'm Confused about Dating
 Horizons of Hope  Edwards, Brian  Day One  R114.29  48%  R60.00  Horizons of Hope (Reprint)
On the New Testament Driscoll, Mark Crossway R100.00 50% R50.00 On the New Testament (2)
Next Story Challies, Tim Zondervan R247.71 40% R150.00 The Next Story
Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet) Blanchard, John EP R28.57  56%  R12.50  Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)
 Ultimate Questions (ESV Pocket)  Blanchard, John  EP  R14.29  51%  R7.00  Ultimate questions ESV Pocket
 For the Lord we Love  Stott, John  Didasko  R14.29  65%  R5.00  For the Lord we Love
 Ichthus File (Vol 2 Genesis 12-36)  Matthias Media  R42.86  76%  R10.00  Ichthus File Issue 2


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