Category Archives: Promotions

Gary Gilley Promotion

Gary Gilley has just spent the past 3 weeks preaching and ministering in the Gauteng area.  We are offering Gary’s books at special promotional prices until the end of November 2014.  Available on-line and from our Rosebank & Head Office stores.


This Little Church Went to MarketWith the spectacular successes of mega churches, churches all over the world are buying into the market-driven philosophy of church growth and expansion.  But what price have these churches paid in order to fill their pew with scores of people?  Is the market-driven phenomenon comparable to such historic movements as the Evangelical Revival?  Or has the church lost its culture wars?

The most significant forces pressing against the church are entertainment, market-driven philosophies and psychology.  These three are largely absent from the Bible, yet are startlingly prevalent in evangelical churches.  This is a serious and timely call for churches to return to their scriptural roots ….. before it is too late.

CBD PRICE: R100.00


This Little Church Stayed HomeIn This Little Church Stayed Home, Dr Gilley explores the manifold temptations of conservative churches to sell out to modern trends and innovations, including the present temptation towards mystical theology. Churches toying with new measures will be challenged to remain true to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith and to remain faithful to God s chosen means of converting sinners to himself: the good news of Jesus Christ.



This Little Church Had NoneEvangelicals have been desperately trying to impress the world for decades, becoming thoroughly worldly in the process.  it is hard to think of any significant fad that evangelicals haven’t latched onto. Holiness has practically fallen out of the evangelical vocabulary.  This book is a skilful analysis and critique of contemporary evangelical movement and a powerful plea for Christians to recover their love for the truth.



Is That You LordWe live in a world of communication, and yet communication is a messy business – poor call quality dropped lines & misdials are common.  And that is before we try to get the other person to understand what we are saying ……  Perhaps this is how we feel about communicating with God?  But what does the bible say?  Gilley shows us what God’s Word teaches on this important subject which will guide you to a biblical soundness.


While stocks last. E & OE

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Why are you here? : A brand new title from John Blanchard

Direct from the publishers, this book has not yet been officially released.  It will only be released in the UK in November.

Searching for the meaning of life …..

Why Are You Here?Nobody who thinks seriously about life can avoid the question the title of this book asks, and finding the answer to it is a transforming experience.  The pages of this book show how to avoid wrong turnings when thinking though the issue and lays out a clear, straightforward road map showing how to be sure of going in the right direction.

This is the perfect book to give to the thinking, serious person who is wrestling with the Christian faith and its relationship to the meaning of life?  Why are you here? will help to connect the dogs so that the big picture, although composed of seemingly endless millions of facts, really does begin to make sense.


This book and all of John Blanchard’s other titles will continue to be sold at the special tour promotional prices until the end of October while stocks last.  A number of Blanchard’s books are available as e-books. Click here to view them.

webside slider John Blanchard books amended.jpg


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John Lennox Promotion

Gunning for God : Why the new Atheists are missing the target

For those of you who missed buying a copy of this sell-out book during John Lennox’s tour last week, here is your change to purchase a copy of our new stock just arrive ……. but hurry, there are limited copies available.

New ideas about the nature of God and Christianity that will give Dawkins’ best friends and worst enemies alike some stimulating food for thought. 

Gunning for GodAtheism is on the march in the western world, and its enemy is God.  Religion, the “New Atheists” claim, is dangerous.  It kills or poisons everything.  And if religion is the problem with the world, their answer is simple: get rid of it!!

But are things so straightforward?   Tackling the likes of Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and others head on, John Lennox highlights the fallacies in their approach, arguing that their irrational and unscientific methodology leaves them guilty of the same obstinate foolishness of which they accuse dogmatic religious folks.

This erudite and wide-ranging guide to religion in the modern age packs some debilitating punches .  It puts forward new ideas about the nature of God and Christianity that will give the New Atheists’ best friends and worst enemies alike some stimulating food for thought.

CBD PRICE: R210        PROMOTIONAL PRICE: R190.00  (limited stock)

(Available at our head office & Rosebank stores as well as on-line)

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Christianity on Trial ….

Do you struggle with answering the difficult questions your unsaved friends sometimes ask you?  Do you wish you were able to be more articulate in your replies?  CBD have 3 great books that can help you at great promotional prices:

Jesus on Trial: Kel Richards

Jesus on Trial (Richards)Hasn’t Jesus been disproved by modern scholars?  Can Jesus have really risen from the dead?  Surely there must be some other explanation?  

In the modern world, we are constantly told that Jesus is merely a myth, and the resurrection story wishful thinking.  But what does the evidence say?  Taking the form of a court case, this book lays out the evidence and counter-evidence for Jesus.  What will your verdict be?  122 pages (paperback)

PRICE: WAS R81.00    NOW R65.00

How can a God of love send people to Hell? : John Benton

How can a God of Love send people to HellIs there a hell to which unrepentant sinners go after they die? If it does exist, and if God is a God of love, as he is supposed to be, how could he send people to such a place? How bad do you have to be before God would send you there?

In plain, direct language John Benton deals with these and many other questions concerning hell. He challenges us to face up to what lies beyond the grave and to deal in this life with those issues which determine our destiny.  93 pages (paperback)

PRICE: WAS R30.00       NOW R15.00


Missing the Point? : Vaughan RobertsMissing the PointIs there meaning to life? Is history just random? Where does my life fit in? These are topical questions in any age but particularly so in our post-modern era. Vaughan Roberts addresses these questions and others by examining what the Bible presents as the ‘turning points’ in history, from creation to the end of time.

This does not read like a normal history book. It does something far more important, to help you see history as God does, so that you might fit in with his plans for the world. These questions and others by examining what the Bible presents as the ‘turning points’ in history, from creation to the end of time.  41 pages (paperback)

PRICE: WAS R32,00     NOW: R20.00

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Just Arrived at CBD – 2 Brand New Titles

Evidence for the Bible – Brian Edwards

Evidence for the BibleThis beautifully produced book with over 200 full colour images, reveals some of the many discoveries that either authenticate or illustrate the biblical narrative.

The text is accurate, informative & assumes no prior knowledge of the world of archaeology. It follows the biblical record from Genesis to Revelation.

Timelines of the Ancient Near East empires, articles on specific thorny issues such as the Pharaoh of the Exodus & the census of Quirinius, an assessment of fallacies in the world of biblical archaeology & a detailed bibliography, all add to the value of this unique volume.

CBD PRICE: R375.00

Bible-Centred Church : Running a Church in the biblical way – John Temple

Bible-Centred ChurchMost evangelical churches claim to be biblical in all they do. Pastors faithfully encourage their congregations to obey Scripture as their expression of their love for Christ. But does this include the way we structure & run our churches? We all too easily slip into starting with the secular law, tradition or culture, regarding the biblical requirements as ‘suggestions’, yet it is the Bible that should be our starting point. We should endeavour to ‘render to Caesar the things that are Caesars’ & observe those elements of secular law, tradition or culture which are not in conflict with the Bible, but reject anything that is contrary to the Bible.

Using a scale from ‘Precepts’ (the Ten Commandments) to ‘Freedoms’ (issues on which the Bible is silent), this book provides practical advice on how to apply the Bible to church organisation.

CBD PRICE: R100.00

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Christians can get depressed & lose hope too …..

Do Christians get depressed?  … How can we as Christians support and encourage loved ones around us who suffer from this condition? … How do we find hope when life doesn’t make sense & God feels distant?

Depression in the Christian Family : Author: Herbert Carson

Depression in Christian FamilyDepression is a personal and deeply painful problem.  It not only causes great trials for the sufferer but also for the family and friends who have watch their anguish.  They want to help but don’t know how to respond, knowing that a wrongly spoken word or attitude can cause further hurt.

This book is primarily designed for those who are facing depressing, but is also directed at Christians who are in a position of supporting and ministering to those suffering from depression.  The book seeks to equip the reader to be able to help depression sufferers and to show that the Bible has the answer as to how we should face it.




God is just not Fair : Jennifer Rothschild

This is a book about finding more than just answers. It’s for anyone who needs hope when life doesn’t make sense – for all who reach for a God who feels distant. 

God is Just Not FairDo you believe God is just not fair? If you’re like Jennifer Rothschild, you wrestle with questions when you experience painful circumstances. Does God care? Does he hear my prayers? Is he even there?
Blinded as a teenager, Jennifer overcame daunting obstacles, found strength in God, and launched a successful speaking and writing ministry. Then in her 40’s, everything changed.
Jennifer hit a wall of depression and discontent that shook her to her core, undermining many of her past assumptions about her faith. Jennifer wondered who God was and why he continued to allow her to struggle and doubt. Where, Jennifer pleaded, is his hand of healing and hope in my life now?
As Jennifer tackles the six big questions of faith, she will help you:
  • Trust God more than your feelings.
  • Strengthen your faith when you feel beat up by life.
  • Embrace your obstacles and start experiencing their purpose.
  • Face your disappointment and grow stronger from your loss.

CBD PRICE: 185.00

Please note that this offer is available from our Head Office Store and is valid until end September 2014.

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Equip Book of the Month : August

Scriptures Testify about Me, TheScriptures Testify About Me : DA Carson

Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament

The Bible’s storyline is grand in its sweep, beautiful in its form, and unified in its message. However, many of us still struggle both to understand and to best communicate how the Old and New Testaments fit together, especially in relation to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Eight prominent evangelical pastors and scholars demonstrate what it looks like to preach Christ from the Old Testament in this collection of expositions of various Old Testament texts:

Albert Mohler — Studying the Scriptures and Finding Jesus (John 5:31–47)

Tim Keller — Getting Out (Exodus 14)

Alistair Begg — From a Foreigner to King Jesus (Ruth)

James MacDonald — When You Don’t Know What to Do (Psalm 25)

Conrad Mbewe — The Righteous Branch (Jeremiah 23:1–8)

Matt Chandler — Youth (Ecclesiastes 11:9–12:8)

Mike Bullmore — God’s Great Heart of Love toward His Own (Zephaniah)

D. A. Carson — Getting Excited about Melchizedek (Psalm 110)

From the experience of the Israelites during the exodus, to the cryptic words about Melchizedek in the Psalms, here are 8 helpful examples of successful approaches to preaching the gospel from the Old Testament by some of the most skilled expositors of our day.

Usual CBD Price: R190

Special Equip Price: R140

(price valid until 7 September 2014)

Available here: or from any of our branches

The Never Ending Conflict in the Middle East

The current conflict between Israel and Palestine is uppermost in most Christian minds and conversation.  Renewed violence …… fresh calls for peace negotiations …. broken cease fires ….  Between perplexing contradictions and inflammatory rhetoric, it is often difficult to find out what is really going on in the Middle East.

The Mirage of PeaceLike it or not, the problems of the Middle East are here to stay.  Like it or not, what is happening in the Middle East is going to impact the lives of all of us.  What happens in the Middle East affects our lives in some way or another.  Understanding the region and its conflicts is no longer a luxury and no longer the concern of only academics and dilettante travelers, it is vital for all of us.

Former TIME magazine Jerusalem bureau chief, David Aikman, has spent decades reporting on Middle-East issues.  Aikman takes a sober, balanced look at a region aflame and brings a journalist’s mind and a believer’s heart to his exploration of the political and religious factors in play.  He goes beyond the media’s chronic over-simplification to carefully examine recent history and the leaders who have made that history.

Aikman turns a critical eye on the policies of the region’s prime players.  He resorts neither to blind pro-Israeli sentiment nor to reactionary pro-Palestinian bias.  He challenges fellow Christians to a similar approach to the Middle East: respect, reason and love.

CBD PRICE: R133.00 (Hardcover edition)

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Join Dr Timothy Keller as he opens up the first half of the book of Romans, helping you to Romans 1-7 for Youget to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today. 
Written for people of every age and stage, from enquirers to new believers to pastors and teachers, this flexible resource is for you to:

  • READ: As a guide to this wonderful letter, helping you appreciate the great gift of righteousness with God.
  • FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God s word.
  • LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying Romans 1 7 as you preach or lead a Bible study.

Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is… Romans 1-7 For You.

CBD PRICE: R165.00


Timothy Keller was educated at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary.  He is the Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.  Timothy is the New York Times bestselling author of The Reason for God, The Prodigal God and Galations for you.

Prices valid until end August 2014 or while stocks last.

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Ultimate Questions – New Format

By John Blanchard

Ultimate Questions (ESV Booklet Edition)Health, finance, family, the future – life is full of questions…….

There are deeper questions too.  Who am I?  Why am I here?  Where am I going?  Does life have any purpose?

But the ultimate questions are about God.  Does he exist?  What is he like?  Can I know him and experience His power in my life?  And if so, how?

This booklet tackles these vital questions head-on, and answers them simply, clearly and directly.  Read it carefully.  It could change your life ….. forever.

PRICE:  R20.00

Printed for the first time in South Africa.


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Some Great Specials


BloodlinesGenocide. Terrorism. Hate crimes. In a world where racism is far from dead, is unity amidst diversities even remotely possible?

Sharing from his own experiences growing up in the segregated South, pastor John Piper thoughtfully exposes the unremitting problem of racism. Instead of turning finally to organizations, education, famous personalities, or government programs to address racial strife, Piper reveals the definitive source of hope—teaching how the good news about Jesus Christ actively undermines the sins that feed racial strife, and leads to a many-colored and many-cultured kingdom of God.

Learn to pursue ethnic harmony from a biblical perspective, and to relate to real people different from yourself, as you take part in the bloodline of Jesus that is comprised of “every tongue, tribe, and nation.”

CBD PRICE: R215.00




God is Great Bible StorybookIGod Is Great, Carolyn Larsen and illustrator Caron Turk provide a wonderful resource for children ages five and under by presenting seventeen Bible stories in an understandable and fun way. In simple language, Larsen describes what God has done in the story of our world, beginning with the creation account and moving through the Great Commission. As children learn about the ways in which God has shown his greatness in the past, they will also learn about his character and how he is still great today.

“God Makes Everything,” “God Protects Daniel,” “Jesus Feeds the 5,000,’ and ‘Jesus Dies, But Not Forever!” are only a few of the stories that will captivate young readers. Beautiful illustrations by veteran illustrator Caron Turk accompany each story. Parents, grandparents, and teachers will find God Is Great to be a valuable tool for teaching young children.





John Calvin saw this world as God’s theater where his glory is always on display. The universe and history are not silent,  they tell the glory of God. With Calvin in the theater of GodReflecting on over 500 years of Calvin’s legacy, John Piper and this book’s other contributors invite us to join Calvin in the theater of God.

Stemming from the Desiring God 2009 National Conference, this volume includes chapters by Julius Kim, Douglas Wilson, Marvin Olasky, Mark Talbot, Sam Storms, and John Piper. It touches on topics such as Calvin’s life, the Christian meaning of public life, sin and suffering, the joy of the last resurrection, and Jesus Christ as the dénouement of God’s story.

Editors John Piper and David Mathis, along with the contributors, make John Calvin’s Christ-exalting perspective on the glory of God accessible to today’s readers. Both Calvinists and other evangelicals interested in the life and work of Calvin will find these essays refreshing and instructive, leading to a robust understanding of the world as the theater of God.

CBD PRICE: R115.00



Offer valid until end of July 2014
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