Category Archives: Promotions

Spotlight on China

Operation China: Introducing all the Peoples of China

Paul Hattaway (Author of best-selling title Operation World.

Operation ChinaOperation China introduces the minority peoples of China, made up of 490 groups and more than 100 million members. These diverse cultures, from the blue-eyed Muslims of Xinjiang to the tribal people of the jungles of Yunnan, are presented using brilliantly colored photographs, anthropological and geographical data, maps, statistics and a prayer calendar. Operation China is indexed with an extensive bibliography of English and Chinese-language publications.

If you have used Operation World to pray for peoples in the world, and you have a heart for the Chinese people — you need to buy this book as it will help you to understand the urgency of reaching those people groups and again shows you the heart of God — as illustrated in Luke 15, that He would go for the 1 lost sheep and leave the 99 behind. God loves those minority in China as well… no matter how small a group they might be, they”re still the 1 lost sheep to Him and He will go search for them until they are found. 

CBD PRICE: R 231.00



Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power

David Aikman : Former Beijing Bureau Chief for Time Magazine

Jesus in BeijingPolitics are being transformed by religion, namely in China—within the next thirty years, one-third of this potential superpower could be Christian.  If this religious transformation occurs, China would be one of the largest Christian nations in the world.  It is exciting to see how God is at work in China, causing rapid growth of the Church in spite of persecution that at times and at certain places has been tragically severe. The Chinese Church not only envisions– and is working toward- bringing all of China to faith in Jesus Christ, but is also working toward bringing the whole Muslim world to Christ. 

This book is a fascinating account of past history, present history being made, and a glimpse of the future Christian world. It is not only informative, but exciting and uplifting for a Christian to read this.

CBD PRICE: R 175.00



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Equip Book of the Month: July

The Family : Jack & Judith Balswick

Family, TheA Christian Perspective on the Contemporary Home

Two respected senior professors in the marriage and family field cover every issue that affects family life, including marriage, parenting, sexuality, communication, social dynamics, and family life in modern society. This proven resource for studying the most established of human institutions has been in print for over twenty years, with over 80,000 copies sold. The fourth edition has been updated to address current family-related issues and refined to reflect teaching practices for the contemporary classroom, including updated references to online resources.

This is an excellent resource for marriage and family studies in the church and in academia.  Few texts come close to this one in blending the biblical ideal with the Contemporary scene.

CBD PRICE: R340.00

Equip Book of the Month Price : R250.00


Offer valid until end of July 2014
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Church Resources from Lifeway Publishers


How suffering sets you free ………

Glorious Ruin (Workbook)In this world, one thing is certain: Everybody hurts. Suffering may take the form of tragedy, heartbreak, or addiction. Or it could be something more mundane (but no less real) like resentment, loneliness, or disappointment. But there’s unfortunately no such thing as a painless life. In Glorious Ruin, best-selling author Tullian Tchividjian takes an honest and refreshing look at the reality of suffering, the ways we tie ourselves in knots trying to deal with it, and the comfort of the gospel for those who can’t seem to fix themselves or others. 

This is not so much a study about Why God allows suffering or even How we should approach suffering – it is a study about the tremendously liberating and gloriously counter intuitive truth of a God who suffers with you and for you. It is a study, in other words, about the kind of hope that takes the shape of a cross.

Workbook – R115.00

DVD – R435.00 (6 sessions)



Stronger (Workbook)Finding Hope in Fragile Places …..

Stronger: Finding Hope in Fragile Places – by Angela Thomas provides six weeks of personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the 7 video sessions of this women’s Bible study. Through biblical teaching and real life application, this study teaches that believers do not have to live in weakness. God is stronger than every struggle you will ever face. All who receive Jesus Christ have been hidden in Him. We have been made alive in Him through the forgiveness of our sin, filled in Him with all the fullness given to Him, brought near to God in Him, and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Him.

Workbook – R115.00

DVD – R325.00 (7 sessions)



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Promotion on RT Kendall Books


Meekness to Majesty: Rediscovering Jesus & Changing your Life

meekness and majestyJesus laid aside his majesty and “emptied himself” and took the form of a servant. Focusing on this theme, R T challenges us to live in true humility – “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” He looks at the mystery of Christ being fully God and fully man and Christ’s vindication and exaltation and what that means for us.

Based on Philippians 2: 5-11, R.T. Kendall helps us to understand how to be more like Jesus, and aims to give us the desire to do so.

CBD PRICE: R 95.00



Power of Humility: The Power & Freedom of a Humble Life

Pride is often the true reason why we get our feelings hurt, why we feel rejection, why we won’t admit to mistakes, why Power of Humility, Thewe want to be seen with certain people, and why we stay angry.
Jesus gives us the perfect example of a powerful life lived without conceit, smugness, or arrogance. So why do we not want to admit to our pride? It is because of our pride!
In The Power of Humility, R. T. Kendall challenges us to look deeply into our hearts and motives to recognize the pride and self-righteousness there. Using personal stories and enlightening examples from the Bible, he demonstrates how pride interferes with a close relationship with God and reveals how to overcome pride and become more like Jesus.  

CBD PRICE: R190.00



Finding your Heart’s Desire : Ambition, Motivation & True Success

Biblical Teaching on Ambition Offers Surprising, Discerning Insights. What drives a person to seek significance on this earth? Is it okay to want to feel important? Is ambition wrong?

Finding Your Heart's DesireR. T. Kendall explores what makes a human tick – and why it is important to know. Ambition, he states, is not inherently good or evil. It is a gift, and one of the main ways God motivates his children to do his will. Readers will delight in self-discovery as they:-

• Become aware of their hidden motives
• Understand what it means to be objective about themselves
• Learn patience before judging others
• Channel their ambition into actions that please God

The greatest satisfaction comes from experiencing praise that God alone can give. Whatever their level of ambition, readers will discover honor and significance as God means for them to enjoy it. This, says is true fulfillment and success.

CBD Price : R182.00

Promotional Price: R165.00


Unashamed to Bear His Name : Embracing the stigma of being a Christian

Unashamed to Bear His NameIn our increasingly secular society, being a Christian carries a cost. Whether through public criticism or the quiet loss of respect,  it is hard – and becoming harder – to be known as a Christian. Even as believers try to follow the will of God, they are often misunderstood and left to deal with the awkward, sometimes painful results of feeling disconnected from their fellow man.

R. T. Kendall offers hope. Turning the idea of stigma on its head, he shares his own story of rejection and embarrassment in the name of Christ – and how it became the source of unimaginable blessing. With warmth and understanding, he urges readers to embrace the offense that comes from their commitment to Jesus Christ, showing that when they do, the Lord will unleash into their lives incalculable blessing.

CBD Price : R135.00

Promotional Price: R120.00


Offer valid until end of July 2014 or while stocks last
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Promotion: Gospel Story Bible & Preacher on the Run


Gospel Story Bible : Marty Machowski

Gospel Story BibleIt is easy to forget Jesus in the midst of frantic schedules, family squabbles, and conflicting priorities. But the truth is that he is the hero of every story, including these ordinary ones. This easy-to-read storybook introduces your family to many captivating people, places, and events from the Bible’s Old and New Testaments, showing how each one ultimately points to Jesus. As you share these Bible Stories together, you and your family will meet Jesus and learn a new, life-changing way of recognizing Christ as the hero of every story.  

You will be delighted to discover how easily even a young child can understand the original text of a story that he or she has already come to love. Ideal as a storybook for your preschooler, a devotional for your grade school student, a refresher for the adult believer, or an introduction for the new one, The Gospel Story Bible is also a companion to Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God .

CBD PRICE: R 305.00



Preacher on the Run : Gordon Keddie

Preacher on the RunAll the prophets of the Old Testament are milestones along the road to Calvary, but the prophecy of Jonah opens a special window on the New Testament age, when the Lord Jesus Christ would be proclaimed to all the ends of the earth. Here Gordon Keddie manages with concise clarity not only to display the meaning of the book of Jonah, but also to apply its teaching to many aspects of Christian living.

The popular Welwyn Commentary Series provides clear and concise insight into the Scriptures from respected authors, many of whom are pastors and Bible teachers. Currently covering 26 Old Testament and 20 New Testament books of the Bible, these accessible and highly practical works are ideal for personal study, Bible class and sermon preparation. Worthy of the widest readership.

CBD PRICE: R 85.00




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Book Review : Shining Like Stars

Author: Lindsay Brown

The Power of the gospel in the world’s universities.

Shining like starsLindsay Brown takes readers on a world tour, bringing stories of remarkable faith and courage from students and graduates in some of the toughest social and political arenas.

Students display energy and creativity in their evangelism. Gripped by the gospel, they can go on to exercise far-reaching influence in their universities, in their professions, in society and in the Church worldwide.

This inspirational book goes right back to Daniel in the Old Testament, studying with his three friends in Iraq. It engages from beginning to end with biblical thinking and strategy.

The author opens our eyes to what is going on in the world: he helps us become ‘global Christians’. Read these chapters and you will wonder, you will reflect, you will laugh, you will weep.

Normal Price : R70.00


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Father’s Day 2014

How about choosing a nice book to give to Dad this Father’s Day?


 Sleeping Giant: No Movement of God without Men of God (Kenny Luck)

Sleeping GiantMany pastors see the need but are at a loss for how to really engage men in their culture and church context. Deep down, they know they haven’t yet inspired men into the mission and vision of the local church on the same scale as women. Meanwhile, most men feel further detached from worship, left only with worldly expressions of manhood to fuel their identity.

Sleeping Giant is a punch in the gut and pat on the back for pastors and men worldwide, a powerful biblical approach that will bring them together and awaken some serious ministry potential.  And a church that gets men right can slay another dragon: Global injustice.

Injustice against women, children, and all innocents is rooted in broken male culture. The Bible says “Just as through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man many will be made righteous” (Romans 5:19). As the church disciples men into an identity and purpose that transcends culture, they will move from Adam and death over to Jesus and life.

You can see it taking place in Acts 2 following Pentecost, when widespread repentance and changing of men’s hearts brought God’s justice and relief to people. A masculine revolution happened then, and it can happen today.

CBD Price: R180.00

This resource is also available as a small group bible study.  Click here for more details.


A man after God’s own heart : God’s Relationship with David – and with you  (R.T. Kendall)

Man After God's Own Heart, A (Kendall)Twice God says that in King David he had found ‘a man after my own heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). David was one of God’s favourites. This was so despite David having sinned so deeply. What is encouraging is that the Lord continued to use David after his time of backsliding.

David was a man with deep feelings. He was a poet and musician as well as being Israel’s greatest King and one of the greatest ever military leaders.  David wrote that ‘the Lord confides in those who fear him’ (Psalm 25:14). It is a great honour to have someone confide in you – but to think that God would confide in a human being is amazing! David was someone with whom God chose to share his heart.  If you wish to know what it is like to be confided in by God – to become a person after God’s own heart too – then this book will help you discover what such a relationship is like.

CBD Price: R165.00


The Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Stuart Scott)

The Exemplary HusbandGod ordained marriage between a man and a woman so man would have a helper suitable, for companionship, and for procreation.  He created marriage to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church.  Christ was willing to sacrifice His life for the Church, and God expects no less from husbands today.

This book assists husbands towards purposeful and lasting Christlikeness for the glory of God.  It was written to be a companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Pearce.  Couples who commit to the biblical principles presented in these books will find a oneness in marriage that will give God glory and bring His blessing.

CBD Price : R150.00


Making the Most of your Devotional Life (Derek Thomas)

Is the Bible able to provide answers to the struggles and difficulties facing Christians at the beginning of the twenty-first century? Does it have aMaking the most of Your Devotional Lifenything realistic and genuinely helpful to say to those who are feeling jaded in their spiritual lives as a result of the stresses and pressures of life in a modern world? Derek Thomas gives a resounding ‘yes’ in response to these questions.

By leading his readers through fifteen meditations on the Psalms of Ascent ( Psalms 120-134), Dr Thomas shows them that the Word of God is a rich resource, full of the practical wisdom needed to meet the challenges of life in the home, at work, in the community and at worship. This book will assist Christians in restoring a vital relationship of worship and communion with God;  establishing the daily discipline of reading the Scriptures; developing the habit of meditating on the Word of God and prayer;  keeping a journal which helps to apply the teaching of Scripture and records one’s spiritual progress. 

Special CBD Price : R55.00


Offer valid until end of June 2014
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Equip Book of the Month: June

Invest your Suffering: Paul Mallard

Unexpected Intimacy with a loving God.

Invest Your Suffering‘Let me be honest, during the last twenty years there have been times when my faith has seemed frail and fragile and almost ready to collapse. I have struggled with seeing my wife stripped of her dignity and reduced by her agony. I have doubted all kinds of things. I have exploded and lashed out. I do not like what is happening to my sweetheart one little bit.

Chronic illness never goes away. Come on, realistically, how much more can we take?’ ‘But one thing I have never doubted is that, in the darkest circumstances, we were only ever in the hands of God. That has been the ultimate source of comfort and hope.’

As Paul Mallard knows only too well, the crucible of suffering is a horrible place to be. But lessons learned there can be powerful and memorable. And it was there that Paul and Edrie experienced unexpected intimacy with a loving God who is no stranger to suffering. They feel personally challenged to use their experience and insights to help fellow sufferers too.

CBD Price: R125.00

Special Book of the Month Price: R90


Offer valid until end of June 2014
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New Arrival : Beth Moore’s latest Bible Study

Children of the Day : 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Your circumstances and conditions are not coincidental in your journey. God’s timing is impeccable. Join Beth Moore on Children of the Day (Leader's Guide)the Thessalonian shores as you face real crises, real medical diagnoses, real afflictions, real relationships, real doubts, real concerns, and real fears. Let’s not brush the sand off quickly. Let’s sit a while and let the tide come in and wash our eyes with fresh vision for 8 beautiful weeks. We don’t have to always see eye-to-eye to be glad we’re side by side. Let’s pat the sand beside us and welcome each other along.

Gather around the letters postmarked Thessalonica. Don’t let pride or timidity come between you and the presence of God. Press in tightly, professing Christ and, yes, in the company of others but also intimately by your name, circumstance, and condition. You have a place here. A purpose. And not one floating like a fleck in the air, loosed and free from your raw realities. This is your journey to the shores of Thessalonica where you’ll write your name and a slice of your biography in the sand.

Workbook: R190 each

Leader’s Guide:  R85 each

DVD: R890 each

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New Arrivals from Christian Book Discounters

Have a look at what is new in our stores:-

It's Apparent... You're a Parent!I’TS APPARENT, YOU’RE A PARENT : JOHN LEHMAN

I’m a parent? ….  Wow! …. How should I best navigate through the wonderful, new challenges and opportunities that are coming my way?  What wisdom may be gleaned from the Bible, God’s living Word?  Will God really enable the process to turn out well?  In six helpful, easy-to-read chapters, John Lehman writes with passion and clarity on the great issues of bringing up children. Rich in biblical content, this book will help steer you carefully through the many situations that come the way of all parents.  

CBD Price: R150.00 



“The thing is……..”  That’s what we say when we are at last getting to the point. The bushes have been beaten around, the chase has been cut to, and we are finally getting to the thing we’ve been avoiding but that now needs to be spoken. What is that thing for you? What is the thing that makes sense of your life but that you don’t often talk about? What is the point of it all, the purpose, the real reason you get out of bed in the morning? 

From the author of The Trellis and the Vine comes an opportunity to pause and take stock of our lives, and to discover the life-changing purpose that God has for each one of us. Not some vague-Christian-cliché purpose; but a purpose that is clear and real enough to drive the decisions we make and the way we live our lives from this point on. To work out what ‘the thing is’ together in a small group, try The Course of Your Life. CBD Price: R155.00   



Errol Hulse presents a clear Biblical model of what a pastor is – the qualities of the pastor are determined and a distinction made between pastor and elders. He shows, from the time of the Reformation to the present day, how that Biblical model is brought to life. This is a book that pastors and elders should read – but it also gives guidance and help to any church member, as eight biographical sketches are used; the first two from the Bible and the others from church history.

A God-sent preacher is ‘one among a thousand’. Such men are sorely needed today. They are men who build up God’s Church by solid biblical preaching, by godly pastoral affection and by constant prayerfulness.  CBD Price: R160.00 


For the love of GodFOR THE LOVE OF GOD : D.A. CARSON (Volumes 1 & 2)

Complete with a daily Bible-reading plan, these devotionals are sure to encourage and edify readers as they make their way through God’s Word in the course of a year.  The author has an amazing ability to place a chapter in its biblical context, helping the reader understand why it”s important. His writing is very well crafted as he puts profound concepts in simple terms.

Volume 2 is a companion volume for volume 1 and follows Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Bible-reading plan, taking you through the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once. Don Carson has written thought-provoking comments and reflections to accompany one of each day’s scriptural passages. And, most uniquely, he offers a perspective that places each reading into the larger framework of history and God’s eternal plan, in order to deepen our understanding of his sovereignty For the love of God 2and the unity and power of his Word.

Volume 1 : CBD Price : R235.00

Volume 2 : CBD Price : R205.00



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Equip Book of the Month : May

Serving without Sinking : John Hindley

Shows busy Christians how to serve joyfully, not wearily.

Serving without SinkingMany of us are serving, and feel like we’re sinking. We feel joyless, weary and burdened. John Hindley shows how Jesus was telling the truth when He offered people an “easy yoke”—a way of serving Him that is joyful and liberating. He explains why serving is so often joyless—and how our identity in Christ changes everything. If you are serving, but sometimes feel as though you’re sinking… you need this book! If you know someone who has burn out, or is heading in that direction…they need this book too.

“This fresh, warm, honest, book did me good. It is richly filled with grace, informed by a gritty realism, and shot through with pastoral perceptiveness. There is something in it for every Christian man and woman at every stage of life”. – Christopher Ash, Director of the Proclamation Trust’s Cornhill Training Course and author of Pure Joy and Married for God

“Buy it! … Read it! … Pass it on! …. The open heart surgery at the start is painful but necessary. After that, the route to joyful service is focussed entirely on Jesus’ service of us, and will transform the way you think about your own service. I wish I’d read this book 20 years ago!” – Carrie Sandom, Associate Minister for Women and Pastoral Care at St John’s Church, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and author of Different by Design

Hear directly from the author (John Hindley) about why he wrote the book:
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