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Passion by Mike McKinley
How Christ’s final day changes your every day ….
“Passion” by Mike McKinley is a book written to better understand and cast new light on the significance of the cross. He writes “the cross of Christ is the reality that gives shape to the way Christians should think about every detail of our lives right now, from our marriages to our money, from our suffering to our success.” His book seeks to more intensely look at one specific day of Jesus’ life leading up to his crucifixion, death and briefly noting his resurrection.
McKinley takes you through the chapters section by section and allows the historical picture that he casts from the biblical background to shape the understanding of the narrative. More often than not his retelling of the narrative and insightful points of the passage forces you to stop and ponder the significance of what is happening in the story.
McKinley continues look to modern day application and reflection often drawing the reader’s attention with personal story and then returning to the narrative from Luke’s gospel. This results in reading the gospel with new vigour and further highlight new truths and deepens the reader’s understanding of the gospel and the life of Jesus. The author ends each chapter with questions to reflect on what was said and discussed with the chapter the questions drive the reader to constantly evaluate themselves in regard to what was said but also to continue to reflect on the character of Christ and what he has just been through and what is approaching, according to the narrative of course.
The book is great not only for those who are new to the gospel story and have not studied it in depth, but the it is also a great way for those who have studied the gospels more intensely to again reflect on the significance of what Christ came to accomplish with his sacrifice on the cross. I would gladly recommend reading this book to remind the theological student of the riches of the passion narrative in Luke’s gospel, I would even more so endorse this book to the lay person who has not spent much time studying the passion narrative to learn more about the Jesus and what he accomplished in his sacrifice, the historical and theological worth thereof.
Reviewed by Ryanard Sims – Intern at Tokai Community Church in Cape Town
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Published by Good Book Company
One2One is a series of 24 studies for Bible Reading Partnerships, where two or more people agree to meet regularly to read, discuss and pray through a passage of Scripture.
Book 1 in the One2One series works through parts of the Gospel of John, Philippians and some Psalms. Book 2 in the series works through parts of the Gospel of Matthew, 1 Thessalonians and Genesis. Both are ideal for anyone who wants to be encouraged in their Christian Life and to encourage others.
Listen to Andrew Cornes talking about One 2 One at:
Special EQUIP Price: R40 each
ULTRA SPECIAL EQUIP DEAL: Buy both studies for R70
Offer valid until 8th March 2014
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