Category Archives: Promotions

Media Monday

Prices valid while stocks last or until 31st August 2016

Lost in the Middle – Paul Tripp

You will face things in midlife that be at at the borders of your faith, but you do not have to be lost in the middle of your story.  You do not have to be paralyzed by regret, defeated by aging or discouraged by the passing of your dreams.  This middle period of life can actually welcome you to a brand new way of living.

 Lost in the Middle Audio
New Irish Hymns Vol 3 & 4

NORMAL CBD PRICE: R100.00      

New Irish Hymns 3
Don’t  waste your sports : C.J. Mahaney

This message is for athletes, parents, and coaches. It provides a biblical worldview of sports so that we don’t waste this gift. “I had the opportunity to glorify God in my sports,” C.J. writes, “and I fumbled it. I wasted my sports. You have the opportunity, by the grace of God, not to waste yours.” 

AUDIO BOOK: Normal Price R95.00    Special Promotion: R70.00

Don't waste your sports audio
Unbroken Praise – Matt Redman

Re corded live in London, this cd contains 11 songs and features songs like Abide with Me and It is well with my soul.
CD: R180.00

 Unbroken Praise (CD)
How to be rich: Andy Stanley

It is not what you have, it’s what you do with what you have.  Most of us are richer than we believe.  But we might think rich is the other guy.  This 4 part DVD with small group discussions lays out clear principles to make sure that your wealth remains a blessing not just to you, but to your family and community as well.
DVD Bible Study: R305.00

 How to Be Rich (DVD)
Hello Love: Chris Tomlin

CD: R170.00

 Hello Love (CD)
Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion:
John Calvin

These institutes have been one of the most important works in Christian Theology for nearly 500 years.  Now, for the first time, this translation is in a convenient CD-ROM format.  Built with Adobe PDF technology, it is compatible with both Windows and Mac Operating Systems.
CD-ROM: Normal CBD Price : R750.00
SPECIAL PROMOTION: R250.00  (75% off Retail Price)

 Calvin, Institutes (CD Rom)
15 of the most uplifting praise songs

CD: R120.00

 15 of the Most Uplifting Praise Songs CD
God’s Story: Max Lucado

In this 6 session video study, Max Lucado gives you a fresh perspective on how your daily life relates to God’s grand epic and eternal story.  Your faith will come alive as you explore the divine store in the New Testament and contemporary characters, and discover how the ancient stores of scripture reveal God’s plans for your today.

God's Story Your Story (DVD)


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Stop Asking Jesus into your Heart

This was one of the titles of a book written by J.D. Greear, who visited Gauteng earlier this month.  If you missed out on hearing him speak, here are some of the titles that were on the book table.
Stop Asking Jesus into your Heart

Lack of Assurance is epidemic amongst Evangelical Christians today. Greear unpacks the doctrine of assurance, showing that salvation is a posture we take to the promise of God in Christ, a posture that begins at a certain point and is maintained for the rest of our lives. He also answers the tough questions about assurance: What exactly is faith? What is repentance? Why are there so many warnings that seem to imply we can lose our salvation?
Hardcover Book: R220.00
Available as a Bible Study:     R185.00 (Workbook)    R985.00 (DVD)

 Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart (HC)
Jesus Continued

How many of us consider our connection to the Holy Spirit so strong and so real that we would call his presence in us better than Jesus beside us?  In clear and practical language, he explains how any follower of Jesus can have a satisfying, powerful relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. God wants to be vitally present in and through his people. This truth, though central, is sadly neglected. This generation of Christians – mission-driven but burned out, weary, and longing for joy – desperately needs to recover the dynamic presence of God. And the good news is that God wants us to have exactly that.
Paperback Book: R270.00
Available as a Bible Study:  R200.00 (Workbook)    R660.00 (DVD)

 Jesus Continued ...
Gaining by Losing

Though many churches focus time and energy on attracting people and counting numbers, the real mission of the church isn’t how many people you can gather. It’s about training up disciples and then sending them out. The true measure of success for a church should be its sending capacity, not its seating capacity. But there is a cost to this. To see ministry multiply, we must release the seeds God has placed in our hands. And to do that, we must ask ourselves whether we are concerned more with building our kingdom or God’s.  J.D. Greear unpacks ten plumb lines that you can use to reorient your church’s priorities around God’s mission to reach a lost world. The good news is that you don’t need to choose between gathering or sending. Effective churches can, and must, do both.
Hardcover Book: R330.00   (limited stock)

 Gaining by Losing
The Gospel According to Jonah

Through a 6-week  examination of Jonah, this study invites you into a world fraught with missteps, disobedience, idolatry and mistaken identity – a world we would recognise in our own lives.  The book of Jonah is about a gracious God’s relentless pursuit of those that He loves.  This study helps us into a deeper personal faith and greater passion for helping others to meet God, as well as the call to a life of obedience.
Workbook: R125.00            DVD Leader Kit: R825.00

 Gospel According to Jonah (Workbook)
Presence: Overwhelmed by God

This six-week small group study explores the facets of God s presence in our lives. Using Exodus 32-34 as a scriptural context, J.D. Greear takes illustrations from Moses’ interaction with the Lord and drives home the realities of God’s presence, absence, and power. God reveals to Moses all the ways He is going to bless Israel. But it is God’s presence that Moses most desires. This study examines the yearning of our own hearts and determine if what we long for is God’s blessing or His presence. Presence is part of The Platform Series from LifeWay.
Workbook: R125.00        DVD Leader Kit:   R410.00 

 Presence (Workbook)
Breaking the Islam Code

Do you care about the Muslim world? Or do you just want to understand them? This must-have resource will give you profound insight into the way Muslims think and feel.  JD Greear goes beyond traditional apologetics, using his experience living among Muslims and his expertise in Christian and Islamic theology to help you to understand a Muslims heart and theology.  He helps you to get to know Muslims and share Christ with him in your own city, campus or workplace.
Paperback Book: R205.00  (limited stock)

 Breaking the Islam Code
Gospel Revolution

Even though you are constantly busy for God, is there something still missing?  The list of what “good Christians” should be doing never seems to end.  The result is that many Christians find themselves more exhausted than inspired.  Jesus’ revolutionary message is that the centre of Christianity is not a list of things we are to be doing for God, but an announcement of what He has done for us.  This study will help you experience its power personally.
Workbook: R150.00     DVD: R710.00

 gospel revolution member book
 More titles by J.D. Greear can be found on our website.

These prices are valid on-line and at our Head Office Store while stocks last.

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What is on your reading list?


Here are some of our favourite staff picks to consider…
One Life: What’s it all about?
By Rico Tice & Barry Cooper
We all get one life to live, and most of us are asking the same question – what’s it all about? It’s a huge question and yet it would be so easy to miss the answer…  This jargon-free, straight talking book explores life’s big questions and the life of the person at the heart of the Christian Faith – Jesus Christ.
CBD PRICE: R85.00 
 One Life- What's It All About
What the bible teaches about Guidance
By: Peter Bloomfield
How can I know God’s will for me?  What does God want me to do?  How can I know that I am doing the right thing?  The question of divine guidance is one that has always caused confusion among Christians.  The author dispels the notion that there is just one perfect plan for our lives, and urges us to follow the Scriptures which provide all we need to live lives that are pleasing to our heavenly Father.
CBD PRICE: 70.00
What the Bible Teaches about Guidance
Getting to the heart of things: Reflections on Christian Basics
By Michael Cassidy
In our tumultuous age of moral confusion, conflicting religious claims and convulsive world events, Cassidy penetrates to the heart of the Christian message, enabling thinking believers to hold fast to the faith.  He strongly affirms the uniqueness of Jesus, authority of Scripture and the importance of biblical morality amidst the challenges of our age.
 Getting to the Heart of Things
Coming home to God
By O. Palmer Robertson
However much people set themselves against God, however much they think of themselves as self determining, the plan of God will never be thwarted.  However hollow and worthless lives may seem and far away the sense of truly belonging to God may appear, there is a way back.  Using the story of the prodigal son, the author describes the way people come home to God, and we discover that this return wasn’t our plan, it was God’s.
CBD PRICE: 55.00
 Coming Home to God
 Prices valid while stocks last.

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Equip Book of the Month: July

Pure JoyPure Joy By Christopher Ash

Conscience is the Cinderella of the contemporary world. We hardly speak or think about our conscience. She is left behind while we get on with the party of life, untroubled by any serious self-examination. And yet conscience is a God-given part of being human, with tremendous potential for good – if it is cleansed and kept clean – or for harm – if it becomes hardened or calloused.

‘This book is about the joy of a clear conscience in every day of living and in the day of death,” enthuses Christopher Ash.

‘With a clear conscience, we can enjoy not just the stuff we think of as “spiritual”, but all sorts of things like sleep, sport, friendship and holidays. With a good conscience none of these things ever leaves a sour taste in our mouths.’

Christopher is eager to get all of us thinking about conscience again: ‘I want you to take your conscience out of the cupboard, dust it down, bring it back into daily life and discover its power to do you good.’

BREAKING NEWS: Don’t miss Christopher Ash’s visit to Cape Town and Johannesburg from 15th September – 3rd October 2016.  More details to follow.

CBD PRICE:   R155.00
(price valid until end July 2016 while stocks last)

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School Holiday Reads


Things God wants us to know: Find a purpose in your life
By Roger Carswell
Everyone has an opinion about God. Our deep-seated awareness of something other makes our hearts restless and reinforces the instinct that we know life has a purpose.   We don’t believe that, by chance, something impersonal developed the things that make us personal – love, significance, hope, purpose, reasoning, beauty and a sense of right or wrong. To rob humanity of its awareness of being made in the image of God is an even greater identity fraud than having your credit card cloned.  This book is to help you to put some clarity to those common thoughts and feelings you have as you contemplate your place in life.
CBD PRICE: R63.85 
(hard cover)
 Things God Wants Us To Know
Wrestling with God: Loving the God we don’t understand
James Emery White
We give ourselves to God and then wrestle profoundly with the relationship.  But instead of embracing our doubts and confusion, we often deny them to ourselves and others.  We make things worse by either feeling guilty about our struggles or by dismissing them as insignificant.  This book explores the difficulties all Christians face, and grapples honestly with our tough questions and dissapointments.
CBD PRICE: 125.00
 Wrestling with God 1
True Friendship
By Vaughan Roberts
In a culture where online communications and communities can be set up in seconds, it is striking that loneliness is still rampant. Even in the church, a place where we might hope for an oasis of love and acceptance, we can find interactions awkward and superficial. It s for this reason that Vaughan Roberts takes us back to the Bible, and challenges us to consider our need for true friendship.
CBD PRICE: R95.00 (booklet)
 True Friendship
Unashamed to bear His name
R.T. Kendall
In our increasingly secular society, being a Christian carries a cost. Whether through public criticism or the quiet loss of respect,  it is hard and becoming harder to be known as a Christian. Even as believers try to follow the will of God, they are often misunderstood and left to deal with the awkward, sometimes painful results of feeling disconnected from their fellow man.
CBD PRICE: 135.00 (limited stock)
 Unashamed to Bear His Name
 Prices valid while stocks last.

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Help for the Selfish and Sick

Two of our favourite authors share their thoughts.
The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness
By Timothy Keller
What are the marks of a supernaturally changed heart?  This is one of the questions the Apostle Paul addresses as he writes to the church in Corinth. He s not after some superficial outward tinkering, but instead a deep rooted, life altering change that takes place on the inside. In an age where pleasing people, puffing up your ego and building your résumé are seen as the methods to make it , the Apostle Paul calls us to find true rest in blessed self forgetfulness. In this short and punchy book, best selling author Timothy Keller, shows that gospel humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from self condemnation. A truly gospel humble person is not a self hating person or a self loving person, but a self forgetful person. This freedom can be yours…
 Freedom of self-forgetfulness
Lessons from a hospital bed
By John Piper
Physical sickness affects more than just our bodies;  The combination of physical discomfort, emotional stress, anxious thoughts, and long stretches of boredom can make it difficult to remember, much less rely on and rejoice in, our good and sovereign God.In this honest book, John Piper shares ten lessons he learned while in the hospital. Written to help those in the hospital focus their attention on God, his grace, & his plan – when such focus can be especially hard – this volume blends together personal narrative with biblical reflections to help readers rely on the God who stands ready to comfort and support his people.CBD PRICE: R110.00               SPECIAL PRICE: R100.00
 Lessons from a Hospital Bed
 Prices valid until end July 2016 of while stocks last.

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Give Dad a gift with an eternal impact

Are you wondering what to give your dad for Father’s Day? Encourage him with a DVD message from Angus Buchan. At the bargain price of R70.00 each, why not buy him two?
Rushing Mighty Wind, A (DVD)

A Rushing Mighty Wind

Watch God confirm His word with signs and wonders at the opening of Feast of Tabernacles in the Ein Gedi Desert in Israel, and see God’s people extend their hearts in faith.



Angus Buchan on the Bible (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On the Bible

The bible is our compass.  We need to get back to the Word of God – when we do that we will see the power of God manifest in our lives.



Angus Buchan on Being Still (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On Being Still

In this crazy mixed up world, if we don’t find the peace of God that passes all understanding, we are not going to make it.  We need to learn how to hear from God.  And when we spend time in His presence, we start to hear correctly.



Angus Buchan on Freedom (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On Freedom

These messages will help you to be liberated from the shackles that are holding you back by the Holy Spirit, to live the life the God mean for you to live.



Helper on Marriage, The (DVD)

Angus Buchan: The Helper on Marriage

When a marriage suffers, it works its way through the whole family. A Godly marriage takes perseverance from both a husband & wife.



Angus Buchan on Family (DVD)

Angus Buchan: On Family

The Christian family has always been the strength of a nation. Yet the family unit is disintegrating before our very eyes.



Valid whilst stocks last until end June 2016

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Father’s Day Specials

Here are some great ideas if you are looking for a gift for your dad.
James Montgomery – A Man for All People


Courageous Living: Michael Catt

CBD PRICE: R108.00

God’s Outlaw: Brian Edwards



John Stott- A Comprehensive Biography: Timothy Dudley-Smith



John Stott - A Comprehensive Bibliography
Man of Faith (George W Bush) : David Aikman

CBD PRICE: R130.00
SPECIAL: R100.00


Knowing God the Father through the Old Testament
Christopher H. Wright

CBD PRICE: R105.00


John Knox : Steven Lawson

CBD PRICE: R115.00



These prices are valid while stocks last until end June 2016

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Equip Book of the Month: June

True By Sarah Bradley.  Reviewed by Di Warren

TrueCall me superficial, but I first picked up True because I liked the cover. Through I noticed recently that the Good Book Company has republished it with a slightly different cover!

It’s a great little book. Especially written for girls 10-14, it aims to help teenage girls be excited about living for Jesus in every relationship in their lives. I don’t think there’s anything like it on the market.  It’s a lovely mix of the Bible and earthy illustrations. Each chapter explores one Bible passage, and then finishes with seven practical ideas, a real-life testimony and a Bible study. 

True is a super easy read, but it deals with deep issues. You can tell that Sarah Bradley is very experienced in youth ministry as she politely gets right inside a teenage girl’s head. The material on body image, which it opens with, is insightful and grounded. I loved reading it with my daughter, as it was very easy to chat through.


True is perfect for Mums and daughters to read together, but it’s also a great gift for a niece or a friend’s daughter. It can be used in a girls’ bible study group or even youth group.   Written primarily for Christians, it’s also very accessible for interested unbelievers.

CBD PRICE: R105.00      EQUIP PRICE: R75.00

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Great Fireside reads for you

Winter warmers

Winter is coming, and there is nothing nicer than sitting and reading in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate in your hand.
Lifted By Sam Allberry

For many people, the resurrection is a nice thing to believe in. Usually, we treat it as an event that happened long ago and far away–a “happy ending” to the gospel, after the darkness of the cross. But Sam Allberry shows us that the resurrection is far more than a mere event. It gives us real assurance of forgiveness and salvation, power to live new and transformed lives, and hope for life after death.
CBD PRICE: 95.00
Buy Now

A Proverbs Driven Life By Anthony Selvaggio

This is a book about the wisdom that God has given us in the book of Proverbs. By this wisdom, we can learn how to live in light of what is really true about ourselves and one another. Proverbs does offer an infallible guarantee that a Proverbs-driven life will result in spiritual and practical blessings. But it is vitally important to remember that the goal of Proverbs is not finding earthly prosperity or even wisdom itself. The goal of Proverbs is to grow ever closer to the God who is Wisdom.
CBD PRICE: R145.00
Buy Now

 Proverbs Driven Life, A
Unpacking Forgiveness By Chris Brauns

Only God’s Word can unpack forgiveness. The wounds are too deep for us to find healing on our own, and the questions are too complex to be unravelled by anything but the wisdom of God. Unpacking Forgiveness combines sound theological thinking and honesty about the complicated questions many face to provide readers with a solid understanding of biblical forgiveness.
CBD PRICE: 205.00
Buy Now

 Unpacking Forgiveness
Fool’s Gold By John MacArthur

In an age of open-mindedness, many believers accept too much with too little discernment, resulting in great confusion and compromise. But God’s Word makes it clear that not everything that glitters is gold. False teaching is at every turn, and the temptation to embrace it is great. As God’s people we are called to sift through the overwhelming number of traditions and trends and use the truth of Scripture to determine which are the true treasures, and which are “fool’s gold”.
CBD PRICE: R205.00
Buy Now

 Fool's Gold?
Who are you to judge? By Dave Swavely

The sin of judging and the error of legalism cause many of the interpersonal conflicts we experience.  They plague our Christian institutions, sapping our spiritual strength and hindering our service.  This helpful book defines judging and legalism in a biblical manner, and discusses two often -overlooked biblical commands: Do not pass judgment before time, and do not go beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:5-6).
CBD PRICE: R185.00
Buy Now

 Who Are You to Judge?

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