Amazing Love (Hosea) Geared for Growth


By: Russell, Dorothy



ISBN: 9781845500047

11 in stock

Do you ever wonder why it is hard to do what is right? Everyone of us has chosen our own way, and in the Old Testament book of Hosea we read how this was also true of the nation of Israel.

Hosea and Jesus are two forms of the same name – Saviour. As we read how Hosea’s tragic domestic life was a picture of God and his people this study shows how the message points to One whose name was called – ‘Jesus, because he will save people from their sins.’

Geared for Growth study materials encourage:

A Daily Encounter with God

Your 10-15 minutes each day will strengthen the impact of God’s word on your daily living

Group learning and sharing

Meet weekly in a small group, share your answers and be enriched as you learn from others.

Spiritual Growth

You will be challenged to put God’s Word into practice. Others will feel the impact as you obey, grow and mature.

Church Growth

Introduce people to Spiritual reality. Your study group could be the stepping-stone for others coming to faith.





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