Ezra deals with the sacrifice that we all have to make at one point in our lives and how to deal with the choices that must be made when faced with sacrifice.
When reading the book of Nehemiah, the reader sees three ideas emerging. First, when reading the word of God, we must pay careful attention to what is being said, so that the content is not misunderstood. Second, there is a recurring theme of enemy opposition and thirdly, through everything that Nehemiah went through, he was still obedient.
In the book of Esther, such topics as death, danger, social rejection as well as many others are covered and referencing the in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther helps you deal with these when faced with them in our lives.
Key Features
Introductions to the historical and cultural context, the literary style, and the major themes and theological concerns
Exegetical and textual notes
Commentary pays special attention to context and major theological themes
Praise for the Print Edition
An enormously helpful series for the layperson and pastor alike because it centers on the theological message of each book and ties it directly to the text. This approach has been needed for some time and will be an invaluable supplement to other commentary series.
—Grant Osborne
A treasure house of insight into the biblical text. Written by some of the best scholars working today, it is an essential tool for pastors, students, church leaders, and lay people who want to understand the text and how it relates to our lives today. Like the NLT text it uses as its base, this commentary series is extremely readable.
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Cornerstone)[HC]
By: Smith, Gary
Category: Commentary on OT
ISBN: 9781414322070
Out of stock
Ezra deals with the sacrifice that we all have to make at one point in our lives and how to deal with the choices that must be made when faced with sacrifice.
When reading the book of Nehemiah, the reader sees three ideas emerging. First, when reading the word of God, we must pay careful attention to what is being said, so that the content is not misunderstood. Second, there is a recurring theme of enemy opposition and thirdly, through everything that Nehemiah went through, he was still obedient.
In the book of Esther, such topics as death, danger, social rejection as well as many others are covered and referencing the in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther helps you deal with these when faced with them in our lives.
Key Features
Praise for the Print Edition
An enormously helpful series for the layperson and pastor alike because it centers on the theological message of each book and ties it directly to the text. This approach has been needed for some time and will be an invaluable supplement to other commentary series.
—Grant Osborne
A treasure house of insight into the biblical text. Written by some of the best scholars working today, it is an essential tool for pastors, students, church leaders, and lay people who want to understand the text and how it relates to our lives today. Like the NLT text it uses as its base, this commentary series is extremely readable.
—Tremper Longman III
Smith, Gary
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