

By: George, Christian


ISBN: 9780802482556

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Because Knowing God Changes Everything

Godology is all about God.  Each chapter creatively describes an attribute of God.  Christian is rare in that he is able to take his subject matter very seriously while not taking himself too seriously.  No easy task.  And in the meantime, he leaves us with sparkling writing about a subject of utmost importance.

Godology is funny: “It is easy to ignore the role of the Holy Spirit and treat him like the ‘red-headed step child’ of the Trinity.”

It is memorable: “God doesn’t want to be our footnote; He seeks to be our title.”

And best of all, Godology is thoroughly biblical: “Because Jesus was man, God identifies with us…because Jesus was divine, we identify with God.”

Godology focuses on the attributes of God and then shifts to our response to God’s revelation.  The spotlight is on God, but Christian does not leave out our reponse.  This book is as much about spiritual disciplines and practices as it is about God and theology.

Christian demonstrate an openness to disciplines from different traditions, a willingness to learn from the church throughout different ages and in other manifestations (one chapter includes a section on the medieval labyrinth!).  But Christian does not engage in such disciplines in order to find favor with God.  Instead, the ancient practices are clearly described as ways of responding to the majesty of the God we see in Scripture.  His emphasis on prayer, memorization, meditation and Scripture reading showcase the passion all Christians should have for knowing God and for making God known.

What makes this book stand out is not its content, but the accessible way in which it is written.  Teenagers, college students, and young adults with little theological knowledge will be able to pick up this book and receive an informative book that is easily understandable (and even entertaining!).  If you are looking for a book to pass on to others, Godology is one you will want to pick up.


