Gwen Tells Tales [HC]


By: Welch, Edward



ISBN: 9781645071372

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When It’s Hard To Tell The Truth

Gwen Raccoon is embarrassed when she gets a failing grade on a math test.  But that’s not the big problem: the big problem is that she is cultivating the habit of lying to do what she wants and cover up her mistakes.  Gwen’s lies pile up.  But when Mama confesses her own failure to tell the truth, Gwen gains the courage to confess and ask forgiveness of Jesus and of those she has lied to.

Edited by Edward. T. Welch, Gwen Tells Tales helps young readers see how God always accepts us when we confess sin and repent; and further, how he gives us the humility to speak the truth when it’s hard.  A special section at the end of the book guides parents in helping their children be truth-tellers.  Also included is a tear-out page of Back Pocket Bible Verses to remind children and adults that God’s forgiveness is always available to cleanse us from sin; and the Holy Spirit always gives strength to speak the truth.


