New Systematic Theology of the Christian


By: Reymond, Robert


ISBN: 9780310108955

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A contemporary, foundational statement of classic reformed faith, now revised and updated.

  • Comprehensive, coherent, contextual, and conversational
  • Scripture-saturated, with more exegesis and more Scripture quotations than other one-volume theologies
  • Upholds classic Calvinist positions on baptism, the Trinity, church government, and much more
  • Interacts with contemporary issues and the work of other theologians
  • Reveals the author’s warmth and sensitivity born of more than 25 years as a professor at leading Reformed seminaries
  • Numerous appendices covering special topics; abundant resources for further study through footnotes, and a selective bibliography
  • A textbook for theology students, a life-long reference for libraries, ministers, teachers, and professional theologians