
By: Linscott, Delme


ISBN: 9780620462488

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We all encounter circumstances in our lives that impact us, but often we remain unchanged. We let life pass us by until we realise that it’s too late. We miss opportunities to make a difference and to say the important things we need to. Our dreams remain unrealised and our fears prevent us from enjoying every precious moment that God gives us. This book “Now” challenges us to ‘Seize the Day’ and to honour God with everything we have. Hopefully you will be inspired to do all the good you can today and not wait another moment. “The immense value of hearing and heeding this particular message can’t be measured – it can only be seen, tasted, touched and experienced … Delme has taken up the challenge to help us remember that every moment counts and he has produced a book which I believe will prove to be an absolute treasure trove of inspiration for many.” – Rev Gareth Killeen“Do it now. Do whatever you can do right now.” –


