Salvation Applied by the Spirit [eBook]
Union with Christ
The doctrine of believers’ union with Christ has undergone a renaissance in recent years. Evangelicals are rightly fascinated by this previously neglected doctrine—a doctrine with wide-ranging implications for the whole of Christian theology and the Christian life.
Drawing on his extensive teaching and research experience, theologian Robert Peterson has written one of the most comprehensive theological treatments of union with Christ to date, highlighting the Spirit’s crucial role in uniting God to his people.
Robert A. Peterson (PhD, Drew University) is professor of systematic theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the author and editor of numerous books, including Salvation Accomplished by the Son, The Glory of God, and The Deity of Christ.
“Peterson offers readers a marvelous survey of the union-with-Christ theme by exploring the concept in every major portion of Scripture. Having carefully placed this important theological subject within the overall biblical story, Peterson helps readers understand the rich meaning and wide-ranging implications of this important theme for the church and the Christian life. It is a privilege to commend this carefully organized and well-written volume. Joyful, uplifting, and doxological.”
—David S. Dockery, President, Trinity International University
“This book is a wonderful gift to God’s people as it recovers the significant biblical doctrine of union with Christ. To be saved is to be united with Christ, and Peterson’s treatment of this truth is exegetically and systematically exemplary.”
—Bruce Riley Ashford, Provost and Associate Professor of Theology and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“This is a welcome addition to recent literature on the theme of union with Christ. Peterson pursues the theme through the whole of Scripture, reflects on the theological connections and implications of our union with Christ, and draws pastoral applications for the sake of the church. The result is an accessible, penetrating, and full-orbed contribution that will be of theological and spiritual benefit to all its readers.”
—Constantine R. Campbell, Associate Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“From the surprising Old Testament foundation of Salvation Applied by the Spirit, to the powerful concluding application to our lives today, Robert Peterson applies a lifetime of mature and loving scholarship to the ‘simultaneously wonderful and bewildering’ realities of our union with Christ by the work of the Spirit.”
—Bryan Chapell, President Emeritus, Covenant Theological Seminary; Senior Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois
“Peterson presents the work of the Spirit in uniting us to Christ—first by exegeting central Bible passages on our union with Christ, and second by relating this teaching to other biblical doctrines, such as the nature of the Spirit himself, the church, the sacraments, and the Christian life. Understanding our union with Christ is a major need of Christians today. Peterson’s account is accurate and profound. It can be a great blessing to our minds, hearts, and lives.”
—John M. Frame, J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“Peterson does an excellent job explaining union with Christ biblically, theologically, and practically. His treatment of union with Christ in the whole biblical story is especially helpful. I recommend this volume to theologians, pastors, and serious lay persons wanting a clear and challenging treatment of life in Christ.”
—Paul R. House, Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School; author, Old Testament Theology
“This is a thorough, comprehensive discussion of the biblical teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit in effecting union with Christ, together with an exploration of the theological issues connected with these immense matters. Teachers of theology, ministers, students, and many others will consult Peterson’s impressive work repeatedly. He has made a significant contribution to the church.”
—Robert Letham, Director of Research and Senior Lecturer in Systematic and Historical Theology, Wales Evangelical School of Theology; author, The Holy Trinity and Union with Christ
“In this valuable contribution to the growing body of literature on the theme of union with Christ, Robert Peterson skillfully navigates the relevant biblical materials. His focus on the work of the Holy Spirit is illuminating and salutary.”
—William B. Evans, Younts Professor of Bible and Religion, Erskine College; author, Imputation and Impartation and What Is the Incarnation?
“Robert Peterson’s panoramic biblical theology of union with Christ is a gift to Christ’s bride. It rightfully and worshipfully locates the heart of salvation in the church’s union with her Savior, calling us to joyful recognition and appreciation of the astounding reality that we are really and truly joined to Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Skillfully surveying the Scriptures, Peterson demonstrates what is most basic to a faithful historic, Protestant understanding of the gospel: union with the Savior who is the living reality of the good news.”
—Marcus Peter Johnson, Assistant Professor of Theology, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois
“Warmly written, carefully conceived, and pastorally applied, Salvation Applied by the Spirit ably unpacks how what Jesus has done for us is applied to us through our union with Christ. It is an outstanding contribution to a magnificent theme, even the most thorough exegetical and theological treatment on union with Christ to date.”
—Christopher W. Morgan, Dean and Professor of Theology, California Baptist University
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