Spiritual Depression (inc MP3 Audio)[HC]


By: Lloyd-Jones, Martyn

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ISBN: 9780981732145

4 in stock

Something of a manual for the Christian life that can profitably be read again and again.  With regard to happiness and fulness in the Christian life, it is perhaps the greatest book written.  First published in 1965, its enduring message continues to strengthen and uplift generations of Christians across the globe.  Being deeply concerned that too many Christians were living below their rightful inheritance of peace and joy, Martyn Lloyd-Jones sought to apply the Scriptures to the spiritual troubles we often face and thereby deliver God’s people from the wiles of the Devil.  His convictions were that by the renewal of the mind, and by the truth of God’s Word being applied to the whole of life, light would come and the darkness would lift.  Christians who had been living in the darkness of depression would be delivered and enjoy the assurance of God and an abundance of life once again, unbelievers who had rejected the Gospel message on account of the unhappiness of Christians would be challenged, and many of God’s people would be restored and become the kind of light-bearers and witnesses God intends.

Included is an MP3 disc with audio files of the twenty-four sermons lying behind the book.


