Stepping out in Faith


By: Gilbert, Mark

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ISBN: 9781921896996

14 in stock

A young boy in the confessional lies about his sin, knowing that he is choosing hell over shame and embarrassment. A young man in spiritual distress decides to become a priest so he can be sure he will go to heaven. A white leather Bible sits in a box on a shelf for years, off limits to the little girl who asks to see it, because it might get dirty. “Just do what I say,” a priest tells another boy who is full of questions about God, “and everything will be okay”.

In every one of these situations God transformed people by his word in the Bible, replaced lies with truth, and brought peace through the salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. This is a book with not one but 11 happy endings.

The 11 individuals who share their stories of Stepping Out in Faith could not be more different. They are men and women from different generations and from around the world. But they have in common the peace they have found in God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.


