The Directed Path


By: Mack, Wayne


ISBN: 9781974673865

5 in stock

The Directed Path is a biblical concept that God is always with us, guiding our journeys, as He has promised to do whenever we turn to Him. It is by Using God’s Compass (the scriptures) that He is able to speak to us and will always direct us in the right way. Wayne Mack shares in the Introduction, “God didn’t send us to earth to wander aimlessly until death. He didn’t drop us off in the middle of nowhere without a road map to help guide us back home, into His presence. As I witness the misdirection of our society, and the confusion around me, I want to grab each suffering, hurting, distraught person and say, ‘It doesn’t have to be this way! God has given us a compass and your life can be amazing if you will just use it!” Throughout the book, Mack shows how God was with him, guiding and blessing, as he tells stories from his life, such as the premature and fragile birth of both his children, his son’s childhood disease and the subsequent financial distress, the mantra he uses in all leadership positions and the way he pursues life’s challenges, and callings. Mack writes, “A scriptural principle says to despise not the little things in your life. God, employers, your friends, and your family are not going to entrust you with big things if you can’t be responsible with little ones.” In The Directed Path, Mack addresses such topics as the influence of parents, the heritage of our children, doing what others won’t, having courage to stand in the light, and the importance of mentoring, to name a few.


