The Doctrine of Sanctification


By: Pink, A W

Categories: , ,

ISBN: 9781857924145

28 in stock

Discerning real and false notions of Holiness

The Doctrine of Sanctification is one of Pink’s most insightful books, which is a high commendation indeed!  In it he deals with the Biblical answers to the following questions poised in the Introduction, and more:

  • What is ‘sanctification’: is it a quality or position?
  • Is sanctification a legal thing or an experimental? – that is to say, is it something the believer has in Christ or in himself?
  • Is it absolute or relative? – by which we mean, does it admit of degree or no?
  • Is it unchanging or progressive?
  • Are we sanctified at the time we are justified, or is sanctification a later blessing?
  • How is this blessing obtained? – by something which is done for us, or by us, or both?
  • How may one be assured he has been sanctified: what are the characteristics, the evidences, the fruits?
  • How are we to distinguish between sanctification by the Father, sanctification by the Son, sanctification by the Spirit, sanctification by faith, sanctification by the Word?

May the reader be illumined by the Holy Spirit as he finds the answers herein!


