The Reason for Everything


By: Pohlmann, Stephen


ISBN: 9798536716762

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Exploring the Biggest Questions of Life and Faith

The Reason for Everything aims to explore the biggest questions of life and faith from the perspective of the Christian worldview.  It sets out to equip both the believer and the skeptical to deal with major challenges to Christianity.

See what others have had to say about it:

‘This book on apologetics is accessible enough for anyone exploring the Christian faith, and at the same time rich enough to satiate the serious thinker. It is a valuable reference for Bible teachers, encouraging counsel for believers, and a warm companion for those at the beginning of their journey of faith.‘ ~ Richard van Lieshout, Pastor of Rosebank Union Church

‘Stephen Pohlmann writes a profoundly accessible book that helps thinkers to believe and believers to think. His wide reading, curious mind, and a hundred coffee-in-hand conversations with honest seekers converge to give us a warm rationale for the sweet sanity of having faith in Jesus.’  ~ Terran Williams, Author and Content Creator at

‘In a world where multiculturalism is no longer the exception but the norm, Stephen helps us to reaffirm the Christian worldview as the framework that most powerfully explains the whole of reality. This is no small task because our gateways to varying worldviews are as varied as the experiences and encounters we have on a daily basis. This book reads like a conversation with a trusted friend, and I am so delighted that this good friend of mine has provided this much needed resource.’  ~ Greg Wilton, Ph.D., Send Relief Director for Refugees and Immigrants

‘Pohlmann writes with exceptional approachability. He succeeds in priming the reader to plumb the depths of their own worldview in search of a unified reason for everything.’ ~ Joseph Gordy Ph.D. Africa Training Associate, IMB

‘Our generation is seeking answers to some pretty weighty questions and in this book Stephen meets those questions with relevance and a confidence that is neither trite nor blurry. As a fellow writer, he writes from the South African soil that grounds him with his people as he too sojourns through this land.’  ~ Nathan Gernetzky, Author of ‘God Boy Ocean’


