
Truth is the Word

Original price was: R150.00.Current price is: R75.00.

By: Peppler, Christopher



ISBN: 0620368756

9 in stock

Truth is The Word is aimed at Christians of all denominations and theological persuasions, particularly pastors, elders and other church leaders.  In summary, it is a call to the Church to restore the centrality of the Lord Jesus.

The book is about the source of truth, how it manifests, and how we are to understand it. Subtitled, ‘Restoring a Lost Focus’ it is designed to play a part in the current efforts of many to refocus the church and Christians on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Author Dr Christopher Peppler argues that today’s focus on good works, spiritual manifestations, social issues, and even the Bible itself, have edged out the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ and his rightful place as head of the Church.  The source of truth is a divine person, the Lord Jesus Christ and is manifested in and through the Bible, then the church, individual illumination, and finally Christian lives.  He (Jesus) is the living Word of God and the Bible, the written Word.  Therefore, the latter should be understood with reference to the person, words, and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Divided into two parts, Book One, entitled, The Source of Truth, starts with how knowledge is acquired and the various current theories of truth.  It then discusses the Bible in relation to truth and finally settles on Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, as the source of truth.

Book Two, entitled Comprehending the Truth, begins with a compact history of biblical interpretation and the various modern options available.  The book then moves through topics such as biblical text and its meaning, both-and exegesis, mystery, levels of meaning, culminating in Christocentricity.  The Christocentric Principle is an approach to biblical interpretation that seeks to understand scripture from the perspective of what Jesus taught and modelled, and from what he revealed concerning the nature, character, values, principles, and priorities of the Godhead.

The book ends with an important practical concept of finding Jesus in the Bible. It is a must read for pastors, elders and other church leaders.





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