
Two Ways to Live (Bible Study)

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By: Jensen & Payne

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ISBN: 9781875245437

17 in stock

A Bible Study Explaining Christianity

Here is yet another way to take advantage of the widely known and highly regarded Two Ways to Live gospel outline.

Sometimes, perhaps after an initial conversation, your non-Christian friends or family may be willing to sit down with you and read for themselves what God’s Word says. In four or five sessions you could work through Investigating Christianity or Tough Questions. But if you only have an hour or so over lunch or after dinner one night, there is something ideal for the purpose: the Two Ways to Live Bible study explaining Christianity.

This attractively-produced Bible study will get people opening up the Bible to discover for themselves the core components of Christianity as they are logically explained in the Two Ways to Live outline. The study combines short passages, simple questions and explanatory text to link it all together. It can be done with individuals or with a small group of enquirers. It can be used informally with friends, as a means of follow-up to evangelistic events, or in conjunction with church visiting. The potential uses for this flexible new resource are enormous.


