Tag Archives: CSB

Darrell Bock visits SA…Kendall Specials & Janet Greener’s Midlife Crisis

RT Kendall

Dr RT Kendall delivered outstanding Bible teaching during his visit to SA last month. Now retired after decades of ministry from the pulpit and through his writings, Dr Kendall’s impact on the global church is immeasurable. Earnest Paddon wrote this of his teaching (In Pursuit of His Glory):      

“He has an amazing knowledge of the Scriptures and a willingness to deal with any verse in the passage preached, however difficult it might be. I can never remember hearing a sermon which did not bless me. He truly practiced what he has preached.”

CBD was present during his visit with his popular books in high demand. Now we are offering a selection of these at great discounts.

12 Kendall Titles on Special Offer!

Unashamed to Bear His Name 71GhOP4NvVL  Just love
Was R135    NOW R99


Was R182    NOW R165


 Was R100    NOW R69


 Worshipping God  The power of humility  Prepare Your Heart for the Midnight Cry

Was R215   NOW R199


Was R190    NOW R149


Was R285    NOW R249


 Why Jesus died  989634  In Pursuit of his wisdom

Was R135    NOW R99


Was R95    NOW R69


Was R270    NOW R229


Out of Your Comfort Zone (PB)  between the Times It ain't over till ite's over

Was R170    NOW R119


Was R90    NOW R59


Was R240    NOW R190


Bulk SpecialCSB Outreach Bibles

Buy a box of 24 Bibles for only R29 per Bible.   (Normal price R45)

CSB Outreach Bible (PB) (Case of 24)

Enrich your church’s outreach programme with this special offer. Stock available now.

The CHRISTIAN STANDARD BIBLE is an uncompromising yet reader-friendly translation that brings God’s truth to life. Read more…

24 x CSB OUTREACH BIBLES:       R700


Dr Darrell Bock lectures at Bible Institute of South Africa


Renowned scholar and research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, Darrell Bock spent the last two weeks lecturing at BISA on Lukan studies. With fourteen years specialized research on Luke behind him, lectures were “incredible”.

Dr Bock has co-written Truth Matters, a defense of Christian truth against growing attacks from popular secular scholars. It is timely, essential reading for students and all who struggle to reason through their faith. Read our full book review of this important book and view a short video introduction.

To celebrate Dr Bock’s visit to South Africa, we are offering Truth Matters at a special price. Offer valid while stocks last.

download (1)


Normal Retail:          R185

SPECIAL PRICE:        R100



Janet Greener’s Midlife Crisis

Janet farewell pic

For nigh on ten years, Janet Greener has been the marketing drive of CBD. She built solid relationships with churches, launched stores nationwide, and got to know the Christian book industry inside out.

“I didn’t have a clue about books when I first joined,” she says. “I thought the perfect Christian book was anything at CUM.”

We’re having our final catch-up before she walks out. I ask what she’ll miss most.

“Oh, shucks… bringing out some great speakers to South Africa, people like John Blanchard, Brian Edwards, Joel Beeke, Christopher Ash, Paul Tripp… getting involved with some dynamic pastors at grass roots level… there’s so much!”

And why is she leaving?

“I told my husband I think I’m having a mid-life crisis. He looked at me and said, ‘You’re definitely having one’. Ag, I feel after ten years that I’ve given it my best shot. Now it’s your turn!”

I’ve just spent two weeks flying around the country with her, meeting and greeting our clients and staff. Her energy and experience has awed me. She can hold a face-to-face conversation, whatsapp and deal with cancelled flight emergencies all at the same time. She’s a tour de force. We hug and she’s off to whatever’s next.

“Give me a call anytime you need advice,” she says as she leaves.

For sure, I think to myself. I’ll be doing plenty of that.

Grant Griffiths has stepped into Janet Greener's shoes. Pop in anytime for a coffee and chat with him at our head office in Claremont, or drop him a mail at grant@christianbooks.co.za with regard to anything marketing or sales. 

View our current SPECIALS on a full range of books, Bible studies, children’s books and pastoral resources.
Purchase directly from our online shopping cart, or email orders@christianbooks.co.za or visit one of our stores